It just gets better and better. All those supporters of 45 sailed out with flags and banners flying, and total chaos resulted.
Rough waters on Lake Travis as hundreds of boats in Trump boat parade. Several swaamped. #Statesman @bobphoto
— bobphoto (@bobphoto) September 5, 2020
The neat twist is that they did it to themselves — the problem was compounded by the request of the organizers.
Owners of boats of “all shapes and sizes” were encouraged to participate and to decorate them with “as many Trump flags as she can handle,” the event’s Facebook page said.
So the bigger boats of the richer Republicans charged out and put large wakes on top of already rough waters and swamped smaller boats. A perfect encapsulation of their policies.
Isn’t that nice of them to put on a demonstration of the class divisions they promote?
Musical accompaniment:
#Dumbkirk 😌
— REESUS PATRIOT™💙 (@ReesusP) September 5, 2020
A three hour boat parade. A three hour boat parade. (It’s important to say it twice.)
Brent Terhune was there on his SS MAGAritaville, which he sadly lost.
Raising wake flips small boats, as the Republicans like to say.
Also, too, the Klannish Armada.
Trump will not call them losers, but he’s probably thinking it.
You scratched my anchor!
I think that the obvious way to show that MAGA is real, would be to do it again under even worse conditions, to trigger the libs. It’s hurricane season! Time to show that real Trump fans aren’t afraid of a little wind and water. Go for it.
@7 I feel so “owned” knowing that these decent salt of the earth Trump supporters have the free time, the boats, and the disposable income to buy all those flags, even if a few of them may have trouble operating their own vessels. They are real Americans and I am just an avocado-toast-eating elitist.
I keep wondering if sail boats are welcome at these “Trumptillas” or if they do the nautical equivalent of rolling coal when they see you.
Here ,who said you could make a reference to Dunkirk ,one of the United Kingdom’s bestest defeats .
And i thought Dumbkirk was that bloke who was besties with ray -have a banana -comfort ?
@2 Someone left the following comment.
“1st. mate: Captain we’re sinking
Captain: How do you know?
1st.Mate: We see the water coming In and it’s getting higher.
Captain: Then stop measuring it..
And take off that life vest it’s making me look bad”
Then there were those who watched and cheered from shore at the 2 minute mark of this newscast:
I would really love to ask the woman who claimed Trump was working hard for their freedoms/whatever why Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate among all the states? And how does restricting healthcare promote freedom? What kind of freedom comes from closing down polling places in rural areas?
Or is freedom just reserved for wealthy white folk, especially men? I just listened to the six part podcast based on this book The Lie That Binds by Ilyse Hogue and Ellie Langford. It is about the attack the conservative bunch have done against abortion rights, women’s rights and minority rights. The reason the words of the Trump supporters make me angry.
Even the captain of the Titanic made it halfway there.
Just thought of this. Back when I was a kid my dad loved to participate in parades. He had a collection of vintage tractors and it’s a very country thing to do. Detail and dress up the tractors and cruise up the street very slowly in a long line. The people who organized those county fair parades kept everything neat and orderly to a tee.
These dingleberries couldn’t even get that right. All they had to do is move from point A to point B very slowly. That’s how parades work. You move very slowly from one place to another place. If this parade was moving at parade speed, roughly the pace of a leisurely stroll by an 80 year old man in a Shriner’s hat, then there would be a few more boats still floating.
If they can fuck something this simple up how do they think they deserve to dictate who and how the country is run?
I’m not feeling owned enough yet. Maybe go out in the boats for a couple more days.
@christoph 1
They were far more competent and at least cared about each other.
chris @ 11
Her most likely answer would either be “LIBERAL MEDIA!!! FAKE NEWS!!!” or “As long as it’s not my kid, who cares!”
@13, Does that mean we should give these dingleberries some credit for using boats rather than tractors for their covid-19 floundering?
Well, tractors don’t quite work well on water. Though I doubt those dingleberries could drive a tractor larger than riding lawn mower.
chris @17:
PennywiseDonald the Dancing Clown: They ALL float down here. When you’re down here with us, you’ll float too!I JUST FOUND VIDEO EVIDENCE THAT THIS WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT!!!
I keep telling people, don’t mess with witches.
Well it’s EASY to stand up paddleboard when you only weigh the same as a duck!
Well, Ray Ceeya, those witches were on the Willamette River in Portland. That is were the sinking boat at the end of the clown’s video was (that sinking during a Trump parade was three weeks ago, and the boat that sank was not part of the parade).
Rob Grigjanis @18, as an Army brat I spent much too much time in central Texas, I was glad the last time we left before a year!
So it was a paddleboard he was turned into, not a newt…
And of course nobody is wearing a life vest. Because not drowning is for dirty communists.
So a hurricane hits in the middle of Trump’s RNC and then a week later a bunch of boats flying Trump flags sink, but God hates the Democrats? Maybe He just has really bad aim.
@8 – “I keep wondering if sail boats are welcome at these “Trumptillas” or if they do the nautical equivalent of rolling coal when they see you.”
I think you answered your own question.
The White House delivered a press release indicating that “President Trump thanks all the glorious boaters who support him. He also wants those whose boats sank to know that they are suckers and losers. I like boats that don’t sink.”
Don N.
And I just watched the Puddles Pity Party video mixing Gilligan’s Island and Stairway to Heaven last night. That being said, just showing the magaficent fleet by itself with the original Gilligan’s Island them would probably work better.
And not one of those dumb fucks was wearing a life jacket.
gijoel, #28
Wouldn’t that have infringed on their rights?
Trump flotilla leader to be charged with felony
An update posted on FaceBook…friend of a friend.
Since I live on Lake Travis where the recent Texas boat parade fiasco happened, several people have asked for my take on the situation, so here you go:
Most importantly, there were no deaths. At least one person is still in the ICU with a broken back.
I heard 13 vessels were swamped or sank. Law enforcement has not yet released an official number.
Before the parade started, Lake Travis was CALM with no waves larger than ½-foot. Maximum wind gusts were less than 10 knots.
When the parade started, multiple boats cranked up their motors to show off and began creating excessive wakes. Vessels were driven at unsafe speeds in close proximity. This is what created the dangerous conditions that swamped and sank vessels.
Even after vessels started sinking, there was no cooperation with law enforcement or emergency personnel to slow down and/or reduce the wakes.
First responders had to rescue people from sinking boats WHILE OTHER BOATS passed at close distances at speeds that created more wakes and even more dangerous conditions.
The majority of skippers involved showed ZERO CONCERN for the wellbeing of others, or for the damage they were causing with their wakes. All of this could have been averted had they driven their vessels at slower speeds and at safer distances.
So far, I understand all damaged vessels were part of the parade.
We are still awaiting an official report from the Travis County Sheriff’s office that has jurisdiction over Lake Travis.
PS: I was AT THE DOCK during all of this, I generally do not leave the dock on holiday weekends — too many amateurs and drunks on the water each Labor Day, 4th of July, and Memorial Day weekends.