As I keep pointing out on other sites, the li’l maga heads weren’t in DC for a nice field trip to the Smithsonian. These students from an all boys school were bused in specifically to protest against abortion rights.
It’s been fun the anti-choice talking points and “Oh? You don’t think they have a right to protest, you racist lefty hypocrite?” nonsense I’ve had to dismiss from my replies. I’ve also received some outright racist slurs directed at me because some of this was in the comments at The Root so the shitheads thought I was black. I’ve never been called a “chimp” before…
I’m continually amazed by how many people continually fail to grasp this point.
They are kids. Let’s get the facts straight and also realize that none of them asked to be thrust into the national news cycle. Also, blame the parents for sending them to a private catholic school that busses them to proliferate (aka anti women’s rights) rallies.
Let me get this straight, Lemurcatta, they specifically went to a protest, had a whole lot of camera’s to film the thing, then uploaded it all over the place, to NOT get attention?
Did I get this link from Pharyngula? I’ve been posting it all over since I saw it, so it’s only a matter of time before I show up at the same place I got it, triumphantly bearing it in my jaws like my dog used to carry prize branches. Anyway, it’s frightfully relevant:
Fuck that. No one held them at gunpoint to force them to dress up in MAGA hats and protest abortion. If the little shits want to have their protest, they get to deal with the repercussions too.
This kind of says it for me: Covington Catholic students: what America is missing. Adam Howard is apparently a school teacher who has a book out titled Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling. I read a sample…Howard is onto something similar to Paul Piff who does research in the effects of privilege at UC Irvine.
I was a politically active kid, starting at a much younger age. I’ll thank you for not infantilising teenagers.
They are kids.
I guess that means we can dismiss all those kids trying to do something about school shootings, neh? They’re just kids, after all.
And I blame the MAGAkid parents, too – not necessarily for sending them to that particular school, but for not teaching them better. For not being better examples themselves. Because a school can’t bus kids anywhere without parental permission.
none of them asked to be thrust into the national news cycle
No. But these are kids growing up in the age of the viral video. I’m honestly not convinced it’s not something that didn’t come to their mind at the time. There’s camera phones galore in that video.
And fuck anyone who is all like ‘they were there to protest and free speech and were peaceful and not involved at all’ because the anti-choice movement they were there to support is inherently violent, and I am glad Phillips was there, and I am grateful to him
And I swear I’m going to scream the next time some journalist calls that a ‘[descriptor] smile’ on the MAGAhat’s face and not the fucking entitled daredevil smirk it really was.
Are they seven or are they in their late teens? In your late teens if you think behavior that shitty and MAGA level of racism is okay, most of the responsibility is on you. Teenagers are perfectly capable of knowing racism is wrong; many of them are far better at it than adults are.
call me marksays
Wearing a MAGA hat is functionally identical to wearing a swastika. Fuck those “kids”.
@ call me mark (or should I say Molesworth?)
or a nice KKK outfit.
At this very moment, thousands of kids worldwide are protesting for climate action, demanding a better future. They are better and smarter people than many of the generation of their parents.
Don’t belittle people just because they are young.
Akira MacKenziesays
I pointed out to a MAGA-fuck on another forum that these racist brats weren’t children; they understood the issues they were protesting over and they shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind their youth
“A 15-year-old isn’t a child? Are you a pedophile?” he replied.
If they’re too young to be held accountable, then they’re also too young to be sent to a protest.
Some consistency please.
Rob Grigjanissays
Giliell @11: No, we shouldn’t infantilise them, and behaviour should have consequences. But neither should we judge them by the same standards with which we judge adults. There’s a reason most countries have the concept of age of majority.
I wonder how many of the regular commenters/readers here could have found themselves in a situation similar to that of the Covington students at that age. I do remember several commenters saying they were raised in very conservative families, and actually bought into the bullshit until they learned to think for themselves.
How much of your early political activity was because of your upbringing/background?
I have to say that I’m very impressed with the kids speaking out on climate change, guns, etc. All the more so since at that age, my skull was pretty much a bowl of randomly firing neurons swimming in a cloudy soup of excess hormones.
Learning how to learn and find credible sources worthy of social trust: Covington fail.
@Rog Grigjanis #19:
I wonder how many of the regular commenters/readers here could have found themselves in a situation similar to that of the Covington students at that age. I do remember several commenters saying they were raised in very conservative families, and actually bought into the bullshit until they learned to think for themselves.
How much of your early political activity was because of your upbringing/background?
I was brought up as a somewhat conservative Catholic. I didn’t buy into the same bullshit my parents did. I’m sure that, yes, I was involved in something that I wouldn’t condone today, but that’s my own experience and I’m stronger for it.
Are you saying that nobody listens to people like Megan Phelps-Roper because she did horrible things before she understood the consequences of her actions? There are some people that discount her, but the average liberal listens to her and can forgive her for what she has done. If the smirking kid (can’t remember his name) becomes the next Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, I’m sure everyone here will forgive him for what he’s done in Washington DC. Until then, though, he has consequences for his actions.
I know of two 16-17 year-olds who have very conservative parents. One is just the father, the other has both parents as very conservative. However, they are both very liberal and completely anti-MAGA, where their parents support it. So yes and no, your upbringing does inform your views, but not everyone follows most or even any of it.
Just watch. Young Smirky will get a talk radio gig within the next couple of years. Or maybe get hauled out as the talking head of youth on Fox News.
Timgueguen @ 1
That’s future senator Young Smirky – Kentucky (R) to you mister so show some respect.
As I keep pointing out on other sites, the li’l maga heads weren’t in DC for a nice field trip to the Smithsonian. These students from an all boys school were bused in specifically to protest against abortion rights.
It’s been fun the anti-choice talking points and “Oh? You don’t think they have a right to protest, you racist lefty hypocrite?” nonsense I’ve had to dismiss from my replies. I’ve also received some outright racist slurs directed at me because some of this was in the comments at The Root so the shitheads thought I was black. I’ve never been called a “chimp” before…
I’m continually amazed by how many people continually fail to grasp this point.
They are kids. Let’s get the facts straight and also realize that none of them asked to be thrust into the national news cycle. Also, blame the parents for sending them to a private catholic school that busses them to proliferate (aka anti women’s rights) rallies.
Let me get this straight, Lemurcatta, they specifically went to a protest, had a whole lot of camera’s to film the thing, then uploaded it all over the place, to NOT get attention?
lemurcatta – And who held them down and forced the MAGA hats and clothes onto them?
Did I get this link from Pharyngula? I’ve been posting it all over since I saw it, so it’s only a matter of time before I show up at the same place I got it, triumphantly bearing it in my jaws like my dog used to carry prize branches. Anyway, it’s frightfully relevant:
Fuck that. No one held them at gunpoint to force them to dress up in MAGA hats and protest abortion. If the little shits want to have their protest, they get to deal with the repercussions too.
This kind of says it for me: Covington Catholic students: what America is missing. Adam Howard is apparently a school teacher who has a book out titled Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling. I read a sample…Howard is onto something similar to Paul Piff who does research in the effects of privilege at UC Irvine.
I was a politically active kid, starting at a much younger age. I’ll thank you for not infantilising teenagers.
I guess that means we can dismiss all those kids trying to do something about school shootings, neh? They’re just kids, after all.
And I blame the MAGAkid parents, too – not necessarily for sending them to that particular school, but for not teaching them better. For not being better examples themselves. Because a school can’t bus kids anywhere without parental permission.
No. But these are kids growing up in the age of the viral video. I’m honestly not convinced it’s not something that didn’t come to their mind at the time. There’s camera phones galore in that video.
And fuck anyone who is all like ‘they were there to protest and free speech and were peaceful and not involved at all’ because the anti-choice movement they were there to support is inherently violent, and I am glad Phillips was there, and I am grateful to him
And I swear I’m going to scream the next time some journalist calls that a ‘[descriptor] smile’ on the MAGAhat’s face and not the fucking entitled daredevil smirk it really was.
Are they seven or are they in their late teens? In your late teens if you think behavior that shitty and MAGA level of racism is okay, most of the responsibility is on you. Teenagers are perfectly capable of knowing racism is wrong; many of them are far better at it than adults are.
Wearing a MAGA hat is functionally identical to wearing a swastika. Fuck those “kids”.
@ call me mark (or should I say Molesworth?)
or a nice KKK outfit.
At this very moment, thousands of kids worldwide are protesting for climate action, demanding a better future. They are better and smarter people than many of the generation of their parents.
Don’t belittle people just because they are young.
I pointed out to a MAGA-fuck on another forum that these racist brats weren’t children; they understood the issues they were protesting over and they shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind their youth
“A 15-year-old isn’t a child? Are you a pedophile?” he replied.
If they’re too young to be held accountable, then they’re also too young to be sent to a protest.
Some consistency please.
Giliell @11: No, we shouldn’t infantilise them, and behaviour should have consequences. But neither should we judge them by the same standards with which we judge adults. There’s a reason most countries have the concept of age of majority.
I wonder how many of the regular commenters/readers here could have found themselves in a situation similar to that of the Covington students at that age. I do remember several commenters saying they were raised in very conservative families, and actually bought into the bullshit until they learned to think for themselves.
How much of your early political activity was because of your upbringing/background?
I have to say that I’m very impressed with the kids speaking out on climate change, guns, etc. All the more so since at that age, my skull was pretty much a bowl of randomly firing neurons swimming in a cloudy soup of excess hormones.
Learning how to learn and find credible sources worthy of social trust: Covington fail.
@Rog Grigjanis #19:
I was brought up as a somewhat conservative Catholic. I didn’t buy into the same bullshit my parents did. I’m sure that, yes, I was involved in something that I wouldn’t condone today, but that’s my own experience and I’m stronger for it.
Are you saying that nobody listens to people like Megan Phelps-Roper because she did horrible things before she understood the consequences of her actions? There are some people that discount her, but the average liberal listens to her and can forgive her for what she has done. If the smirking kid (can’t remember his name) becomes the next Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, I’m sure everyone here will forgive him for what he’s done in Washington DC. Until then, though, he has consequences for his actions.
I know of two 16-17 year-olds who have very conservative parents. One is just the father, the other has both parents as very conservative. However, they are both very liberal and completely anti-MAGA, where their parents support it. So yes and no, your upbringing does inform your views, but not everyone follows most or even any of it.