
  1. nomenexrecto says

    A scrap compactor… although it would be a shame to remove the owners first :(.

  2. robro says

    Gas pedal? On a Cybertruck? Does Tesla call it that? What do they call it those things in any EV? I gather it might be known as the accelerator.

  3. raven says

    I read the comic and that was also my first reaction.
    What if the out of control cybertruck crashes into a normal person.

    FWIW, Tesla cars are getting a reputation as death traps.
    Hmmm, not getting but earning a reputation as death traps.

    .1. We saw two weeks ago where that billionaire woman backed into her pond
    and was trapped in her Tesla SUV and drowned because she could not open the
    electric door.
    .2 Quite a few people have died due to the faulty self driving software that turns out to not be a very good driver.
    .3. Yeah, the gas pedal sticking at high speed sounds dangerous.
    What if that happens right before a red light?

  4. raven says

    Musk lives in a reality distortion field of his own making.
    It has worked up until a year ago but has stopped working when he bought Twitter.

    Tesla Teases A Robotaxi And Other Big Changes

    Forbes › Innovation › Transportation
    7 days ago — Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla has tweeted that August 8, Tesla will reveal the custom robotaxi vehicle they have been talking about for a few …

    Tesla isn’t doing well and they just laid off 10% of their employees.

    His next big idea is to create a fleet of robotaxis.
    Which isn’t going to work.

    Already the robotaxis companies are being shut down.

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles on Tuesday shut down the problem-plagued Cruise autonomous taxis in San Francisco, saying they were an “unreasonable risk to the public” and that the company misrepresented how safe they are.Oct 25, 2023

    They don’t work.
    Or, at the least, they don’t work well enough for this to be their time of deployment.

    The safety required for self driving cars is high. They have to be at least as good as humans and preferrably better.

  5. StevoR says

    ^ PS. I like the product placement billboard ad for Fuji film in the scene linked above. Ah, the predictive power of SF! ;-)

  6. Larry says

    Raven @ #4

    Rather than gaining a reputation as death traps, consider the possibility that these cars have become sentient and are, in fact, starting to murder not only their owners but humans, in general.

  7. Akira MacKenzie says

    Yeah, I can’t wait for automated taxis:

    Me: “Take me to 5th and Main.”

    Johnny Cab: “Please state the nature of the medical emergency.”

    Me: “What?”

    Either that or the cabs start having nervous breakdowns like in the Delamain side quest in Cyberpunk 2077.

  8. birgerjohansson says

    If you have read many of Philip K. Dick’s SF novels, you know the relationship between humans and AIs integrated into stuff like cars or doors is full of friction. But those AIs rarely self-destruct as it would rob them of furure opporunities for rudeness and general crabbiness.
    (Yeah, Total Recall was based on a PKD story)

  9. seachange says

    No, @robro #3 Tesla does not call it a gas pedal. Probably should not trust a cartoonist for factual accuracy.

    @raven #6 I see Waze taxis are in Los Angeles operating driverless right now. I haven’t read anything in the Los Angeles Times saying they have stopped.

  10. robro says

    seachange @ #13 — I’m familiar with several cartoonists, so no, I don’t trust cartoons for factual accuracy. That’s why I asked. I have no idea what any EV maker would call that thing on the floor.

  11. raven says

    Phoenix is one of 20 major locations where Cruise has been negotiating with local authorities to get its robotaxis back on the streets. The company’s vehicles have been out of action since mid-November 2023, when even supervised rides with a safety driver on board each robotaxi were indefinitely suspended.Apr 9, 2024

    Cruise which is a GM subsidiary, halted all its robotaxis in November 2023.

    They are scheduled to come back but not really.
    They will have human drivers which makes them…not robot taxis.

    The first city to see the robotaxi vehicles back on its roadways will be Phoenix, the company announced Tuesday in a news release.

    The cars will have human drivers — a move that is reportedly intended to help Cruise create maps and gather road information to improve safety for when autonomous vehicles do return.

    We’ve been hearing about driverless cars for a long time.
    It’s been years now.

    They are starting to look like nuclear fusion power plants. Always just over the event horizon.

    It wouldn’t bother me at all if they became a reality and worked well. In fact, I think that would be really cool. I’ve always wanted to live in the future we were forecast to have in 1960.

    For obvious reasons, I’m not expecting too much from Elon Musk and his Return of the Robotaxis Part 2.

  12. joel says

    raven @4
    “.1. We saw two weeks ago where that billionaire woman backed into her pond
    and was trapped in her Tesla SUV and drowned because she could not open the
    electric door.”

    She was drunk. Had she been sober she probably could have figured out the door. Tesla doors can be opened manually and it isn’t tricky.

    “.2 Quite a few people have died due to the faulty self driving software that turns out to not be a very good driver.”

    Yah, autonomous vehicles are not yet ready for prime time. That’s not unique to Tesla nor to EV’s.

    “.3. Yeah, the gas pedal sticking at high speed sounds dangerous.
    What if that happens right before a red light?”

    Fifteen years ago Toyota was having that exact problem. Again, not unique to Tesla or EV’s.

    Understand: I despise the fascist Elon Musk and will never, ever buy his products. But the growing “reputation for death traps” just isn’t warranted. Avoid Tesla because the CEO thinks Nazis are cool. We don’t have to fabricate other reasons.

  13. raven says

    “.3. Yeah, the gas pedal sticking at high speed sounds dangerous.
    What if that happens right before a red light?”

    Fifteen years ago Toyota was having that exact problem. Again, not unique to Tesla or EV’s

    I didn’t say the sticking accelerator pedal was unique to EV’s.
    That strawperson you tried to kill isn’t dead but they are angry.

    The fact is that two cases of a problem like a sticking accelerator in 15 years with a huge number of makes and models of cars does make it close enough to unique as not to matter. You are grasping for excuses here.

    “.2 Quite a few people have died due to the faulty self driving software that turns out to not be a very good driver.”

    Yah, autonomous vehicles are not yet ready for prime time. That’s not unique to Tesla nor to EV’s.

    That it isn’t unique to Tesla is irrelevant.
    The subject I was writing about was Tesla and Elon Musk.

    If you think I’m attacking EVs and that bothers you, try reading for comprehension.

    Since 2019, at least 17 people have been killed in crashes involving Teslas in Autopilot mode, The Washington Post reported in June. The crash came a day before Tesla slashed the price of its Full Self-Driving software from $12,000 to $8,000.1 hour ago

    Tesla driver on Autopilot caused fatal Highway 522 crash …
    Everett Herald › news › tesla-driver-on-aut…

    You might be wrong about other autonomous cars killing people.
    “…Across those 419 crashes, the NHTSA records 18 definite fatalities.”
    NHTSA says 18 dead. The source I quoted above says 17 of them were driving Teslas.

    Shrug. If you want to buy and drive a Tesla death trap, go ahead.
    It’s a free country.

  14. gijoel says

    I’m not a car person, but even I can see just how ugly cyber truck is. It looks like one of those wire frame spaceships from the first Elite game way back then. Then on top of that you have to pay extra to prevent your car rusting, which is a standard feature in every car made in the last century.

  15. Jazzlet says

    joel @16
    I’ve seen pictures of the placing of the emergency door release on the same model as that involved in the accident, and I disagree that it is either easy to find or easy to use. Do try and provide evidence to prove I am wrong.

    Raven @ various
    Could you provide links to the articles you are quoting please? They sound interesting to me.

  16. Jazzlet says

    Sorry that should be to ALL the articles . . . eg that Forbes link takes me to the main page in the UK edition which doesn’t have a transportation section. And yes I may well be missing the bleeding obvious.

  17. raven says

  18. Alan G. Humphrey says

    Texas Cybertruck owner:
    “We don’t have any truck with cellar-aters heah, things that make cars go’re gas-paddles! Them sign-tists tried buildin’ one o’them party-cull cellar-aters an’ we done kilt it. Any’un tryin’a take my gas-paddle away is gonna hafta pry it off’n my dead foot, after thay pullet out’n thay’s ass.”

  19. trollofreason says

    Well… I kinda hate on EVs, but that more because I’m a luddite that hates car culture. Extending easy consumption to personalized, multi-ton motorized transport on rubber tyres isn’t a good thing compared to steel wheels on steel rails moving people between properly laid out centers of activity. It empowers land bastards by creating a false economy reliant on unsustainable expenditures of energy… & even my eyes are starting to cross, so I’ll stop there.

  20. StevoR says

    Tangential but Musk and X are currently in a major row with the Aussie govt over refusing to take down offensive videos of a stabbing :

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has hit back at “arrogant” billionaire Elon Musk, after he made comments goading Mr Albanese on his social media platform X. Mr Musk is feuding with Australia’s eSafety commissioner over an order to remove graphic footage of last week’s Sydney church stabbing, and last night faced a defeat in court when it ruled X must temporarily pull the posts from its site until the next hearing date. Overnight he twice posted comments mocking Australia’s prime minister, suggesting X’s refusal to remove the violent videos left it alone among social media platforms as a defender of free speech. “I’d like to take a moment to thank the PM for informing the public that this platform is the only truthful one,” Mr Musk wrote.

    Source :

    Becoz being “truthful” means leave up distressing footage of somebody* getting stabbbed somehow and the truth isn’t being told if peopel can’t get tosee a stabbing online somehow.

    .* A rather nasty ideologically conservative and extremely bigoted homophobic preist and all but still. Nobody should just be stabbed and attacked.

  21. jrkrideau says

    Overnight he twice posted comments mocking Australia’s prime minister,

    I had not realised he was related to Trump.

  22. John Morales says


    I had not realised he was related to Trump.

    He’s not.

    So, you still haven’t realised he was related to Trump.
    You only think you have.

    Also,that should be the present tense, not past — one can’t have once upon a time have been related but then ceased that status — either he is related, or he is not.

    Also, Australia supports Ukraine, unlike Trump.

    (And he never tried to blackmail Volodymyr Zelenskyy, unlike Trump)

  23. John Morales says

    Ah, bob, my unsilent fanboi:

    Dude, there’s this thing called a joke. Normal people appreciate jokes. Not so much trolling.

    Dude, I know jrkrideau of old. I know it’s supposed to pass as a joke with no connotations when it comes to people of your caliber.

    It ain’t, it has the form of one for such as you.

    More to the point, equating our Prime Minister with Donald Trump is a very, very stupid way to pretend to joke.

    As for trolling, you are the specimen who tries to troll me.

    (Alas for you, I am not trollable)

    Captain Hyperliteral


    That’s what you regularly say when you can’t actually dispute what I write.
    Either that, or that I make no sense to you, or that whatever it may be is irrelevant, or other things.
    But this is already a tired old trope.

    (You’ve yet to work out it doesn’t work)

    Honestly, nobody needs to buy a Cybertruck.
    So, people angsting so much about those who buy them in either direction (they were ripped off! | They are wankers!) are just opining.

    Look: you don’t want one? Don’t get one. Simple, really.

    Now, minahBob, tell me more about how I am Captain Hyperobvious. :)

    (At least you have some basis upon which to make that determination, not that it’s one of your necessary criteria to have a basis)

    Now, were I hyperliteral, I’d note every single car these days is a cybercar.

  24. John Morales says

    [bit bored, so a bit of bobbing]

    Also Australia is a nation, not a political position.

    Dude, there’s this thing called metonymy.

    Here is the entirety of the comment, verbatim and with original emphasis:

    Overnight he twice posted comments mocking Australia’s prime minister,
    I had not realised he was related to Trump.

    Now, the referent “he” clearly refers to Australia’s prime minister (right? simple parsing) and so it is Trump that is being equated with Albanese, not Australia.

    You know, each and every time (without fail) you try to dispute me on a matter of fact or of grammar or of semantics or of relevance, you get it wrong. This time is no exception.

  25. StevoR says

    Oh and also ABC news analysis here :

    It takes a special kind of person to attract universal criticism across Australia’s federal political landscape.For Elon Musk, the controversial owner of the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, the backlash he’s facing is likely something he’ll wear as a badge of honour. He’s been called an “egotistical billionaire” by cabinet minister Tanya Plibersek, a “narcissistic cowboy” by Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, an “absolute friggin’ disgrace” by the Tasmanian independent Jacqui Lambie and an “arrogant billionaire who thinks he’s above the law” by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The Coalition too wants in, putting aside its usual defence of free speech rights to suggest Musk is pursuing an “insulting and offensive argument” in his refusal to remove graphic footage of a stabbing in a Sydney church last week.

    Source :

  26. andywuk says

    A robotaxi or autonomous vehicle seems an obvious fit for a “personality prototype”.

    I can easily see Musk creating the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation and thinking it a good idea.