The last time I mentioned Jared Taylor, I said:
he’s an unpleasant and pretentious leader of white supremacists…an unctuous, smiling glad-hander trying to sell hate as if it is pancakes. He’s a slimy, smarmy, sneering snake of a man, a slithering sibilant walking among us with little humanity in his smirking skull.
Translation: I don’t like him very much.
But you know who does? Tucker Carlson! He’s been taking racism lessons from him.
Like two worm-infested, slimy, moldy peas in a pod. I’d say that Carlson was in the business of white-washing the statements of more loudly racist folk except that he’s just as filthy as they are.
blockquote>He’s a slimy, smarmy, sneering snake of a man, a slithering sibilant walking among us with little humanity in his smirking skull.
Wait… Smily? Sibilant? Snake of a man?
Grrr… Let’s try that again…
Wait… Slimy? Sibilant? Snake of a man?
Akira MacKenzie @1 & 2:
That makes a surprising amount of sense. Both with his general level of incompetence and his tendency to whine whenever things go badly for him.
And knowing is half the battle! :)
Found both, still starving.
Worse, if I hit the White House, I’d still be starved.
For shit’s sake, the idiot brigade tried to gin up an impromptu photo op with a couple whose son was killed by a US diplomatic staffer’s wife in the UK, because she drove on the wrong side of the road, cried diplomatic immunity and fled to the US, after promising UK authorities to not do so.
This is what happens when one holds amateur night at the White House.
This, the Turkey letter and Lara Trump saying that “most Americans would have to Google ‘who are kurds'”, so the genocide means nothing whatsofucking ever.
Don’t insult slime-molds. They are smarter than the two of them combined.
I’m sorry to bring up Anjuli Pandavar everytime Tucker Carlson is mentioned on this site. I can’t stop thinking about a woman of color who’s all about freeze peach, politcal correctness & irreligion props up Tucker Carlson as an exemplar that every other people of color should emulate. How is it that someone like Anjuli ends up with this conclusion?