You can’t say that » « She cracked the code! Unholy Toledo I was interviewed by the Secular Humanists of Western Lake Erie. Hey, that’s a terrible acronym. (Also available as a podcast). Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet You can’t say that » « She cracked the code!
Intransitive says 25 October 2021 at 11:00 am How about West Erie Lake Secular Humanists, if you’re Jonesing for a new acronym?
birgerjohansson says 25 October 2021 at 2:47 pm Tucker Carlson: ‘they call themselves SHWLE, the “satanic hell-worshipping liberal epicureans”…and they are funded by that jewish guy, George Soros’.
etfb says 25 October 2021 at 11:42 pm Regarding acronyms, I really hope there’s a group in Cumbria called the Secular Humanists In England’s Lake District.
How about West Erie Lake Secular Humanists, if you’re Jonesing for a new acronym?
Tucker Carlson: ‘they call themselves SHWLE, the “satanic hell-worshipping liberal epicureans”…and they are funded by that jewish guy, George Soros’.
Regarding acronyms, I really hope there’s a group in Cumbria called the Secular Humanists In England’s Lake District.