Notice to anti-vaxxers and other quacks

You may not post here. I have a zero tolerance policy for quacks and cranks.

This announcement was prompted by an attempted comment on this thread (I did not approve it for publication) which was loaded with conspiracy theory signs:

What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that, which is not mentioned here (or elsewhere typically by the alleged “truth-tellers”)?

ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, big banks, big media, big science, big religions, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS — the evidence is OVERWHELMINGLY ROBUST.

Links to the crank’s website followed. Nah, I’m not publishing that. He is one of those vitamin megadoses can treat everything guys, whose main sources of information are his own opinion pieces and crap published in the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. He’s mad because the BMJ wouldn’t publish his cranky letter.

A REALITY-BASED main approach to life –not an AUTHORITY-BASED main approach to life.

A LIFE-GROUNDED core alignment –not an EXPERT-CENTERED core alignment.

A TRUTH-BACKED main compass –not SPECIALIST-BACKED main compass.

A determined trust in EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY –not HUMAN ANIMAL-PROCLAIMED “official science”, “consensus science”, or “evidence-based science”.

An overriding assimilation of NATURE-BASED evidence –not “civilized” HUMANS’ RATIFIED SCIENCE-BASED evidence (i.e., their self-serving science-BIASED evidence).

A primarily real life-VERIFIED personal modus vivendi versus a primarily authority-CERTIFIED personal modus vivendi.

Hint for self-proclaimed authorities in medicine: don’t complain about other self-proclaimed authorities in your manifesto, and lay off the caps-lock a bit.

I will continue to cheerfully suppress your wacko misinformation, so stuff that in your list of authorities who have silenced you.


  1. wzrd1 says

    WhAt Is WrOnG wItH cApItAlIzAtIoN tHaT iSn’T rAnDoM?
    Or capitalizing Words in odd Places in a sentence?
    At least the fuckwit doesn’t use multiple exclamation points, there is that saving grace.
    But, what in fuck’s holy name does “A determined trust in EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY –not HUMAN ANIMAL-PROCLAIMED” even mean? Seriously, space aliens would make more sense! Did someone’s lead abatement program have an abject failure in their youth?
    There’s a reason the individual’s work isn’t getting published, the editors reviewed it and made the absolute finding, “C’est merde”.

  2. raven says

    On the brightside, a lot of these antivaxxers end up dying young from lack of real medical care and/or the natural and supposedly nontoxic cures for everything.


    Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms. Danny Lemoi took a daily dose of veterinary-grade ivermectin and told his thousands of followers to give the drug to children. He died of a common side effect of the medication.Mar 13, 2023

    An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried …
    Vice › Home › News

    This guy was 50 years old when he died.
    More than a few people have died from taking Ivermectim to treat Covid-19 virus infection, for which it has no effect.

    .2. It is estimated that in the USA, 330,000 antivaxxers caught the Covid-19 virus and died.
    Meanwhile, the vaccines saved the lives of 3.2 million Americans, one of which is probably mine.

    Believing in UFOs or Space Reptiles probably won’t kill you.
    Believing in medical quackery quite often does so.

  3. wzrd1 says

    raven, you’d be surprised how many of them get hospitalized or even die from hypervitaminosis. For the most part, water soluble vitamins get rapidly excreted in urine. But, lipid soluble vitamins are more difficult and slow to be rid of, so can accumulate to quite toxic levels. The most common cases I’ve found are with vitamins A and E.
    The pinheads that ignore the very researcher who retracted the original vitamin C prevents colds and flu will hyperdose on vitamin C, which is promptly, being water soluble, urinated out. Literally pissing money away.

    Your point 2 had me rapidly recalculate my next booster for the COVID vaccine. October. I don’t think I’ll go the VA route again, that 2 hour drive to and from the facility was a bear.

  4. hemidactylus says

    @2- raven
    I thought the potential beneficial effect of ivermectin might be if someone infected by SARS-CoV-2 was also beset by parasitic infection. Knocking down the worm load could help out with the ability to fight the coronavirus. This wouldn’t apply for people lacking parasitic load.

    An interesting idea, but not sure if it still holds:

    Plus believing in space reptiles may involve co-infection with anti-vax bs.

    Looking forward to again changing my antibody coding DNA with a COVID booster and flu shot this fall 😉 My titers are probably low and affinity maturation obsolete because the evolutionary arms race against coronavirus is passing me up. And I wonder if original sin due to imprinting will become an issue down the road…

  5. outis says

    @2 and @3: that’s right. No real harm in someone prattling about UFOs, I met some such and they were, at the worst, booooring.
    But now we have a real cross-contamination of quackery & crappery across all possible axes, so if someone believes in greys or whatever, they’ll probably fall also for any kind of anti-vaxx crap. And that’s bad stuff.
    I remember reading in an introduction to a textbook something about chemistry being quite unforgiving of mistakes. These people are going to find out the hard way how true that is… and that thought is most uncomfortable.
    It should not be like this, people putting their health and life in danger for such stupid reasons.

  6. hemidactylus says

    @3- wzrd1
    I still take my vitamins almost everyday, but not megadosing. I had read of some alleged benefit for Vitamin D relevant to COVID, but not sure how that panned out. I take D w/ calcium, but minimal dosage. Someone told me about AREDS as preventative for some retinal thing. These have Vit E plus zinc and copper, which concern me, so I only take them several times a week. I don’t even know if I have any predisposition toward whatever eye malady it allegedly reduces risk for. Not high on my priority list.

    Before the COVID vaccines came out I had read of potential antigenic crossover with either MMR or DTaP vaccines explaining resilience of young children toward COVID. I had fortuitously received both vaccinations in Summer 2019 and had my fingers crossed that such a cooptable or exaptive immunity existed. After the actual COVID shots (5 so far) that point was moot.

  7. Kagehi says

    Well, they are following in the footsteps of the nut that managed to get congress to exempt vitamins from FDA testing, along with anything else you can label a supplement – megadose on vitamins, which increases risk of certain cancers, then try to cure it with megadosing of vitamin C, which had the studies on the subject shut down because of a massive increase in the number of people in the, “yep, these people are the ones we are giving the vitamin C to”, having their cancers grow out of control and killing them faster.

    But, of course, kind of like creationists, MAGA, etc., actual facts don’t matter to these people.

  8. says

    The BS is so thick I don’t even know where to start with this one.

    “A primarily real life-VERIFIED personal modus vivendi versus a primarily authority-CERTIFIED personal modus vivendi.”

    Well those are words but that makes about as much sense as purple omnivore pizza. See I can turn words into smegma based economics too. And Madagascar wins the trophy for filmed toe curling. I mean the next thing you know Pete Townsend walks in and the whole pickle barrel dies of embarrassment.

    It’s like madlibs but with SCIENCE!

  9. R. L. Foster says

    I’d like to add that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a whack job, fool, idiot, moron, off his rocker. But, he’s in good company, so let’s not underestimate the harm he can do. I don’t want to wake up on the morning after the 2024 election to find that Trump squeaked into the WH again while losing the popular vote.

  10. wzrd1 says

    Ray Ceeya, is that related to the Giant Purple People Eater?
    Seriously though, I’m blaming failures in lead paint abatement for many of the adherents to such hogwash.

  11. birgerjohansson says

    Ah, yes, this brings me back to the days when Ed Brayton’s blog was the first stop when turning on the PC.

    He used to get exquisitely stupid hate mail. We readers enjoyed the mail analogs to Plan Nine From Outer Space on a nearly daily basis.

  12. mordred says

    I recently watched some 1960s and 70s Doctor Who. Compared to that stuff above, the Doctor’s technobabble nearly makes sense! “Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow” vs. “EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY”…

  13. says

    outis@5 I have to disagree. There have always been dangerous elements in the UFO fandom. A classic example was Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel. In the ’70s he promoted the idea that UFOs were actually flugelrads, Nazi flying discs operated by Germans out of the hole in the South Pole. Zundel even tried to finance an expedition to the North Pole to contact the Nazi saucermen, which apparently would have included a Boeing 747 with a swastika on the tail. Whether Zundel believed this stuff, or whether it was just another way to spread his lies and make money, is unclear.

  14. birgerjohansson says

    Since medical misinformation is forbidden I instead found a GAM episode with the My Pillow guy making a “documovie” with his claims that Trump would have won if not ….something something votes being sent away to Europe… electronically.
    The GAM gang dissects the claims for two hilarious hours.

  15. birgerjohansson says

    Timgueguen @ 13
    The Flat Earth crowd would argue there is no such thing as a north or south pole.

  16. seversky says

    The depressing thing is that there doesn’t seem to be any way to get through to these people. They seem to be utterly impervious to argument or evidence. It seems to be a similar pathology to religious belief or MAGA-cultism, both founded on a unshakeable belief in their own (Cheeto-colored) Truth. You saw the same thing over on the late but not lamented Uncommon Descent. Didn’t matter what you said, they wouldn’t budge an inch and that went on for years.

  17. wzrd1 says

    Timgueguen @ 13, why would one fly to the north pole to reach a hole in the south? Hollow earth or just hollow head that induces a spectacularly bad sense of direction?

    Now, I can’t find any potential pathway for a wormer to work against a virus, but I can see where hydroxychloroquine could work in a PREP mode via interference with WBC function and even the phagozyme. Not exceptionally likely to be effective, but the interference could work to slow infection down. Handwashing and masks are far more effective, along with vaccinating against the damned virus in the first place. I’ll leave the HCQ for autoimmune sufferers and malaria patients.

  18. Ed Seedhouse says

    From that writing by itself, I cannot for the life of me decide if the writer is a right wing wackaloon or a left wing wackaloon. I am now ancient of days (79) and have seen much wackaloon writing from both sides, and just considering the writing of this one by itself, I really can’t decide.

    But given the apparent population of right wing fuckwits over left wing fuckwits these days, just on the basis of probability, I guess I’d have to come down on the side of right wing wackaloon.

  19. raven says

    The vast majority of antivaxxers in the USA are right wingnuts and fundie xians.
    I’d estimate it is over 90% by now.

    In fact, most leftist and New Age people took one look at who the antivaxxers were, Trump MAGAts, and ran out and got vaccinated.

    Here is what the Wiccans said.

    Covenant of the Goddess
    She said that most members report that they have been vaccinated. Nelson said, “COG has received a few requests from others in the Wiccan Community for vaccination exemptions, but we do not provide those exemptions.”

    Nelson reiterated the Wiccan Rede: “Harm none, do as you will.”

    The Troth
    She said, “The Troth has strongly supported public health recommendations, including vaccinations, to prevent the spread of all diseases, including COVID 19. We have seen firsthand the devastation that this disease has brought to our world and encourage everyone to do their part to bring an end to this pandemic.”

    Aquarian Tabernacle Church

    The ATC has encouraged its members to get vaccinated. ATC also took measures to protect its members.

    All the Covid-19 antivaxxers in my area are right wingnuts.
    Some of those I knew caught the Covid-19 virus and ended up long hauler Covids or dead.

  20. birgerjohansson says

    Outis @ 5
    Let us not forget the christians who think the alien visitors are demons in disguise!
    If you have insomnia, here are two very weird and entertaining hours, courtesy of Eli, Heath, and Noah. 😂

  21. azpaul3 says

    So you just gave his trash the best publication it could ever have had. Why?

  22. outis says

    @13 Timgueguen: whoa thanks, I never knew that. I just surmised that the moon nazis were one of the many spontaneous brain worms in the UFO hive mind.
    It also explains this:

    silliness all around.

  23. bcw bcw says

    Isn’t “a primarily real life-VERIFIED personal modus vivendi” included in Elonic Musk’s blue check program?

    EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY, does that mean flat earth?

    @22 don’t troll, the wacko isn’t cited in any way that increases his visibility and his CrUCIALLY IMPORTANT ideas about vitamins are not specified.

  24. DanDare says


    “Believing in UFOs or Space Reptiles probably won’t kill you.
    Believing in medical quackery quite often does so.”

    These go together however, as products of the same epistemology.

  25. tacitus says

    A scientific study that investigated which commonalities and personality traits were shared between conspiracy theorists came up with precious little except that if a person believes in one conspiracy theory, they are much more likely to believe in others, even if they are completely contradictory.

    (The source was a scientist being interviewed on the subject on a BBC Radio 4 science show from years ago which doesn’t appear to be online anymore.)

    So while believing the government is covering up evidence of UFOs may be harmless in itself, it opens people up to believing in far more dangerous conspiracy theories.

    So basically, harmless conspiracy theories are like a gateway drug — once you’re in, it’s hard not to go deeper.

  26. wzrd1 says

    Conspiracy theories being harnessed for nefarious reasons is utterly unheard of, totally a new phenomena.

  27. seversky says

    23 July 2023 at 7:06 pm

    Here is a film about people who think they can get energy directly from the sun, without eating, getting the God Awful Movies treatment.

    I remember a story like that from a while back. It was an Australian woman who called herself Jasmuheen who thought she didn’t need food, she could absorb energy and nutrients directly from sunlight. Her cult following called themselves breatharians as I remember. Several of them died trying to follow her recommendations. She nearly did when a TV show challenged her to prove her theories for a documentary under medical supervision. Filming was halted by the doctor when she began showing signs of extreme dehydration after a few days which would have killed her if it been allowed to continue. She nearly qualified for a Darwin Award.

  28. wzrd1 says

    She went wrong where they all go wrong. One cannot travel about if one dedicates oneself to that mode of sustenance. For, one must set down roots in order to maintain hydration.
    And food…

    Yet again, some people proving that they can’t even master biology 101, as plants draw nutrients and water through their roots, using sunlight for energy to convert sugars.