Making good things cool

The pressure is enormous. I’m a pretty conventional guy, but all the messaging from the world around me tells me that people like me are terrible, hypocritical, and lack all empathy.

Normie guy feels unsafe when people protest genocide, is relieved to see cops busting heads

I’m still cheering on the protesters, though, and despising the cops. This comic from Mattie Lubchansky is mainly persuading me that I’ll never wear a purple sweater vest.

Then there’s all these strangely hateful people trying to tell me that being LGBTQ is super-cool.

The LGBT flag is like the modern day Jolly Roger. It’s a declaration to the world that you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself

Look, that tempts me, but the social contagion isn’t influencing me at all. I’m a confirmed, committed heterosexual who finds himself attracted to women, not men, and even if you promised me a whole pirate ship and a chest full of gold doubloons I wouldn’t be able to switch my sexual preferences.

I’m not changing my brain around, but I’m convinced by this kind of media that I should be supporting protesters and LGBT people. They’re the ones doing the sane, cool stuff.

If that isn’t enough ferocity for you, behold…the Gender Ideology Hydra!


  1. John Morales says

    I’m a pretty conventional guy, but all the messaging from the world around me tells me that people like me are terrible, hypocritical, and lack all empathy.

    Obviously, all the messaging from the world around you is wrong.

  2. mordred says

    For this summer I need a t-shirt with a rainbow coloured Jolly Roger!

  3. raven says

    The LGBT flag is like the modern day Jolly Roger. It’s a declaration to the world that you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself

    Where is the data on this claim?
    This is an assertion without proof or data and may be dismissed without proof or data. No it isn’t.

    This is the old gay agenda claim.
    We all know what the real gay agenda is.
    When the gays take over, everyone will have fabulous drapes and owning a pair of stylish shoes will be a human right.

  4. jackdaley says

    They had me convinced until I saw that they couldn’t even spell hydra correctly.

  5. says

    The LGBT flag is like the modern day Jolly Roger. It’s a declaration to the world that you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself

    I’m an amputee and I tell children that I’m a retired pirate, so I own 3 Jolly Rogers. That’s because I stand against coercion, authoritarianism, and fascism itself.
    Clearly, I need a pride flag, even though I’m straight.

  6. crimsonsage says

    I do stand against their order and their civilization, but that’s only because I am a moral person. Also the gender ideology hydra goes hard, God they make us look so fucking cool.

  7. says

    Welcome to the freakshow. Part ignorance, part hatred, Adding more poison to the coolaid the sheople are paying to gulp down.

  8. gijoel says

    I have this image of a Mardi Gras float a la Crimson Permanent Assurance Company, boarding mega churches and right-wing think tanks.

  9. jo1storm says

    #6 @cartomancer:
    Reminds me of tumblr post, paraphrased:

    Piracy was original inclusive workplace. You lost your hand? Here’s a hook, block a sword or stab some a-hole in the eye. Lost an eye? Here’s a fake one or an eyepatch, your choice. Lost a leg? Here’s a peg leg, so you can keep kicking ass. Deaf? Even better, guess who is manning cannons now, just fuck shit up mate. Mute? Here’s a parrot to speak for you.

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