It’s always good to see internal schisms within Christianity, but not so great when the guy with a $100 million+ fake boat has all the money and power in the argument. You know, like Ken Ham.
In honor of so-called “Pride Month,” “progressive” Christian author Jen Hatmaker published an episode of her podcast featuring her daughter, Sydney, announcing that Sydney is a homosexual. Her family, apparently, has known for some time and decided that it was time to celebrate this with this world.
Such an announcement should break the heart of Christians. The admission that this young woman has embraced a sinful identity will only bring hurt, brokenness, and pain as she rebels against her Creator and his Word, but also distressing is that her mother—a professing believer—has decided this is something good, to be proud of, and to celebrate. (Really this is Romans 1:32 coming to life.)
If you didn’t know it already, tolerance and acceptance aren’t Christian values in Ken Ham’s brand of religion. I only wish all their hearts would literally break, so we could be rid of them.
Has Ken Ham come out about eating pork? That’s also forbidden in the Bible, a few paragraphs above where it forbids homosexuality.
I mean, he’s not wrong. Christians have long considered tolerance to be a sin. Hell, the puritans literally came to America because they weren’t allowed to be intolerant enough for their tastes in Holland.
“a professing believer”
Wonderful phrase, the implications make it a grand insult for clergy, preachers and the likes. Its not genuine faith and conviction, it’s just what they do for living.
I note that Ham, too, is a professional, and he, like all the others, must be making Jesus proud.
Look up what “Romans 1:32” is. Ham just said that woman’s daughter deserves to die. Fuck that guy.
“…..come out about eating pork….”
I wonder if our Ken considers that cannibalism??
This comment of Ken Ham:
“The admission that this young woman has embraced a sinful identity will only bring hurt, brokenness, and pain as she rebels against her Creator and his Word, …”
Of course Ken Ham and others like him will work very, very hard to ensure that the young woman does indeed suffer “hurt” “brokenness” and “pain”. To them that is nothing less than their Christian duty.
I know several Sydney Hatmakers, but that’s because I’m Australian