People still want to discuss the ongoing ghastliness in Ferguson, MO, but the thread dedicated to that in Good Morning, America is getting old…and as a spam defensive measure, commenting on posts older than three months is automatically shut down. No exceptions allowed.
So here’s a fresh new post to accumulate comments!
Excellent, thank you PZ. Our rq has been doing yeowoman’s work keeping us updated (along with some other folk!), and given the gross jury should be handing out their free pass soon, still relevant.
Let’s start with some of that accumulation, shall we? First up, twitter photos of the latest creative protest out that way: activists staged a ‘die-in’. Started with a bit of a march, though:
photo 1; photo 2; photo 3; photo 4; aerial photo 5; photo 6.
Thanks, PZ.
Other photos of protest, as they freed up the intersection – in crappy weather (they have snow! no fair!!!): photo 1; photo 2; photo 3.
Other protesting: photo 4 (Mike Brown memorial); photo 5.
And some heavy machinery seen around STL: photo 6.
The Ferguson cops seem to have the worst attitude I’ve ever seen. I can only assume they’re going ape-shit because people are actually standing up to them…
Apparently a verdict regarding Wilson should be out any day now. I am not optimistic.
(Yes, before I continue, thank you, PZ! Panic nearly ensued a few moments ago. :) )
More on the die-in: Protesters Stage A “Die-In” To Mark 100 Days Since Michael Brown’s Death In Ferguson (Buzzfeed), and Ferguson Protests a “Mass Die In” (youtube video of livestream, it’s long – about an hour!).
Okay, I’ve been debating whether to put this up, but I’m going to – it’s an audio recording of (suppsoedly) Chief Belmar calling the KKK all kinds of names. *shrug* Just putting it out there.
Speaking of the KKK, KKK Threatens ‘Lethal Force’ Against Ferguson Protesters And Appears on TV To Explain Why. More or less a recap of the links in previous thread.
Via ABC News, video: Ferguson Back on the Brink?
Navy Veteran Fired from Drury Plaza Hotel for Posting Photos of Homeland Security Vehicles on Facebook
Pretty soon, the police will also be suing and having people fired for taking pictures of their vehicles, militarized or not.
Christ, this can only get worse can’t it? :/
I love this news story. KKK twitter accounts hacked by anonymous.
It’s not a verdict. It’s a possible indictment – or, more specifically, a recommendation to indict. Not even close to a verdict, as that just means he’d be charged under the law and going to trial. Either way, nobody’s particularly hopeful.
Two more on the die-in:
Via Popular Resistance, Michael Brown Protesters Stage ‘Die-In’ In St. Louis and CBS, ‘Die In’ Protest Held on Delmar Loop.
Re: the hopelessness of an indictment, Ferguson braces for prospect of no indictment in Michael Brown shooting case (+video):
And more on the same, from the NY Times, In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case:
And even if no indictment, Beyond the Indictments: Black and Brown Deaths at the Hands of Police Are a Crisis Boiling Over:
More in a moment.
As Tethys noted, Anonymous is now weighing in. Anonymous takes over Ku Klux Klan’s Twitter account, and Anonymous Is Attacking the KKK After Threats to Ferguson Protesters.
Sorry, I am not too familiar with law speak, I didn’t really know the difference until you called me out, rq. Thanks for that (for reals!)
No worries, but that’s the thing with this whole thing: it’s not even a verdict, it’s just a decision whether to even charge Darren Wilson at all – whether to call him responsible for the death of Michael Brown, in other words.
Okay, seriously, more later, but this just can’t wait: Ferguson police officer raped woman in jail, lawsuit alleges. The Ferguson PD has a whole. list. of. issues that need to be resolved before anything else can move forward. Meanwhile, all otehr PDs in the country should look to themselves. Anyway,
TW for the article, for explicit description of rape.
Mmkay, other stuff, and I’ll finish up with some more photos of today’s protesting in Clayton.
Five ugly and uncanny parallels between lynchings and police killings in America:
Lots of detailed info beneath each point in the article, please read.
On August 9, Darren Wilson goes to hospital and comes back (youtube video). See if you can spot any injuries.
Police misconduct, though, ain’t just a Ferguson problem: Lollie Sues Cops, City For St. Paul Skyway Arrest.
Cleveland woman with mental illness died after police used takedown move, brother says:
#STL City Aldermanic Black Caucus urges Mayor Slay and Chief Dotson to support proposed rules of engagement:, twitter hpoto of document within.
Ah, and in case we were wondering, There’s No Conspiracy in Ferguson’s Secret Jury. Doesn’t need to be a conspiracy to have systemic racism rear its ugly, ugly head, though.
Argh, previous in moderation for too many links, plus a borkquote, so here it is in pieces:
#STL City Aldermanic Black Caucus urges Mayor Slay and Chief Dotson to support proposed rules of engagement:, twitter hpoto of document within.
Ah, and in case we were wondering, There’s No Conspiracy in Ferguson’s Secret Jury. Doesn’t need to be a conspiracy to have systemic racism rear its ugly, ugly head, though.
Oh ye gods, I was right. This person does not understand the concept of systemic racism and how that can influence the minds of ordinary citizens, how it can colour opinion and decisions, and… Wow. Just trust the system, youse guyse, it’s totally trustworthy because it’s humands running the show and we all know humands are completley unfallingable.
TW for graphic images of lynching. Also, Anonymous isn’t just taking over KKK twitter accounts, it is also Anonymous is doxing KKK members (and I’m OK with it) [that last bit is the headline, not my opinion necessarily]:
On vimeo, Ferguson Speaks: A Communique From Ferguson:
Oh, missed this one on misbehaving cops: Is Texas Getting Ready to Kill An Innocent Man? It’s about as bad as it sounds. Woman gets into fight with her fiance, police arrive, take her fiance away, and then promise to take her to him, as she is upset and crying.
And he got the death penalty, while the officer shows himself to be no angel (wording used deliberately):
And there’s more at the article. And graphic images, so TW for the violence. Nasty piece of work, Fennell.
Okay, and for something mildly more cheerful, protestors are protesting with a ‘freak show of injustice’ protest in Clayton right now, complete with costumes and crazy signs: photo 1, photo 2, photo 3; photo 4 (my favourite!!); photo 5; photo 6.
More protesting via shutting down traffic, plus a view of the cops: photo 1; photo 2; photo 3; photo 4.
State of Emergency declared in Ferguson by Nixon just now, via carlie.
Shit’s going down.
Meanwhile: [FERGUSON FORWARD] 101 Days Without Justice for Mike Brown,
Also, STL Today on that cop raping women in prison upthread: Ferguson correctional officer faces sex charges, rape lawsuit.
And Why the FBI’s Suicide Note to MLK Still Matters:
It’s less about racism and Ferguson as it is about general complacency and government putting their noses where it don’t belong, but it’s a good read.
Media reports on state of emergency.
St Louis Public Radio: With Grand Jury Decision Looming, Nixon Declares State Of Emergency
DailyKos: Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of grand jury decision in Ferguson shooting, basically just a restatement of the order itself.
Live press conference here, unfortunately I am unable to listen in at this time.
Oop, and Mo. National Guard on standby for grand jury decision.
Just a poignant picture, remembering that all of this started in August: winter is coming.
I want to voice my concern that what happened in Ferguson was 3 months ago and the grand jury hasn’t rendered a verdict yet. That’s messed up.
I think they are counting on winter weather as a crowd control tool.
Not “verdict”, people – “indictment”. Which means a recommendation to arrest and put to trial. Not even close to a verdict – if this goes to court, I can’t even imagine how long it would take, and chances are Darren Wilson would not be found guilty, but it would at least be a trial. As wiki says,
Which is why it’s an announcement, not a verdict.
So a lot of this will be repeat information, as various news pick up on the National Guard announcement.
The Guardian: Missouri governor declares state of emergency as national guard called in to Ferguson
From the Revised Missouri Statutes, take a closer look at the powers Nixon has just given himself. Not all of it is sunshine and roses, a lot of power centred on one person in dubious circumstances (remember, he’s a supporter of Roorda).
It was mentioned (on twitter) that he has now also given himself the power to provide a special prosecutor and to leave McCullogh out of the equation, also to by-pass the GJ completely. Any takers on whether that iwll happen?
The Washington PosT: Gov. Jay Nixon activates Missouri National Guard in advance of Ferguson grand jury decision
Yes, all lives matter. But in a moment of racism? It’s like yelling ‘WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ?’ in a discussion about women’s rights.
Wonkette weighs in, too: Missouri Gov. Nixon Declares State Of Emergency Just Because Why Not
These Nixons are really giving Nixons a bad name, hm?
Oh, look, Al-Jazeera, too: Cautious Missouri declares state of emergency (I like that, ‘cautious Missouri’, because one can never be too cautious when those black folk get angry!!!!) No new information, for archival purposes included here.
rq’s been amazing at this, just wanted to consolidate some sources if you want to follow the news: is one of the StL news channels, in August had better coverage than the other one did is the other main channel, didn’t have as much, but had some. is the St. louis newspaper website is an indie paper, mostly cultural stuff, but news too is the fox channel (obv), did have some surprisingly not right-wing coverage at times
To follow on twitter:
@elonjames Elon James White
@antoniofrench Antonio French
As Ferguson Awaits Grand Jury Decision on Killer Cop, Cop Killer Charged with “Terrorism”
An oldie but a goodie – The Ferguson Riots Are Not a Shift Away From Peace, They’re a Challenge to Violence (uhhh… the Ferguson riots? oh right, this is August 13 we’re talking about…)
The Root on Nixon’s call to the National Guard, in short: BREAKING: Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon Activates National Guard and Announces 30-Day State of Emergency
Here’s an idea, if you don’t want people to be afraid (and by ‘people’ I’m sure you mean all people, not just, say, white people?), stand down with the military games and let some justice be done (and by ‘justice’ I don’t mean violence, but perhaps an indictment or several).
Returning for a moment to that Ferguson officer prone to rape, Ferguson officer arrested for raping a woman in the jail. Read the legal filing here. Document at the link. Trigger warning, obviously.
Via carlie, The real reason Ferguson is boarding up its storefronts
Nice. Truly.
Also on Twitter, I recommend following Deray McKessen (@deray) and the Millenial Activists United, who also tweet individually as @Nettaaaaaaaa, @bdoulaoblongata and a couple more. Less official-sounding, but they get the news, too, plus a lot of outrage in general. It’s good. A human face on the whole process.
Also, I have found fox2now to be reasonably reliable for news, surprisingly. The big pieces coming from the Washington Post or the NY Times are sometimes pro-white-privilege slanted, and it shows.
Also, in the previous week’s press conference of police chiefs, their (the chiefs’) opinion was that ‘only local news was following events in Ferguson’. Well, I beg to differ, as this and that hasn’t been all that local (not global, maybe, so define ‘local’, huh?). Plus, this thread. Not a news agency, but paying attention.
Also via carlie, 10 Illegal Police Actions to Watch for in Ferguson:
(That’s in short. More details at the link.)
Okay, good night for now. Updates tomorrow!
Oh! And STL Public Radio has been decent some of the time, too.
Thank you rq and also Carlie.
My favorite for today is this story in the Guardian in which Chief Belmar claims the police only targeted criminals with teargas, etc. Must be some of that new military technology they’re getting that only harms bad guys, never “legitimate” demonstrators.
Thanks PZ and rq for the updates I’ve been reading on the other thread. What’s going on in #ferguson in fascinating in the worst sense of the word. There are a lot of wonderful people doing amazing things, but authoritarianism and systemic racism causes the people for getting hit by rubber bullets(and worse) to be the ones to blame.
Let me add TC @tchopstl as someone else who has been good on twitter.
America’s Logic: Cliven Bundy protecting his land makes him a Patriot. Ferguson protesters protesting peacefully makes them thugs. #Ferguson.
Repost because updated: city-by-city Ferguson response for after the announcement (and let’s be honest, mostly prep for a non-indictment).
Audio of Nixon on the National Guard announcement, first comment at the link:
I’ll be honest, I laughed at that.
Huffington Post on this interview: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Won’t Say Whether The Buck Stops With Him In Ferguson Protests –
I’d prefere not to be a commentator on it!!! You called the National Guard, dumbass!!! Comment away, it’s your comment that’s most needed here! If only for us to laugh at and despise.
Anderson Cooper posts pictures of Homeland Security vehicles. No arrests that I’ve heard of.
Senator McCaskill on MSNBC (video) weighs in, McCaskill: Executive order not the best way
Ferguson Response Network: Protesters Launch Nationwide Engagement Campaign:
The article notes November 17 as a likely date for the announcement – well, it was a different sort of announcement. Anyway, it’s much like with the end of the world: always predicted, never arriving (though this decision isl ikely to be made eventually). We’ve passed November 10, now November 17 – I saw guesses tossed about for November 23. We’ll see, I guess.
I like this one, not that they’ll be heard: Veterans’ appeal to National Guard: “Stand with Ferguson protesters, not the police!”, full text –
But let us not worry, the FBI is on it: FBI Warns Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters
I’m just wondering, though, in the crowd and the heat of the moment, how will they discern who is legitimately protesting and who is merely inciting violence?
A word from history, The FBI COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton Assassination: an interesting, historically potentially-relevant read.
For a change of pace, here’s a fine example of some white privilege: A word you shouldn’t use in any sentence. So much valid stuff he could have said, but he comeso ut with the wounded-ally voice.
Yes, because black people using the N-word is exactly like white people pushing black people out of pretty much every aspect of society. Right. Right? Am I not getting something?
Some photoage via Twitter: A UCity police officer reflects on chalk outlines from yesterday’s “die-in.” Photo credit to Whitney Curtis.;
“pull your pants up and you won’t be harassed/killed” … oh. (from the annals of history, that one…);
The folks at @FergusonBurgers are trying to put together 150 holiday baskets for kids. Help if you can. (information within the twitter picture);
Talking safety of our region, protection of property & constitutional rights w/ Bill O’Reilly on the @oreillyfactor. (yes, he announced the state of emergency and then went on to talk to Bill O’Reilly – in some eyes, not a good move).
Thanks for keeping this updated, rq, but some of the comments on twitter are just…arrrggggghhhh.
On the other hand, there are a lot of sympathetic, and helpful comments, too.
I wonder how much it’s costing Missouri to have the National Guard just sitting around Ferguson waiting for a verdict.
Video from an artist, Molly Crabapple: How Ferguson showed us the truth about police. Features some wicked art a la drawing hand.
Gov. Nixon announces members of the Ferguson Commission (remember the Ferguson Commission?), full text:
I recognize two names on that list from being mentioned by various sources during the protesting that has been going on, both good choices. I cannot speak for the rest. Good luck and no bureaucracy!
Hm. 8 rich/powerful types (chief officers, presidents, vice presidents and chancellors, heads of large corporate-style charities), two cops, and only two, maybe three, who’ve lived at the sharp end. Not going to expect much from this. Kudos to the local activists who snagged a couple of seats, but that looks like a salmon run to me.
“Body cameras cost money, and violate police privacy! Independent review won’t work, because cops can’t trust an outsider who’s not experienced the terrible danger of policing! ” et c, et c. Seen too many of these committees do nothing to have any confidence at all. :/
this one get in here yet?
Hadn’t seen that one yet.
Here’s another, though: Families of victims killed, shot at 137 times by Cleveland Police to get $3 million. Just think about that for a minute. 13 cops. 137 shots. For two people sitting in a car. OVERKILL does not even begin to cover this.
More white privilege on display: Hold Up: MTV Is Seeking White People That Have Experienced Discrimination For New Documentary
There’s something to be said about the treatment of, say, Polish and eastern European economic migrants in, for example, the UK. But reverse racism? This sounds like a totally awesome project. Not.
Back in Ferguson: One Ferguson protester’s unlikely mission to save police chief’s job
Well, here’s to positive change and second chances.
Via, National Guard drill at south St. Louis gas station startles some residents:
Whatever happened to announcing these things publicly, in order not to upset the community?
Return of the Ferguson War Zone? Missouri Enacts State of Emergency Ahead of Mike Brown Grand Jury (also as youtube video):
(The article is a transcript of the video.)
This and that on the Ferguson Commission. First, it has been plagued by accusations that some people on it did not even apply: Nearly a third of the #FergusonCommission members did not apply, according to a list of applicants supplied to @stltoday (okay, not plagued, it’s a tweet, but I’d love to compare the lists). However, The only black member appointed without applying to the #Ferguson Commission is Dan Isom. (also a tweet). No word on who the other appointed members are, or how many of them got in without applying. Perhaps someone has an educated guess?
And a nice portrait-covered flier of the Ferguson Commission, just so y’all can see what they look like. 10 men, 6 women, 9 black, 7 white. Is that representative of Ferguson demographics? (And never mind the economic factor, as Cait pointed out above…)
Ferguson Commission’s youngest member: ‘A lot of young people are feeling the pain’
He’s 20. May he go far, if the police don’t shoot him first.
And just a good graphic. Yes, you have the right to remain silent, underrepresented and poor.
Via BET, A Tree Grows for Emmett Till at the U.S. Capitol (remember him (TW! TW!)?). They call it a ‘tragic murder’.
Yes, an all-white jury acquitted his murderers, and I’m sure his family feels better with a tree planted in his memory, and that his death was not in vain. Just as, I’m sure, Michael Brown’s parents will be endlessly comforted by the fact that the death of their son has had a higher purpose in bringing systemic racism to light once again. How many will it take until these deaths do not occur anymore? (I don’t want to say ‘necessary’ because that would imply some sort of justification for the killing of black boys. And there is none.)
Because activists come in many forms, Teach for America uses local ties to increase impact:
So, that KKK dude? Frank Ancona has now threatened to shoot anyone wearing Guy Fawkes mask in response to #HoodsOff #OpKKK . Twitter photo of an editor’s note at the link – where, basically, he says that it’s deer hunting season and it’s easy to mistake the Guy Fawkes mask for the rump of a white-tailed deer.
thisisthemovement, installment #54 (I feel like I’ve missed a couple):
Latest open letter from Ferguson activists, Bringing attention to persistent injustice, full text:
Mayor Slay’s letter to Phyllis Young, Chairwoman of the Public Safety Committee, full text:
So that’s in his own words. A few things to pick apart in there, I only commented on one of them.
Also, Anonymous continues its attack on KKK: KKK hit by cyberattack after Ferguson threats, and lists some websites that have been taken down: Down right now for #OpKKK: .
I’d prefer if they were attacking them for their beliefs – though tweets have expressed a severe intolerance of racism, a collective proclamation of anti-racism would be awesome.
So. The following links span the breadth of feels that are pure tragedy and tragic comedy (or comic tragedy). You’ll see (lookin’ at you, Nickelback fans). But that’s the cliffhanger. Meanwhile, serious stuff:
Ferguson Protesters Fear Police Crackdown After Grand Jury Decision:
Ummmmmm, yes. Preparing for peaceful assembly with riot gear and military-like vehicles. Sure.
A little from the other side, As Ferguson braces for grand jury ruling, activists cite ‘fear campaign’.
‘Outrageous’: Ferguson Organizers say State of Emergency Violates Laws, Thwarts Civil Liberties:
Related news, due to the date of the announcement (coincidence? hm…): Missouri Governor Launches Ferguson Commission (Video) –
The choices we make in troubled times are the true expression of our humanity. Please take a moment to reflect on that statement, and who is saying it at this very moment in Ferguson. And in light of the article to follow.
And from the Root via carlie, Ferguson: Police Are ‘Preparing for War, and We’re Preparing for Our Safety’:
I’ll get to the tragicomic bits in a moment, don’t worry.
First, people’s expression being muzzled: Hunter Hayes cancels Chaifetz show over ‘state of emergency in Missouri’
Because a state of emergency forbids all country music. Or something.
Here’s a bit about Mayor Slay’s letter about the 400 NG, St. Louis mayor asks for 400 National Guard troops. I retyped the letter above, so I won’t quote much from the article, but this is significant (see esp. part bolded by me)
How many are being sent to Ferguson in the first place? Plus 400? Sounds like a lot. For prepping for peaceful protests.
Ope, I mentioned Stenger, so here’s a bit about election results from St Louis Public Radio: North St. Louis County Carried Stenger Across The Finish Line –
Some nice pictures at the link.
Another short piece about Anonymous revealing the identities of klanspeople – Anonymous Takes The Hoods Off The KKK After Threats Of ‘Lethal Force’ On Ferguson Protesters. It may or may not be an updated version of an article I have already posted. Didn’t bother to check, sorry!
Let’s move on to something more cheery, like intersectionality (which has been rearing its head on twitter re: feminism amongst anti-racism activists, as well as sexual orientation, etc.) – Black Freedom Fighters in Ferguson: Some of us are queer:
That’s kind of most of the article. But it’s a good read, and a reminder that none of us exist along a single axis or on a single spectrum of life, and there are so many things to remember and think about when trying to move one aspect forward – without leaving the rest behind.
So, Antonio French, a St Louis alderman, wrote a letter to Gov. Nixon, full text:
Tpyos mine.
Keep forgetting this one: constantly updated site of police misconduct. All kinds of gems to be found there.
Something to watch later on? #BEFOREANDAFTER watch @CBSEveningNews on one Officer’s journey in the #aftermath of #Ferguson #MichaelBrown shooting . Here’s hoping there will be video.
I promised comitragedy, and here it is, and yes, it involves Nickelback: Nickelback Writes Song Inspired By Ferguson Unrest, Finally. I mean, FINALLY!!!, right? :D
There follows a literary and musical analysis of the track, and yes, please listen at the link. As the article says, “Continue to page two for the high intellectualism that is Nickelback political commentary.”
I’m sorry, I once again posted pretty much the entire article. This time, because I could barely stop laughing. If I didn’t laugh, I would cry. Go, Nickelback, go forth and be political. My analysis shall simply consist of ‘Wow!’ as I turn off the radio.
Word of warning for those keeping up, tomorrow morning’s (my morning, not yours) update may come late, as I actually get to work during the day tomorrow, which means no access to twitter, but I’ll have stuff for you in the evening (my evening, though if I’m feeling particularly lazy, your evening (or next day, all you living in the future)).
In case that matters to anyone.
Mental health tips for protestors and others, real ones.
Dammit, ate my comment.
Anyway, via The Toronto Star, a surprisingly fear-less piece on the strain in Ferguson: Residents of Ferguson battle fog of fear while waiting for grand jury
Sounds like they spoke to the right people for once.
Going to do this backwards through time, because otherwise I’m pretty sure I’ll mess up photos from last night and the night before (and it’s nothing pretty). I’ll probably mix them up anyway.
Also, so many tabs and browser crashes. Going to be several comments.
Some articles first:
Michael Brown’s father: ‘I don’t want my son’s death to be in vain’:
Also, same subject, via USA Today, with video: Michael Brown’s father asks for calm in new video – someone on twitter commented that they’ve seen more convincing hostage videos.
Ferguson Organizer: ‘Police Are Preparing for War’:
From the more positive and supportive news section, As anxiety rises, Riverview Gardens rolls out support in advance of grand jury announcement:
thisisthemovement, installment #57 (I seem to be skipping issues lately, not sure how, but hopefully there’s enough overlap in material that y’all are not missing out on some important reading):
Important read: previous estimates had it at 90ft, but BREAKING VIDEO: Police Lied. Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson’s SUV (with video of measurement, and photos) –
Lots more at the link, including pictures and numbers and a pretty clear picture of police lies. (Unless, of course, Darren Wilson chased Mike Brown all that distance just to remain within the allowed threat zone.)
Putting up pictures from last night’s protests, to clear up some space, and also, umm… Remember how officials have been saying that police* will be working in regular uniforms? Wearing riot gear only if they are directly threatened, or at least sentiments to that effect? Yeah. Keep in mind, last night was the second night they came out looking like they do in the photos.
* It could be that they were speaking only about the National Guard, since Slay’s letter clearly mentions that they will be working in regular uniform. So it’s entirely possible that police are to be in riot gear right from the start.
photo 1; photo 2; photo 3; photo 4; photo 5; photo 6.
More to come.
Okay, not photos, but text to read, from last night:
Please get the word out this is the 2nd night in a row people are reporting police are laughing as they tackle protesters.#Ferguson;
At St. Ann neighborhood watch meeting, 15 minutes from #Fergsuon, police tell residents to expect grand jury announcement on Sunday. (please mark Sunday as the next apocalypse – which may or may not arrive, since even rumours from police are just rumours).
Perspective: All of the white people on Donnybrook think the National Guard is necessary. The sole black person said no.;
Some military vehicles: Sitting behind QT on Natural Bridge and 170… and NOW: Mo. National Guard on I-70 EB traveling toward St. Louis. .
Oh, this one: If there is no #Ferguson GJ decision this weekend, there will be a riot – of national news media against their assigning editors. Sounds about right, considering the yes-no nature of the news lately.
A few pictures about the night before last:
photo 1; photo 2; photo 3; photo 4, and an important note: We saw 3 outside agitators throw bottles at the cops last night. Taylor did a great job at pointing them out and they were confronted. Remember that when news emerges that protestors are trying to incite violence.
5 second video of Ferguson two nights ago;
Mother’s movement: Kim Rhodes supports #Ferguson protestors with water and juice. @LBPhoto1 ;
STLSTL County cop joins the livestreaming revolution last night during wintry #Ferguson protest. @LBPhoto1 ;
Ominous for journalism: 3 separate livingstreamers said that when #Ferguson police advance close their livestream dies. Anti-journalism continues. #FergusonNovember;
Tonight, #Ferguson police arrested livestreamer @bassem_masri & then broke his phone, help get him another one here: ….
So the evening ended with five arrests, including this woman and the livestreamer Bassem Masri. A bit more from him later.
Meanwhile, Donate to the Legal Support Fund for Justice for Mike Brown:
The Guardian on the protests: Ferguson protesters and police clash as grand jury decision nears
Hereš on the arrests, too: Five arrested in Ferguson Wednesday,
So Bassem Masri has a few complaints about the St Louis police: St. Louis police pressured me “to snitch on my friends,” says Palestinian-American protester –
So… go police?
But, you know – Two states of emergency, zero leadership (St Louis American):
It’s a good rundown of the leadership situation in Ferguson and St Louis, including the now-long-forgotten ascension of Ron Johnson, who isn’t getting nearly as many compliments as he was in the beginning.
Let’s look at some art: Ferguson ‘Hands’ Together: Artist Aims to Unite Community (with autoplay video!!!)
Some photos: Extraordinarily proud of our project today in Ferguson. Damon Davis is the artist. #AllHandsOnDeck is the movement.
And You can have several seats. It’s short and to the point. Please read it.
Oh, one more on Bassem Masri: Update: The Local #Ferguson National Lawyers Guild team posted bond for @bassem_masri at 1:30pm today. via @rousseau_ist, so that’s nice for him.
And I forgot this article regarding the protest: Protesters block traffic at Ferguson Police Station prompting arrests.
Darren Wilson. More on him:
Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in talks to resign from police force, sources say. I wouldn’t bet money on it, though – more like a horizontal transfer or a department shift.
It’s all speculation and third sources, though. Like I said, I wouldn’t count on it. Especially since the previous appeared on the same day as the next article:
As Ferguson waits on edge for Michael Brown ruling, Officer Darren Wilson remains invisible:
Wilson the good guy. Sure.
Darren Wilson and the status quo:
“Down Outright Murder”: A Complete Guide to the Shooting of Michael Brown by Darren Wilson. A rather long yet strangely unquotable summary of everything since August 9. Well worth a read, I recommend, just for the information and the facts.
This seems relevant to that: How To Get Away With Murder: Ferguson –
From Upworthy, One Of The Biggest Racial Injustices Of Our Time, As Told By Those Living It, on police brutality and a link to the Communique from Ferguson video I linked day before yesterday.
Too many links. Repeat post in two parts.
Darren Wilson. More on him:
Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in talks to resign from police force, sources say. I wouldn’t bet money on it, though – more like a horizontal transfer or a department shift.
It’s all speculation and third sources, though. Like I said, I wouldn’t count on it. Especially since the previous appeared on the same day as the next article:
As Ferguson waits on edge for Michael Brown ruling, Officer Darren Wilson remains invisible:
Wilson the good guy. Sure.
Darren Wilson and the status quo:
“Down Outright Murder”: A Complete Guide to the Shooting of Michael Brown by Darren Wilson. A rather long yet strangely unquotable summary of everything since August 9. Well worth a read, I recommend, just for the information and the facts.
This seems relevant to that: How To Get Away With Murder: Ferguson –
From Upworthy, One Of The Biggest Racial Injustices Of Our Time, As Told By Those Living It, on police brutality and a link to the Communique from Ferguson video I linked day before yesterday.
Oh, one more on Bassem Masri: Update: The Local #Ferguson National Lawyers Guild team posted bond for @bassem_masri at 1:30pm today. via @rousseau_ist, so that’s nice for him.
And I forgot this article regarding the protest: Protesters block traffic at Ferguson Police Station prompting arrests, plus a 4-minute video recap.
Also, among the many links are the lost ones: Michael Brown, Sr., Discusses Moving St. Louis Forward (the youtube video). Meant to put that up with the article.
4 Reasons Cases Like Ferguson Are Hard for Feds to Prosecute, with Eric Holder in autoplay video. I HATE AUTOPLAY VIDEO.
And transparency? Still not a priority, obviously. Ferguson City Council, officials hold special closed door meeting – I wonder if any activists or community leaders were invited?
I guess not.
Almost done!
Important news in the Vonderrit Myers shooting – the cop who shot him has been identified!!!
Lawyer identifies St. Louis officer who killed VonDerrit Myers Jr.
So, was he a model citizen? Not likely:
So I’d say in this case the officer’s past and character actually have bearing on his actions. His actions, not the victim’s. But that’s just me.
WANTED: Jason H. Flannery for the murder of #VonDerritMyers (Jason is a member of the gang @SLMPD) #Ferguson #poltwt , that’s a photo.
Also, Flannery was apparently present during the previous Ferguson unrest: The officer who killed VonDerrit also policed the protests. Wow. (via @kodacohen) . I don’t know if that’s him in the photo, but I’m not surprised, considering the amount of police that were called in in August.
And while Anonymous and the police are in comment, let’s add the KKK: TAK KKK and Police Ties Statement
(Yes, it’s one of those robotic Anonymous videos, but at least there’s a transcript.)
And an article on the subject: Anonymous: KKK members may have infiltrated Ferguson cop support group.
Justa few more. Some general crime and police misconduct:
Ferguson police email deletion and search questioned (with autoplay video!)
Yes, because they’re not going to delete aaaaannnyyyyy emails. Especially prior to knowing journalists have been requesting searches. And were given lenghty waiting period.
Call For Help Leads to Murder when Officer Slams Innocent Woman to Pavement :
Those accoutns are also at the link. Plus,
Also, How Police Use Military Tactics to Quash Dissent:
Not quite as succinct as I would have hoped, but. Ah well.
And from Chief Dotson, Chief Dotson on crime In St. Louis. *sigh*
And a repost, but it’s nice to be reminded: An Open Letter From Ferguson Protestors and Allies, the one originally published in October (17).
And last little bit for now, on the Ferguson Commission:
Ferguson commission looks to shift focus away from indictment,
And speaking of Brittany Packnett, Meet The Teach For America Official Charged With Bringing Change To Ferguson And Beyond
Regarding last night’s protests, there were arrests (two that I know of, but probably more): SL County police say Dasha @lostvoices14 is on a 24 hour hold. #Ferguson Jail support was immediately called for Dasha, Brandy, & Mustafa.
Random tweetage:
What’s scary about the continued aggressive police response in #Ferguson is that public opinion has no influence.
we’ve confirmed last 2 nights that new #Ferguson PD rushes crowd & PRE-targets specific protesters based on past warrants/resistance.
Police shoved us from a lawful place, to an unlawful place in the road. Then into a dark pk lot where they became violent and arrested folks
A Police Officer told a woman in are group “B*tch we should get u!” Cause she told one of are members to run! #Ferguson #MikeBrown
Not ONE cop has got HURT, But yet the PEACEFUL PROTESTORS keep getting ABUSED!! #Ferguson #MikeBrown #STL #shawshooting
More arrests as protesters await Ferguson grand jury decision:
Yes, this is how they prepare for peaceful protests, where leaders have specifically said that disruption would be allowed. But not violence. I think some of those officers are overstepping the boundaries a little bit.
Female Ferguson pastor: I was grabbed and dragged along the ground by police during peaceful protests before Michael Brown grand jury decision:
Eric Holder speaks on Maintaining Public Safety while Safeguarding Constitutional Rights (with non-autoplay video):
Another with non-autoplay video, Ferguson police chief: ‘I think I can see this through’:
Wow! Four black officers!!! And they use the same bathroom as everyone else!!!!!!! WHEEEE!!!
Churches to serve as safe spaces after Ferguson grand jury announcement:
The long history of church-as-sanctuary continues. Possible benefit of religion?
Watch video from last night: Nov 20, 2014 – Officer Dean of St. Louis County PD attacks media in Ferguson.
Going to start heavy with a trigger warning for images and reenactment of lynching:
Demonstrators Stage Symbolic Lynching Outside Old Court House in St. Louis; more photos here, here and here.
Ino ther news:
ACLU wins federal court orders on right to film police in Ferguson, elsewhere:
Well, that’s the press taken care of.
Activists had a list of 19 rules they wanted police to follow. Police have responded – sorry, that’s the Unified Command has responded. Mostly with agreement, though with a lot of bluster and… on the important points (such as use of violence, etc.) they seem rather set on maintaining the violent-protestor narrative and leaving themselves lots of room to wiggle. (Sorry, it’s just a twitter photo, I may transcribe tomorrow.)
Also, there have been like three press conferences within the last couple of hours, so I’m hoping they’ll all have some sort of write-ups by tomorrow, because I jsut can’t keep up with that. Some responses on twitter, though, and they haven’t been particularly hopeful.
Biggest news: JUST IN; STL MAYOR: “We Expect a Grand Jury Decision Very Shortly” -#Ferguson . It’s not much of an article, and no real new information. Twitter, though, had a few comments about school on Monday and Tuesday being cancelled in Jennings (nearby). So there’s definitely a sense of expectancy.
Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities – I know the subject was brought up way back, and the article is from August 23, but re-read that. That is pretty much the sum of all the information known on Darren Wilson.
Chris Brown-hosted event postponed over concern for his safety – pretty soon, there will be no more music in STL. *sigh*
Lest we forget what the protestors are facing, Here Is The St. Louis County Police Department’s Arsenal. Read the article for the pictures.
But there follows a list with technical information and photographs of various rather impressively horrifying weapons in use during the protests in August.
FBI Sends 100 Agents to Ferguson Ahead of Grand Jury Decision:
According to twitter, the FBI has a long history of supporting racism. No surprise there.
Oh, from one of thep ress conferences, this seemed relevant: St. Louis county official just dismissed credible death threats from KKK members to protesters as “rumors” #CopsAndKlanHandInHand #Ferguson. Considering that the KKK has openly threatened violence while protestors have struggled to present themselves as peaceful, this is a bullshit dismissal that shouldn’t be a dismissal at all. But y’all know that.
But speaking of authorities, etc., something from the history books – Long Before Ferguson, Authorities Feared Riots at King’s March on Washington:
Obama has no plans to speak on Ferguson before grand jury decision. It’s also kind of a bullshit article that doesn’t say much except for the fact that Obama is not saying much about Ferguson or Michael Brown.
Holder urges police restraint in Ferguson response:
He is also sending out Disciples of Justice to participate in Ferguson response protests to help keep the peace. Consdiering that these are not people familiar with the protestors, twitter response has accordingly been rather negative about this idea.
Ugh, the previous comment went to moderation, but I hope it gets fished out soon enough, I’m not going to split the links this time.
Moving on:
thisisthemovement, installment #58:
And some more twitterage (you have to say it the French way):
In response to my letter on Monday, the administration will be briefing aldermen on city preparations today. (this means keeping city officials abreast of any preparations made by police, etc. – a good thing);
.@shawncarrie asks if preparations have been made against KKK threats. Dooley says no. #Ferguson (questions regarding police violence were also deflected);
@eyeFLOODpanties in GQ magazine (Protestor of the Year – that’s the guy in the flag shirt with the tear gas canister);
And a link for flier and poster material for Ferguson, for anyone in the area or thinking of going.
A reminder about, where all kinds of information on prep work can be found for those planning on participating or able to etc. in any response activities.
Also, Holder frustrated with Mo. governor over actions before Ferguson grand jury decision (with non-autoplay video!):
Good morning.
Have I got some funny stuff this morning! And by funny, I mean not funny at all.
Let’s start with the FBI arresting two men yesterday in Ferguson, ok? This is the article you will read about it: FBI arrests 2 men on firearms charges near Ferguson, but last night, that headline was a little different.
Then there were the connections to be made: Two with Black Panther connections charged in St. Louis in federal firearms case, which has warranted a reply from the Black Panthers themselves: NBPP OFFICIAL STATEMENT: ON OLAJUWON ALI AND BRANDON MUHAMMAD CHARGES AND ARREST
So fair and unbiased reporting in advance of the announcement. You can feel the tension going up from way over here.
Oh, and another funny one. The following link will take you to a no-longer-existent article, but read the words in the link itself. Try it. It was up for a short while (my) overnight and has now been taken down. That’s Fox. (Also, they spell Darren Wilson wrong.)
And while on the subject of mistakes, St. Louis County police spokesman apologizes for incorrectly saying Dasha Jones was resisting arrest. She was arrested for unlawful assembly instead. So much confusion!
Vote Ferguson protestors as TIME person of the year – not sure if that will open up straight to their blurb, but just click through. An idea.
Not sure if I got this before, so I’m just going to put up both (though the information is already above: VonDerrit Myers Officer Identified by Lawyer.
KKK, Police, and Darren Wilson: Anonymous Claims to Have Evidence Directly Connecting Darren Wilson & Ferguson PD to KKK:
And Anonymous: Ferguson Killer Cop Darren Wilson ‘Linked to KKK Ghoul Squad’.
Both of those articles are freaky as all hell.
Two bits from VICE News.
Private Military Contractors Hired to Move Guns and Gold Out of Ferguson:
And ‘This Is Similar to the Way Jesus Was Treated’: Letters to Missouri Governor Shed Light on Racial Tensions in Ferguson Aftermath:
Ah, it’s not just various authorities descending on Ferguson, it’s the lawyers as well! Lawyers descend on Ferguson ahead of grand jury decision. A mecca of the justice system as a whole!
“They won’t just be observing. They will be filing lawsuits.” Life of a lawyer, so action-packed! (I’m having a laugh at the language, not the lawyers, just to be clear.)
Death threats all over: Pastor says he has received numerous death threats since Michael Brown shooting
Short bit from Race Forward on the Lost Voices, youtube video.
And some Twitter:
A riot helmet has never hurt anyone. Presence of an armored vehicle has never hurt anyone – @ChiefSLMPD on #Ferguson (and a gun never kills a person, a PERSON KILLS A PERSON!!!!!)
Nothing has changed tonight. 20 officers came out and picked off certain protesters from the Wurm Lot. #Ferguson
The police have pushed the barricade up to the street and built a wooden shack #ferguson (that hut is actually protecting the brand new Ferguson Police Department sign).
Police lied about the distance from the SUV to where Mike Brown was shot
Interesting about that link, Daily Kos is so far the only site carrying that information. You’d think something so momentous would get out into the wilds of journalism.
Remember the two men arrested? Originally for explosives, later for trying to buy guns?
I have no doubt that the original story was planted on purpose – to increase public fear. And I’m even more confident about that after this article from, Michael Brown shooting: leaders urge calm ahead of grand jury decision . Corrections to articles are often missed, passed by, or ignored completely. See the second paragraph:
More from the CBC, Ferguson grand jury: Michael Brown’s family calls for calm ahead of decision.
But from what I know, Obama has not appealed to the police to use restraint or to refrain from violence when dealing with protestors. So there’s that.
And a short one, Business is way up for gun shop owner near Ferguson, Missouri ahead of grand jury decision, which is basically what has been posted before, though the last little paragraph is a bit anxiety-inducing:
And the Toronto Star weighs in – America on edge awaiting grand jury’s deliberations on Michael Brown shooting.
Thanks again, rq. Good stuff. I heard the explosives story on the radio as I was heading home last night. My immediate thought was we would later find out it was bullshit. For the past 106 days very “leak” and every bit of information released to the media has been planned to take pressure off of Wilson and the actions of the police. It doesn’t matter if they were trying to buy legal guns or not, the original report was explosives for pipe bombs and that is all the racists need. I have a feeling I’ll be arguing against, “they wanted to make pipe bombs” for the rest of my life.
Soooooo…. rumours of a decision, eh? Well. Here’s several pieces on the fact that there will not be a decision this weekend.
Chicago Sun Times – Ferguson grand jury decision not expected this weekend (this one actually pulls together info from several sites);
Reports: Ferguson grand jury to reconvene on Monday, no decision yet;
St Louis Post-Dispatch – No decision from Michael Brown grand jury this weekend;
CNN – Ferguson waits: No decision this weekend.
Some tweets with pictures and text of people preparing for the decision:
This is a law office ladies and gentlemen. #Ferguson ;
Carondelet b/w Bemiston & Central closed to traffic. Certain entrances closed at justice center and county building;
Grand Jury did not reach a decision on Friday and will reconvene on Monday to continue deliberations ASN is told. #Ferguson @argusnewsnow (okay this one belongs with previous comment);
#STL County Justice Center barricaded in prep for #MikeBrown Grand Jury decision;
State of emergency, schools cancelled, barricades up…. GRAND JURY HASNT EVEN DECIDED. What planet are these people on? #Ferguson;
Indictment Decision Day. Be prepared. #Ferguson.
It all seems so… pre-emptive.
And then an article on all those preparations: mind, it is from Fox. Command post set up ahead of grand jury decision, Protests lead to crash, arrests.
Via Twitter, CBS issues a retraction on the explosives, but, as HappyNat says above, the well has been poisoned, and it will be ‘there were no explosives’ from here on in.
#Ferguson activists: CLEAN OUT YOUR CARS TODAY! Clear up space for ppl/stuff. REMOVE ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS!! Check insurance card! #Ferg411. A couple of the responses are almost funny.
Ah, yes. Plot twists. So Fox falsely reports that Darren Wilson has been indicted & CBS baselessly reports a terror plot. Getting impatient for a plot twist much?
President Obama: Don’t Use Ferguson as ‘An Excuse for Violence’, with autoplay video. Again, this is the part where President Obama speaks to the protestors to be peaceful, but nary a mention of the police and their armaments.
Ferguson: 100 days | 100 Seconds
Ferguson demonstrations planned in Philadelphia, around nation;
Yesterday I put up the pictures of the mock lynching – A Symbolic Protest at the Old Courthouse:
Why police actions in August may have helped them this time – This Time, the Protesters in Ferguson May Decide to Pass:
I know there will be people out there, but it’s sad to see so many discouraged due to police aggression. And yes, at the same time, I do understand them and I do not condemn them at all.
#DCFerguson Opposes DC Chief’s Threat Of Riot Squads Against Protests:
From the Christian Science Monitor, Darren Wilson to resign from Ferguson Police Department, reports say (+video). Nothing actually new, the usual about relieving stress but not before the GJ decision, etc.
Ferguson by the numbers: Breakdown since protests began:
That’s pretty much all the numbers at the article. Telling.
thisisthemovement, installment #59:
Six ways the Ferguson grand jury is unusual:
More on the KKK: EXCLUSIVE: Battle of Ferguson II: An Inside Look at #OpKKK. They’re still outing people on twitter.
Uuuugh, missed this tweet on the CBS retraction: The biggest problem with journalism today. You’re wrong, issue a retraction – too late. via @shaunking. There’s two document photos for comparison at the site.
Another document photo via twitter, Just got this statement from Gov. Jay Nixon’s office on Ferguson and mental health. . In short, Nixon claiming reassurances that mental health professionals are available for those who need them, sort of a follow-up to Antonio French’s letter regarding the trauma experienced by Ferguson (and surrounding) residents.
Police shooting gone bad, this time in New York: Officer’s Errant Shot Kills Unarmed Brooklyn Man
Via twitter, some pictuers of Akai. Another young man, another father, another future… Gone. Accidental firing. You police officers, competent or not, in the end?
Goddammit, too many links – here’s to moderation being fast this time.
Three more quick twitter picture links, of protests still ongoing.
photo 1; photo 2; photo 3.
I wonder how much the state has spent so far having the National Guard stationed there for a week for no good reason.
And how much it will continue to spend. Yes.
One of the articles above had a figure for August, that taxpayers will be on the line for something like $300 000, but that seems low. Too tired to search now.
So, morep rotesting last night, in photos. It all started quietly:
Thx so much @ mother of #MikeBrown for protesting with us in #Ferguson #FergusonAction ;
Scene in front of #Ferguson police department right now. ;
Protest is out of the street, now directly in front of #ferguson police station. Crowd is pretty fired up. ‘;
But what police are doing now? This is what they SHOULD be doing every night. Keeping people safe, not being aggressive. Tolerating speech;
The commanding officer is actually in the middle of the street with protestors right now too. Just standing. Odd. #Ferguson;
Someone clearly told them that they cannot wear riot gear anymore. #Ferguson .
Lt. Jerry Lohr of St Louis County running things at Ferguson PD tonight. Calmer response, talking to people ;
Then the riot gear appeared (sorry, not all of this will be in sequence after all):
Police in riot gear on one side of the street at the Ferguson PD station, Michael Brown protesters on the other side ;
Police with riot gear leaving after crowd calms down. On scene commander says he recognizes they antagonize #ferguson ;
#Ferguson Tensions have died down considerably. ;
And then they came back:
Police came from around the corner we were still peaceful ALL IN RIOT GEAR!
First arrest:
Police arrested this man after he said he was a journalist standing on the side walk outside the ferguson police dept .
Ferguson ;
The gate is literally strapped to the bricks. #Ferguson (because it’s an awesome gate and protestors will want to steal it);
Misinformation: .@stlcountypd here is a photo of @TreyYingst being taken into custody. He was on the sidewalk.
Oh, and St Louis banks going down: St. Louis area bank websites taken down for #OpFerguson: #Ferguson.
And an article on the detained journalist: Independent journalist detained at Ferguson protest –
Previous in moderation, but it’s just more on the protesting.
Amnesty International on site.
Michael Brown’s family writes to Special Rapporteurs (full text of the letter):
On the FBI and additional security: FBI notorious for assassinating blacks: US activist –
Aha, he may quit early after all – Darren Wilson May Quit Ferguson Police Ahead of Grand Jury Decision:
(I may have posted this one already.)
Grand jury decision on Ferguson police shooting anxiously awaited:
Liked this: So #Ferguson cops have arrested a journalist tonight and an Episcopal priest Thursday night. Damn, they’re serious crime fighters. Yes. Yes, they are.
Toronto Star: Decision day in Ferguson will be Monday at the earliest
CBC: Michael Brown shooting: Civic group says no grand jury decision yet
So they riled everyone up with preparations and rumours, and gave them nothing.
For the feminists: Women find their voice in Ferguson protest movement
I’m so glad they’re talking about this – because honestly? “Earning an invitation” to participate in protests that affect these women as much as the men in the community? Bullshit, that is. Bullshit. Go, black women!
And some more on the Kajieme Powell shootin: EXCLUSIVE: ‘They filled him with bullets… then hoped it would go away’: Devastated family of black man, 25, shot dead in St Louis days after Michael Brown lash out at police for dragging heels with investigation
And Protests now in NYC after #NYPD shoot & kills unarmed 28yo man #AkaiGurley livestream: … That’s the one that happened yesterday (or day before by now?).
Okay, that’s one more for fishing out of moderation. Sorry, PZ, sometimes the text has links that I don’t catch or miscount. :(
Young leaders emerging from Ferguson movement:
Very optimistic read. While being rather depressing.
The clergy’s place is with the protesters in Ferguson, very dramatic read:
On last night – Brown’s mother joins protesters, urges peace; two arrested
Ferguson’s challenge goes beyond race: Column, on leadership (or lack thereof) in Ferguson:
… which kind of leads into:
Why Ferguson has been in a state of emergency for years:
How Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson mastered the disappearing act:
I’m still not moved. In related news, here’s a rumour: #Ferguson: TV anchors meet off record with Darren Wilson seeking interview reports CNN. Matt Laur, Anderson Cooper, Scott Pelley, others. Huh.
Michael Brown’s Neighborhood In Ferguson Is Dying:
And in other cities, 12-year-old boy shot by Cleveland police has died. They shot him in the stomach, because he had a fake gun. @tchopstl @deray 911 call told operator “it was probly a toy gun” twice but not told to cops. Why do people call 911? 911 calls fatal in OH! The gun looks dangerous, but it’s a 12-year-old boy, for fucks’ sakes.
And in New York, more protesting: New York City is turning up right now for #AkaiGurley. #PoliceViolenceWillNotBeTolerated #Ferguson 2 #NYC .
Also, there’s an MSNBC interview to look out for. In a good way.
This is misleading. He is not on trial. The Grand Jury is deciding whether or not to bring charges against him. Sadly, in the eyes of many, if he is not indicted that will mean he is innocent.
And that’s the biggest confusion about this whole process: it’s not even a trial, it’s just to see if there’s enough evidence to even charge Wilson. The cleared-of-wrongdoing part would mean a trial.
All of this, not even for a trial: just an admission that enough wrong was done to warrant a trial.
Remember how McCullogh said he would make everything public in the case of a non-indictment? Read this statement re: release of GJ documents. Y’all. #Ferguson (full text):
Here’s the article under discussion: If Officer Wilson Is Not Indicted, McCulloch Plans To Release Grand Jury Transcripts, Recordings. So basically if the judge says no, then McCullogh can say that this was his intention all along and that he’s not the bad guy here. Shifting blame, woo.
In the meantime, more on that arrest of the journalist – St. Louis County Police Violate Court Order By Arresting Journalist Standing on Sidewalk.
So there’s been some confusion, as it appears that several news anchors have been able to meet with Darren Wilson (though he has, apparently, refused to appear publicly). People have been asking “Where is Darren Wilson?” for 100+ days. Apparently the top anchors at networks found out and stayed silent? This just adds a whole new level.
Article on that: Darren Wilson has been meeting with network anchors: What the heck?
Well, now we know where Darren Wilson is: at home, writing a script for that big-budget movie they’ll be putting out once his book hits the big-time.
McCullogh still doubling down on that information release in case of a non-indictment, disregarding the fact that the judge has already said no – Mark Reardon: St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch (radio interview), and elsewhere: @mollyrosestl @deray but he claimed the judge had already agreed to it. Someone is lying. Again .
More official barricades, in twitter photos: Media pen on W. Florissant is filling up. FoxNews has been moved inside the pen. #Ferguson ; Command Center behind the Target barricaded and guarded to keep prying eyes out. #Ferguson .
And here’s a good one from a local hotel. Sorry, it’s a twitter photo-document and I don’t have time to transcribe – The Crowne Plaza in Clayton put this under guest doors last night. Y’all. #Ferguson . Basically, extra safety precautions for hotel guests starting Monday through Wednesday (unless extended), such as closing down the Plaza Bar & Grill.
Yes, which is why they’re warning guests about extra precautions and keycard-only access, etc. etc.
Missouri ACLU on the arrest of the journalist: ACLU Statement Regarding the Nov. 22 Arrest of Reporter in Ferguson
And here’s the St Louis Post-Dispatch on the story: Police arrest two in protests near Ferguson Police Department.
Ope, just for fun, Missouri Revised Statutes on what Grand Jurors may disclose.
Also, it’s interesting that Darren Wilson is said only to have met with male journalists for the “exclusive” interview. #Ferguson.
Also, can’t wait to read about these guys.
Ryan J Reilly on a couple of nights ago: On A Night Of Peaceful Protests In Ferguson, One Reporter’s Arrest Breaks The Calm
How… ironic. But another sign of the odd leadership in Ferguson – there seems to be no consistency to it.
Court: Judge hasn’t agreed to release Ferguson grand jury evidence if no indictment
That’s just more on McCullogh’s backout plan.
In Ferguson, media’s long vigil is welcomed by some, wearing on others
Increase in gun sales? Increase in responsible gun ownership: Police: Woman allegedly kills herself with gun bought to prepare for Ferguson unrest
Ready for Ferguson, indeed.
A rather interesting read, and not very long: From Occupy To Ferguson
And the article on the two runners: Meet The Two Men Who Ran 550 Miles, From Atlanta To Michael Brown’s Memorial In Ferguson – that’s a lot of kilometres.
And the Hunger Games connections continue. First in Thailand where they banned the three-finger salute and cancelled the movies, and now in St Louis: Flora place in #Shaw tagged: if we burn you burn w us! #Ferguson @deray @TefPoe @WesKnuckle @ShaunKing @brownblaze .
And to start with some protest photos from last night, in Shaw, in honour of Vonderrit Myers and Michael Brown: photo 1, photo 2.
More protest photos: photo 1, photo 2; photo 3; photo 4; photo 5.
New leadership specific and local to Shaw has been emerging, according to twitter, a lot of them helped along by the training held so far in Ferguson. The movement grows!
So the responsible gun owner upthread was a Ferguson protestor.
This is a long and rambling read that starts off with an interesting angle, tying together Darrien Hunt (remember, the kid cosplaying a samurai n got shot in the back multiple times after running away?), the police and mental illness (in a decent manner, in my opinion, but if I am wrong here, please do correct). Tony Brandenburg: Darrien Hunt (Part 2): Cosplaying Execution and Other Acts of Total Insanity – it goes on about the police officer who shot him, a lack of information on police shootings, and police abuse of power in general.
It goes on for quite a while.
CNN, still speculating – I wonder when they’ll start printing actual news, and not just ‘not today, not this weekend, nobody knows!’. Is Ferguson grand jury close to deciding?
Let the rumour mill mill its rumours.
A while ago, I may have mentioned her once or twice (but not more than that), around the time of the first GJ leak, I think, a woman came up – a Christine Byers, who was supposedly getting information from the PD on Darren Wilson and witnesses, etc. She’s a police reporter for the Post-Dispatch, and here’s a storify on how she has affected media portrayal of Ferguson: The Curious Case of Christine Byers: The Police Leak Who Has Shaped the Media Narrative in the Darren Wilson Case. Some very inflammatory tweets put outthere.
And that’s just part one.
Protesters marching in Shaw just held a moment of silence for child shot and killed by officer in Cleveland yesterday (yes, that’s the 12-year-old Tamir Rice).
Christine Byers, Part II: The Curious Case of Christine Byers: The Police Leak Who Has Shaped the Media Narrative in the Darren Wilson Case.
And thus ends part 2.
‘A Reason to Run’: For Two Men, the Road Leads to Ferguson, with autoplay video, on those two runners.
Via, with autoplay video, Grand jury evidence may not be released. Just more on McCullogh’s fibbing.
Oh, by the way, Darren Wilson got married: Darren Wilson has married his girlfriend (and here I thought he’d marry his dog, :P ), and A Quiet Wedding for Police Officer in Shooting. Sounds like someone worried for his future.
Protestors (twitter pic).
That gate with the Hunger Games writing on it? They’ve already cleaned it up.
One twitter account I follow in Ferguson said they thought the news would be broken “while folks were at church this Sunday”. Then came news it wouldn’t be this week-end. I thought surely it would be today. I wonder if they’re ever going to move at all. Maybe they’re just waiting for the Nation to forget all about it?
On that note, CBC with the same non-news: Ferguson grand jury decision yet to come on Michael Brown shooting –
Out of more than 100 days of peaceful protesting, two had some sort of looting going on, and yet the media chooses to fixate on that. But yes, the longer they drag it out, the more likely they are to face a build-up of pressure and stress that just isn’t going away. Perhaps initially they hoped it would all disappear quietly and be swept away, but I’m glad to see that the issue is still alive and kicking, especially locally. And very specifically – it’s still about indicting and arresting Darren Wilson. While the movement has managed to spread out slightly into general racism and police brutality, it has not lost its focus. If anything, that focus has intensified – and this is a good thing. Especially since, from where I’m sitting, it looks like there is preparation to work beyond this one Grand Jury, no matter what the outcome is. This is also a good thing.
Anyway, this next one is a nice article, though I have to say, I haven’t heard of this person at all until now: Meet the Ferguson Rage Whisperer.
Judge Whittington, meanwhile, has said she has not received any such request (see links above). So… It’s one giant mess of information and misinformation right now. All the easier to fool you with, my dears.
I have no idea if maintaining this thread in any way helps to clarify things. But it’s because of the media that I keep posting those non-violent protest photos, because that is important to see: the engagement, and the non-violence, and the frustration and anger that is there. It’s easy to dismiss people as violent or too angry, but I hope that at least a few of those photos leave a better impression of the people behind the movement. *shrug*
Anyway, there’s this forum and they’ve just sent out a message that they think an announcement will come tonight. It’s about as reliable as any other source, though, so, take that as you will. I’m resigned to reading about the announcement when it is made. At this point, it just can’t come too soon.
I just looked up Selma again, and I think Obama is wrong.
So via that forum Nixon is apparently having a press conference at 5.30 local time, with the announcement at 8. That’s pretty specific.
Maybe even correct: JUST IN: Grand jury announcement officially set for 8 pm tonight at County Justice Center. @KMOX will carry live;
Grand jury decision will be announced at a 8 p.m. CT press conference, prosecutor’s office says.;
CONFIRMED grand-jury announcement presser is at 8 p.m. via McCulloch’s office;
Not that it was a surprise: (view the pictures with captions…).
The police in Clayton that are by the media are ready for anything. #Ferguson ;
Well, at least they haven’t built a moat… yet.
#Ferguson: AP reports lawyer for Michael Brown’s family says grand jury announcement coming this evening. @TheAtlantic says 8 PM tonight.;
City in preparation:
QT and Natural Bridge & 170 closed. Police tape surrounding it, gas prices taken down. ;
Some, but not all, businesses boarded up in Clayton.;
Street crews closing road to Justice Center. #FergusonDecision ;
In related news, St. Louis County prosecutor will release records if no indictment:
They better have everything ready.
CNN on Ferguson: Grand Jury reaches decision, but not announced yet.
With Michael Brown Grand Jury Verdict Near, Missouri District Cancels School;
For CNN, Michael Smerconish Helps Police Create Propaganda Against Ferguson Protesters:
There are bits and pieces of the actual interviews in the piece, very good stuff!
On Tamir Rice, Black child Tamir Rice murdered for holding a gun in an state where white people are free to roam around like this: (yup, open carry).
Protesters near the #Ferguson police station .
Somebody please be up and watch, I have to go to bed because morning, and I really, really wanted to be awake for this, but there’s no way I can do that and still do what I have to do tomorrow. Perhaps someone in a closer timezone. Just, at least, watch, if nothing else.
I’ll do the twitter catch-up tomorrow.
Hysteria over Ferguson grand jury an indictment of America
Militarized police, not just in the USA anymore! Armed and Dangerous
How mission creep is turning our cops into warriors, from Canada. Excellent reading.
On Vonderrit, former colleague writes character letter on Jason Flannery, the cop who shot Myers: basically, he was as racist, conservative and assholish as you could imagine. And prone to violence.
Okay, Nixon’s press conference has ended with a lot of talk about protecting property, etc. Have fun waiting for the actual GJ announcement. Good night!
PS The Walrus article in 120 thanks to timgueguen.
nothing yet.
I’ll be staying up to watch the news, rq. Go get some sleep.
Only 6:15 CT, and the announcement *snicker* won’t be for another hour and a quarter.
I have to admit to being confused about this emote?
yup, some of us predicted this particular incident would have far ranging effects when it happened.
seems the entire country is using it as a test bed for programs designed to stamp out civil unrest, from dissemination of misleading information, to gearing up police for mass response against potential “riots”.
this is the second volley in the war to eat the rich, mark my words. the first was the Occupy movement, and the response to that.
If they are successful in putting down civil unrest with these tactics, then you can expect MUCH more of the same.
sad, but it rather looks like the war is going badly already for those who want positive change.
The cynic in me says the fix is in and the the policeman won’t be indicted (which he should be, as should any police officer in a fatal shooting). No suspense, so why not get it over with?
They want the suspense to build, so the maximum civilian outrage is reached, so they can really test their response ability to put down civilian unrest.
THAT is the cynic in me. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
I hope what has changed is the ability of people on the line to document the abuses, and get the evidence into the hands of parties that will hold the powers that be to the fire. I don’t think they are ready for that.
They want the photo of rioting people of color at night.
Thanks rq, do stand down and get some rest. I’m on the road but I cleared my evening and I’ll be watching the TV and twitter as best I can tonight. I feel for all those people waiting on the street to find out if their one shred of hope (or complete lack of hope) for an indictment is justified.
I remember that when George Zimmerman was acquitted, some assholes in my town and others across the country set off fireworks. Nobody should have to sit in their homes and hear any damn fireworks tonight.
followed by the photo of effective control systems putting down “violent terrorists”.
did I say terrorists?
yes, I did. We’re literally only a step away from money telling us that anyone who protests injustice is a terrorist.
oops, I’m already behind the times….
And that’s where I lost my composure. I’ve been watching, waiting, knowing what the announcement will almost certainly be, but I kept holding on to that tiny bit of hope that one little step toward justice might happen tonight. But you’re right, and my hope is gone.
Thank you to everyone (especially rq!) who has kept these threads going. You all are amazing. Here’s to not letting this issue be forgotten.
yup, if that grand jury EVER had the slightest inclination to indict, it would have done so after just a few days deliberation, max.
remember, THIS IS NOT A TRIAL, a grand jury is simply there to make sure due process was followed.
it’s rather obvious that as much due process as was allowed by the DA and the Ferguson police was already followed. An indictment should have been nearly immediate if one was ever forthcoming.
now they can say they “took their time to look at all the evidence”, which frankly ISN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR FUCKING JOB.
no, this was a sham from the start, and it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain.
MSNBC live page with reporters on the ground: MSNBC
Daily Dot list of twitter reporters and livestreams to follow, including @DotPolitics, ABC and Bloomberg on the ground, and Argus Radio. Daily Dot
and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is live in Ferguson again on regular old TV, with Trymaine Lee. Hayes says that prosecutor Bob McCulloch (him of the police family and petition for removal from the case) may make the announcement himself.
There’s a piece of me that hopes that they’re having a “twelve angry men” moment.
I know that piece of me that still hopes for justice will die tonight.
of course he will. He’s very proud to interfere with the course of justice. that’s apparently Missouri tradition.
via twitter:
The Brown family should sue for delay of due process, REGARDLESS of what the verdict was of the grand jury. The process was WAYYYYY out of bounds for what a grand jury is supposed to be responsible for in a case like this. The new AG should look into civil action against the entire county.
Not just that, toska, but I can describe what said photo will look like, including the probable clothing, artful capture of flames in the background, perhaps a Molotov cocktail or makeshift club in hand.
Mayor of St Louis: (paraphrased) ‘We’re going to have the best police officers in the country protecting protesters and property tonight.’
via Twitter somewhere, words not to use and/or drinking game: “thug”, “riot”, “violence”, “property”.
Ryan J. Reilly says the street in front of the Ferguson PD is now closed, with Vine links: (twitter)
Protesters in New York are facing NYPD. (twitter)
Protesters in Seattle via a local news station: (twitter)
Don’t forget the made up gang signs. An African American hand in any position is flashing a gang sign.
Schrodinger’s gang sign?
Protesters in Chicago: (twitter)
looks like some symbol or other in that last post got cut off. Edited:
Brown family lawyer says the family has NOT been informed of what the decision will be. They have to learn at the same time as everyone else. (via watching MSNBC)
From overhead shots from MSNBC, there’s minimal police presence around the building – protesters fill the street up to barricades around the building, and there are single rows of cops in ordinary street uniforms on the sidewalks twenty feet or so back. From this height I don’t see helmets, gas masks or riot shields. MSNBC’s reporter says Amnesty International has observers on the ground.
That’s George Zimmerman’s lawyer acting as analyst for CNN.
Bob McCulloch will give a 20-minute statement and then take questions, starting momentarily.
They decided to wait all day, and can’t even start on time. Not even that much respect.
HuffPo liveblog noting protests in LA, Oakland, New York: (link)
Why should it take 20 minutes, unless some bigotsplainin’ in going on?
WaPo: (twitter)
Referencing WaPo’s liveblog (here)
Maybe they moved to indict and McColloch is having difficulty spinning that. /hopespringseternal
The presser has finally started
And the FIRST THING HE SAYS is that social media started immediately and got it wrong and it’s all their fault.
…McCulloch started with sympathies for Michael Brown’s family and how well we know that pain. (That’s a reference to his own police family history that he campaigns on. *hurk*) There’ll be better transcripts than I can do.
This is not an optimistic opening
“all evidence gathered” as in those blank police reports filled out weeks late? Argh…
McCulloch claims witnesses made statements inconsistent with physical evidence? But that “shot in the back” claim was debunked back in August. They said Wilson shot AT Brown’s back…
“No cause exists”.
I can’t hear much other words besides those echoing. “No cause exists.”
it’s weird. I knew they wouldn’t indict. I knew it from the beginning. I knew.
but there was still something in me left to hurt.
McCulloch’s gone right back to the corner store and Michael Brown grabbing a handful of cigars. Really? Really? That’s the reason he’s giving – that Wilson tied them to the store.
And an unarmed dead body of citizen with multiple wounds from a police pistol isn’t cause??? It always should be.
I can’t even take this shit. I love them blaming social media for falsifications , when they have done everything they can to poison the well, every step of the way.
Me too. . .
Thanks Pteryxx for all the updates. I can only echo toska…. fuck. :(
The riot shields are out in Ferguson. Cops in helmets and shields lined up behind the fences, guarding the building.
Well, time for me to cry myself to sleep. My heart breaks for Michael Brown’s family.
*now* McCulloch will reveal Brown’s blood inside the vehicle door and on Wilson’s clothing.
Thanks Tethys but I’m not parsing the statement very well. I know I’m missing the most significant parts (which are the spin and spin and omissions and false narratives).
I almost can’t believe how disrespectfully the Brown family has been treated by police since day 1.
and now McCulloch is emphasizing what witnesses didn’t see or only saw part of as regards Brown facing Wilson and moving toward him or not. (Nothing about Shaun King’s revelation of the 100-plus foot distance between Wilson’s car and where Brown fell.)
Ah, but they’ll never willfully explain how Mike Brown’s body ended up so far away from the car when he died. Couldn’t be that he was running. . .
As expected, nothing but bigotsplainin’…
Ichthyic wrote:
Forgive my ignorance of the U.S. justice system (I’m Canadian), but isn’t that the point of the Grand Jury anyway? From all I can tell, its only real purpose is to protect the political career of a prosecutor, so they can play both sides of any controversial situation. McCulloch gets to say he tried, even if he didn’t.
There just is no way for a bunch of human eyewitnesses to a real event to agree closely enough to be taken seriously by this prosecution. Slight inconsistencies in eyewitness reports are NORMAL and EXPECTED. Witness reports would only be perfectly consistent if they had been coached!
He did mention 153 feet distance in the scene just now.
I can only agree with all of the above posters. It’s a dark day for the US of A. Justice has not been served. Michael’s poor family, I can’t even begin to imagine how they must be feeling right now.
‘all decisions have to be decided by the scientific and physical evidence and the CONSISTENT testimony of eyewitnesses…’
Take that paraphrase with a grain of salt, the rage is buzzing in my ears.
The whole thing has been blaming Michael Brown and defending Wilson. Fuck this guy. Fuck the police.
Any Grand Jury will not hear from the defence. Only the prosecutions case as to whether this is probable cause for an indictment. DW should have never testified. It was part of the fix, to show that they were being fair, while being bigots.
McCulloch in questions is saying that an African-American witness said Brown had been “charging” at Wilson.
NO. the point of the grand jury system is to prevent the government from using the justice system to punish individuals it doesn’t like.
that was the purpose of forming it to begin with.; another layer to protect citizens from a corrupt government.
this, however, is the flip side… rewarding individuals the government DOES like. Corruption can take many forms, and you’re seeing a clear case of it here.
that very thing makes it clear this was a sham, as if a corrupt prosecutor being involved from the start wasn’t sufficient enough evidence.
it doesn’t matter. and it shouldn’t have mattered.
ALL THAT MATTERS for a grand jury is that there is sufficient actual evidence to proceed to a trial.
that WAS NOT what happened here. not at all.
this was a circus trial, wearing the mask of a grand jury. it was not in any way shape or form, a proper use of a grand jury.
fucking travesty is what it was.
argh… McCulloch said exactly what we’ve all been discussing re the grand jury process. That how can anyone say the system didn’t work when they were given all the evidence and all the information… I need to bleach my ears from hearing that.
I’m hoping they feel outrage, and plan a giant civil suit. There certainly is cause.
That isn’t a call for pistol shots. Tazer, maybe.
that there WAS SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE that this grand jury took MONTHS to evaluate it, is all that is needed TO GO TO FUCKING TRIAL.
again, this is a fucking mockery of what a grand jury is supposed to do, what its purview is.
Newsfeed says President Obama is going to speak shortly.
Holder is the one who should speak. but he caved… right when he needed to stand up the most, and walked off the job.
Obama is irrelevant.
the fat lady has sung. America is no more.
I’m sure Obama will tell everyone to settle down and go home.
McCulloch on what a tragedy Brown’s death is even though it was justified – “No police officer – no young man” should die at the hands of a police officer, more or less.
I mark that as telling because McCulloch has campaigned for decades, and said in several press interviews since Brown’s death, that his officer father’s death in the line of duty makes him have compassion and understanding for shooting victims.
you’ve been warned.
someone on MSNBC saying that through that whole statement, it sounded more like Brown being put on trial (so to speak) than Wilson.
duh. Brown was on trial from the moment he walked down the street.
the grand jury system is supposed to PROTECT the citizens from wrongful government prosecution, not REWARD those who murder in the name of that same government. It’s a fucking complete perversion.
Unanimous response from TWIB, “I don’t care what the president has to say”.
A police car window got broken, cops line advanced, word is the order to disperse was just given. via MSNBC
Obama has already made it clear that he wants to play both sides and take the “moderate” approach to Ferguson. He’s fucking useless.
MSNBC saying things seem calm enough, there’s distance between crowds and police lines, no advancing. Just the breaking police car windows – now hearing sirens and announcements to clear, very loudly, from what I think is a newscopter.
Obama starting out with the understandable reaction and urging the Brown side to protest peacefully…
Ichthyic wrote:
I hate to break it to you, but it hasn’t been terribly successful at that, either. The absurd numbers of young black men who end up charged with (often fabricated) crimes should be evidence of that. And as much as I’d like to applaud the anti-authoritarian streak behind the idea, it is obviously become quite easy to exploit by anyone with a particular axe to grind and the power to do so.
Without the Grand Jury, people could rightly demand this man’s job because the responsibility would start and end at his office. As it is, the jury has become a convenient shield he can hide behind and avoid political fallout. Hell, the idea that a prosecutor should be an elected official rather than a simple civil servant is a major problem in itself.
Obama’s calling for police to show respect and for people to remember cops have a hard job. Meanwhile, on MSNBC split-screen, milling riot cops moving about and loud sirens breaking through his speech.
I hope someone’s recording this, it’s like surreal performance art. Obama saying poor communities need good policing, to work with communities to address their problems, while cops’ loudspeakers are blaring ‘Stop throwing things!’ and floodlit streets full of milling people.
So, that was probably the imagery they wanted, huh.
you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.
The tear gas clouds are out while Obama’s saying this is not a cause for throwing things or vandalizing property.
I’m disgusted. It’s like telling an ER patient to calm down and stop making all that noise.
that’s an excellent point that never gets brought up enough. Having traveled the world a bit, the US is rather unique in having a lot of legal positions be elected positions. Where I live now, they scratch their heads in confusion at the obvious conflicts of interest that engenders.
Obama:”There is never an excuse for violence” – But killing an unarmed teenager is totes OK.
“Both sides” Obama strikes again.
about the Grand Jury decision to NOT prosecute: The ribbon captioning said the decision required a minimum of 9-3 vote. Later, it stated the Grand Jury was 9 White + 3 Black citizens. I’m curious at how the final vote was distributed among that arrangement of citizens on the Grand Jury. I DO NOT KNOW, but willing to bet, that the vote was distinctly along racial lines.
But I’m just bigoted, that the recent events have made me characterize the (white) residents there as mere stereotypes
twas brillig: McCulloch said, if I remember right, that *nobody* would ever know which jurors voted which way. Apparently it’s the grand jury’s privilege to keep their individual votes secret.
HappyNat – I guess taking 90 seconds (or 20, or 45, in other cases) to fill an unarmed black person with bullets doesn’t count as “violence-violence”.
Where I live, both the county sheriff & coroner are elected officials, which is absurd. We’ve had a coroner who used to be a garbage truck driver.
he let Holder burn. Why do you think, on the eve of the very thing Holder had worked for for decades, he all of a sudden decides to quit being Attorney General and step down?
it’s not legitimate violence? :P
seriously, I keep thinking of “To Kill a Mockingbird”
I keep thinking of “No rights which the white man was bound to respect”.
via MSNBC, the St Louis Police would like us all to know that that’s not tear gas, only smoke grenades. Gee, thanks.
MSNBC (O’Donnell now) pointing out that in that entire statement, no new information was given. Particularly nothing about Wilson’s decision to shoot, state of mind, or what informed it – nothing about Wilson’s testimony whatsoever. Also, none of the journalists asked why McCulloch decided to make the announcement so late at night.
As long as they are keeping things civil and non-violent.
yeah, Dred Scott never really died, did it.
More and more riot cops keep showing up, more and more vehicles – a dozen officers per vehicle-load, apparently, that’s where they’re coming from. The officers *are* wearing gas masks. (Smoke grenades only, huh.) Protesters have pulled far back and are somewhat scattered.
…and it’s not lead bullets, only rubber!
I have to go, before I have a stroke.
like others, I fully expected that since it went so long, no indictment would be forthcoming, but somehow was hoping for something that is simply no longer there in the US.
I’ve got to kick this habit of having any hope for the US. After all, after careful deliberation, I DID abandon the place. I didn’t do it on a whim.
I shouldn’t be looking back all the time. Frankly, if the US would mind its own fucking business, I probably wouldn’t be.
but it’s like watching the rise of Nazi Germany. You just KNOW it’s gonna come back and bite you on the ass. Nowhere to hide.
There’s one police car on fire with nobody anywhere around it, and a bit further from the police station, ordinary street traffic is driving through. Groups of riot cops moving forward in short increments and pausing, with nobody close to them. They’re sort of glancing at each other to see what to do next. Protesters not cooperating in the rioter role, I suppose.
Maddow addressing the empty statements of “make things better” or “make sure this never happens again” when there are no answers to asking the system to work, when the very simple request of an indictment wasn’t answered.
Amazing how little things have changed since then.
As complete speculation, it just looks silly and suspicious to me that there was one cop car attacked and immediately withdrawn from, one report of shots fired a few blocks away where nobody much was, and one cop car (not sure if the same one) on fire with nobody around. It looks as if the small fraction of planted agitators (normal procedure for this sort of protest) did the bare minimum of their jobs, gave the cameras a nice fire to look at, and nobody else whatsoever among the protesters took them up on it.
seriously, MSNBC, quit training the helicopter cameras on the boring burning car with no humans anywhere around it. There’s no point. Ooh, shiny.
I’ll just post this here, again, for the morons who think this is somehow about crazy violent uppity black folks who just want to cause trouble….
Oh, and nobody is approaching the car to put it out, either. It’s been a good ten minutes. Do SWAT vehicles not carry any fire extinguishers among all the grenades and beanbags and shit?
McCulloch is now 0 for 5 in grand jury cop indictments.
O’Donnell going over the one reporter who asked McCulloch what evidence was given that informed Wilson’s decision to fire shots outside the car; McCulloch’s answer was oh how he can’t know what was important to the grand jury’s decision and “Everything presented”.
Chris Hayes says some protesters on the ground said the smoke burned them like tear gas; he went over the hollowness of McCulloch’s statement, and that MSNBC’s legal experts are going over the massive document dump that McCulloch’s office made available to them. He’s reporting a lot of anger, and another couple of fires, but not all that big a crowd. There also don’t seem to be the clergy or peacekeeper groups out tonight.
Protests hundreds strong also in California and New York being shown.
So it was black people’s word against white people word and then when one black person supported what the white people were saying, they chose that as the correct answer.
Fuck. This. Shit.
Woke up with a shred of hope (unwarranted, I know) and now I’m going to cry because those pictures coming out of there. Unlabelled canisters on twitter. ‘Looting’.
Fuck you, American justice system, this is bullshit.
Just going to put this here: Tonight in St. Louis, there are thousands of people protesting peacefully. You probably won’t see any of them on TV. #Ferguson #STL.
Protesters have shutdown interstate 44 in #stl;
Mother of Michael Brown speaks;
Plot twist. RT @KE6ZGP: Ferguson Scanner: The suspect setting cop cars on fire is a white male wearing an American flag bandana.;
#FergusonDecision protests in Chicago, Denver, New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, and in front of the White House. #STL #MO #Ferguson – in pictures.
White House;
This one’s awesome: LOS ANGELES: 10 Freeway from La Brea backed up for miles after #Ferguson protesters walk onto freeway – @ABC7.
There’s a about three fires in Ferguson, Fire Department trying to put out fire on West Florissant in #Ferguson.
Police outside ferguson brewhouse putting on gas masks about to march to the PD ;
National Guard is everywhere in Clayton where it’s quiet. Nowhere to be seen in Ferguson. (But of course, hteyŗe there to protect property. :P)
Want more outrage? Here are the photos of a beat-up Darren Wilson, as he appeared right after the shooting: Darren Wilson after being “beat up” ; Just for comparison, here’s what Rodney King looked like after the police beat him. ; “@MNYves: This is rosacea. Please stop, America. Stop playing us for dumb. ” Agree entirely. No broken skin. Bullshit.
To be fair, back in forensics class, you’re supposed to photograph bruises about 24 hours after you get them for maximum visibility, but c’mon. That is what made him fear for his life? Never should have been a cop, Darren Wilson.
#Ferguson protesters in #Oakland shut down westbound I-580 via @sfchronicle ;
Police walk by the second burned out cruiser in Ferguson;
Aerial view of those fires in Ferguson: lots of smoke.
from HuffPo’s liveblog, St Louis Public Radio has put the grand jury documents up for the public to peruse: STL evidence page
Stunning photo – Season’s Greetings (twitter)
(image is a street level view of a row of police below a lighted town banner reading “Season’s Greetings”)
Protecting property, ha: Lots of stores broken into at N. Florissant and Hereford, including Walgreens, Aaron’s, and now US Bank. No police on the scene.
Yes, Rioters continue to throw rocks and bottles at officers at W. Florissant & Solway. Officers are obligated to protect life and property. But they’re doing a crap job with the property.
“It’s not tear gas, it’s smoke. Also these aren’t bullets, they’re high-velocity metal crowd dispersal nuggets.” #Ferguson;
AND Times Square is SHUT DOWN #Ferguson;
Happy Holidays from #Ferguson. This picture speaks volumes. (via @bdoulaoblongata);
So sad.
FAA has just reactivated Ferguson’s no-fly zone, via HuffPo: (link)
Oakland protests shut down the 580, too:
If only there were some process, perhaps a legal process, to present conflicting accounts and statements, weigh them, and come to a verdict.;
What a picture – Letter from Darren Wilson being read thanking his supporters while protesters get tear gassed: #Ferguson #KSDK;
RT @JayChillinBro: “Darren Wilson never stood over Mike Brown’s body” – Bob McCullough;
Statement from Brown family on grand jury decision. #FergusonDecision #mikebrownverdict ;
#Ferguson police seem to think excessive use of force will silence folks angry about their excessive use of force.
Shots fired, shots heard, in Ferguson, an the cops hide: shots fired. crowd runs. police run behind car and draw out guns #Ferguson;
Riot gear. in position ready to run over all innocent protesters. #Ferguson (the riot gear that wasn’t supposed to come out pre-emptively);
“@Bipartisanism: Can anyone identify these? They are being used against citizens in #Ferguson “;
No labels #Ferguson (tear gas?);
Before the announcement: Crowd quiets, gathers to car to listen to announcement. @altontelegraph ;
Easily 500+ out at the #Ferguson PD now;
The protests: I never thought I would get to march on Lake Shore Drive again. 2003 & today. #Chi2Ferguson #WeShutShitDown ;
Protesters take to the #Seattle streets to block traffic in a “die in” in response to #Ferguson ruling. #MichaelBrown;
Racism is white people destroying property for sporting events while black people must remain “civil” when our children are shot by cops.
thisisthemovement, installment #60:
Piece of DarREN Wilson’s testimony. More later.
So. much. Shit. still. going. on out there.
Going to be a mad dump of pictures and hopefully articles later, too, because ye olde browsere keeps crashing, but holy shit, it’s like August all over again, except it’s not a fear reaction, it’s a victory march from the justice system – get down and stay down, all you uppity black folk, because we gonna keep you there. Such a slap in the face to the 100+ days of peaceful activism that happened before.
So yes, a lot of pictures will be dramatic, but let’s not forget that much of it started peacefully, and, in many places, it also ended peacefully (or with minimum fuss). Ferguson right now is in flames (some of it) and I don’t know what else is still going on over there. Current count is at 29 arrests.
Anyhow, to the point:
Yes, this happened: Was just in a cafe full of people resting from the #Ferguson protests when police shot tear gas at safe space – after promising, quite publicly if I recall, that there will be no tear gas, and no touchy of safe spaces;
Also, keep this in mind: Arsonists, looters and criminals are damaging the last 100 days of hard work of organized protestors. Though after yesterday, I can’t go and tell angry black folk how to express their anger. I may not condone violence or destruction of property, but I’m not living their lives or feeling their feelings right now, and I find it difficult to express any sort of disappointment or condemnation.
Not all was destruction: @RebaSparkles @kirabanks @bdoulaoblongata @MusicOverPeople protecting local business after it almost got robbed #shaw ;
Meeting. #Shaw (with photos);
Protestors. #Shaw.
they just shot protesters at close fucking range #Shaw;
the Armored truck is back. they are gassing protesters at CLOSE RANGE #Shaw ;
Safe houses and sanctuary? They. Raided. A. Church. #Ferguson.
See, that’s what I get for thinking I was ever safe. I was literally in the coffee shop sitting down on the phone. Then, tear gas. #Shaw. Inside the coffee shop. INSIDE!!!
Police are raiding designated safe spaces tonight including a church. Driving peaceful people out of safe havens and into the streets.
They have West Florissant barricaded in. Shining blinding spotlights. August all over again. , short video.
Cop in my hotel lobby just told me so far they have 29 arrests counted, but it’s climbing, not everyone counted & more coming in #Ferguson;
Really starting to think Darren Wilson was not indicted based on the idea that Michael Brown was an evil superhero: (document pic shows a fragment of DW testimony – read it. READ it. and think about it);
The horror of it all – It just dawned on me that while Darren Wilson was taking photos @ the hospital Mike was still laying on the street. Looks like a very broken man, that. Broken on the inside.
And that awesome Unified Command: GTFOH. RT @tchopstl: Unified Command is blaming clergy for not coming out and stopping the “violent” demonstrations in #Ferguson. When the clergy have been out there. They set up the protestors, and now they’re standing back and watching. Just watching. As if this is proof of the inherently violent nature of the Negro, not just symptoms of people pushed right over the edge.
But save your anger, the media ain’t any better: BREAKING: Fox News Hosts #Ferguson Panel On “Race In America” Composed Exclusively of White People.
Auto Zone fire. On west Florissant rd. #Ferguson.
Yes, this: I feel ashamed for the white jurors that bought Wilson’s yarn or felt it was OK to smile and nod. Enough! White culture must change!
Chicago: BREAKING: Thousands storm the streets of #Chicago in collective rage. #Ferguson
Peaceful protest spoiled by agitators who broke a window at fed ex. Mass group stopped to distance themselves;
Event in Toronto: Toronto Rally in response to Ferguson decision. Tomorrow. 6pm. Across US Consulate @TorontoStar @StarGTANews ;
Event in London: Solidarity with Ferguson.
Some articles, sorry won’tb e blockquoting too much: Bob McCulloch’s grand jury charade: County Prosecutor shows how to not get an indictment:
This one stings: It’s Incredibly Rare For A Grand Jury To Do What Ferguson’s Just Did :
See bolded part. SEE BOLDED PART.
Portland preachers plan to rally at police’s Central Precinct when Ferguson grand jury issues decision. So I guess they were out there after all, hm?
Must see: Insane picture taken from @nbc4eddie video tonight as #LAPD opens fire with non-lethal rounds off of Pico skirmish line. #LA #Ferguson #News.
Protesters Shut Down Three New York City Bridges In Reaction To Ferguson Decision. Saw some photos of that already (if not, they’re upcoming!).
Protesters in Denver decry grand jury decision in Ferguson. That’s the die-in they did.
LA Protesters Take to Streets After Ferguson Decision. Blocking streets, being peaceful.
Sorry, previous had more links but I counted one too many, here’s to PZ bringing it back soon! In the meantime, what an asshole: Darren Wilson’s Lawyers Release A Statement And It Doesn’t Mention Michael Brown. Statement full text:
This is from before the decision: In Ferguson, a Militarized Police Force Isn’t Necessary for Suppression:
Read: Officer Wilson pens letter to supporters, full text:
Again, no mention of Michael Brown, no actual words saying he shot down a young black man in the street. The avoidance and denial is so strong here.
Read Darren Wilson’s Testimony to the Ferguson Grand Jury. The transcript is in there, but I just can’t do it right now.
For more reading material, here’s 4,799 pages of grand jury testimony and evidence in the Darren Wilson case. There’s a woman sifting through the evidence and tweeting, and there’s already evidence of sloppiness and broken chain-of-evidence in how the PD handled the evidence.
IN FERGUSON: Police cars, businesses on fire, tear gas deployed at protesters after no indictment announcement;
Wonkette: Ferguson Grand Jury Says Darren Wilson Killed Michael Brown But It’s Cool
Read more at;
An open letter prepared for yesterday: The Results Are In, full texT:
Okay, that’s two comments in moderation. But PZ should be awake anytime now.
In the meantime, more from twitter:
Another group just arrived from the west. I think we are well over a thousand people protesting at the White House;
Hands up. Don’t shoot. #DCFerguson #Ferguson #speaktruthtopower @WhiteHouse @BarackObama ;
What appears to be absurd juxtaposition is this holiday reality for the people of #Ferguson.;
We shut down the highway. Finally.;
Moment of silence for this police car? Naw? Naw. #Ferguson .
Here’s a list of riots that happened after sporting events. Most all of them are worse than what happened in Ferguson last night.
Some animals may have been harmed: Protesters have broken into the Portland Police Mounted Patrol barn & let 5 horses out. They’re currently running loose in the Pearl;
Die-in in LA: Protesters laying in the middle of LaBrea and Wilshire in silence #LosAngeles #ferguson ;
Darren Wilson described Michael Brown as “it” and a “demon” to the grand jury;
Media: It’s so strang to compare how CNN International & CNN US chose to TITLE the #Ferguson decision. QUESTION EVERYTHING! (Protests Erupt in International vs. Violence Erupts in Domestic…);
And this, yes this: “We told them no justice,no peace. We didn’t get our justice,so they don’t get their peace. We’re fucking shit up over here.Plain & simple.”
Skepchick: Humanists Must Unite To Show That Black Lives Matter:
All of that, as much as possible. They have religion and the clergy with them, but all people should stand with them.
Pumpkinfest also comes to mind. :P
This could use a repost: In defense of the Ferguson riots.
Ferguson made the news here, too. And they say the National Guard was called in after the decision, when unrest started, which is utter bullshit – is this a thing in international media?
I covered criminal justice for 12 years. Never saw anything like this no-indict statement: a mix of confusion, defiance and condescension.
Safe space raided; @Amnesty Int’l observer team tear gassed. Three delegates hit with rubber bullets #Fergsuon ;
You beat me to it! But yes, that’s a good one.
In Canada, Grand jury decides not to indict officer in Ferguson shooting;
Violence, looting erupt in Ferguson after officer cleared in fatal shooting NOT A WORD about the peaceful marches and acts of civil disobedience such as shutting down traffic in various locations, not a word;
Ferguson shooting grand jury decides not to indict Officer Darren Wilson;
Ferguson reacts to grand jury verdict;
Ferguson protests erupt after grand jury decision in Michael Brown shooting.
Those three are from the CBC and they all use the same hpoto. Of an angry black woman.
Per carlie‘s riots over sporting events, a few photos from that.
IMPORTANT TO READ: National Bar Association comes out with statement on the non-indictment, full text:
Well, from what I understand, the Grand Jury isn’t lawyers, so this is just ordinary people supposed to make a momentous decision. Is this correct?
A Ferguson Commission member (the very same Brittany Packnett) speaks out – Ferguson Commission Member: ‘Riots Are the Language of the Unheard’
The video is, unfortunately, unavailable in my country, but it should be a good view.
In Clayton, Protestors take to streets of Clayton morning after Ferguson ruling. With a nice photo of peaceful protesting.
This has been posted, but I post it again: Why It’s Impossible to Indict a Cop . As if we needed a reminder.
From Twitter, Everyone who gets mad that “the attention of the media fuels riots” doesn’t give a shit that a lack of media attention fuels police abuse.;
Dear TV media, “Protestors” protest. “Looters” steal. “Arsonists” set things on fire. Please use the appropriate label to match your video.;
The morning after. People rebuilding. #Ferguson ;
Black people rioting last night, White People will riot on Thursday night for flat-screens that are 60% off #Ferguson (great picture);
West Florissant blocked off this morning by Highway Patrol. This is what’s left of the Beauty Town and #HealSTL bldg.
Darren Wilson Wasn’t the First: A Short History of Killer Cops Let Off The Hook:
Much, much more at the link. And please note, even convictions have been overturned on the barest of pretenses. So even in cases where justice may have been served, it is rather quickly unserved. (I would argue that it needs to be re-served, and with cherries all over.)
Forgive me if this is a dupe link.
Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) provided some interesting tweets regarding the transcripts of the testimony…there’s a storify page here.
HuffPo: Republicans Are Blocking The Only Congressional Response To Ferguson
Because of course they are.
Yeah, they would be devastated (!!!) they can’t detect mines and launch grenades in a neighborhood anymore.
How low can these people get?
from Ben Kesling: (twitter)
More at his paywalled WSJ article, which is about all the media coverage there is.
Don’t you feel safer after reading that?
6 Revelations from the Michael Brown Grand Jury Documents : not much to blockquote, as it simply presents six interesting excerpts from the GJ evidence. Read them.
In case you were wondering, Why Ferguson grand jury decision was announced when it was – apaprently it was coordinated with law enforcement.
As a former defense attorney, this is 100% on point. Please read the attached twitter document, a very good perspective on why allowing DW to testify (for instance) was a co-ordinated bad move.
This is… Howard University replaced the American flag with a Black solidarity flag today. At half mast. *tears*
This is parked across from my house (aka home to 2+ protesters) on my block. I fucking see you.;
Yes, also this: While every major news network fixates on property damage in #Ferguson, remind yourself that this is bigger than that. I hear it’s 160 cities right now. One hundred bloody sixty.
Are we writing this down? Combing through transcript, Wilson described Brown as intimidating, Hulk Hogan, “it,” and a demon. That matters. Yes, it does.
W. Florissant blocked off by police at Westfall Plaza and checkin ids. Was going to patronize @FergusonBurgers #Ferguson. Also, I lost the tab, but a man was found dead in his car on Canfield. I’ll track it down.
Thanks, awakeinmo, that was a really good one. Within, I found this: Officer Darren Wilson’s story is unbelievable. Literally. Read that, too. *whistles*
Protests continue today:
Fake blood on 10th Street in front of federal courthouse.
Courthouse protest. #Ferguson ;
Demands. #Ferguson;
“Let’s not forget what the media isn’t showing you. Young Men cleaning up after the #Ferguson protests. ”
Congressional Black Caucus denounces Ferguson grand jury:
Also, as a note, the Reverend Al Sharpton was supposedly amazing in his vocal condemnation of the Grand Jury and McCullogh.
Marching in ball park village #Fergsuon ;
We’re about to take the bridge. #Ferguson;
200ish gather in NYC’s Union Square. “BLACK LIVES MATTER” #Fergsuon ;
I love my HBCU
Protesting Ferguson, Pols Walk Out of Council Meeting Crying ‘Black Lives Matter’:
In Chicago, Ferguson protesters take to Lake Shore Drive :
That response at the end, there, to ‘All lives matter!’ – super. As someone said, this goes beyond race. And yes, it does. But it most certainly begins with race, in this instance especially.
Shutting down MLK Bridge #STL #MikeBrown ;
Four and a half minutes of silence, sit in on MLK bridge;
Some history: This is a protest in 1936 It’s 2014 and the issue still exists. #Ferguson;
And a reminder of the person with whom it all started: #RIPMikeBrown these are the pictures we should be sharing..
Anyone who can watch this??? Exclusive: George Stephanopoulos Interviews Police Officer Darren Wilson . Hasn’t happened yet, just a preview thingy at the site right now, but boy oh boy…
He has a clean conscious – I just bet he does. :P How’s his conscience, though?
Also, on that bridge, kind of funny: Police are on the wrong side of the highway. The fake out worked! #Ferguson. *tee hee*
CASA Middle School In solidarity with Ferguson!!!!
Brittney Cooper at Salon had a heartbreaking and honestly angry post that made me appropriately discomfited, as a white person:
Thanks for keeping up on this, everyone, it helps a bit. It’s all so grimly frustrating and angering, and that’s speaking as someone with relative privilege in this regard (as long as the fuzz don’t recognise I’m trans, that is). :/
This place. I think is the only one (for me) that understands. That matters.
Protestors on I-70 exit ramp Downtown are throwing objects at police officers. Unlawful behavior will be not be tolerated. Whatever happened to those words saying that civil disobedience and disruption will be tolerated somewhat?
Police surround us. #Ferguson ;
They march us down the ramp. #Ferguson ;
Arrests happening. Police shaking mace cans. #Ferguson;
#Ferguson “Who do you protect? Who do you serve?” Legal observers in green hats just pepper sprayed.;
Blue cans. Mace. #Ferguson
Ferguson’s Trial
Everyone, on all sides, has had their worst suspicions confirmed.:
Officer Wilson Says He Was ‘Trained’ To Shoot People Like Mike Brown:
Mike Brown Sr:”This is a bad time for everyone.We’re still hurting.I feel like they just killed him again.” #Ferguson ;
Police in riot gear forcing protestors off the 70 with pepper spray. Several arrest. #shutitdown #Fergsuon #STL;
Shut it down Hwy 70 now #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter ;
Proud to see so many courageous young people marching in #seattle against racism. #ferguson
Police just put on gas masks. America.;
WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON MY PEOPLE?! STL NOW. Occupy the DOJ because Justice does not live here.;
Courthouse. Protest.
Ending at the courthouse where they determined that we would NEVER BE FREE. Yet again. ;
Cleaning up after last night:
At Rooster on South Grand, decorating after losing windows last night ;
Emma Nowlin is an art student making boarded up windows look prettier on South Grand .
And that link is amazing, Cait.
It sounds like one person was killed last night (though link to protests is not established at this time). Has anyone else heard about casualties in Ferguson?
gee, you’d think someone who was that poor at their job would get fired…
I’m reasonably sure that Ferguson’s white ruling class think of his record as 5/5.
yup. I guess my sarcasm was too subtle.
I wonder why the media isn’t asking Nixon why he finds a prosecutor with such a poor record to be acceptable…
… I mean, as a judge is famously quoted as saying:
“a grand jury would ‘indict a ham sandwich,’ if that’s what you wanted.”
Drove past a protest on my way home. All the signs we’ve seen: “Hands up don’t shoot,” “RIP Michael Brown,” “Black lives matter.”
Nearby, a gaggle of cops. They were openly contemptuous of the protestors in body language and gesture.
Around the corner in a hotel parking lot, a group of idling squad cars.
One bright spot: didn’t see any riot gear or paddy wagons.
Come home to an email from the university president (the protest was on campus) going on about how nice it is that the protestors last night (apparently there was another protest last night) were peaceful and are going to be peaceful tonight, and that campus security and local cops are “professional.” Continue to blather re: peaceful assembly and free speech r/t First Amendment and “academic freedom.” Also, that the death of Michael Brown is a tragedy and that “everyone” can agree that this is so.
Transcript of Obama’s remarks last night at WaPo.
which is about where I gave up trying to listen.
Video of Al Sharpton’s remarks last night at Mediaite. I haven’t found a transcript but HuffPo has some coverage here. Sharpton was speaking from Harlem, where he’s standing with the family of Eric Garner, who are still awaiting a grand jury’s decision whether to charge the officer who killed their son.
From HuffPo:
He reiterated that they had no confidence in this local prosecutor and called for federal intervention, and that it’s interesting this prosecutor tried to tie the state and federal investigations together when they have different standards and different legal goals. Sharpton then mentioned Missouri’s fleeing-felon law and other conflicts with federal standards of excessive force, and possible shoplifting turning Brown into a “fleeing felon”. However (he says) most interesting was the prosecutor’s generalizing about “some witnesses” disagreeing while not mentioning whether any of the grand jurors dissented from the decision to not indict.
Finishing with: “Ferguson is not just in Missouri” referring to other cities and deaths, and “We can lose a round, but the fight is not over.”
Seen several places on Twitter, the hashtag #FergusonGoddam referencing Nina Simone’s 1965 song “Mississippi Goddam”. (youtube link)
via Antonio French’s feed:
Antonio French from last night:
and this morning:
and now we have Obama round 2, speaking live from Chicago.
Only livestream I could find, via the Sun-Times.
Rather than paraphrase or react to any of that tripe, I’ll just post this piece also from Vox last night: Why Obama won’t give the Ferguson speech his supporters want
From Antonio French’s twitter feed:
We’ve seen this several times throughout the protests. Police officers wear full face masks to hide their identity. Disturbing… I imagine the police would not like it if they faced a crowd of protesters fully masked that way. It just adds to their power over citizens. They have the right to be anonymous, to not face social consequences for their violent acts.
Obama’s response to this has been disappointingly lukewarm. He hasn’t once talked about the police and their excesses, but only addresses the protestors and urges calm. Here’s a leader who could make a huge difference, and the opportunity is *whoosh* flying by.
The following will be images of protesting overnight (some still going on) in various cities. And it is interesting to see that each city seems to have its own style of protest, ranging from rather violent and smoky in Ferguson and Oakland, to extremely peaceful yet disruptive in New York.
Here’s Denver: Officer pointing rifle at peaceful protestors in Denver. #Ferguson #DenverForFerguson (that’s the only pic I have of Denver, I think…);

Shaw: Smaller than last night but a group of protestors in #Shaw say it’s important to continue to have their voices heard;
Ferguson: Photographers getting their shot #Ferguson ;
Oakland: #Oakland in solidarity with #Ferguson. Barricades up with massive police presence, arrests imminent. ;
Honolulu: .@allxfoo: We’re here, peacefully protesting for #ferguson Honolulu , Hawaii is here for you too!
How did New York get cut off? And moderation??
New York: TRULY INCREDIBLE wouldnt have happened under Bloomberg RT @KeeganNYC: West Side Highway #FergusonDecision NYC.
So in Ferguson itself things are going to shit, with burning and vandalism going on. There was a moment when some (white) guy threw something at the police from behind protestors, and he nearly got beat up (by the protestors) and had to be walked off the lot. So there’s that.
Ferguson city hall is the new front after protesters threw rocks and damaged a police car. ;
SWAT was there, too: Police approach #Ferguson Walgreens with guns drawn.;
How cops protect their own property: Smoke bombs, dogs, armored cars in response to PD car vandalized at #Ferguson City Hall.;
The power of media: Stopped at a bar a couple of blocks from Ferguson PD and the standoff there is live on the TVs. It looks several times worse on TV..
Wanna see the National Guard? National Guard raises their shields after a thrown glass bottle landed several feet in front of their line. They’re finally in Ferguson, too. Maybe they can protect some of those black businesses now.
Ferguson protestors: Young protesters shut down Union Square. No cars getting through. Peaceful. Officers arriving. #Ferguson
Holy shit, New York!!! 10,000 in #DC: #FergusonDecision March moving down New York Avenue, NW. | Photo @coltraveler |;
Wall Street: Wall Street, occupied. #Ferguson2nyc
FDR drive half an hour ago. Stretched way back from there. #ferguson2nyc
#HandsUpDontShoot moment of silence in front of the United Nations for #MikeBrown. #FergusonDecision NYC. #Ferguson (Seriously, New York, holy shit.)
This is Ferguson earlier in the night: Things heating up. Protesters block street outside Ferguson PD. Being told to disperse. Officers moving in w/clubs.
Now for some actual reading:
Via Lynna on the Utterly thread, Experts Blast Ferguson Prosecutor’s Press Conference, Legal Strategy
Here’s an overview of the Ferguson protests from the BBC – it’s a live feed of short updates focussing mainly on the aggression in Ferguson itself: Ferguson Protests Nationwide.
These are photos of nation-wide protests. Day 2: Ferguson Protesters Take to the Streets Across the U.S. (Photos) Not every city, obviously, but they try to represent.
NY Times on the protests in NYC: Thousands Protesting Ferguson Decision Block Traffic in New York City:
Then there’s two from NY Times behind a subscription wall:
After Ferguson Announcement, Racial Divide Remains over Views of Justice; and
Despite Chaos, Ferguson Police React with Restraint not Shown In August. That second headline really pisses me off, because protestors on twitter were complaining about tear gas behind about the same or worse than in August. Plus no insides of safe spaces were targeted in August. They may not be pulling guns and tanks as much, or chasing people down, but there is definitely no restraint to be seen. Asshole reporter.
Repost because moderation for links:
This is Ferguson earlier in the night: Things heating up. Protesters block street outside Ferguson PD. Being told to disperse. Officers moving in w/clubs.
Now for some actual reading:
Via Lynna on the Utterly thread, Experts Blast Ferguson Prosecutor’s Press Conference, Legal Strategy
Here’s an overview of the Ferguson protests from the BBC – it’s a live feed of short updates focussing mainly on the aggression in Ferguson itself: Ferguson Protests Nationwide.
These are photos of nation-wide protests. Day 2: Ferguson Protesters Take to the Streets Across the U.S. (Photos) Not every city, obviously, but they try to represent.
NY Times on the protests in NYC: Thousands Protesting Ferguson Decision Block Traffic in New York City:
Then there’s two from NY Times behind a subscription wall:
After Ferguson Announcement, Racial Divide Remains over Views of Justice; and
Despite Chaos, Ferguson Police React with Restraint not Shown In August. That second headline really pisses me off, because protestors on twitter were complaining about tear gas behind about the same or worse than in August. Plus no insides of safe spaces were targeted in August. They may not be pulling guns and tanks as much, or chasing people down, but there is definitely no restraint to be seen. Asshole reporter.
Does this link work for anyone? From the Boston Globe: Boston Ferguson Protestors want Leaders to Listen not Speak or similar…?
Athletes speak out: Why Star Athletes Are Speaking Out Against The Ferguson Decision
And this tweet in the text hit me hard:
And where is the white outrage? The white athletes supporting their less-pale colleagues? Oh, right.
Tsk, tsk, Minneapolis. Car Plows Through Line of Protesters at Ferguson Rally in Minneapolis:
With video.
Philadelphia: Ferguson protests continue in Philly; 2 released from custody
Darren Wilson to Grand Jury: ‘I Had to Kill Him’ (you know, his face up close and personal like that at the head of all kinds of articles, is really starting to piss me off).
More testimony from witnesses at the link, just a warning: it ain’t pretty.
St. Louis Thanksgiving Day parade is postponed due to Ferguson unrest. Good. Let people think instead. Though they’ll probably just complain.
Oh, the old pot = agrgession myth: Grand jury testimony suggested marijuana made Michael Brown violent. That’s unlikely.
How Teachers Around The Country Plan To Talk To Their Students About Ferguson:
The link then lists tweets from teachers with suggestions and questions. Good ones.
Darren Wilson Joins Hundreds of Cops Who Commit ‘Justifiable Homicide’ Each Year:
Michael Brown Sr.’s Church Burned in Ferguson, with autoplay video.
There was tear gas in Denver, too, by the way.
The media in Australia is watching
Just another pic from Ferguson: on front line. #Ferguson they are staring at @MusicOverPeople and I. flashing their lights. they’re targeting folks.;
Echoes of Tiananmen: Incredible Image Of Man Stopping In Front Of Police Military Vehicles #Ferguson ;
Chicago: Preparing for arrest at #Chi2Ferguson occupation of of city hall, dead silence in this room. ;
Baltimore: #Ferguson protesters in Baltimore blocking I-83 North at Fayette St. Entire intersection blocked by police. ;
DC: Large crowd gathering at Mt. Vernon Square in DC. Speaker says killing a person every 28 hours is terrorism.;
Everywhere: #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter #demilitarizethepolice #ShutItDownForMichaelBrown #WeAreFerguson (open pic to enlarge);
This is what the California Highway Patrol are firing at the citizens of #Oakland tonight. #FergusonDecision
Back in ferguson – All that training and riot drills and they missed the bigger picture.We don’t need guns or vest for this fight.YOU CANT STOP THE REVOLUTION.;
Police push protesters into residential neighborhoods. Now allowing people to leave and go to their cars. Tiffin ave.
A painful truth: Since Michael Brown died, the only sign that police might stop shooting black teens was when they shot a 12-year-old. #FergusonDecision
Michael Brown: in photos.
Miami: 2 arrested in Ferguson protest outside Miami courthouse – from the end of that article,
It’s not his fucking job to gun down black teens running away. Or is it? Holy shit that smarmy asshole makes me want to puke. But about that interview.
Exclusive: ABC Paid ‘Mid-to-High’ Six Figures For #DarrenWilson Interview. Can we have a collective round of disgust over this? Kill a kid, make some money – I swear, there will be a book, and a movie, with Michael Brown presented as the most blackest uber-villainest of black teenagers everywhere, and Darren Wilson will be the scrawny underdog of the law, courageously driving through a really really bad neighbourhood, attacked by gangsters, single-handedly fighting his way back to safe space…. *retch* Anyway, from the article:
ABC has not spoken on the issue, far as I can tell, though they haven’t denied it.
Prosecutor faces new criticism over Ferguson case. New criticism? I thought it was all the same old, same old, just with new passion and energy.
Ah, renewed. That sounds more accurate.
Amnesty International statement: Amnesty International USA: Ferguson, the World is Watching .
Finally someone addresses the police responsibility to refrain from excessive force and/or violence. Too bad it’s not the President.
Just a thing: Diego Ibanez, who covered the NY police commissioner in fake blood, is looking at up to 225 years in prison with a $30,000 bail. #Ferguson. Can. You. Imagine. For fake blood. And Darren fucking Wilson walks.
Nearly 75% of states in our country stood up w us in the last 24hrs, embarrassed of our justice system. @BarackObama this is #OnYourWatch. Last count I think was 37 of the 50. Not bad, but still feels like an overwhelming minority.
Anonymous took down St Louis website? Tango Down: #Ferguson
Los Angeles: One picture is worth a thousand words–here are four. #LosAngeles #Ferguson #CHP #LAPD
Two bail funds, if you can donate: Ferguson and Denver.
Oakland: Row of protesters sitting in the streets hands up. Cops call unlawful assembly. Helicopter circling above. #Oakland ;
Cincinnati: Cincinnati,OH protestors shut down highway, kneeling in street w hands up #Ferguson #FergusonDecision via @UrbanCusp;
Los Angeles: RT @ThisIsJLee: Protestors confronting LAPD at Flower & Olympic #LosAngeles #Ferguson .
Portland: WOW. Portland, Oregon was not playing! #Ferguson #FergusonDecision.
Al-Jazeera has an opinion: Ferguson resembles a war zone after ruling
You idiot.
And Obama. You’d think. But no.
So the justice system has indicted social media, the press & the public but not the man who killed a child holding up his hands in surrender. Yes.
Violent protests continue, text in Latvian. Of course, all the peaceful protesting that led to arrests anyway gets downplayed and barely a mention.
Al-Jazeera again: US sectarianism: A nation still divided
Interesting tone to the article – smacks of a lot of North American articles about the Middle East, all this talk of ‘sectarianism’ and ‘tribalism’. Well done.
And forgot to mention Burlington, Vermont: Burlington, Vermont standing in #Solidarity with #Ferguson protesters.
Where’s Bemidji? Ah, Minnesota. No surprise, then: Bemidji didn’t have the largest Ferguson protest, but maybe the coldest.
Boston: Wow. As Boston #Ferguson protest takes the interstate near Southbay Prison, prisoners join in. #BlackLivesMatter ;
A lesson: My eyes are now open;
School superintendent receives a letter from the Saint Paul Police Federation: holy crap. how did i not see this until now? police federation just going stone cold full time straight thugging. Full text:
Well, I know who’s fostering a climate of fear and distrust as well as creating resentment, and it’s not Silva. Notice the transfer of attention from black students to (presumably mostly) white students. And all she did was ask a question.
Note: close tags.
The fire Bob McCulloch started:
45 Arrested In Boston Ferguson Protests
Why ISIS supporters can’t stop tweeting about Ferguson (a bit scary, this one):
Protesters Shut Down Three New York City Bridges In Reaction To Ferguson Decision
See the post for pictures, plus Chief Bratton getting fake blood on him.
And, incidentally, 2 FBI agents shot, hurt in St. Louis area; spokeswoman says not directly related to protests.
Diana, I wrote this at 22. I remember how angry I was. And yes it was more than that. It was pain/hurt. @Diana_Denis. It’s a clip of a newspaper article on being young, black, and frightening to white people.
Old, from August 12, but re-readable: In defense of black rage: Michael Brown, police and the American dream
Love the poem.
Guard reinforcements contain damage in Ferguson. Yes, yes, the Guard.
44 Arrested as Ferguson Protesters Throw Rocks, Bottles at Police.
Yes, someone lost their life in the protests: Man, 20, dies amid Ferguson protests
L.A., wow – 130 arrested during Ferguson protests in downtown L.A.
A lot in the article about Los Angeles protests and a lot of participant views within. Good reading.
MSNBC offers another general overview: Ferguson protests continue across the nation. Several cities mentioned and discussed.
fuckn animals destroying private property like that’s going to help. get a job losers SEE THE PICTURE BEFORE YOU REACT.
Thanks rq for keeping this up and also Pteryxx. Your work here is invaluable!
When this is all over, I’m going to bind it into a book and keep it on a shelf as a reminder.
When this is all over… *sob*
Thanks but I’m just sorry I haven’t posted more and in greater depth. rq’s the rockstar here.
More on the Boston South Bay prisoners as in rq’s #312 with more tweets and pictures: HuffPo
Tweets with pics:
Also from HuffPo: Ferguson Grand Jury Evidence Reveals Mistakes, Holes In Investigation
and more at the link.
The CBC has several articles today:
Ferguson aftermath: State militia reinforcements help contain damage That’s the second time I’ve seen that headline, and it doesn’t quite sit right. I’m not willing to credit the NG for the decrease in violence, rather the second-day effect, where those who came to agitate (or most) did their thing and left, while those who are in it for the long(er) run remain. I have no way to verify this, but I doubt it’s the NG that saved the day. Anyway, from the article:
Lives and property, except for black lives and black property, of course, is what he really means, right?
Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson speaks about Michael Brown shooting: I fucking hate how they’re giving him a platform. Go ahead and read that if you like, but I’m not going to quote it.
Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s grand jury testimony: 7 revelations – this one’s a better read, as while it delves into Wilson’s testimony, it … doesn’t really answer any questions. They may as well call them ‘oddities’ rather than revelations, because the author points out… I suppose, discrepancies, with proper procedure, yet never questions them or analyzes them, just sort of leaves them hanging. Par exemple:
That’s a piss-poor excuse for not carrying a taser (seriously, your comfort outweighs your and other’s safety?), and a fucking piss-poor excuse for getting out of a car. “So that if he needs to run, he can run.” Just stay in the goddamned car, you idiot, and you can drive away!! Anyway. That’s your calm Canadian analysis of that. :P
America’s Ferguson protests put police authority on trial:
The article more or less condemns the rioting in a tone-troll-y way (all this does is create a bad image!!!), and I find it too lukewarm after all. But, it is a white man writing it. So.
As an aside, Police rules of engagement around the world. With pictures.
On the terrible death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice: <a href="Tamir Rice shooting: Cleveland to release video of boy shot by police. I can’t even. I don’t know if they feel this will justify the shooting. It certainly didn’t help the police in Kajieme Powell’s shooting. And… a 12-year-old child. Shot. On video. Publicized. I just…
He believes a justified shooting, I’m sure. Wow.
That information may already be out.
And the Toronto Star: Ferguson prosecutor under fire over ‘problematic’ grand jury strategy:
Also thanks, Pteryxx *puts on rockstar sunglasses at night*
via frogkisser in the MLK thread: LawyersGunsMoneyBlog
and from our old friend Crommunist: Violence isn’t the answer, unless I’m asking the question
Also from Crommunist, as a separate point:
via Brony, Ed Brayton summarizing the racial bias at every phase of criminal justice from who the police choose to stop, who they choose to arrest, and who gets prosecuted and sentenced. Ferguson, MO and America’s Racist Criminal Justice System
Just saw St Louis local rapper and activist T-Dubb-O on MSNBC’s The Ed Show. St Louis police pulled over his car for no reason they’d disclose, put 40-caliber guns to his and his passenger’s heads, and told him to shut up “before they hold a march for you too”. Later he was told the police had been surveilling him and following his car thinking he’s an organizer of the protests. T-Dubb-O’s been receiving death threats from the KKK, which he has reported to local police, for all the good that’s done.
No links to the segment or transcripts yet; I’ll try to put them up when I find some.
Huh, they probably mistook him for the rapper TefPoe, who has been something of a leader in the activism. I guess them blacks, they all look the same, huh?
Mix’n’match of articles and tweets, because holy shit the material and [insert complaint about browser]. Kind of reverse order, kind of not. I’m actually not sure. To the HTML tags!
From NY Times, Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown:
Some live updates of protests around the country = Ferguson grand jury decision divides America LIVE UPDATES. LOOK AT ALL THE PEACEFUL PROTESTING.
LA Times – LAPD arrests more than 120 Ferguson protesters in downtown L.A.:
Interesting stories of interaction and misunderstanding and… rowdy protesting?
Here’s a tweet with pictures – Fuckery in L.A. .
UMSL Criminology professor questions Ferguson PD’s handling of evidence – he’s not the only one, either.
Here’s What These High School Students Had To Say About Events In Ferguson:
The article concludes with a series of rather heartbreaking tweets from these conversations.
The Great Police Violence Cover-Up:
SWAT team and pepper spray deployed on protestors at St. Louis City Hall
Some positive news, fora change – Ferguson Woman Gets More Than $170,000 In Donations To Rebuild Beloved Bakery
More on that young man found dead in his car – Police identify man found after Ferguson car fire:
Blockquote fail, but I hope it’s clear.
Ferguson grand jury papers full of inconsistencies
Michael Brown’s mother tearful for Thanksgiving without son (autoplay video) –
Slight shift to Minneapolis, No Charges for Driver Who Plowed Into Protesters in Minneapolis :
Yes, the victim here, let us all remember, is the driver who decided to plow into protestors. I hope this isn’t a thing that catches on.
Tweet with comparative photo: This is the epitome of “what the fuck”.
[VIDEO] Ferguson Makes Black Friday Protests Different This Year
Audio at the link.
Nixon: No special prosecutor in Darren Wilson case:
That’s the end of that for Nixon, I suppose – McCullogh did a fine job, no need to prolong things unnecessarily, right???
Nice chart here: What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting? Really nice chart.
Very good link, this one. Just in terms of visible testimony – it helps to clarify and compare and contrast.
Another one of this type: Prosecutors grossly mishandled the Darren Wilson investigation:
More at the link.
Riot as the Language of the Unheard: Ferguson Protests Set to Continue In Fight For Racial Justice – with video, and transcript of video.
Adam Lee at Patheos – The Fallout in Ferguson, Continued:
The police are telling the arrested protesters that they are holding them until the protesting stops (or Monday). We will protest MORE! Whoa, can they do that?
Albuquerque: Protesters march on Central Avenue, sit in silence
Shift over to Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old ‘young man’.
12 year old #TamirRice was shot and killed in #Cleveland. and this is how the local media decided to spin it (because a parent’s past run-ins with the police have bearing on the fact that the child is shot by police);
“He shouldn’t have been playing with a toy gun.” But… Check out the pictures.
Tamir Rice Police Shooting
It’s a 30 second video. Think about that. A 30 second video.
And here’s the Daily Beast on that: Cop Immediately Killed 12-Year-Old Boy. Yes. They pull up, and he pretty much shoots as he exits the car. I don’t know whether the authorities believe there is anything justified in that shooting. But holy non-existent gods of all that is vengeful.
And Buzzfeed on the story – Cleveland Police Kill 12-Year-Old Boy Seconds After Responding To Toy Gun Disturbance. Rice family statement:
Washington Post – Video shows Cleveland officer shooting 12-year-old Tamir Rice within seconds:
And to drive the point home, Open Carry Texas Invades Art Festival, Brings Armed Kids!. You know how many kids got shot? NONE!!!
For those suggesting that a parent’s criminal history somehow exonerates the police shooting a 12-year-old, I say: “Go fuck yourself.”
Why exactly did the police lie for 108 days about how far Mike Brown ran from Darren Wilson?:
Another good read from Shaun King.
Some comic relief. Sneak peek of tomorrow’s New York Times. Ha, ha.
Canadians rally in solidarity with Ferguson: A list of vigils across Canada. Check it out for a possible location near you, Canadians!
PHOTOS: Rallies held across Los Angeles to protest Ferguson decision .
Internationally, London, England – London is latest city to see protests as Ferguson dismay spreads. Ferguson dismay, yes. :P
There’s also a list of American cities where protesting has occurred.
Ferguson Protest Brings Parts Of Central London To A Standstill:
Pictures at the link, and twitter photos here: photo 1, photo 2, photo 3.
Rumours and rumours: BackStoppers not associated with Darren Wilson fundraiser
SURE, rub their faces in it!!! King to Obama: Invite Wilson to White House. Maybe he will, considering his condemnation of the rioting!
Uh-oh – AR-15 rifle stolen from St. Louis County police car torched by rioters in Ferguson:
NBC – Michael Brown’s Parents ‘Taken Aback’ by Darren Wilson’s ‘Clean Conscience’. ‘Taken aback’ is probably mild wording. And have I said how much his face creeps me out? Granted, I’m heavily biased against, but maaan that is one cool cat.
Well guess what, I bet he didn’t, not one little bit of any kind of regard for their child.
YOU COULD MAYBE APOLOGIZE THAT YOU FUCKING SHOT HIM. Instead of spitting out stock phrases about parental grief. *spits*
Dallas – Protesters arrested after marching onto I-35:
Donate to the Legal Support Fund for Justice for Mike Brown. Probably going to repeat link this one every now and then.
Barack Obama, Ferguson, and the Evidence of Things Unsaid:
More at the link.
Police probe man’s death in area near Ferguson protests.
Okay, and this kind of advice is frightening to the core – Katrina General: If Riots Can’t Be Controlled, ‘Next Step’ is Insurrection Act. Because what the region needs most is more military-like authority, RIGHT?
Another from London: Huge crowd march with hands up in #London #solidarity w/ #Ferguson #MikeBrown #BlackLivesMatter via @RossalynWarren ;
Denver: RT @oursmallpetunia: @CoForJustice #DenverForFerguson;
It’s just America: #Ferguson.
And to finish up, several shots of protest last night in Ferguson itself. Check out the peacefulness.
Just saw police pull up to a car at National Rent To Own in #Ferguson and put a shotgun barrel through the window.;
City Hall, before the police went wild. #Ferguson;
Protest. During the 4.5 mins of silence. #Fergsuon ;
Protest. #Ferguson;
LOOK AT THIS. #ferguson ;
Y’all, a humvee and tons of police cars are at the Galleria. #Ferguson.
Here are the Rangers. Downtown. #Ferguson ;
More National Guards. #Ferguson ;
Restaurant staff who support the movement just told us that State Troopers have been circling the restaurant since we arrived. #Ferguson (now that’s just plain harrassment).
And if your blood pressure isn’t high enough, read some Wilson apologetics: A New Series of Posts: Reading the Darren Wilson Transcript (Intro) . I don’t know if I have the emotional fortitude to keep up with that blog, as it’s a mess. Also, I don’t know much about the author, Aaron Worthing (? coudln’t seem to find a proper Author page at the site).
Check out photos of Darren Wilson immediately after the encounter. THERE ARE NO INJURIES ON HIS FACE. They take so many pictures at all kinds of angles, and NOTHING is visible. Besides, for actual best photos of bruising, you have to wait 24 – 48 hours for the colour to actually show. At least, that’s what I was taught back in uni, but who knows, times may have changed.
Woo, nice break. Here’s more:
Ferguson explodes– Is America next? (thank you to… actually, I can’t find who I got it from, though it may have been Tony on FB – anyway, thanks!)
More at the link.
Again, L.A.: LAPD surrounding about 100 #Ferguson protesters. Declaring unlawful assembly in downtown L.A. Possible mass-arrest.
He Has A Name: DeAndre Joshua, 20, Dies During Ferguson Protests (DETAILS). No new details.
But there’s a rumour: Rumors that #DeAndreJoshua was murdered for his alleged grand jury statements seems so far to be only right wing propaganda.
Oakland, this morning for me: Didn’t think it was possible to kettle & mass arrest CARS. That’s some new sh*t. #Oakland. #Shutitdown.
Just got a heads-up that there is a Darren Wilson Support Rally in the morning scheduled for 7:30am at Ball Park Village. Crazy. #Ferguson
And for entertainment, LOL! Protesters BREAK MAN OUT OF COP CAR After He Was Arrested! Providence RI Mike Brown Protest PRE . Protestor gets put into police car, protestors on other side open door for xir to escape. Heh.
Dammit, previous in moderation. But I realize I have to thank JAL for the first link in it. Thank you!
Strange Stains in Ferguson:
It ends with a re-writing of Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit:
So, it’s possible the case of Eric Garner might proceed somewhere into uncharted justice territory: NYPD Officers On The Ground in Ferguson –
It was a rookie cop shot Akai, a rookie cop shot Tamir. How about not issuing weapons to rookie cops?
Via Giliell, Why We Won’t Wait:
It’s a dense read, but well worth the entire article.
That mention of Rudy Giuliani brings me to this: White Police Chief Loses It and Tells the Blunt TRUTH About Black Crime [VIDEO]. The article is shit, but the video is slightly less so, if only because the police chief seems honestly distraught about how people don’t understand his job. Watch that, and that is the sort of defensiveness that most cops probably feel.
I would only ask him how many black officers does his force have, how have they been welcomed (or not), how do his officers approach people on the street… and whether those people killed by cops have been the much-vaunted criminals, or not. Those in authority must be held to a higher standard, so it’s not entirely right to equate criminals shooting other people with cops shooting the people they’re supposed to protect.
But anyway, has anyone heard anything about the DOJ investigation??? The civil rights one?
Darren Wilson rally about to happen:
National Guard at the Darren Wilson rally. #Ferguson ;
Unmarked car just swooped in front of us. Told us to wait. There’s a turkey run it appears. #Ferguson;
Y’all, the police are going to escort the Darren Wilson supporters as they drive I their rally. America. #Ferguson;
Then a cop approached Deray, which scared him and his companion. No hostility actually. He just told me he wanted to tease @deray a little bit and referred to him as “brother”. #ferguson.
The Darren Wilson supporters are still waiting for more people to show up. Only 10 people so far. #Ferguson.
So that’s nice, there aren’t many of them.
Earlier in the day, @deray A reporter on @nprnews said “Let’s just be thankful there haven’t been any more deaths since Mike Brown’s.” They don’t actually care. Because Vonderrit and Kajieme Powell didn’t happen.
Whew. The DW supporters ain’t got no plan. If it weren’t for Lt. Dan knowing the rhythm of protest, they’d be lost. #Ferguson. Apparently they’re still waiting for more people to show up.
Stopping the parade in NY: I support the hell out of this. Make people stop and listen! Make history! #stoptheparade #FergusonDecision
Why is only half the comment showing up? Or not at all?
One more time:
Whew. The DW supporters ain’t got no plan. If it weren’t for Lt. Dan knowing the rhythm of protest, they’d be lost. #Ferguson. Apparently they’re still waiting for more people to show up.
Stopping the parade in NY: I support the hell out of this. Make people stop and listen! Make history! #stoptheparade #FergusonDecision
Annnnnd once more – with minor changes. (No, no bad words, but…?) Whew. The DW supporters ain’t got no plan. If it weren’t for Lt. Dan knowing the rhythm of protest, they’d be lost. #Ferguson. Apparently they’re still waiting for more people to show up.
Stopping the parade in NY: I support the hell out of this. Make people stop and listen! Make history! #stoptheparade #FergusonDecision (with map of a parallel route for protestors);
@deray the protest in NY #StopTheParade has Police arresting protesters;
Arrests at stop the parade .
CNN asks, Is ‘professor’ who helped with Michael Brown autopsy who he says he is? Going over the credentials of the man assisting Dr Baden in Michael Brown’s autopsy.
There we go. Musta been those funny little symbols in the middle there.
Anyhow, more:
EXCLUSIVE: Darren Wilson and the violent confrontation with his wife’s ex-lover: Court documents reveal volatile home life of officer who shot Michael Brown – which grand jury never heard about. I believe Darren Wilson’s private life should have no bearing on his professional conduct, most especially if he is a police officer.
And the rest is a timeline of Wilson’s poor, tragic life. Actually he sounds pretty normal.
From MSNBC (with autoplay video), Shocking mistake in Darren Wilson grand jury
Apparently giving them the wrong information.
Sgt. Russo sped up to my window saying that I can’t yell at officers. I didn’t yell at him. I was telling him NOT TO YELL AT ME. #Ferguson;
Sgt. Russo wanted to write me a warning. But Lt. Dan intervened. I was asking to speak to him when the officer yelled at me. #Ferguson;
Objectively, this is an weak protest. Their only win is that the police are ESCORTING them and therefore shutting down streets. #Ferguson;
Darren Wilson supporter parade. #ferguson . It would be funny if it weren’t all so tragic.
On #StopTheParade, If your Thanksgiving is ruined because of #StopTheParade imagine how Black folks feel when cops stop our lives? Literally.
And I know it’s a silly movie, but this song really hit me while watching. I’ve mentioned before, music and singing to make a point gets to me pretty much anytime it’s used, but this one jumped out from the screen.
Basically cruising down the street with police escort: DW parade continues. #ferguson.
More stopping the parade:
Television stations were told not to show the arrests of the #stoptheparade protestors. So this is why the news is being censored.So be it.;
Protestors attacked at #ThanksgivingDayParade #stoptheparade THREE ARRESTS! #handsup #dontshoot #mikebrown;
RT @natmusumeci: Protestors chanting “hands up, don’t shoot!” at the #stoptheparade march @nypmetro ;
It looks like the Macy’s #Thanksgiving Parade has a big helping of turkey’s this year. #stoptheparade #macysparade;
Civil Disobedience is a far greater American Tradition than the #MacysParade. #StoptheParade @PeoplesHistory.
Oh, Macy’s. Macy’s agrees to $650G settlement to end Herald Square store’s racial profiling probe.
Ferguson, the aftermath, in colourful photos:
Winter wonderland. S. Florissant. #Ferguson;
Tree of life. S. Florissant. #Ferguson;
Snowflakes. S. Florissant. #Ferguson;
Hope. S. Florissant. #Ferguson.
That is heartbreaking. There was no attempt to assess the risk whatsoever, just an instant, lethal response.
Why pull the car up so close to a suspect who might be homicidal, if not to provide the opportunity to take him out? Why not position the car at a safe distance, cover, and challenge the suspect? Why assume that the gun must be real? Why not take the time to assess the situation, assess the risk? Why immediate and lethal force?
How can the response be so fucking incompetent and brutal? Why don’t police officers try to save the lives of suspects?
Via Lynna, Police leave holes in Ferguson evidence record
A quick analysis of mistakes and errors and omissions in the gathering of evidence.
Also, a couple of other videos follow in the playlist that are worth watching.
Sooo… The media is awesome, right? I don’t have a link to the article itself, but: WOW RT @deray: Today, the Post-Dispatch dangerously used a photo to link two known protestors to serious crimes.
And again: STL Post Dispatch chose to use THIS photo with this headline. So that we are the ones targeted for said threats.
The two young women yelling at the police chief? Are two of the peaceful protestors who have been working 100+ days to keep the movement alive and to keep it peaceful, at great cost to themselves. As was said, @bdoulaoblongata old tactics. Reminds me of Angela Davis. Guilty by association, even without association. Just the headline and a picture.
The newspaper replies: RT @stltoday: We are updating photos as they appear relating to the Arch bombing-plot story. Intent was to show Tom Jackson. and excuses that their intent was to show the chief, and it seemed like a good photo. Intent is not magic. Ha!
In the humorous category, PHOTO: Protesters in #Ferguson have been leaving ‘Police Traps’ all around the city.
NYC Ferguson protesters arrested en route to Thanksgiving Day Parade
I posted some photos above. You decide.
And HuffPo on the death of DeAndre Joshua: Deandre Joshua Identified As Man Fatally Shot During Ferguson Protests. No new information.
And it’s not just the US – French black justice minister under fire after slamming Ferguson police brutality
Well, I think she’s qualified to speak out about racism, since racism is not nation-specific. Good for her!
Mano Singham weighs in, on racism here and on the Grand Jury decision here.
#regram via @jamnopeanut Protestors attacked at #ThanksgivingDayParade #stoptheparade THREE ARRESTS! #handsup #dontshoot #mikebrown. One of the commenters actually has an interewsting idea, protestors should have registered a float. A float of Michael Brown. That would have been its own kind of awesome. They can still make the Santa Claus parade, though, I’m sure!
So, they changed the picture on the article: Alleged plot included bombing Arch, killing St. Louis County prosecutor, Ferguson chief
they removed the photo so THANK YOU to everyone who helped with getting it taken down. But as she said later, the damage is already done.
And protestors held their own parade in NY – Scuffles, arrests as pro-Ferguson NYC activists disrupt Thanksgiving parade (VIDEO), pictures also at the link.
Also on the same, NYPD cracks down on Ferguson-inspired Thanksgiving Day Parade protest.
Ferguson Tensions Cool After Grand Jury Decision (subscription-walled).
And overkill? Florissant PD has police dogs on the parking lot of the police station. For what? Nobody has focused on Florissant in 111 days.
Denver- Denver solidarity action #MikeBrown #Ferguson … via @AnarchoAnon;
LA – VIDEO – Tensions escalate when protestors get boxed in by LAPD;
More from LA – LAPD chief orders L.A.’s Ferguson protesters released in time for Thanksgiving dinner
A nice gesture, indeed.
thisisthemovement, installment #61:
Some interesting stuff on the international response inside.
Two more and then I’m calling it a night:
From The Walrus (love the name!), Down Under Ferguson:
In Minneapolis, Driver Who Plowed Into Ferguson Decision Protesters in Minneapolis Still Not Charged. Possible repeat, but I’m pretty sure they’re never going to charge him.
@360, rq, note the dogwhistle about the girlfriend’s EBT card – the 21st-century way to invoke Saint Ronald of the Ray-gun and his evil, lying “welfare queen” parable. Fucking racist arseholes sneaking in little classist/racist digs.
Here’s a story of one of those near mythical good cops we’ve all heard about-
NYPD Officer’s Secret Taping Reveals Superior Ordered Him To Stop And Frisk Black Males Ages 14-21
Tim Wise says “Most white people in America are completely oblivious
Long article, and there’s too much good stuff to excerpt, so I suggest reading the whole thing.
‘Racism without racists’: White supremacy so deeply American that we don’t even see it
That’s an amazing piece, Tony.
I got goosebumps when I finished this part:
CNN is reporting that the dispatcher who radioed the cops about Tamir Rice did not inform them that the caller thinks Tamir could be a minor and that the gun could be a toy.
I have a problem with the caller calling the cops when they suspected that it’s a kid with a toy in the first place, but the dispatcher decided to leave those important bits out and compounded the problem further. He was shot two seconds after the cops arrived, because they just knew it’s a black male.
Yep, that was known from the start. It’s not just CNN. The dispatcher refused to pass on that important information, and I hope s/he gets shit for it, too. That’s just doing your job poorly. With tragic consequences.
Yesterday/right now (overnight) protestors decided to shut down some local Wal-Marts. Protected Wal-Marts: America. This makes my stomach turn. #Ferguson
… Though even real shopping meant being followed: Here are our escorts today. Maplewood Walmart. #Ferguson .
Some cops. Sgt. Martin just asked if I was going to tweet him. He follows me on Twitter. Here’s his pic. #Ferguson
So that’s the first Wal-Mart. Was at Walmart in Maplewood to see @deray & @Nettaaaaaaaa being followed by police Neta bought some stuff & they left .
Ferguson: All is calm right now in #ferguson as National Guard trucks roll by. #michaelbrown
Why can’t American cops do this? Solidarity RT @BlackNerdJade: Police In Thailand Lay Down Vests and Barricades In Solidarity With Protesters “
Second Wal-Mart, from what I understand they’re still there: He is in charge here. No badge. He won’t give his last name. Badge #123. He just took my picture too. #Ferguson
Oop, sorry they were at a target previously. So, now we’ve actually caught up with protestors. Leaving Target. Onto the next location. And no, I can’t tweet it. #Ferguson
Protest in Wal-Mart: Protest. Walmart. #ferguson;
@deray every large department store at WeCo mall has a national guard presence. Kirkwood WalMart does too.;
How not to get thrown out immediately: Yes, I intentionally make a small purchase in every store we enter. I’m a customer. Gotta cut down on the reasons to arrest me. #Ferguson
Getting to several Wal-Marts: ENROUTE TO WEST COUNTY MALL WITH 250 MORE PROTESTERS !!!!!! #ShutItDown;
See, I haven’t actively protested today. That first Walmart, we were shoppers. Not at Target. But he didn’t need to touch me. (see, I can’t get the sequence right. :P );
The officers form a line. Y’all, they are MAD in Manchester. Yup, we’re coming back here. #Ferguson ;
I’m assuming the protest has started inside the @Walmart. White people are RUNNING FROM THE STORE YELLING “ITS NOT SAFE!” Yall.;
YALL!!!! I have never seen ppl run like that in my life. Running with shopping carts and bags. Because of CHANTS.
I wonder how many of those items are actually paid for, if they’re running from fear. Not that I feel sorry for Wal-Mart.
The responses are good (read below the tweet): I wish someone could see what I see outside this @walmart!! I’ve never seen people run like that from CHANTING.
Y’all, hearing the lead officer yell, “You are NOT welcome in Walmart!” might just be the highlight of the night. Manchester. #Ferguson And then someone commented that employees are barely welcome in Wal-Mart.
Y’all, @Nettaaaaaaaa heard a woman run out of Walmart screaming, “It’s not safe!” as protestors chanted. Y’all. Manchester. #Ferguson
Young women, leading everywhere: A protest that was started by the Young Women of Howard University reached over 11,000 people last night! #MYHBCU . I hope when it comes down to it, none of them get pushed out.
Hands in Ferguson: That’s our fam @FetchedFar RT “@thereaIbanksy: #Ferguson’s street art is having world-wide impact. “
Court artist’s depiction of Darren Wilson’s Official testimony. Oh man. It’s too tragic to laugh, and yet.
Similar data has been seen previously: Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends:
A Cliven Bundy Tea Party Terrorist aiming his toy at Law Enforcement. Imagine if a Black man did this in #Ferguson! ;
Walmart Reflections St. Charles – Police dogs Maplewood – Humvee Rock Road – Composed ofcs Manchester – Unprepared Brentwood Target – Chill;
Cory Booker wrote a column about Rodney King in 1992. It’s a perfect response to Ferguson – I know I linked to a twitter photo of the article, but it might be more readable here:
From the CBC: Ferguson protesters take their message to stores on Black Friday;
Ferguson residents pause on Thanksgiving to reflect on Michael Brown legacy;
These two are rather positive pieces about depressing situations, speaking with the residents of Ferguson and the wonder that is Thanksgiving.
Ferguson shooting: Why police rarely face criminal consequences;
Rather terrifying, if you ask me.
Ferguson aftermath: Missouri governor rejects calls for special prosecutor
from Slate: The Feds Should Charge Darren Wilson
But they can’t, because the Supreme Court gutted the civil rights law he violated.
Also from Slate:
Shadow Trial
Prosecutors in Ferguson violated our right to an open criminal justice system.
Toronto Star: Ferguson-related protests at retail stores planned across U.S. With reinforcements from New York,
Despite it being 2014 rather than 1968, this image is still appropriate
Cross posting from the Lounge on Tony’s suggestion:
A powerful and beautiful piece on racism from Jacqueline Woodson –
From the Business Insider-
It’s clear that race is America’s deepest problem
Yesterday saw protesting in malls, to stop shopping. Mix’n’match, again, of tweets and articles. Mostly tweets.
Oh, let’s start with a donation link: Along with many other Ferguson businesses, our office was destroyed Monday. Help us rebuild at
Protestors in the mall: photo 1, Just talked to a woman who was shopping at the mall, saw the protest, & decided to return her stuff and march w/ the protesters #Ferguson; photo 3; Another older white woman just stopped me and said, “Thank you for doing this.” And high-fived me. #Ferguson; photo 5
Some more: photo 1, photo 2.
New York: @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa @bdoulaoblongata @brownblaze @MusicOverPeople the movement lives in NYC! #BlackoutBlackFriday ;
Dayton: #dayton protest today #BlackLivesMatter @OHIOStudents #shutitdown;
They shut down BART: who shut shit down! “@Rasheed_Shabazz: BART SHUT DOWN!!! #oaktown4mikebrown ” (what’s BART?);
Chicago: ON THE MARCH #Chi2Ferguson #BlackFriday #BrownFridayChi #Ferguson #chicago #BlackLivesMatter .
Lost a comment to moderation, but moving on:
More Chicago – Right now at water tower .
In addition to Michael Brown protests, Wal-Mart employees also walked out.
Oh, and the Oathkeepers: KMOV did a story on the Oathkeepers, said they are here indefinitely to stand guard. One of them then pointed a gun at the camera. #Ferguson. Inspiring confidence everywhere.
.@bdoulaoblongata & @MusicOverPeople leading the protestors in shutting down the intersection! #BoycottBlackFriday ;
Some reactions to the mall chanting: LOL “@WyzeChef: I don’t think she liked the chants. Lol #brownfriday .
In Ferguson, officer defused eruptions as crowds grew tense
(I wouldn’t normally post the entire article, but I know that NYT articles are often behind a paywall)
Thanksgiving around Ferguson marked by quiet in aftermath of chaos; no overnight arrests
That guy, plowing into protestors? Mpls. police: Driver who hit protester was fleeing ‘the mob’ but is considered suspect. So he was ‘fleeing the mob’ by driving right into it. Because the best way to flee a mob is to run over its participants. A suspect.
My blockquotes are failing. Meh.
bell hooks GIFs via Wil Wheaton.
Ferguson Protesters Surprise Macy’s Black Friday Shoppers In NYC:
INTERLUDE: Darren Wilson leaving Ferguson police force. That’s not a very flattering photograph of DW.
That’s okay, he can do the talk-show circuit. He’s already a million and more from the fundraisers and that ABC interview.
Video of Cleveland police shooting of Tamir Rice raises disturbing questions: editorial
@deray I have had multiple shoppers since I got to work that have complained about #Blackout protests, THEY BLAME BOB MCCULLOCH #Ferguson;
I’m still floored that a peacekeeper called me a faggot and all of the other peacekeepers supported her. Floored. #Ferguson. For clarification, the peacekeepers are those supposedly on the side of the protestors, present to defuse any situations with the police.
Protesting at Macy’s: Macy’s closed on us HELLA fast #ShutItDown;
we shut down West Co. mall & Manchester Rd. (with the police help). They called in the military. #ShutItDown;
Y’all, this is a living movement. And the police are EVERYWHERE. West County. #Ferguson ;
We protest. We march. #Ferguson ;
Seattle: Protesters have TAKEN OVER 3 floors of Westlake shopping center in #Seattle, chanting “Black lives matter.” ;
In St Louis, they stopped bus traffic to the mall: Rider alert: Until further notice, the #57 Maplewood-Wildwood will not serve West County Mall and instead remain on Manchester Rd.;
Rider alert: Until further notice, #2 Red will not serve STL Galleria & instead remain on Brentwood due to protests near mall entrance.
Scared away Santa Claus: This peaceful demonstration was so “dangerous” that Santa himself had to pack up and lea…
In LA: #LAPDHQ’s says they’ve made 371 arrests related to #Ferguson protests in #LosAngeles. I think we lead the nation in protest arrests.
One of the actions was singing alternate Christmas carols. Here’s the Protestor’s Caroling for Justice Song Book. For example,
More in the songbook, such as Trampled Rights to the tune of Silent Night, and The Justice Song, set to Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. And of course, A White Christmas. The songbook ends with the statement:
With suggestions for practical help.
Protests erupt at Midway Wal-Mart and McDonald’s.
More on Tamir Rice: Police Gunned Down A 12-Year-Old And Somehow Local News Decided To Run This Story
That ‘justification’ isn’t ‘borderline insulting’, it is insulting. Whether they grow up around violence or not, no child should ever be treated with such automatic violence as Tamir Rice. The police should be scrutinized, not the victim and their family.
Round Up of Cleveland Reactions to Tamir Rice Shooting. It’s a link-dump,
Oh, nice one, police! Pregnant St. Louis Woman Loses an Eye After Police Shoot Her With a Bean Bag Round
Is this a repost? Report: Prosecutors may have misled the Ferguson grand jury about the law for two months. Just more on that silly law they told jurors to ignore to come to a decision.
A couple more comments and then I go catch up on the overnight stuff, hope everyone’s keeping up! :)
PETITION: Bring justice to Michael Brown by federally charging and prosecuting Darren Wilson for first-degree murder.
And from the UN, U.N. torture watchdog urges U.S. crackdown on police brutality:
More at the link on terrorism suspects and immigrants.
Protesters disrupt Black Friday shopping at Galleria, with video.
Ferguson protest in LA: 8 arrested Friday night.
A closer look at the incidents of arson and looting, and the (lack of) police protection involved: Burning Ferguson
One street has boutiques. Another has dollar stores. Guess which one the police protected?
And for the Bay Area, legal fund for the donation to of.
Silencing protestor media: #FreeBassem: Let Ferguson Report. From the intro:
I think they’ve raised enough to get him out at this point, though – but that was only last night.
Ugh wanted to put this one with the others: Ferguson Black Friday Shuts It Down. Some excellent pictures in there.
And for some other positive action, here’s a list: 101 Independent Black Owned Businesses to Support for Blackout Friday. Kinda missed Friday, but I’m sure it’s a useful list for any other time shopping needs to be done. With internet links.
And on a slightly darker note, Boycott for Justice: 6 Lessons Black People Should Consider
Stuff to think about.
There is room for discussion of the gun culture in the US which fetishizes firearms to the point that children are raised to think of them (and facsimiles such as BB guns) as cool toys and playthings rather than deadly weapons, but I seriously doubt Northeast Ohio Media Group had that in mind when they ran the story about Tamir’s father.
Also, how about they explore the forces that lead police officers to draw their weapons on children?! It’s like they’re starting from the position of “The cops were right to shoot Tamir. Now let’s somehow justify that conclusion.”
Okay, it’s going to be a lot of tweeting again, which might go backwards chronologically.
The FBI decimated The Black Panther Party but the KKK is still strong because they’re not a threat to white America;
ANNOUNCEMENT PROTESTORS: @GovJayNixon wants a special session to give more $$ to National Guard. Sounds like a field trip to Jefferson City!;
Another on that: It’s official: Gov. Nixon to call special legislative session to provide critical funding for ongoing #Ferguson-related security measures. More money tossed to the military machine.
Seattle: Seattle PD in riot gear are guarding the entrance to Westlake center. Protesters disrupted Christmas tree lighting.
San Diego: My city does it again. #SanDiego protesters shut down Horton Plaza Mall! #BlackoutBlackFriday
Washington: STL Washington st NOW #FergusonAction #Ferguson ;
San Francisco: This is from the San Francisco protests. And this is crazy. Wow.;
#ShutItDownForMikeBrown march heading down Market St. from downtown SF to the Mission. “#Ferguson is everywhere.”;
I had a good one showing San Francisco streets being shut down, but it seems to have been lost in the fray. This one wasn’t it, but it will do (it was an aerial shot): #ShutItDownForMikeBrown march heading down Market St. from downtown SF to the Mission. “#Ferguson is everywhere.”
More from Seattle: VIDEO: #Seattle protesters storm into Pacific Place shopping center chanting “Hands up, don’t shoot.” #Ferguson ;
Downtown St Louis: Washington Ave at 11th Street shut down. Downtown St. Louis. #Ferguson #MikeBrown via @cgagneASN @argusnewsnow ;
Los Angeles: There were five confirmed people taken in police custody tonight in Los Angeles. We don’t know what the charges are. #FergusonToLA;
Protestors blocked by police at Beverly and Alvarado and begging “let us go”. #Ferguson #DTLA .
Found lost SF: RT @OOSomebody: #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #Ferguson #SF Nov. 28, 2014 #BlackFridayBlackout #BlackFriday.
A couple more from the mall protests: Foot Locker employees show support for Chesterfield Mall protesters. Stores shuttered. #Ferguson #BlackFriday;
“@deray: Die In. Chesterfield Mall. #Ferguson ” this is amazing.
Carolling: We carol. Central West End. Protest. #Ferguson
Art: Did our thing in #Ferguson today. Goin back Sun #MalcolmX #HealSTL #mural #streetart #expandyourcircle #paintforpeace.
A comment on LA: If #LosAngeles is acting like this behind #Ferguson, I wonder what will happen when the #LAPD releases #EzellFord’s autopsy.
Musical tribute to Trayvon, applicable here: “Made You Die” Trayvon Martin Tribute.
Al-Jazeera: Ferguson protests target retailers across US ,
Some reports of vandalism, but relatively few, compared to the peaceful shutdowns.
The LAPD’s New Catch, Violate and Release Policy:
Related – remember how black women are also shot by the authorities? “We want to know: Why? What happened?”
So many questions, so much we still don’t know about the case of the woman shot to death by the Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police on Oct. 3, 2013, after a car chase from the White House to Capitol Hill. Her 13-month-old daughter survived in a car seat. As they say, her name was Miriam Carey:
And the family is left dealing with a lot of unanswered questions.
Wow, that was a long article. :/ You get a wall of text. Whew.
Last few things, from Ferguson itself:
Cops have come from behind the gate in riot gear #Ferguson ;
An officer in riot gear just told @Nettaaaaaaaa to “shut the hell up. This is my neighborhood now.” That was wild. #Ferguson;
Bruh, intense scene at the #Ferguson PD. Police and National Guard blocking residential streets.;
Now that a lot of the cameras have gone, it appears that the police are back to business as usual. And that is deadly. #Ferguson;
Protests. #Ferguson ;
16 arrests in front of #Ferguson police department tonight, according to police statement.
And not all cops are bad: Would like to thank @SLMPD Lt. Dan for his awesome handling of the Washington Avenue protests this evening. #Ferguson @argusnewsnow.
A couple of days late, here’s Avicenna on Ferguson and the GJ decision.
Petition asking the Department of Justice to bring charges against the cop who killed John Crawford III
So many people to keep track of, so little justice for them. :(
Let’s start with something scary: Mysterious ‘Oath Keepers’ guard rooftops in downtown Ferguson
Some spooky pictures at the site, too. Now imagine that they were visibly black.
Quick youtube video, police and National Guard going for protestors.
The Brown family’s pastor tries to make sense of the fire that gutted his church
Protesters in Ferguson Are Arrested After Blocking Traffic
Riot-damaged Dellwood vows to rebuild
And yeah, those emergency funds – Nixon announces special session to call for additional emergency funds for Ferguson
Yeah, because more and more intense police / guard presence is what the city needs. How about you listen to the people, Mr Mayor?
More on the HealSTL office, for donation: While we are disappointed by the destruction of our office, we are not deterred. We have work to do — with your help.
Protest Halts Traffic on NB I-5 in La Jolla. But no arrests or citations, which is nice.
A couple of videos at the link, one of which is AUTOPLAY!
Internationally: @deray There were protest in several foreign countries: Japan; Canada, London and France come to mind. No pics of Canada or London or France, though, unfortunately – at this time.
And because Wal-Mart, Black Friday protests hit 1,600 Walmart stores across the U.S.. That’s a lot.
Twitter: #BlackFridayProtests #WalmartStrikers New Orleans pics via @swervinervin23 #NOLA #WalmartElves.
Police presently pre-empting protest: THE POLICE HAS ALREADY SHUT DOWN THE ACTION SPOT AT 170 & Eager Rd. MEET AT TRADER JOE’S across from Target!!!
Did anyone link the video of Lawrence O’Donnell’s evisceration Witness 10’s testimony and McCulloch’s reliance on it? I only see it being described a bit above, so here it is.
A. Noyd
Don’t read the comments. :(
Ooh, are the police participating? Police have shut down eastbound lanes of Eager Rd. by Brentwood Pointe. Protesters chant “Black lives matter.”
Protesters chanting “If you’re going to be a cop, do it right.” St. Ann police van takes arrested individual away.
YESTERDAY at the Ferguson Police Department before they said “You will be subject to injury or death.” #Solidarity
TODAY: a large crowd protesting store-to-store in Ferguson Into Bed, Bath & Beyond we go;
Being asked to leave Trader Joe’s.
Another view of San Francisco last night: San Francisco Protesters Vs. The SFPD
Aren’t cops supposed to be more emotionally stable than the average person? Off-Duty Cop Allegedly Shoots Woman In Head During Road Rage Incident.
On Darrien Hunt: New video emerges of black cosplayer running for his life from cops who then shot and killed him
Another shooting, another contradictory video.
Diagram showing police opinion on their own use of force and its portrayal in the media:
Protests continue: photo 1; photo 2; photo 3.
Protestor Demands 2014, updated but yet to be revised. They’re accepting suggestions right now.
More on the Oath Keepers, keep that positive spin going, media! <a href="Group protects Ferguson businesses from looters, arsonists
No word on which businesses they’re protecting, or who is sanctioning their assistance in law enforcement. Funny, that, eh?
rq @409:
You’ve a borked link there.
The one word that kept Darren Wilson out of jail
Overall, I like the article, but that headline…man. He didn’t escape jail. He escaped a trial. Even if he’d been charged with a crime, a conviction would not be a slam dunk. That headline contributes to the confusion many people have over the grand jury deliberations.
Criminal injustice: 4 ways courts can restore faith in the legal system after Ferguson
• Don’t Rubber-Stamp Warrants
• Make Cops Pay When They Violate Our Rights
• Don’t Take Cops at Their Word
• Make Prosecutors Obey the Rules
Ferguson megapost, how to deal with all types of “but what about?” argumentation on Ferguson.
rq, #405
Where are all the Second Amendment fetishists now?
This seems to violate the First. Or if not violate directly, it certainly seems like a loophole-y way of denying it.
carlie, #412
Thank you for that! I’m in the middle of on-going multi-front discussions with family and friends about this topic. It’s frustrating and disheartening to see so much prejudice and misinformation out there. That certainly helps tons.
carlie @412:
Interesting link. Thanks. I’m loving the ‘racial incident’ bingo card.
Clearly the problem is with the media portrayal not the documented actions of the officers themselves. It reminds me of the arguments of Grothe/Nugent/ et al., that talking about sexism and harassment hurts “the movement” so we should shut up. If people don’t widely know about the problem it’s not a problem then is it?
Just reading through that link of yours via Twitter, and that is one giant linkdump of all kinds of awesome stuff we didn’t have here! Nice!
Yeah, that link is borked but I closed the tab and the quote is more or less the article. I think there was a video, but it was an awesomely short article.
Oh my gosh! This would be awesome! Ferguson Protesters Take Lead in TIME’s Person of the Year Poll
Not that anyone else on that list is particularly undeserving (though hopefully ‘Person of the Year’ in a negative way – lookin’ at you, Putin!), I think putting the Ferguson protestors front and centre would be a huge and significant move for the movement.
In the meantime, more malls closed down, more meetings happening. So amazing to see such a response still going on.
More from one of today’s die-ins: photo 1, photo 2.
And I like this one: How not to shoot civilians, nine lessons on community policing.
I would say some of those police departments out there have a hell of a lot of resources – they just seem to be spent more on dangerous toys than the appropriate kind of community policing.
It’s the old ‘ignorance is bliss’ argument. It’s all fine and good, just don’t shine a light under the bed. Or in the corners. Or heck, don’t turn the light on at all!
In Cleveland, for Tamir: Cleveland marching now #TamirRice #MikeBrown #Ferguson | #ShutItDown | Live feeds #DC & Ohio;
See more protestors: “If you won’t come to Ferguson, Ferguson will come to you!”, addressing Nixon – Just spoke with @pastortraci. She is planning to take buses to Jefferson City on Jan. 7. Meanwhile, people march: Sun is shining as protesters finish first mile of 135-mile #JourneyforJustice march from #Ferguson to Jeff City.
The reasons they do this: photo.
Ferguson Protesters Chain Mall Doors Shut In Seattle: Cops
I haven’t heard of any major friction between shoppers and protestors, actually – anyone? I’ve heard mostly positive, supportive reactions, though not always people are pleased. Confirmation bias at work, most likely.
HappyNat @416:
That was my thought too. I wonder how those complaining would like the media to portray them (and why do I think some would like for the media to NOT portray police activities).
I’m loving this (one of the links at carlie’s412:
And here’s something else I think is important (man that link is like a treasure trove). If you go to neuronbomb, you’ll see the links they’ve included in the following (there were too many for me to include in this post):
(bolding mine)
I’m glad for they included this in their tips.
I notice that page has also been shared on Facebook more than 10,000 times.
This has been making the rounds: Encounter at protest leads to hug for boy, officer
It’s been going around with the addendum that it’s not necessarily the individual cops who are the problem, but the inherently racist, power-tripping system of which they are members.
Canfield Drive.
Die-in at Frontenac mall in St Louis.
Darren Wilson resigns from Ferguson Police Department.
His resignation letter.
Police shut down mysterious ‘Oath Keepers’ guarding rooftops in downtown Ferguson.
The attached document was written in 1997: St Louis, race, and the implications.
Wow, they’re going to walk the whole way. For justice.
I almost wish barricade lobbing could become a new sport, but that would no doubt end very badly for the lobbers.
From rq’s #424, Wesley Lowery posting that excerpt from 1997. Here’s the full 85-page report from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: PDF link It’s about the Pierce Report for the economic and civic future of St. Louis in general, with race and equality as significant factors.
Text of the excerpt, from page 27, that Lowery posted as an image:
Thanks to carlie at #412 for the Ferguson masterpost at neuronbomb. Here’s another sampling of links with explanations:
SF Public Defender’s Statement on Grand Jury Decision
MSNBC: Shocking mistake in Darren Wilson grand jury from Wednesday the 26th
A bunch of links in the next note, which I didn’t copy over:
and from a commenter, bolds mine:
just saw this one at the Masterpost:
citing a source via Alternet:
More on the burning of the Brown family’s church, which Pastor Lee spent his life savings to open. WaPo:
A DailyKos contributor adds:
via a very insightful DailyKos contributor, this commentary from WaPo deputy editor and Pulitzer-winner Colbert King:
Deep South Justice in Ferguson
The essay really should be read in its entirety.
Another via DailyKos, Kristof’s column in Sunday’s New York Times: When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 5
Much more in the column and series.
The Washington Post has several interactive articles up collecting information from the grand jury data dump.
Diagram of the shooting scene with collected physical evidence
Medical records for Darren Wilson and autopsy reports for Mike Brown
Comparative slideshow of the encounter, putting the prosecutor’s version, Dorian Johnson’s testimony, and Wilson’s testimony side by side.
and this, unfortunately, is relevant.
The Guardian: Ohio Republicans push law to keep all details of executions secret
Happy Holidays.
Cross-posted to the Lounge: Everyone does drugs, but only minorities are punished for it
Ferguson a defining moment for race relations in USA
Video: Michael Brown’s mother: “They killed my child. They’re never going to pay.”
Darren Wilson referred to choosing to resign as the hardest thing. Killing an 18 year old is apparently not too hard.
Another person just said that the police told her to not let protestors go down by the train because they cannot protect us there. #Ferguson
The police are in the CUT. And they shined their lights on us. Both sides got a laugh. #Ferguson
Two more malls: one and two.
Darren Wilson resigns from Ferguson police department “of his own free will”.
And the CBC on Wilson’s resignation. Funny, I get the feeling I’m seeing more articles on Darren Wilson and his interviews and decisions than I am about protestors and their actions.
Ferguson protests: 7-day march to Gov. Jay Nixon’s home begins. Check out the picture they use for the headline. Right. Nothing better, right? No peaceful picture of people actually walking along a road. Nothing. Yeesh.
Via a comment from the indomitable Maureen Brian comes an excellent summary of Ferguson events as a defense of the most recent looting, and the root causes behind it (I have edited slightly, as the comment is addressed to a commenter in specific):
I’d just like to point out that I’ve seen article after article about Wilson resigning, often with mentions of protests or violence or threats, and not a single article has mentioned Wilson’s previous job in a police force that was disbanded for brutality and corruption. Salon:
From Thinkprogress, comparisons of the hapless frightened white person versus rampaging black animal narratives given by Wilson and Zimmerman: In the eyes of their killers, Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were the same person (title from HTML)
Further exploration in WaPo: In America, black children don’t get to be children
Goign to try to stick to few tweets today, lots of articles. I think. Haven’t sorted mixed and matched yet.
First, protestors attending Ram’s game:
Seems like Ram’s fans can walk in the street but we can’t. America. #Ferguson;
Ram’s fans cross the street with their hands up. #ferguson;
Many Ram’s fans leave. We protest. #ferguson . Of course, there was a lot of hate, too. But peaceful. And this: Rams Players Enter Field With “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” – watch that video, it is great. Truly.
That is exactly the recognition the movement needs. Keep it going.
Elsewhere, in DC: @deray Protestors in D.C. have shut down I-395 near D Street exit. “.
Just quickly, police, the chief and dogs at that Ram’s game. No justice, no football.
From the New York Times, Pain Is Colorblind
Wilson’s resignation: Ferguson mayor: No severance pay for Wilson, with autoplay video.
(Pteryxx – a while ago I think I and someone else posted on Wilson’s previous job and what happened to that PD, but it was last thread, hasn’t been re-hashed in media, but I’m really questioning his ‘own free will’ part, since the pressure for him to resign has come from all over and, probably, has been intense – to pretend otherwise is a pure, self-serving lie on his part.)
Defending Justice: How Does Law & Order Play Out in Racial Terms? Read this one for the illustration – the logic goes like this: he’s black because he was born that way; he’s suspicious because he’s black; he’s pursued because he’s suspicious; he’s defensive because he’s pursued; he’s shot because he’s defensive; he’s dead because he’s black.
The rest of it is a rather dense read on law, order, conservatives and race.
Dammit, this should be with the Ram’s game: protestors heading towards the march.
And this one, officers in riot gear.
Nashville is a lesson on how to respond to protest – Instead of Reacting Militarily, Nashville Police Welcomed Protests: No Violence or Looting, perhaps the whole movement can…? No? Okay then:
Yes! This! More!
Just a picture.
Going to repost previous because I missed a tag, and too many links.
From the New York Times, Pain Is Colorblind
Wilson’s resignation: Ferguson mayor: No severance pay for Wilson, with autoplay video.
(Pteryxx – a while ago I think I and someone else posted on Wilson’s previous job and what happened to that PD, but it was last thread, hasn’t been re-hashed in media, but I’m really questioning his ‘own free will’ part, since the pressure for him to resign has come from all over and, probably, has been intense – to pretend otherwise is a pure, self-serving lie on his part.)
Defending Justice: How Does Law & Order Play Out in Racial Terms? Read this one for the illustration – the logic goes like this: he’s black because he was born that way; he’s suspicious because he’s black; he’s pursued because he’s suspicious; he’s defensive because he’s pursued; he’s shot because he’s defensive; he’s dead because he’s black.
The rest of it is a rather dense read on law, order, conservatives and race.
Dammit, this should be with the Ram’s game: protestors heading towards the march.
And this one, officers in riot gear.
Nashville is a lesson on how to respond to protest – Instead of Reacting Militarily, Nashville Police Welcomed Protests: No Violence or Looting, perhaps the whole movement can…? No? Okay then:
Yes! This! More!
Just a picture.
Protestors march, riot police follow (that’s the black line in the distance); There are a TON of Ram’s fans here. The world would end if they tear-gassed the Ram’s fans. #Ferguson. So… stick to the fans?
On Ferguson: The system isn’t broken, it was built this way
Blah blah, Darren Wilson resigns in wake of shooting Michael Brown – attorney.
Leonard Pitts Jr.: Let’s talk about black-on-black violence
Read the bits I skipped. Excellent.
For no particular reason other than the fact that’s it’s a while since I’ve said it:
Thanks for doing this. I don’t have the time to go digging up all these things myself and it’s a great help to have it all served up like this. I’m still reading, so as long as you have the energy, please keep it up.
Ta-Nehisi Coates strikes again: African Americans Have ‘Right to Be Skeptical’ of Lectures about Nonviolence
Video clip at the link. That man.
Once again, those Rams players.
Nnnng. I want to keep y’all abreast of protesting actions, but I gotta learn to sort the tweets a bit. This one’s a bit out of context: Our group is smaller than a high school classroom, and NG showed up. Kill me. #STL #Ferguson.
Then this, from last night: National Guard out in #Ferguson tonight with machine guns. Protesters armed with chants, signs and love. I sure feel safe.
Worrying: @PDPJ @deray @kodacohen here’s video evidence of flash bangs being used Monday in Ferguson.; and Concussion grenades thrown at Oregon #Ferguson protesters live stream: I omit the link because that livestream is down, obviously. But in Oregon.
I don’t know if I can let myself get tired of doing this, but I always know that I can. Privilege. And you’re welcome.
A focus on the current Ram’s protest (it’s the only one to which I have twitter updates tonight due to the people I follow).
Ram’s fans join the movement. #ferguson;
In Ferguson, West Florissant still closed 5pm-7am. #Ferguson, but they say it’s a crime scene and not a curfew. So there’s that (a bit more on the crime scene aspect in a moment).
Shift to Cleveland, Internal Backlash After’s Coverage of Tamir Rice’s Father’s Criminal Record
Here’s hoping we’re better than this. Evidence speaks otherwise.
Because this is so unconfirmed, I’m a bit wary of the information within, but Did Police Set Autos On Fire During Ferguson Protests? There’s a 10-minute video at the link, if anyone has the energy to watch it (you try taking three kids swimming and then try to digest this stuff near midnight :P), but from the text:
Ferguson residents don’t care about their community? I bet you wrong. Lots of talent out there.
Ram’s protest, protestors surrounded: We are blocked in on all sides. #ferguson; but at least they’re letting medics through – EMS. The real heroes. #ferguson
Via Giliell, The Illipsis: on Ferguson, riots and human limits
More tomorrow.
(But just one more epic fail as good night: One #Ferguson business owner’s message to the governor, see picture.)
St Louis police officers group demand Rams players disciplined for “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”
Roorda is deluding himself if he thinks “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!” only applies to the death of Michael Brown. It began with him, but it applies to all the police killings of black people.
(the headline is misleading, bc she is an unpaid GOP volunteer)
Oh yeah, it’s so funny. Ha Ha Ha. Aim those fire hoses on the black folks. Hurr Hurr.
She’s an asshole.
Per Tony’s article in 452 (thanks for sharing),
Only in an authoritarian state is a sign of surrender and asking not to be killed offensive. It’s so disgusting that anyone would even say that. If it hurts cops’ feelings when people show a sign of solidarity with those defenseless who were murdered by police, than it’s up the cops to stop fucking killing defenseless human beings. FUCK that pisses me off so much. Excuse me if I go ahead and DON’T throw a pity party for the feelings of the people with the power to kill with impunity.
NYPD gathered intel on professional agitators in Ferguson to prepare for chokehold death decision
I just saw that article, and can I say my dislike and disgust of Roorda went up another several notches. (This is the article I read). Here’s the entire statement:
Here’s a tweet highlighting Roorda’s response, @deray This is good. “Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization’s displeasure tomorrow. As someone else on Twitter responded, in other words, ‘NFL, get your slaves in line’. But: Keep running out of that tunnel with your hands up until THEY apologize @STLouisRams
After touchdown Britt has hands up. Look close, he has “Mike Brown” written on his right wrist – zoom pic to follow. And Britt, he even put it on his instagram: S/o to the @STLouisRams WR core, especially @KennyBritt_18 for their support of #MikeBrown. Keep standing strong guys.
Protest at Target;
Clergy Bishop Robinson @derrb As He’s Being Arrested In St Louis For Peacefully Protesting #Ferguson;
The police lie? Nooooo… Contrary to what the police have said and what some news sources seem to be repeating, Dotson DEFINITELY participated in an arrest.#Ferguson;
The police misbehaving? Noooo… Law enforcement in #Ferguson #StL are now arresting activists when they are alone & away from protest sites. #BeSafe #CheckIn #NewTactics;
AND THE IMPLICATIONS: Once again St. Louis police have shown up in grieving neighborhood in riot gear. This time Bosnian neighborhood in south #STL. #Ferguson.
Obviously the bit about Wilson we knew about, but I wanted to link to this article bc it talks about reforms in the Ferguson PD.
I’m sure this was probably linked to in the Good Morning America thread, but it’s definitely worth reposting.
He’s talking about John Crawford III.
Missouri Lt. Governor: Michael Brown’s stepfather should be arrested for inciting a riot
Video at the link.
Alderman French calls for more resignations in the Ferguson police force. I don’t know how much that will solve, if most members remain, and especially if the attitude remains.
Also, video at the link.
Eight Arrested as Ferguson Protesters Briefly Block D.C. Highway. Video at the link, but I had a picture for this.
rq @456:
I completely echo your feelings about Roorda. Goddamn that fuckwit.
And now for something I really didn’t want to read, bc argh! Hulk Smash!
The article angers me bc it focuses so much on the WHAT.
Yes, rioting, looting, arson, vandalism…all of that is wrong. You’ll get no argument from me on that. But when people decide to tut tut about that without paying attention to the reasons WHY this is being carried out (and yes, I’m sure there are opportunists among the looting vandals), that is frustrating. They’re focusing on the WHAT, as if the WHY is not important. The WHY is extremely important bc it’s a sign that people feel there is nothing else to lose. They’ve been stripped of every recourse. They can’t expect justice from the police. They can’t expect justice from the justice system. They can’t expect change from protests. What more can they lose? Their lives? The police already don’t value their lives.
@MusicOverPeople Overheard @drbec say to cop on Saturday: “Yeah I know you like this music…Caughtcha ass marchin to that BEAT!” Cop laughs. The power of music?
Learning lessons: Today, several new protestors saw the unwarranted intensity of the police. And they were shocked. Goal is to turn shock to action. #Ferguson.
Check out Chief Dotson’s reaction to a white man’s brutal murder by two teenagers: Bosnian community upset after brutal murder –
HEY! DOTSON!! THERE’S SOME OTHER PEOPLE OUT IN THE STREET TRYING TO… oh, you meant white people. Never mind.
Also, keeping in mind that policing is already not among the top 10 most dangerous jobs, it’s not even getting more dangerous: Number Of Officers Killed In The Line Of Duty Drops To 50-Year Low While Number Of Citizens Killed By Cops Remains Unchanged. See that? Less officers killed, while citizens killed unchanged.
That last paragraph – ties in well with the perception that cops actually need all those military toys for their own protection. When the reality is quite different. Some protection is required, I can go with bulletproof vests and non-firearm weapons for defense, but those tanks and high-powered rifles do more to upset the community than to make it feel safe. And I think it contributes to cops not feeling safe, because ‘if they were safe, why would they need that equipment’?
Malcolm X on ‘progress’.
Not much has changed on the ‘progress’ front.
Black Girl Dangerous on the difference between violence and looting and more
I have to think about this, because I always thought that violence against things was still violence – not nearly the same kind of violence as any of that against people, but still violence. This is an interesting re-definition.
I went and looked up the Watts Riots (I was completely ignorant of them):
Somehow I don’t see Governor Nixon naming someone to head a commission to study the Ferguson civil unrest.
It’s no wonder incidents of civil unrest (I will no longer refer to them as “riots”) don’t occur more often. Police brutality and systemic racism are embedded in our culture and have been ongoing since our country was formed.
I think it makes sense. If you take a hammer and smash a car window, this could be because somebody is stuck in the car in a deadly heat and you get them out. Nobody would classify this as violence. Or you smash a wall because you want a bigger room. Or you blow up an entire building because you want to build a new one. All these actions yould occur in a different context. When the window is broken to steal the car, the wall is torn down in vandalism, when the building is blown up in a terrorist attack (even the old European style attacks where they used to call in advance so people could clear the premises). Clearly, it cannot be the action itself that makes us classify one event differently from the other.
But as soon as you get the human body into it, things change. If you smash a skull with a hammer it is violence. There’s a slim chance that it is justified, but there’s no way for this to resemble “smashing in the car windocause you lost your keys”
Someone’s personal take on the St Louis Rams, Unnecessary Roughness. Calling out Roorda.
It definitely makes sense, it just doesn’t quite fit with the definition of (all) violence from my childhood. Yes, context matters, and adding people to the situation absolutely makes it violence. It’s the bit about things =/= violence at all part. But I think this is a personal, internal issue, and a matter of conditioning.
I just remembered two items I have lost that I wanted to post: one was another photo of the latest all-white panel on Ferguson (from Fox, I think) and an article about Nixon family property in that bit of Ferguson that actually got NG protection that first night after the announcement.
Taking the intersection. Beautiful, action yall. #WUSTL #HWinthestreets, and NYC #HANDSUPWALKOUT – NO School NO Work NO Business As Usual #SHUTITDOWNNYC … @GlobalRevLive , because today was Walk Out for Ferguson Day.
Ashley Miller and five points on Ferguson we need to understand. It’s a bit lengthy, but a good read.
Via Giliell’s twitter, Ferguson Shows How the Police Can Kill and Get Away with It
Also via Giliell, In Conversation ChrisRock (for which I had this excerpted article).
Lots more at the first link, some more at the second.
This morning, in Washington: Protesters snarl D.C. traffic
I’m sure that mention of non-violent protests is necessary, considering that, if they weren’t, the media would be all over it. :P
Rather tangentially, Thanksgiving Weekend Sales, at Stores and Online, Slide 11 Percent. I wonder how much of that is due to the Ferguson and Wal-Mart employee protests.
Police behaving like police: Cleveland cops who killed unarmed black suspects claim racial discrimination over suspensions, article in full because it’s short:
Massachusetts governor: I wanted indictment in FergusonPatrick told NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday that the transparency of a trial would be good because so many people assume police officers are “not going to have to answer for the shooting of unarmed, young black teenagers.”
Patrick pointed to what he said was “the anxiety so many black people have about encounters with law enforcement, the anxiety that some in law enforcement have about their encounters with black people, and the startling lack of understanding between the two.”
Obama to hold meetings to discuss Ferguson
Still waiting on a media release, but the NFL will not be disciplining or reprimanding those Rams players.
We need more Ferguson grand juries
Via Twitter: Worth noting that crime in black communities is on the decline. But no one ever says, “Nice job black community in controlling your crime.”
@WyzeChef @elonjames @deray Same racists are starting a new fundraiser this week to cover Wilson’s severance package.
Until, you know, camera batteries ran out.
Or something.
On KSDK live video, watch the Ferguson Commission meet for the first time.
Short video: #handsupwalkout protest at WUSTL, Brown School
This is again on football, via St louis local news: Police group wants Rams players disciplined for ‘Hands Up’ gesture; NFL declines
What freaks me out most is Roorda’s actual reaction:
Tell me that isn’t in some way threatening.
Ferguson nightmare widens: Rudy Giuliani, the NFL and cops doubling down on their “right” to kill
Judging from the NFL’s official ‘don’t want to talk about it’ response, I think they won’t back down but won’t be particularly loud in their open support for players choosing to show their support for Ferguson.
Oh, yay? Ferguson protest leaders to meet with President Obama at the White House Monday
If they can’t even get any civil rights charges on Wilson, at the very least based on his testimony and the horrendous language that he uses…
The next two focus on Obama again, and are somewhat contradictory. Possibly. Maybe.
Obama announces funding for 50,000 police body cameras
White House: We Don’t Have A “Specific Position” On Police Militarization
Maybe not so contradictory: don’t take a firm stance, throw out a few band-aid solutions and some funding assistance (but by no means all), continue all militarization programs under the supposed auspices of greater supervision from civilians. While, probably, making sure that civilian oversight is as difficult (or biased) to maintain as possible.
At the very least, it seems the NFL is not going to punish Kenny Britt, Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, Jared Cook and Chris Givens, the players who made “Hands up, don’t shoot” gestures in support of Ferguson.
There is one thing I’m a bit disappointed about. The Rams coach, Jeff Fisher, decided to play ignorant about the whole situation, and he made a worthlessly vague statement.
While I don’t doubt that the players didn’t consult Jeff Fisher beforehand, I would have preferred him to make a supportive comment. Even one like, “I didn’t know they were going to do that, but as their coach I support their rights to show solidarity with the people of Ferguson and the victims of police violence.” Or even one way more vague like, “I didn’t know they were planning to do that, but they are certainly allowed to express their 1st ammendment rights on my team.”
An antidote for low blood pressure, here’s Roorda: Police rep: Ferguson unrest “not a problem with the police”.
He, also, has an annoying face. It’s the lack of expression more than anything else.
You know, because the police exist in a vaccuum where racial and economic disparity is suddenly cast aside for JUSTIIIICE. And the law.
A quick note on that law in the Missouri senate I mentioned above, Mo. lawmakers pre-file Ferguson-related bills
NFL won’t discipline Rams players for Ferguson demonstration, with this link within: NFL says it won’t discipline Rams players for Ferguson protest. Has more on the thoughts of the players themselves
Walk-out protests today at universities:
“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” University Of Colorado At Boulder ;
Columbia College in Chicago:
Harvard (together with high schools):
New York City.
Former GOP congressman and host of Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, goes on an idiotic rant.
Well, first of all, if the issues exist, who cares whether Mike Brown is the best example? Fight against the issues anyway! And second, of course, fuck him for implying that Mike Brown deserved to die for allegedly shoplifting beforehand. If you don’t think that is an example of a young life taken too soon for petty, racially motivated reasons, fuck you, Joe Scarborough.
Seriously, Joe? What are you basing that off of? Black people make up more than 5% of the country, and I doubt many of them ‘think just like you’ on this issue, and they aren’t the only ones. Maybe, just maybe all those people who aren’t joining their voices with yours aren’t scared, maybe they actually disagree with you.
For some reason, this segment is trending (probably mostly among conservative types). I’m not sure why. He doesn’t say anything new or interesting about the topic except
Harvard (?) again:
location unspecified;
New York and New York.
What a notpology. And I think his estimate of 95% is rather high, considering the decently-appearing turnout protests have been seeing.
And that bit about ‘racial issues exist but he shoplifted’ is the basic narrative for which I unfriended that last friend. It’s like the fact that Michael Brown is dead doesn’t even matter. At all.
Prosecutor hasn’t dropped case against Detroit police officer for Aiyana Jones killing
Two years for shooting a seven-year-old.
Well, we all know shoplifting (and jaywalking too! Lord have mercy!) is such an egregious offense that it can only be punished by death. Except for all the white people who do it. That’s different because . . . reasons.
Gov. Nixon agrees with alternative interpretation of appropriation authority offered by legislative leaders, making special session unnecessary. So now they don’t even need a special session to keep funding military-like occupation of St Louis. *sigh*
This one’s via Lynna: Police organizations in St. Louis have separate predominantly white and black organizations. Yup, that’s right, two separate police organizations for white and black cops:
Interestingly, this (ethical) Darren Wilson came up at the very beginning of everything, when the murdering Darren Wilson hadn’t been IDed properly yet. Googling ‘Darren Wilson’ brought up this guy.
Picture for solidarity.
Wonkette on football (there will be more on the football, too, but mostly via tweets): St. Louis Rams Hurt Cops’ Feelings By Reminding Them Ferguson Happened
It’s funny, I didn’t fixate on it as much yesterday – but Roorda honestly believes the gesture is being made against police, as opposed to in support of the movement, which are two slightly different things. The fact that he sees it as a provocation says a lot.
Oh oh and this, it’s via public Facebook, St Louis County statement on the NFL and the gesture (full text):
Check out that totally appropriate notpology right there: “I regretted any offence the officers may have taken”. Thank you, Demoff. Some people, not so excited: The Ram’s leadership failed today. The players, amazing. Leadership, disappointed. Meeting with Roorda is a deal-breaker. #Ferguson, but others a bit more forgiving: I actually applaud Demoff for coming out and correcting the police union on what he said. He didn’t have to do that.
What got out as an ‘apology’ from the Rams was the following article: County police chief says Rams apologized for ‘Hands up’ gesture; team’s VP says otherwise
To be clear, “At no time in any of the conversations did I apologize for the actions of our players.” — Kevin Demoff to me just a moment ago.
Funny how one little thing at the start of one football game can become such a huge, huge deal. The statement from the Rams:
This article has nothing new, except the picture at the bottom from 1968: Police angry at ‘hands up’ gesture by St. Louis Rams players, very strong, that.
Meanwhile, in Seattle.
Relatedly, more on yesterday’s walk-outs:
High School Students Around The Country Are Walking Out Of Class For Ferguson
Awesome photos from all over at the link.
CU-Boulder students stand in silence for Ferguson’s Michael Brown
Previous in moderation but I won’t repost, it’s more on the football, and here’s to hoping that PZ will just pull it out quickly. :)
Moving on!
There was a huge event in Atlanta (well, I don’t know if ‘huge’ but it got a good response via twitter), where they distributed this flyer, which is a list of changes the protestors want to see in Atlanta and nationwide, weird and impossible things like respect for human rights and other unicorns.
Ferguson fallout: Protesters interrupt Holder, with autoplay video (the link name is weird):
More on students walking out by Al-Jazeera, #HandsUpWalkOut: Students across US join Ferguson strike. More great photos from all over.
On Chris Rock, Chris Rock is right: White Americans are a lot less racist than they used to be. (But they’re still more racist than you might think.)
Black Caucus lawmakers condemn Ferguson decision on House floor
Was this already posted? “No Justice, No Respect”: Why the Ferguson Riots Were Justified
Shift over, to Eric Garner in NY: Is the Cop Who Murdered Eric Garner About to Be No-Billed?
And isn’t that a scary, scary thought?
May I ask for suggestions on who to follow on twitter? I don’t have a twitter account myself, but I still periodically check in on certain accounts that have provided useful info/insights on Ferguson. If you mostly follow the #Ferguson, you are a brave soul! I tried that when everything started back in August, and I found the racist posts to be more than I can handle on a daily basis, so I’ve tried to stick to a little network of awesome posters.
And just for comparison, 11 stupid reasons white people have rioted. Sports events, Joe Paterno, another coach quitting, a surfing event, too much disco, pumpkinfest. Wow.
Any legitimate reasons for white people to riot out there?
I don’t follow #Ferguson, that was SCARY.
I follow (or keep an eye out for) people:
That would be a short list of people to follow, who would also be retweeting others worth watching out for. List made with suggestions from carlie and HappyNat, above.
Ferguson Won’t Heal
It’s too soon to turn the page. from Sarah Kendzior.
Police are investigating to find out if Michael Brown’s stepfather was trying to start a riot.
They just don’t get it, do they?
Do they really have to “investigate” to find that out? No shit, he was trying to get people to revolt after all else did nothing.
Thanks for the list! A few of those are on my list already, but many were not. I really appreciate it :)