And, in a more professional response, there are a lot of artifacts round the type that would suggest a rather amateurish session playing with his Photoshop.
And the edge of the black area looks a bit wanky too!
Isn’t God too busy killing kittens anyway?
At first glance, I thought there was going to be a new Fantastic Four movie.
Proctology also seems inadvisable while your hand is on fire. (I think “proctor” is one of the funniest academic descriptors available. Ok, i’m 13, so sue me…)
Eric said:
“Holding hands with god” sounds like it should be a euphemism for masturbating, actually.
I think you’re on to something there, but I’d modify it to “holding hands with Thor”
Anyway, getting back to the original sign, isnt it obvious that you could hold hands with God with one hand while you masterbated with the other? That would probably annoy the hell out of God but still…………Come to think of it the sign actually implies that such Theophiles would get to heaven
Plenty of nuns disagree
Jeff Ksays
Never have understood people who obsess over personal private behavior.
95 percent of men admitted to masturbating. The other five percent were lying.
I only need one hand to masturbate. I could hold God’s hand with the free one, but how will I move my mouse pointer to the porn that’s opening my mind and body to be possessed by one of Satan’s demons?
@13 Jessica Valenti,
I think you mean “wonky”, not “wanky”. Oh, wait…
Oh, you fooled me parody site! Such wit… -_______________________-
@Thomas 10
Christians for Michele Bachman is a satire site. There are a lot of other memes like this and “checkmate atheist” memes along with pictures of her and some of her more idiotic quotes.
I only need one hand to masturbate. I could hold God’s hand with the free one, but how will I move my mouse pointer to the porn that’s opening my mind and body to be possessed by one of Satan’s demons?
I no longer had this problem once I gave those demons my soul in exchange for telekinesis.
Deacon Duncansays
“But if they cannot exercise self control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn.”
— 1 Corinthians 7:9
@10: Thanks for the link! The RW page actually points out that PZ has previously been taken in by one of their fakes!
I wish I’d kept the clip, but a few months ago I was listening to a Catholic radio call-in show called “Go Ask Your Father” when an elderly woman called in to explain how she explained the Catholic Mass to her young grandson.
She said she had told him, “When you take the communion wafer, you are putting Jesus in your mouth.”
I almost drove off the road.
Hmmm … the writer must be unaware of human anatomy ( from another planet?), most of us have two hands. Rare is the person who really needs both hands to get the job done.
tacitus #31
an elderly woman called in to explain how she explained the Catholic Mass to her young grandson.
Finally, for all the creative ideas offered around here, wouldn’t frotteurism with an inanimate object be the obvious solution? Particularly if your hand was on fire.
I thought you were guaranteed a happy ending when you believed in God.
Isn’t this why god invented rotating shower heads? Well, at least for women–men have to get a little more creative when it comes to hands-free masturbation (and even good water pressure won’t do much for a lot of women).
@32 My thoughts exactly. In fact, a theological case could be made that this is why God gave us two hands.
Can’t hold hands with the ol’ God if you’re not wanking either.
Dave, ex-Kwisatz Haderachsays
Well I for one am thrilled that the makers of this sign were willing to step up and challenge the overwhelming right-hand privilege. A giant flaming high five for all the lefty masturbators out there!
@40: Don’t get ahead of yourself. The left hand is on fire. The right is still busy.
In my professional opinion there’s nothing here that a little Valtrex won’t fix. You can’t see the vesicles for the flames . Just saying.
@Tony! #27.
Did the same transaction turn you gay? IS THAT HOW SATAN GETS US?!
What is that image in the background? It says “Christians for Michele Bachmann”, but that doesn’t quite look like her.
If god is helping, I believe that is referred to as a “Dutch Rudder”
God himself (@TheTweetOfGod) said, Yes you can. Why do you think I gave you two hands? Idiots. (I paraphrase, but god on twitter is full of very wise words.)
Trebuchet @41
That’s because the left one is already touching god. Or, wait… how does that work again?
Isn’t the notion of an ‘obvious Poe’ a contradiction in terms? Because if you can distinguish between parody and victim, then Poe’s law doesn’t apply, right?
#17, rodw
I think you’re on to something there, but I’d modify it to “holding hands with Thor”
Additional lubricant may help prevent thorness.
#20, gog
I could hold God’s hand with the free one, but how will I move my mouse pointer to the porn that’s opening my mind and body to be possessed by one of Satan’s demons?
One of the earliest useful uses of javascript I recall was an automatic page scroller with adjustable speed, conveniently embedded into the content pages of a site that served written porn. Sounds like the solution to your problem, right there.
A giant flaming high five for all the lefty masturbators out there!
what happens if you get left hangin’?
funny, I thought the idea was that you could start fires by rubbing two sticks together…
now I find out you can start fires by only rubbing one stick.
Also, you probably can’t masturbate when your hand is on fire
You are greatly underestimating how far a teenager is willing to go….
An aggrieved wing of Tantric Buddhists are heading to the offices of whoever it was that published that. By knowing far too much about breathing techniques and generally making everyone in that office feel a bit uncomfortable about the oversharing of personal information, they will be avenged! Vamachara!!!
In the aftermath of such events, Sting will be forced to apologise on their behalf.
Alain Van der Eyckensays
And if you _could_ masturbate with your hand on fire, you’d probably end up starting a bush fire !
unless god is a dick
They say it like it’s a bad thing.
P.S. Obvious Poe. I’m curious as to the origin of the graphic in the lower left.
You also can’t hold hands with anyone while cradling a newborn, removing cookies from the oven, or playing a violin concerto.
(Also, isn’t this a job that doesn’t necessarily need two hands? That leaves one for holding hands.)
That’s because he’s got both fists in my ass.
Edward Current FTW:
“Holding hands with god” sounds like it should be a euphemism for masturbating, actually.
Dear christians, we also have machines for that
Michael B. Jordan probably doesn’t have a problem masturbating and holding god’s hand.
It’s (probably) a fake.
Whatever it is, the guy must have set a manual speed record: “Full speed ahead (and back, of course) and damn the friction!!”
At first glance, I thought there was going to be a new Fantastic Four movie.
And, in a more professional response, there are a lot of artifacts round the type that would suggest a rather amateurish session playing with his Photoshop.
And the edge of the black area looks a bit wanky too!
Isn’t God too busy killing kittens anyway?
Actually, there is:
Nothing to do with the billboard though.
Proctology also seems inadvisable while your hand is on fire. (I think “proctor” is one of the funniest academic descriptors available. Ok, i’m 13, so sue me…)
Eric said:
I think you’re on to something there, but I’d modify it to “holding hands with Thor”
Anyway, getting back to the original sign, isnt it obvious that you could hold hands with God with one hand while you masterbated with the other? That would probably annoy the hell out of God but still…………Come to think of it the sign actually implies that such Theophiles would get to heaven
Plenty of nuns disagree
Never have understood people who obsess over personal private behavior.
95 percent of men admitted to masturbating. The other five percent were lying.
I only need one hand to masturbate. I could hold God’s hand with the free one, but how will I move my mouse pointer to the porn that’s opening my mind and body to be possessed by one of Satan’s demons?
@13 Jessica Valenti,
I think you mean “wonky”, not “wanky”. Oh, wait…
But can I hold hands with god when I’m driving a car? How about when I’m carrying groceries?
Jeff K @ #19, 95% of men admit masturbating… the other 5% were too busy masturbating to answer the question.
It’s definitely a fake. Whoever shopped it couldn’t even be bothered to rotate the image to the same angle of the billboard it was slapped onto.
Thanks for the link though, it explains everything.
Oh, you fooled me parody site! Such wit… -_______________________-
@Thomas 10
Christians for Michele Bachman is a satire site. There are a lot of other memes like this and “checkmate atheist” memes along with pictures of her and some of her more idiotic quotes.
gog @20:
I no longer had this problem once I gave those demons my soul in exchange for telekinesis.
“But if they cannot exercise self control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn.”
— 1 Corinthians 7:9
@10: Thanks for the link! The RW page actually points out that PZ has previously been taken in by one of their fakes!
@21 sirbedevere
‘I think you mean “wonky”, not “wanky”. Oh, wait…’
I’m glad you saw what I did there, and don’t call me
‘Shirley’‘Jessica’I wish I’d kept the clip, but a few months ago I was listening to a Catholic radio call-in show called “Go Ask Your Father” when an elderly woman called in to explain how she explained the Catholic Mass to her young grandson.
She said she had told him, “When you take the communion wafer, you are putting Jesus in your mouth.”
I almost drove off the road.
Hmmm … the writer must be unaware of human anatomy ( from another planet?), most of us have two hands. Rare is the person who really needs both hands to get the job done.
tacitus #31
Clearly from a more innocent generation. Have you ever tried reading the ending of Amelia Bedelia to a small child:
Finally, for all the creative ideas offered around here, wouldn’t frotteurism with an inanimate object be the obvious solution? Particularly if your hand was on fire.
I thought you were guaranteed a happy ending when you believed in God.
Isn’t this why god invented rotating shower heads? Well, at least for women–men have to get a little more creative when it comes to hands-free masturbation (and even good water pressure won’t do much for a lot of women).
However, what if your (very NSFW) masturbatory aid honors god, or specifically Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or even the devil? I may not be holding hands, but damn it, I am glorifying god in my body!
HolyPinkUnicorn @35:
I love that link. Especially the Baby Jesus dildo.
@32 My thoughts exactly. In fact, a theological case could be made that this is why God gave us two hands.
Can’t hold hands with the ol’ God if you’re not wanking either.
Well I for one am thrilled that the makers of this sign were willing to step up and challenge the overwhelming right-hand privilege. A giant flaming high five for all the lefty masturbators out there!
@40: Don’t get ahead of yourself. The left hand is on fire. The right is still busy.
In my professional opinion there’s nothing here that a little Valtrex won’t fix. You can’t see the vesicles for the flames . Just saying.
@Tony! #27.
Did the same transaction turn you gay? IS THAT HOW SATAN GETS US?!
What is that image in the background? It says “Christians for Michele Bachmann”, but that doesn’t quite look like her.
If god is helping, I believe that is referred to as a “Dutch Rudder”
God himself (@TheTweetOfGod) said, Yes you can. Why do you think I gave you two hands? Idiots. (I paraphrase, but god on twitter is full of very wise words.)
Trebuchet @41
That’s because the left one is already touching god. Or, wait… how does that work again?
Isn’t the notion of an ‘obvious Poe’ a contradiction in terms? Because if you can distinguish between parody and victim, then Poe’s law doesn’t apply, right?
#17, rodw
Additional lubricant may help prevent thorness.
#20, gog
One of the earliest useful uses of javascript I recall was an automatic page scroller with adjustable speed, conveniently embedded into the content pages of a site that served written porn. Sounds like the solution to your problem, right there.
what happens if you get left hangin’?
funny, I thought the idea was that you could start fires by rubbing two sticks together…
now I find out you can start fires by only rubbing one stick.
You are greatly underestimating how far a teenager is willing to go….
Friction burns. Wow, that’s working hard at it.
An aggrieved wing of Tantric Buddhists are heading to the offices of whoever it was that published that. By knowing far too much about breathing techniques and generally making everyone in that office feel a bit uncomfortable about the oversharing of personal information, they will be avenged! Vamachara!!!
In the aftermath of such events, Sting will be forced to apologise on their behalf.
And if you _could_ masturbate with your hand on fire, you’d probably end up starting a bush fire !
Which is one of the reasons I masturbate.
Only 1 set of handprints :D
…because that’s when Jesus was giving you a hand job?