It almost makes me believe in karma

There were two tragic deaths in Fresno a few days ago.

Jason Phillips, the other half of the Proud Boys associated January 6th Capitol rioter duo called Oreo Express, is dead after drinking and driving for Saint Patrick’s Day and crashing a Tesla. He and his passenger, who also died, weren’t wearing seatbelts.

The details from the news:

Two Fresno men who died in a crash involving a Tesla were identified Tuesday by the Fresno County Corner’s Office.

Jason Phillips, 24, who officers said they believed to have been the driver, and Chase McCutcheon, 32, were in a Tesla Model 3 about 1:45 a.m. Monday when the vehicle collided with more than one guardrail, the coroner’s office said.

The California Highway Patrol said the fatal crash happened on Copper Avenue as the Tesla headed west approaching a shift in the road near Willow Avenue.

The driver failed to traverse the shifting road at “a high rate of speed” and hit the curb, a guardrail and a street sign before the Tesla overturned, CHP said.

The car continued into another curb and guardrail, CHP said.
Neither Phillips nor McCutcheon were wearing seatbelts and were ejected during the crash, CHP said. Both were pronounced dead at the scene.

Let’s see…driving drunk at excessive speed with no seatbelts? I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe that humans can be incredibly stupid.

Apparently, the Tesla did not catch fire.


  1. says

    Do you believe in poetic justice?
    Man known for fighting against democracy and refusing to compromise fails to negotiate curve and dies.
    OK, sorry. I don’t root for people to die like that, but he was a victim only of his own bad decisions.

  2. raven says

    We saw something similar often during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    A lot of the right winger MAGAt crowd were antivaxxers and Covid-19 virus deniers.

    Many of them caught the Covid-19 virus, ended up in the ICU on ventilators, and…died.
    The numbers are high here, at 330, 000 antivaxxers dead from the virus.

    It’s still happening even today, although the numbers dying are down.

  3. mordred says

    They didn’t believe the rules of democratic elections applied to them and their Führer.

    It seems they also believed the rules about drunk driving and wearing a seat belt don’t apply to them. They ended up as an example why some rules are necessary.

  4. johnson catman says

    Is that Roger Stone in the middle in that photo? Too bad he wasn’t riding in the passenger seat.

  5. shelldigger says

    I don’t know which one is who, besides the odious Stone in the middle, but being in a Tesla, while intoxicated, and not wearing a seatbelt, I think, pretty much qualifies you as suffering from White Privilege.


    Well, the bright side is, it’s two less votes for the orange idiot.

  6. says

    Saint P’s is the celebration of christian colonialization of Ireland. Perhaps its a good day to play to stereotypes of the Irish as a bunch of drunks, but I think we need some holiday that celebrates the viciousness of christianity. I mean, other than practically all of them.

  7. Reginald Selkirk says

    Jason Phillips, 24, who officers said they believed to have been the driver…

    Curious wording raises questions.

    Neither Phillips nor McCutcheon were wearing seatbelts and were ejected during the crash, CHP said.

    Questions answered.

  8. mordred says

    @7 A well known idiot driver from my old neighbourhood ended like that, thrown from his car when he crashed thanks to driving to fast and ignoring oncoming traffic.
    The way his car looked, a seat belt might not have saved him, but it would have saved the first responders from having to search the field for his other leg.

  9. mordred says

    @6 Good idea, but really a single day would not be enough:

    Crusade day
    Indian genocide day
    Child rape day
    Witch burning day
    Heretic burning day
    30 years war day
    Mothers dying because they could not get an abortion day
    Cutting a deal with Hitler day
    Ratline day

    Might not be enough days in the year.

  10. birgerjohansson says

    Mordred @9
    I recommend the book “Hitler’s Pope”.

    BTW I do not understand why getting plastered and driving drunk is preceived as giving a finger to The Man but this is a demographic where deliberately driving gas-guzzlers to own the libs is seen as logic.

  11. Walter Solomon says

    shelldigger @5

    Only the man on the right looks like he can be in his early 20s. The driver was 24.

  12. Artor says

    Such a tragedy. Here I am, shedding a tear for this senseless loss of life. /s
    Good riddance to shitty people!

  13. Walter Solomon says

    birgerjohansson @10

    …but this is a demographic where deliberately driving gas-guzzlers to own the libs is seen as logic.

    In this case, though, they were driving a Tesla. Since Elon likes “owning the libs” on his Xitter, maybe the old MO of the right wing driving gas-guzzlers is dying out.

  14. steve oberski says

    Bet you a dollar that they had Full Self Driving engaged and no hands on the steering wheel.

  15. numerobis says

    Steve oberski: Going too fast for conditions is a pretty normal human thing. FSD is more known for low-speed crashes like steering into a line of bollards or turning into the bike lane. The fact it was a Tesla is basically irrelevant to this story. The exact same thing could have happened in a Cadillac or a BMW or whatever. They drove drunk, fast, without seatbelts.

  16. Robert Webster says

    I’m a Buddhist, so I “believe” in karma. But karma isn’t about fate. It’s cause and effect applied to your life. So, yes, this was karma.

  17. Akira MacKenzie says

    It seems the only way to get a right-winger to buy an electric car is if it supports a fascist pig like Musk.

    I’m still waiting for the other Elon to say “fuck it” and just start making gas-powered cars just to spite the “woke mob.”

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    Edit” I’m still waiting for Elon…

    (I was going to write “for the other shoe to drop,” changed my mind, but forgot to delete it. Sorry.)

  19. Alverant says

    So a terrorist who isn’t in jail is wondering where his white privilege is? Do I have that right?

  20. numerobis says

    I don’t think this pair are wondering about their white privilege … or about anything else, on account of dead.

  21. says

    The problem with the suicidally stupid isn’t so much that they tend to get themselves killed (that’s just natural selection at work), but that they are all to often a danger to others.

  22. says

    mordred @3

    “It seems they also believed the rules about drunk driving and wearing a seat belt don’t apply to them. ”

    It seems they also believed the consequences of drunk driving and not wearing a seat belt wouldn’t happen to them.

  23. EigenSprocketUK says

    Akita 18&19: If Elon did also make gas-guzzlers, there would be no remaining doubt about whether they catch fire.

  24. John Morales says

    In the news: Angela Chao: Shipping billionaire intoxicated when she drowned in Tesla, police report shows

    But during a three-point turn she accidentally reversed the Model X SUV into a pond.
    The police report describes how friends and police tried to save her. Some of the friends were “screaming frantically” at the deputies from the pondside.

    Officers eventually smashed the driver’s side window of the submerged car, pulling Ms Chao from the vehicle.

    She was pronounced dead at 01:40 on 11 February.

    A toxicology test found she had a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.233g per 100ml. The legal limit in Texas is 0.08g per 100ml.