First it’s the gay-themed redecoration of the Ark Park.
Then, in light of the dodgy resale of the Big Gay Wooden Box to themselves to avoid taxes, the FFRF is coming down on them.
FFRF is requesting that the Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority take immediate action to suspend the availability of tax rebates to the operators of the Ark and to terminate any applicable agreements it has with the Ark Encounter.
Kentucky has already responded!
The Kentucky Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet notified the operators of the Ark Encounter that it is in breach of its Tourism Development Agreement with the state. That agreement provides up to $18 million in state subsidies for the Ark project in the form of annual sales tax rebates. FFRF obtained records from the Cabinet today that include a July 18 notice sent to the operators of the Ark saying that Ark Encounter, LLC has breached the agreement following the sale of the property. The letter says that no further tax rebates may accrue as of June 28.
And with that, a whole flock of happy lawyers and accountants have got their wings. See? This is what happens when you play shenanigans with the tax system: headaches, and the sucking sound of money swirling down the drain.
Oh, and Sean Spicer has resigned.
Today was a good day.
Dice are rolling, the knives are out.
It’s gonna look pretty cool when its abandoned and rotting. Assuming Ham doesn’t have an “insurance fire” (nudge nudge)
And that rascally character, Scarramouche, is now the Communications Director. The new show has already started as they declare their love for each other. Will Harlequin be beating him soon? Will Punch & Judy be on the attack? I’m sure the Trump spectacle will continue to be an entertaining burlesque.
Ark-builders have been long-known to be cheapskates.
Someone cares that Spicer resigned? Amazing.
@Marcus Ranum #2:
Now that the sale of the Ark Park suggests that its value is nothing more than $10, I’m sure the odds of it doing a Glasgow and going on fire are, tragically, slim.
The crooks never think they’re crooks, which is why they don’t learn the lesson of Capone et al. Or even the quicky Saul Goodman explanation:
I want Diversity Ark to be shipped to Mt. Ararat, lights and all. It would be beautiful.
Remember, Ken, the captain always goes down with his ship. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Creation Museum went down too?
That seems to presuppose ken “piglet rapist” ham can think that far ahead. Based on prior actions, that does not seem an even vaguely plausible presupposition.
Good on ya, Kentucky. You finally did the right thing. Although you should have never provided those rebates in the first place, at least you pulled the trigger on them quickly after Hamster’s little flim-flam. Now let’s see if you can stick with it or if you fall back into some weasling up to him.
“Someone cares that Spicer resigned?”
Actually, yes:
Some pathologic liars can be unintentionally entertaining.
“Someone cares that Spicer resigned?”
Actually, yes; some weak minded pathologic liars can be unintentionally entertaining. I’m extremely interested in who would be willing to hire Spicer after Trump removes his hand from that particular sock puppet.
An insurance fire would probably not pay off anyway. They haven’t been contributing to the fire and safety resources which are currently underfunded.