Upon police arrival, a female ‘slaps’ the back of the patrol squad. After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley.
female became deceased
is the kind of bureaucratese that warrants further investigation, and at the very least, criminal charges ought to be filed against the police culture that permits such offenses against humanity.
cervantes says
Demises were made.
whywhywhy says
Yeah, she was murdered but by folks in power so much like in ‘1984’ we are not permitted to call it what it is.
Siobhan says
A simple “it is alleged she was shot” would capture the necessary neutrality without framing the cop as some kind of inevitable force of nature or random circumstance. jfc
David Marjanović says
I’m out of words.
leskimopie says
She slipped and fell down onto some bullets, then became deceased, truly an unavoidable tragedy.
Marcus Ranum says
Next up: the police have decided not to sue her estate to recover the cost of the bullets.
davidnangle says
If only there was some sort of organization that could ascertain this unknown information through such high-tech practices as “asking” and “investigating.” Perhaps even… I’m blue-skying here… Minnesota could stop hiring murderers and giving them guns and licenses to murder.
Siobhan says
Yes, but then they wouldn’t be able to meet staffing requirements.
cartomancer says
In the aftermath of the Catilinarian Conspiracy of 63BC, Cicero, the consul who had foiled the uprising, greeted the crowds outside the Tullianum – the judicial execution building in the Forum – with a mocking one-word proclamation: “Vixere” – “they were alive”.
jr48 says
I can’t swear to its validity, but I was once told that, after a C-130 crashed in 1996 carrying (among other things) Bill Clinton’s presidential limo, the investigators placed the blame on the (deceased) pilot citing his “failure to maintain an altitude higher than the surrounding terrain”. Bureaucratese indeed.
Sarah A says
Well there you go then: clearly she brought her death on herself by “scaring” the police officer. I’m sure all of the people who were holding forth on how Philando Castile should have kept his hands on the wheel after a cop asked for his license and withheld the fact that he had a legal firearm in the car will be along any minute to tell us all what Justine Damond should have done differently to avoid extrajudicial execution. No doubt Minneapolis PD will be releasing every traffic ticket she’s received over the past 10 years any day now as well.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
I don’t think even that gets to the minimum necessary neutrality, given what we know.
We know she was shot. She was alleged to have been shot by the officer in the passenger seat, but we know that she was struck by a bullet from that officer’s gun. Theoretically it could have been an accidental discharge, even a ricochet from an accidental discharge, but from everything I’ve seen in the media (and the police know even more) there’s no discussion that she may not have been struck by a bullet. There’s no discussion about which of many guns might have discharged the shot.
The minimum necessary neutrality would be something like:
brucej says
The official NTSB term is ‘Controlled Flight Into Terrain’ or ‘CFIT’, meaning the aircrew were in full control of the aircraft, but were not accurately aware of their location.
It’s actually one of the leading causes of aircraft crashes.
ospalh says
I think
“The crew failed to monitor the aircraft’s position and flight path relative to high terrain surrounding Jackson Hole Airport. Consequently, the C-130 struck a mountain.” (Aviation Safety Net, looks like the NTSB has no report. I think they don’t do military accidents.)
Is an OK way to say
“They needed to climb faster to avoid hitting the mountains, but didn’t”
The key word is of course “surrounding”.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says
Seems to me the Chief is trying to “sweep this under the carpet”, by herself resigning, claiming she can’t think any other thing to do about the “culture” leading to such an incident.
“BS”, is my response to her. What about charging the officers with Diamond’s death? We expect they’ll get acquitted (based on the other one), best to have it fully on the official record than the “swamp” of “media”. [overuse of scar quotes was quite deliberate]
LykeX says
I agree with her response. I just don’t think it goes quite far enough. There are many more people who should lose their jobs.
EnlightenmentLiberal says
Culture doesn’t develop in a vacuum. We have lots of police who do murder because we don’t have deterrence because we don’t punish police who do murder. It’s theory of justice / theory of punishment 101.