Sorry to ruin your day…don’t watch this if you’d rather not. This is the horrible Jared Taylor, professional bigot, jumping on the anti-trans bandwagon. He hates black people and gays, so adding another category to his long list is not a stretch for him.
A few quotes:
“When someone’s sexual energy — and we have a lot of it — is wasted on a reproductive dead end, that’s a defect,” Taylor said. “Biologically it’s no different from wanting to copulate with lawn mowers, or animals, or dead people. Just because same-sex attraction is more common, doesn’t mean it’s not a defect.”
“Homosexuals are different,” he continued. “They don’t want to be treated just like everyone else. They want us to think they’re special. And better. They want to be noticed and celebrated. Adored, even. It’s like being Black: We must never forget that people used to give them a hard time.”
“It comes as a shock to a lot of Americans, but whom you copulate with, when, and why are not your business alone,” he asserted. “Every society sets rules, because without rules society collapses. Healthy societies have rules that are meant to build families and promote child-rearing. They grow out of an ancient sense of duty to family, nation, and race.”
Taylor claimed that the “homo-tranny-drag queen stuff is the very opposite” and that the “strongest opposition to it comes from religious groups and racially conscious people.” And he said that “every gain in white racial consciousness is a victory for families and sound sexual behavior.”
He went on to say that, “You cannot have white awareness without understanding that healthy families are the key to our survival. And anyone willing to fight the madness and stand up for healthy families is half-way to an understanding of race.”
Don’t be like Jared Taylor.
David Duke is more classy.
At first glance of both the picture and the headline, I thought this was going to be about Big Daddy Lobster.
Yeah, he is a generic white racist creep.
Nothing new or original there.
This explains much of the GOP, the party of old white racist men.
He is considered an undesirable alien in Europe.
“When someone’s sexual energy — and we have a lot of it — is wasted on a reproductive dead end, that’s a defect,”
Soooo, he’s also against blowjobs, handjobs, and anal sex? Even from loving married Cis people?
I don’t consider giving someone an orgasm a defect, no matter who is giving it to who and what they are while doing so.
Taylor should realise that Trump’s racism will always take a back seat to looking out for number one, Donald J. Trump. If a Chinese official had turned up at the White House in 2018 with 20 billion dollars and told Trump China wanted to buy Wisconsin Trump would have said yes instantly. He has no interest in the ideological racism Taylor obviously believes in.
I am “racially conscious”.
I stay the hell out of the sun to avoid skin cancer. As you should do, if you are of Scandinavian descent.
I heard the last old white guy to instigate Poland is no longer welcome there either.
News flash: white Christian nationalist (aka Nazi) bigots STILL give them a hard time. CONSTANTLY.
Personally, I can’t wait until this asshole copulates with a lawnmower.
Taking bets now on the likelihood he’s hiring black rent boys on the down low… 1:1 odds available!
If it’s a “defect” when “sexual energy…is wasted on a reproductive dead end” does that suggest that old people should be eliminated?
So, he wants husbands to abandon menopausal women and hook up with nubile young women to knock up, then drop dead, to ensure a stable family.
And my bedroom activities are his business.
And Black people are evil.
Did I miss any salient point of his drivel?
As I said to the last bedroom inspector type, feel free to invade our privacy. Do try to land on that conveniently laid out shower curtain, as I’d not appreciate your bleeding out on the carpet.
And he needs to stop abusing his lawnmower, that wood chipper down the road really wants his attention and his progeny will spread far and wide.
I should know better, but I am always surprised to discover people who are pissed they aren’t able to legally have slaves and brutalize homosexuals anymore.
That sounds not unreasonable so I suppose we shall build a good social safety net for children, and create a safer environment for schools so that children don’t need to feel scared by the not-so-uncommon school shooters?
Oh, not in that way?
If he’s a Trump follower then he’s not for people who follow rules. But of course he doesn’t really mean all rules; the only thing that matters is being a white cis het man.
EEWWWW! this guy belongs in an 18th Century white xtian terrorist enclave. Everything he says seems to point to an unhealthy obsession with sex and that the only purpose for people to exist is to breed like lemmings. His talk about healthy families reminds me of a diorama in a moron temple that showed that the only reason for human existence was to have as many babies as possible and to die as quickly as possible so all the little moron souls could go from somewhere in the sky, through life, to the moron paradise. He says ‘whom you copulate with, when, and why are not your business alone,’ What a sad, sick pervert. I wonder, does he go around putting spy cameras in peoples’ bedrooms?
@11 wzrd1 said: that wood chipper down the road really wants his attention and his progeny will spread far and wide.
I reply, Thanks, you always put a very clever twist to these imbeciles’ absurd words.
Jean, I’m shocked at your shortsightedness!
He’s for all rules for everyone but him.
But, in my experience, it’s only a matter of time until he is deep into his very own sex scandal.
shermanj, at one point in history, that view actually made sense. Smallpox killed (and still would kill, were it not blessedly extinct) around 35% of those who contracted it. Measles killed around 10%. If 2 out of 5 children reached “marriageable age”, that family was fortunate indeed! That was not uncommon within actual living memory of today, as my father, who was born in 1930 had buried a sister to meningitis. Well, he isn’t living memory any longer, he passed away in 2015.
As for the bedroom monitoring bit, I’ve happily invited those who spoke like that in person to me, to feel free to try to monitor my bedroom. Please use the thoughtfully laid out shower curtain to bleed out on.
I might tolerate invited guests, but self-appointed invaders, I won’t need a gun. I’ll insert the bullet manually.
After all, have to protect our film’s rights to the greatest porno ever, “The Great Train Wreck”.
Might do one based upon the Titan submersible, “Hey, we’re really close together forever now!”…
EMS humor, an acquired thing and far more difficult to be rid of than herpes.
“Every society sets rules, because without rules society collapses.”
My goodness, gracious, Jared! You’re leaving something out. OK, society sets rules, but so does Nature. And you know, not really having the scientific mentality myself, I find Nature’s rules so complex, so dizzying, that I can’t keep up with them, and sometimes I wonder if they’re really rules or maybe Nature is improvising, taunting us in a sense. Well, I’ll let the scientists sort it out.
One thing I do know, though, is this: I’m one of Nature’s rules, which is not necessarily one of your rules or society’s rules. But (kind of) like Nature, society can sometimes evolve, which is why in this little island country of ours, getting on to 8 years now, society changed some of the rules. People decided they were going to bring their rules more in line with Nature’s rules, so that those of us who were classed under Nature’s Rules became a lot happier. And guess what, Jared? Society hasn’t collapsed, not yet anyway. Eight years on now and everything’s still looking pretty hunky-dory. In other words, not to be rude about it, you’re full of shit.
Make your little rules, Jared. The best laid plans of mice and men, you know.
“Healthy societies have rules that …. grow out of an ancient sense of duty to family, nation, and race.”
A duty to race? So, healthy societies are inherently racist?
Or does he just mean that everyone should strive for a fast 5k time?
Excuse me, but he looks like the poster boy for Punch a Nazi Day.
Speaking of Nazis, looks like Rosanne Barr has gone deeper over the deep end by not only denying the Holocaust, but also saying that it should have happened because “Jews cause all the problems in the world.”
This guy is so far back in the closet he’s rubbing Aslan’s whiskers.
He’s even worse than you thought.
re Akira MacKenzie @20: I don’t know why ANYBODY would bother to listen to Rosanne Barr for ANY reason. Her voice is annoying (like the Orange Fraudster). She has NEVER been funny. She says stupid stuff probably just to get attention. She is irrelevant. I saw an article recently where John Goodman (her co-star on Rosanne) was defending her. Either he hasn’t listened to what she says, or he is just as stupid as she is.
Im guessing this will be the same guy who will be demanding privacy for himself and his family when he is caught having an affair with another male and/or demanding his mistress have an abortion.
He’s saying the out loud parts out loud.
When someone’s sexual energy — and we have a lot of it — is wasted on a reproductive dead end, that’s a defect,”
I had a vasectomy early in my life because I felt population was going to be a problem, or there would be a nuclear war. It seems to me that my decision was both rational and cooperative. People like him who are overly concerned with others’ fecundity are, in my opinion, sick fetishists. Of course, that’s religion for ya.
@mamba He’s probably one of those wowsers who frets about people (white people) wanking. He probably peruses porn in his home office with the door locked.
…stand up for healthy families…
Anyone that runs for cover behind ‘the family’ is immediately suspect.
“Healthy societies have rules that are meant to build families and promote child-rearing.”
And I’m sure those rules are very effective in turning gay people straight, turning trans people into cis people, and motivating people who just don’t want children to suddenly want nothing else. All it takes is a few good rules!
And if that doesn’t work, then just ostracize them.
@edmond #29
That’s funny. When gay or trans people want to build a family and rear children, Taylor and his ilk are suddenly not that supporting of family values anymore. One may think it is not about the children after all…!
“We are different,” he continued. “We don’t want to be treated just like everyone else. We want them to think we’re special. And better. They want to be noticed and celebrated. Adored, even. It’s being Christian: We must never forget that people used to give them a hard time.”
[damn, missed one. Ah, well…]
[ PZ: spambot spams ]
[says the troll that trolls]
Maybe we could start a petition to replace Morales with Shamika Shirke.
I think many of us would consider it a net increase in blog commentariat quality.
Silentbob, mate! YOU are the troll, who trolls ME.
(But that’s OK, I always get the last laugh, Bobbitt)
Hint to Jared: when people go full “failed-art-school-guy” they look much better in a Hugo Boss uniform.
And no one wants to know who or what you like to copulate with.
Let us sort out the terminology once and for all.
Troll = Everyone who does not agree with me, BJ, the grand poo-bah and last king of Scotland.
“When someone’s sexual energy — and we have a lot of it — is wasted on a reproductive dead end, that’s a defect…”
So if a middle-aged man keeps on fucking his wife after she’s had menopause, that’s a “defect.” But if he dumps his wife after her last period, and starts knocking up teenage girls, with or without their consent, that’s totally okay. And as soon as a young woman realizes her man is less than fully fertile, she should dump him and start sleeping with more “virile” young men, right?
This is just another rehash of that same old “Natural Law Theory” crap that’s been used to rationalize bigotry (and indiscriminate sexual predation by men), probably since the days of Thomas Aquinas. PRATTs dismissed.
I get we are not allowed to pay someone to punch Jared Taylor, but can we please collect money to make a T shirt with the text “I punched Jared Taylor” and give it away when appropriate?
something about cisheternormativity being bedmates with white supremacy. idk i’m tired this morning.
@ ^ Ada Christine : White Supremacists and other’s on the Kkkonservative* side of politics do tend to love their heteronormativity and brutally enforced by bigots traditional gender (and sexuality) roles. They really are frightened of anything different. How sad they are. Oh &, yeah, its tiring..
.* Spelling deliberate – for once!