Can’t the spiders run the lab for you while you sleep in?
It’s cool – just have the students tie you securely and hang you from the roof beams in someone’s garage. The spiders will crawl all over you and then you can just grab each one and eat it… or whatever you’re doing with them. I admit I’m a bit vague on the details.
Kip Williamssays
My favorite German teacher used to end each class with “Studieren zie fleissig, lernen zie alles, und vergiessen zie nicht.” After a while, I took to responding, “Studieren zie nicht, vergiessen zie alles, und komm’ zie nicht zuerruck!”
In the tradition of Ich bin ein Berliner meaning I’m a small sweet sticky bun, the mildly deranged penguin points out Ich bin zu Hause probably means I’m home for spiders, which is rather ambiguous: Is poopyhead home to do things with spiders, or is he inviting spiders to make him his home?
She also observes that since cheese isn’t mentioned, it doesn’t really matter, unless any of the spiders making poopyhead their new adobe are expecting cheese…
@7 blf Is poopyhead home to do things with spiders, or is he inviting spiders to make him his home?
Considering my 150 year old house the question is meaningless. It is more a question of which spiders we want to share the house with.
except I’ve got to get organized for field work tomorrow.
Err, is that not what students are for? They will love it.
Guten nacht herr professor.
Coming home to your own bed is the best part of travelling.
Sleep well!
Can’t the spiders run the lab for you while you sleep in?
It’s cool – just have the students tie you securely and hang you from the roof beams in someone’s garage. The spiders will crawl all over you and then you can just grab each one and eat it… or whatever you’re doing with them. I admit I’m a bit vague on the details.
My favorite German teacher used to end each class with “Studieren zie fleissig, lernen zie alles, und vergiessen zie nicht.” After a while, I took to responding, “Studieren zie nicht, vergiessen zie alles, und komm’ zie nicht zuerruck!”
In the tradition of Ich bin ein Berliner meaning I’m a small sweet sticky bun, the mildly deranged penguin points out Ich bin zu Hause probably means I’m home for spiders, which is rather ambiguous: Is poopyhead home to do things with spiders, or is he inviting spiders to make him his home?
She also observes that since cheese isn’t mentioned, it doesn’t really matter, unless any of the spiders making poopyhead their new adobe are expecting cheese…
@7 blf
Is poopyhead home to do things with spiders, or is he inviting spiders to make him his home?
Considering my 150 year old house the question is meaningless. It is more a question of which spiders we want to share the house with.
So far, they are winning.