I do believe that if I focus and buckle down I will wrap up my genetics course today. Today. Today I will be done. Today. Yes. Soon. Must retreat into my cocoon and get it done.
Later I will emerge as a beautiful butterfly.
A vengeful butterfly, because I’m so pissed off at the universe for how it has amplified my workload this semester.
You can be Mothra! Or Mothman, maybe.
“A vengeful butterfly” – so I guess we will have even more storms then. Great.
Butterfly. Does this mean you’re moving on from spiders?
@3 No such sodding luck ,pampa has a things about things with Eight legs .
Off topic ,but this what happens in a place where someone competent is in charge . https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/14/the-coronavirus-slayer-how-keralas-rock-star-health-minister-helped-save-it-from-covid-19
Float like a bee, sting like a butterfly?
@5 More like fall over like a Penguin ,swear like a docker with piles .HAHA
Vengeful Butterflies is my new socially-distanced band name.