I admit, I watched this whole video. But I had an excuse! You see, it’s Sean Hannity explaining to you, the American people
how Donald Trump won the big debate the other day, and his reasoning was so full of shit that I was sure it was going to start leaking out of his eyes, and maybe his skin would split open and he’d erupt into a spectacular shit fountain right there on camera. He started off by explaining…
…how out of touch the mainstream media is with you, the American people
I started thinking, wait a minute, this is on Fox News, a major media company, and Hannity has a radio show, so isn’t he a big dopey part of the mainstream media? Is he even aware that he has begun by explaining that he is out of touch?
If you listen to the elites and the punditry class on television and radio, they almost universally, they think, Hillary Clinton won the debate…
Hang on, this is getting ridiculous. Hannity has a net worth of about $80 million; he’s one of those “elites”. All he does is uninformed blather on television and radio, so he is definitely one of the “punditry class”. And he’s telling us how we shouldn’t trust guys like him? So meta. So self-referential. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the shitsplosion.
Then he explains how he knows Clinton actually lost the debate: because online polls at places like Breitbart and Drudge say so. You know what I think of online polls: they are totally meaningless, especially when there are special interest groups specifically flooding those polls with fake votes.
And then at the end, he dismisses those other journalists because being a pundit is such a cushy lifestyle.
Now, my overpaid friends in the media, well, they have their chauffeured limousines, they like their fine steakhouses and expensive wine lifestyles.
I guess he’d know. Hannity gets paid $29 million per year, and owns a private jet, which he uses to flit politicians around as a favor. Yet he has the gall to get all folksy with the little people and tell them how awful those other pundit aristocrats are.
If there were a god, that’s the point where a crack should have opened beneath his feet and Hannity should have been dragged screaming into the flaming pit of hell by an army of demons. But there is no god, so he simply smirked, left, took his chauffeured limousines to a fine steakhouse and gurgled down a couple of bottles of overpriced wine.
I include the video for completeness’ sake, but there’s no point in actually watching it, since he starts out as an evil slug, there is no justice, and it ends, and he’s still an evil slug, who will make more money in a year than I will in a lifetime.
Interestingly, even the Fox execs know better than to rely on online polls. From Business Insider:
Some of us remember what it is to pharyngulate an online poll, and how up front Our Host was about the reason for doing it–to illustrate how useless they are.
Well that’s not much of a character arc, is it? Who’s writing this season? It sucks.
Drumph was so insistant on the audience must ask Hannity for “verification” that Drumph was against IraqWar from the very beginning (which was another obvious lie, easily Googled), that I suspect some shady behavior under the table between Hannity and Drumph, in the form of “dead presidents” passing from Hannishit to Drumph’s little, grasping, fingers.
prove me wrong, Drumph, that your Hanni-shoutouts were quid pro quo for backstage cash. Trust me, I know I’m safe, Drumph won’t prove nothin, just attack me for spreading rumors. Fine. Believe me. I know. Get me. Dare ya. nee neee neee
bah humbug
WTF? How do you get paid $29 million per year for a “job” anyone can do that contributes less than nothing to society as a whole? Can I get $28 million this year only without contributing to the ruination of society?
Unless he inherited his wealth (or his cushy job) then he’s not an aristocrat. He’s one of the people paid by the aristocrats to maintain the aristocracy along with the cops and lobbyists.
Not that that’s much of an improvement.
Fox News, a major media company, and Hannity has a radio show, so isn’t he a big dopey part of the mainstream media?
Perhaps he is just admitting that Fox News is a comedy show?
Railing against the elites is normal for a wealthy member of the elite who wants listeners to think they are just plain everyday folk. We have one of those running for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada on what for Canada is a pretty blatantly racist/xenophobic platform.
She was emoting about the “elite” and seems to have forgotten that she might be considered one. Apparently wealthy family, graduates from elite Canadian university, does MD at another, has been on faculty at two elite Canadian universities and is a member of the Privy Council of Canada.
But not elite by any means !
Hannity is full of so much more shit than can fit in any one human body that I can only conclude that he is the TARDIS of shit.
And we’ve got one running for President. Just proving that once again Canada is behind the curve.
My old car radio only gets one station out here in the desert, and so I’ve heard the entire parade of ‘conservative’ radio jackasses: Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael ‘Savage’ Weiner, etc. They are universally abrasive, nasty, mean-spirited, juvenile-playground-bully* narcissists, but Hannity is by far the stupidest of them. Oh, I despise that asshole.
*’Savage’ refers to Hillary Clinton only as “Grandma”. This morning Limbaugh repeatedly referred to Alicia Machado as “the porn star” (apparently because she once posed for Mexican Playboy?). Policy opinions aside, they all suck at being humans, and yet they all have huge appreciative listener audiences. It is to despair.
ChasCPeterson at #9
I never listen to those radio shows so it is interesting to learn a little about what they have to say. I’ve tried to listen to Hannity’s Fox News nonsense, but I don’t have the stamina (the word of the day). Savage, who is 74, calls Hillary Granma? And Dominican Republic sex tourist Limbaugh is calling Machado a porn star?
Hannity and the rest of those pundits and defenders of the conservative ideals are seldom ever members of the elites themselves there have been some maybe W.F. Buckley.
They are in an old vernacular lackeys of the rich and powerful and if they were not payed well would quickly turn on their masters. The rich and powerful do not listen to then it is they that do the listening ever trying to curry the favor of their masters.
They are highly payed lap dogs given the best tidbits but having no say in the goings on of their betters.
uncle frogy
I’m mystified by the need to “win” polls and then crow about it. Are there really voters who deliberately hide from political information for over a year, only planning to vote based on who polls higher? Are there voters who switch their allegiance constantly, in the case of a close race?
Melania Trump has posed nude.
I’m revealing my vintage here, but whenever Sean Hannity comes up I immediately flash to S.J. Perleman’s line about a certain movie producer, that he only had a forehead by dint of electrolysis. I then stop listening.
re 12:
same here.
I think it may have something to do with a psychological desire to be on the “winning team”, or “a member of the most popular crowd”. As a way to get contact-popularity [aka: conpop (?) ] from the people who actually are the popular ones.
This (in my experience) has been ubiquitous in the election period. Many people rally behind the candidate who has the most popularity, regardless of their proposed policies. People seem to treat elections as virtual ‘horse races’, IE ‘vote for who might win’; even if “it” wants to impose an authoritarian police-state and flush the entire budget into its personal bank account.
A moment of Zen (IIRC) recently, highlighted a person who said “I’m voting ‘_Conservative_Party_’ [dot] If that mule is leading the train then I’ll vote for ~him~” (silent *burp*) “
slithey, I’m imagining some of our fellow citizens picturing a newly-elected president going through the list of people that voted for him, making mental notes to reward those individuals…
Interesting that Hannity pretends to object to media personalities eating at “fine steakhouses” when a cursory Google search shows that he’s run up $500-per-person dinner bills at steakhouses before: http://www.salon.com/2016/09/28/sean-hannity-defends-donald-trump-by-pointing-to-overpaid-media-they-like-their-fine-steakhouses-and-expensive-wine-lifestyles/ (which is impressive, since a typical dinner at the steakhouse concerned apparently costs $50 per person).
TURDIS, surely…
Hail Sterculius, Roman god of feces.
For the really deranged try Scott Adams “Trump won because he lost to Hilary “
re 20:
[reading it] *puke*
That’s because Hannity eats brain tumors for breakfast.
I love reading the discourse between you fine educated Americans. The erudition, the generosity of spirit. Once your election is over and that ghastly Trump fellow is dumped I hope your president goes back into MENA and finnishes off what Bush started. Get a wriggle on and there may just be a few Syrians left alive. Reminds me of the good old days back in Vietnam. Do you know the locals there still remember you guys.
Mark Bolton #23
What the fuck are you blithering about?
Chigau #24. I thought it was plain enough. Whilst you American intellectuals indulge you foul mouthed scatalogical witticisms the rest of the planet are looking in in horror at the latest war you are stirring up. I just got back from a trip to Vietnam. It was interesting to visit the places your countrymen made them selves known during your last war there. Hue particularly.
Mark Bolton #25
I’m not an American.
I’m not an intellectual.
What are you blithering about?
and what does this mean
chigau #26 The OP is an american biology lecturer and his blog is mostly poring bile on Trump supporters. My point is that the rest of the planet want a US president that will head off the war that is being started in Syria. I cant make it more clearly. I visited Hue and found the echos of history very disturbing. Americans need to realise thier war mongering has consequences to real human beings.
P.S. Thankyou for being a little more civil.
bite me
chigau (違う) #29 Oh really ! So you have studied at a University in America too?
chigau (違う) #31 So you curse at me. Demand and explaination of my post. Which I gave and “bite me ” is the best you can do.
Yes, we all need to stop that before it gets going. No one wants a war in Syria.
You mean the war that has been going on for a while, or a new one? I’m confused by your assertion.
Forest green.
SC (Salty Current) #33 Thank you salty. This situation is reminding me of the Gulf of Tonkin incident that lead to the disaster in Vietnam. A Syrian airbase is targeted “by mistake” and the Russians are being acussed of grandstanding when they bring a censure in the UN. All of this is buried under the partisan bickering of the Dems / Republicans in the election run up. The folks making all the noise in the media act like it is the only thing that matters on the planet. You guys are being fooled yet again.
Mark Bolton
If you read all the comments in order, you will see that my “bite me” was in response to your tone troll #28.
Bless your heart and have a nice day.
Oh and to clarify the war in Syria has been being stoked along nicely under the present administration for 5 years but since it was just a tin pot little country no ne cares. Now Eurpoe is awash with refugees and the Russians are being threatened with military force if they are suspecfted of cyber attack. As well as this the covert NATO stiring in Ukraine. This is World War we are talking here. Think Sarejevo 1914. While your USA elites spat about which lavatory transexuals can use.
Are you in like a cyberbunker in St. Petersburg, “Mark”? I hope you’re at least being paid well.
chigau (違う) #37 I didnt realise complementing you on not using obsenities was “Tone Trolling” . I will take you comment in good faith. Cheers.
SC (Salty Current) #39 I am in the Desert in Western Australia. To impugne my motives rather than answer my question or provide a rebuttal is Stalinesque. I am genuine in what I write. Why assume because I critisise the USA I must be some kind of paid stooge?
Sheesh, Mark, a good propagandist would talk about the oppression of minorities in the US. It says something that you can’t.
I’m pretty sure that my delight at the lack of reading comprehension exhibited by a condescending asshole indicates a character flaw on my part. Eh, so be it.
Mark @23
Mark @27
Mutually exclusive propositions.
Nothing like a little Dear Muslima to top off a screed.
Anyone who fucks around…
Say it ain’t so!
Mark Bolton
Doing this
<blockquote>paste copied text here</blockquote>
Results in this
It makes your comments easier to read if you are quoting someone.
But you did – in order to dismiss them.
You see, nuclear weapons still exist. ICBMs still exist. As awful as it is, mutually assured destruction is still a real deterrent to world war.
Of course, Trump doesn’t seem to understand that.
In light of which, Mark’s #27
is confusing in it’s implied condemnation. Pouring bile on Trump supporters is exactly what’s needed to head off a potential world war.
That’s because Trump admires Putin and a great many dictators. He actively espouses the same ideas and plans that Hitler *literally* started with as well. If you think Trump is better than Clinton, you’ve clearly been bitten by one of your many venomous critters because you are clearly delirious.
First, I’m not sure I can be a “mate.”
Second, it’s not complicated. You talked about what you consider important events and then added “While your USA elites spat about which lavatory transexuals can use.” That was dismissive of the oppression of trans people.
…’kay. That’s helpful.
Just saw this. Hue need accents. (By the way, this book is informative if really not good.)
Guaranteed he’s stupid enough. Honestly, if I were Putin I’d be rethinking my support for Trump. He’s bugfuck.
No need to finish that sentence. He is stupid enough. What you said is false.
Since you don’t give a shit about the people in our country or our elections, which is why you’re derailing this thread with issues you actually care about, I expect no argument about that. Indeed, you should cure yourself of this “election fever” soon, because you’re clearly the only one here who has some natural resistance to it. We all need to go back to incessantly discussing exactly what you came here to discuss and nothing else.
But FYI, the next thread is all mine. I’m calling dibs on that. I want to talk about counterpoint.
What SC said. And seriously, that “might not be” bullshit is just ridiculous sophistry. Clinton might not be stupid enough (or whatever enough) as well…. what the fuck does that establish? Say something meaningful or don’t fucking bother.
Mark Bolton:
You know, I think I get your point — which, as you conceded, has nothing much to do with the OP.
So: USA is a warmonger. Both sides of politics do it. And now they’re kinda attacking the Russians, which is bad. But Trump is less warlike and less competent so go for him.
(gotcha, no need to keep repeating it!)
Mark Bolton is a shit-stirrer but they’re not Australian.
I could point out half a dozen tells in their posts, but I don’t want help them do a better job next time.
Next time try picking a country you know something about, Mate.
Ah, now it comes clear. Fine.
Hillary won’t pick a shooting war with Putin either. Why? Because nukes. Putin has them and all indications are that he’d use them if the US were to start a direct military confrontation.
She is more of a hawk than I’d like, but then I have no say in her election. I’m a Canadian immigrant in Australia, mate. She opposes the Assad regime, and for good reason, but there’s zero chance she’ll put boots on the ground to do something about him.
Jebuss, you’re stupid, you are saying that. The world war you’re apparently worried about is one that involves Russia and the US, both of whom have ICBMs.
Bringing up Vietnam is a false equivalence. That war was not a world war, and North Vietnam did not have nukes.
Oh, hell yes. I’d love that.
How can he have a net worth of only 80M, if he makes 29M a year? Just how bad is he with money?
Hannity got rich with the same skill set as Ayn Rand (but had the sense to get better paid):
-Tell the people with the biggest purses what they want to hear.
It is not new: Socrates had to confront people like that 2400 years ago. Hence the term “sophistry”.
Why do some people think Trump won’t be warlike? He has many statements which reveal a very scary highly prejudiced warmonger.
I want to bring torture back and more, let’s ban Muslims, I know ISIS better than our generals, our generals suck, supporting the Iraq war, we need to kill the terrorists families, we need to bomb their oil fields over there are ridiculously warlike statements.
@Mark Bolton
In a secret, heavily fortified troll bunker guarded by killer kangaroos!
Comedy gold!
I figured it out.
Mark Bolton is actually StevoR.
I doubt anyone here is unaware of or unconcerned about US imperialism. The urgent and immediate goal, though, is preventing an unhinged fascist clown from being elected president. That’s not a distraction – it’s a necessity.
He said recently that if Iranians on ships made rude gestures he’d blow them out of the water. He’d take military action because some guys gave US sailors the finger.
Jesus, I hadn’t heard that one. Over the course of a four year presidency, it seems pretty much impossible that he won’t lash out over some small non-issue and start a conflict. Can you imagine if instead of Obama, it was President Trump who got called an SOB by the president of a country? The smallest of criticisms, corrections and teasing make him go running to FOX and the media to whine and talk shit.
Once again, Sean Inanity lives down to his name.
…said Hannity, reading his pre-prepared zingers from his autocue.
creative accounting is how you do it. like trump and his “fortunes” depends on who your talking to.
you know what are called assets and what are called liabilities using all the loop holes and legal descriptions to obfuscate, to hide things with holding companies and incorporated entities. The same way many of the rich avoid their responsibilities and taxes. All that is expensive but when the goal is extreme wealth it must seem worth it.
uncle frogy
“How full of it is Sean Hannnity?”
Well, let’s just say, if he doesn’t have brown eyes, he must have tinted contacts.
agreed. funniest troll Pharyngula has had in AGES.
can we keep him?
I prefer his current troll approach, if true.
for educational fun, visit one of Mark’s blogs….
… or his other blog, where you will find out:
Ichthyic #80
ah so
thanks for doing the research
go take a shower
It’s hardly doxing when you tie that information to your account. Is PZ doxing himself every time he posts here?
Also, for the record, I don’t doubt the honesty of your views, I just think they’re dumb.
your NAME goes to your blog pages as a direct link, you dolt!
but carry on. you certainly are amusing.
I shant interrupt you again.
… just one question though:
Will you be teaching classes on how to fake a nervous breakdown so as to get out of work and live in VietNam?
Good for you? I’d consider being treated amicably by right wing nuts a mark of shame.
A reminder of how Mark introduced himself: #23
When your very first words are condescending, yet oh so polite, sarcasm don’t expect to be treated civilly.
And don’t think that people haven’t noticed that you responded to the tone in which you were addressed far more often than to the substantive criticisms levelled at your arguments. Obvious troll is obvious. You keep getting responses because unlike other sites the folks here enjoy playing with trolls.
I don’t believe you.
To be an alt-right member, you have to be very accommodating of utter bullshit.
believe me, the hate they can generate when you cross their precious beliefs though… can be a fearsome thing to behold.
it has literally driven people to suicide.
don’t be telling us you know what alt-righters are about. YOU FUCKING DON’T.
And the little people (that watch him) suck it up like proverbial mother’s milk. I don’t get it.