Weekend plans!

Pairwise spider breeding session postponed until tomorrow. I hope my day is slightly less cluttered then.

Saturday I’m going to Minneapolis! In the morning I’m dropping off great-grandfather’s pocketwatch for repair at Caliber Works Watch Repair. The watch is almost 120 years old so I plan to leave it there for a while, I’m in absolutely no hurry to get it fixed up, which is a good thing since it’s a small shop and they say it might be a year before they get it back to me.

After dropping it off, my afternoon is free. I’m thinking to go strolling around Como Zoo, or maybe Lake Nokomis. Maybe I’ll find a few spiders.

On Sunday, I’m going to Bug Club! Spending an afternoon with a few entomological nerds should be fun. Also, slacking off for a weekend is good. Unfortunately, Mary has to work, so no slacking for her and I have to do my slacking alone.


  1. Akira MacKenzie says

    My weekend plans:

    •More fruitless job hunting.

    •Staring into the Abyss, hoping the end comes soon.

    •When that fails, trying to distract myself from thinking about the inevitable homelessness and destitution that will be the final portion of my miserable failure of an existence.

    • Make some sourdough starter.

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    The first rule of Bug Club is that no one talks about Bug Club.

  3. birgerjohansson says

    Are any of the readers living near Akira’s nick of the woods? I would try to help but the North Atlantic is in the way. Set up a GoFundMe perhaps?

  4. Akira MacKenzie says


    Thanks for the sympathy and support, but things aren’t crowdfunding-to-survive-level bad yet. I’m just really depressed and I have a tendency to catastrophize every problem that comes my way.

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