
  1. wzrd1 says

    Well, he has managed to prove that which was previously thought was against the laws of physics.
    He’s proved that one can indeed see a naked singularity.

  2. d3zd3z says

    Admittedly, medical use of “denies” is rather strange. “Patient denies cough” sounds like I have a cough but refuse to admit it, when it really just means they asked me if I still have a cough, and I said no.

  3. Sengkelat says

    “Denies further magnets” just means the ER staff only has to look for the magnets already mentioned, and not some undetermined number. It doesn’t mean “I didn’t do it.”

  4. says

    Exactly. It means “only the four magnets, no more.”
    He’s presumably telling the truth. Once you’ve admitted to stuffing four magnets up your nose, is there really any point lying about a fifth?

  5. komarov says

    Suddenly I have the urge to “invent” and market a full-body degausser. I can probably rip off the design of a CT or MRI machine, keeping only the chassis, the loud noises and the price tag.
    For my new business venture, I shall be looking for a person to play the Broad-Certified (TM) Doctorologist (R) in ads, who recommends monthly degaussing to counter-act deadly phone and wirless network radiation, cure feeblemindedness brought on by headmagnets and treat addlebrain, which is caused by everything else. Applicants should to bring their own freshly-starched lab coat. Other props, such as the Impressive Pen, Huge Hornrimmed Glasses or Magnificent Mustache, are also welcome. Previous experience playing a Doctorologist or Serious Scientician (c) is a plus but not required. We’re open to all applicants. We do not discriminate; fleecing the customers is bad enough. (This is our corporate slogan)

  6. anxionnat says

    I guess the ER staff were too overwhelmed by the COVID-19 patients to laugh at this idiot. Of course, a little levity helps, in times like this. Remember the song from the 50s that went something like, “Hey, mama, we’ve gone and put beans on our ears..”? Well, maybe someone should rewrite it, “Hey, physicist has gone and put magnets in his nose,” or whatever. Not quite a Darwin Award nominee, but if he got the virus while he was in the ER getting the magnets taken out of his nose by the overworked staff, he’d be a shoo-in for a Darwin.

  7. psanity says

    As someone with a couple of physicists in the family, this sounds like absolutely normal behavior for a physicist. The Guardian story this morning is hilarious, not least because the guy’s partner was laughing so hard she was barely able to convey him to the hospital, and:

    “My partner took me to the hospital that she works in because she wanted all her colleagues to laugh at me. The doctors thought it was quite funny, making comments like ‘This is an injury due to self-isolation and boredom.’”

    One of the physicists in my family, almost 60 years later, is still pretty annoyed with the authorities in his life for removing from his nose, at age 2, a perfectly good device he had discovered that made it possible for him to whistle — a rather large jet bead.

  8. brucej says

    @10 anxionnat

    Actually the article I read said they were all laughing at him, and he went to a hospital reserved for non-coronavirus patients.

    “Unable to remove them by himself, Reardon ended up heading to the local hospital.

    He said he spent about an hour there, describing the facility as “pretty quiet,” as coronavirus patients are being sent to another hospital.

    “The staff enjoyed it — several doctors and some nurses came to laugh at/with me,” said Reardon.”

  9. cafebabe says

    cafebabe’s partner laughed so hard about this story that her attempted aloud reading of it was unintelligible. In defence of my particular profession I was forced to counter the scorn by pointing out that this guy was a theoretical physicist and not one of us practical types for whom the wrangling of neodymium magnets is the very badge of our art.

  10. Amphiox says

    Medical procedures involving the nose have one of the highest transmission rates for COVID19 among all medical procedures. ENT surgeons attempting such procedures on covid positive patients were getting infected despite full PPE, N95 masks and the works.

    This might sound amusing now, but in the current situation this could have end up so, so, so not funny.

  11. cvoinescu says

    His ineptness at electronics is also funny. If you have a circuit that does exactly what you want it to do, only backwards, you’ve solved the hard part already. Just add an inverter (or, if it’s a push-pull output driving a simple load, connect the load between the output and the other supply rail). Inverters come in packages of six — and by “package” I mean integrated circuit, so at least you can’t fiddle with the remaining five and get them stuck up your nose.

  12. jrkrideau says

    Dr Daniel Reardon, a research fellow at a Melbourne university,
    Currently Physics departments in multiple Melbourne universities are saying “Dan Who?”.

    I’m actually getting a lot of work done,” he said. “Working remotely is not that bad. We are also renovating our house, so I am building shelves, making furniture and doing some tiling.”

    The Emerg staff probably are betting on his next arrival time.

  13. cartomancer says

    I wonder whether this idiomatic medical usage of “denies” stems from the traditional use of Latin in medical contexts, since the normal Latin idiom for “says that he didn’t” would be “negat…” (denies) rather than “dicit se non…” which would be a literal rendering of the usual English idiom.