
  1. Alverant says

    I think it’s in Alaska. My parents took me on a cruise there when I graduated high school and I remember something like that.

  2. says

    Don’t they have one of those in Las Vegas? Or Disney?

    Pro tip: when they say to always keep your passport with you, they mean it. Moscow is infested with free lance police, who will fine you on the spot for not having proper ID. It only looks like shaking down tourists. The poor police there are so underfed they have to resort to such shenanigans.

  3. robro says

    The Cathedral of Vassily the Blessed, Red Square, Moscow, Russia. Also known as St. Basil’s. But where’s the snow? Isn’t it supposed to be meters deep this time of year? Russian winter—the great defense system defeating both Napoleon and Hitler.

  4. John says

    Well the Russians have obviously infiltrated the school system where ever she is. Cant say the Birchers didn’t warn us…

  5. bluebottle says

    I stood in practically the same spot in the spring of 1989. I was on a tour with my high school. I am sure things have changed quite a bit since then.

    One of these days I’d like to go back.

  6. janiceintoronto says

    Right. That was downtown San Francisco in the 60’s after the really good Owsley acid hit the streets.

    Damn, those were good times.

  7. laurentweppe says

    She’s just leaving, and is standing outside your house?

    So there IS a war on Christmas!
    I mean who would dare to put such tacky decorations apart someone who not so secretly despise the celebration?

  8. robro says

    That’s right! Global warming! Quick, let’s invade Russia!

    Wow! Those Republican Capitalists are really clever.

  9. congenital cynic says

    Such a cool looking building. No idea where it is, but I love the onion domes, especially the twisted ones.

  10. woozy says


    No it isn’t. Mitchell corn palace (1990) is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.

    The sad thing is I’m not really exagerating.

  11. Artor says

    I spent a few weeks entertaining a delightful young woman from Moscow recently. We were talking about comparative weather, and she mentioned that Moscow doesn’t get very cold these days, quite the contrary to what I had heard. I guess those Napoleon & Hitler-crushing snowstorms are a thing of the past for good.

  12. roachiesmom says

    It took 17 comments to get to a Carmen Sandiego reference?

    I don’t paint, but I may have to try The Easter Onion Factory as a miniature scene someday. Seriously, so stealing that.

  13. Skatje Myers says

    Peter was about 50F the whole time I was there, and Moscow is looking to be around 40F.

    I signed up for a Russian winter, but have mostly been sweating my ass off. D:< It should hopefully be more proper cold once I start heading east, though I've learned that Russians like to overheat everything they can put a heater in.

    Also, who wears big fur/down coats when it's 50F out?! Russians. Russians do. What.

  14. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    It took 17 comments to get to a Carmen Sandiego reference?

    No, I had it from the OP first sight. It took 17 comments for it to be mentioned.

  15. blf says

    Also, who wears big fur/down coats when it’s 50F out?! Russians. Russians do. What.

    After living in the South of France for many yonks, I still get the giggles when I see locals wrapped up in fur coats and scarfs and woolen (occasionally fur) hats as the temperature drops to similar or below levels.

    For instance, tonight it is c.13°C((current reading) no wind), and I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a leather jacket. The other diners in the restaurant all had coats, some fur lined, and woolen caps. (I just had a local leather hat, which I admit was not completely ideal.) Admittedly, had I anticipated being outside for a “long” period of time, I’d have put on a sweater underneath…

  16. roachiesmom says

    Nerd @23, That’s what I meant. It was the very first thought I had when I saw it, too.

    I’ll blame being imprecise in my post on all my eggcitement over the Easter Onion Factory!

  17. robro says

    Artor — I suspect the “Russian winter won the war” is a myth concocted to enforce the notion that Russians couldn’t engage in mayhem as well as other white man savages and to deflect criticism from those who proposed the invasions in the first place. Both Napoleon and Hitler* greatly overextended their armies, so much of the blame for these disasters falls on their shoulders. The Russians simply exploited their home court advantage, and from a military point of view admirably well. They may have propagandized the idea themselves that Russian winters were insurmountable just to deter would be invaders.

    * How could I forget the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus, which stopped the Teutonic Knights’s crusade against Orthodox Christians in the 13th century. It also inspired Eisenstein to create some great footage.

  18. mnb0 says

    Napoleon’s Grand Army left Moscow on October 19. Nazi advances ceased in the last week of November. Both invasions had failed before Russian winter began.

  19. Ivan says

    @Skatje, Winter’s the season to show off our expensive fur coats, and no global warming can stop this.
    Also, we don’t use Fahrenheit here, and 10 degrees is much less than 50. This goes in favor of the furs as well.