It doesn’t get any better ever, does it? There are so many things that depress me, but to see a great nation like the USA slide back into racism and theocratic dark ages stand out. In the UK we have UKIP and the Islamic ISIL tendency that is bothersome, and France has the reawakened far right. Not looking good for our grandchildren.
Rey Foxsays
Tom Tomorrow is practically quoting people at this point.
No, kidding. I wonder how long it would take searching twitter to find all these comments.
He forgot the “and repeat” step.
I found a link to an article written by Robin d’Angelo titled White Fragility. I thought people here might be interested in reading it. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed the things d’Angelo talks about in this paper.
Check out the Daily Show’s newest correspondent, South African Trevor Noah and his debut for some depressing statistics here. Some highlights include the fact that income disparity in the US between a median white and a median black family is wider than in apartheid South Africa and that the US currently locks up a greater proportion of its black populace than apartheid South Africa.
“If Martin Luther King were alive today he would be a white conservative.” That’s on the nose, for sure. White conservatives have completely rewritten Dr. King’s history.
Martin Luther King was a white conservative! He faked his death so he could keep his identy of Ronald Reagan going full time.
Daily Show’s newest correspondent, South African Trevor Noah
Awesome! I saw him on QI; good to see him get more exposure.
If I recall correctly he’s of mixed parentage. Awful childhood experiences.
Gen, Uppity Ingrate and Ilksays
Yes, he’s Xhosa Swiss, if I recall correctly. Trevor Noah is awesome, I am so glad he’s getting the exposure he deserves
“Right on the nose?” If you saw the color of the nose, your assessment could be biased.
That was funny, in the sort of way that leaves me feeling very sad.
David Marjanovićsays
^ Exactly.
Rob Grigjanissays
Christopher Phillips @1:
to see a great nation like the USA slide back into racism and theocratic dark ages stand out.
Sorry, but when was it great? How can you slide back to something you never climbed from?
Rey Foxsays
That was funny, in the sort of way that leaves me feeling very sad.
That’s kinda the trouble with Tom Tomorrow’s comics. They’re so on the nose that they’re usually not very funny.
OMG. I think my sis-in-law must have seen that cartoon and taken all the points seriously.
Tom Tomorrow’s comics may be about as funny as Thomas Nast’s were
uncle frogy
Dark Jaguarsays
It is on the nose, it does make a good point, but it fails on one criteria. It isn’t funny. I don’t mean it’s too dark to be funny, the Daily Show manages to make dark subjects humorous all the time. I mean, it’s just not funny. There’s no actual joke here, just stuff that vaguely resembles a joke, just enough to maybe trick someone into thinking they read something funny.
Maybe this is what passed for humor back in 1920, but humor has grown since then. Somebody throw a pie for god’s sake!
It doesn’t get any better ever, does it? There are so many things that depress me, but to see a great nation like the USA slide back into racism and theocratic dark ages stand out. In the UK we have UKIP and the Islamic ISIL tendency that is bothersome, and France has the reawakened far right. Not looking good for our grandchildren.
Tom Tomorrow is practically quoting people at this point.
No, kidding. I wonder how long it would take searching twitter to find all these comments.
He forgot the “and repeat” step.
I found a link to an article written by Robin d’Angelo titled White Fragility. I thought people here might be interested in reading it. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed the things d’Angelo talks about in this paper.
Check out the Daily Show’s newest correspondent, South African Trevor Noah and his debut for some depressing statistics here. Some highlights include the fact that income disparity in the US between a median white and a median black family is wider than in apartheid South Africa and that the US currently locks up a greater proportion of its black populace than apartheid South Africa.
“If Martin Luther King were alive today he would be a white conservative.” That’s on the nose, for sure. White conservatives have completely rewritten Dr. King’s history.
Martin Luther King was a white conservative! He faked his death so he could keep his identy of Ronald Reagan going full time.
Awesome! I saw him on QI; good to see him get more exposure.
If I recall correctly he’s of mixed parentage. Awful childhood experiences.
Yes, he’s Xhosa Swiss, if I recall correctly. Trevor Noah is awesome, I am so glad he’s getting the exposure he deserves
“Right on the nose?” If you saw the color of the nose, your assessment could be biased.
That was funny, in the sort of way that leaves me feeling very sad.
^ Exactly.
Christopher Phillips @1:
Sorry, but when was it great? How can you slide back to something you never climbed from?
That’s kinda the trouble with Tom Tomorrow’s comics. They’re so on the nose that they’re usually not very funny.
OMG. I think my sis-in-law must have seen that cartoon and taken all the points seriously.
Tom Tomorrow’s comics may be about as funny as Thomas Nast’s were
uncle frogy
It is on the nose, it does make a good point, but it fails on one criteria. It isn’t funny. I don’t mean it’s too dark to be funny, the Daily Show manages to make dark subjects humorous all the time. I mean, it’s just not funny. There’s no actual joke here, just stuff that vaguely resembles a joke, just enough to maybe trick someone into thinking they read something funny.
Maybe this is what passed for humor back in 1920, but humor has grown since then. Somebody throw a pie for god’s sake!