Wow! I haven’t been sent so much hate mail since I mangled a cracker. It seems that one of the great American holies is celebrity culture: don’t you dare say anything that comes across as callous about a beloved comedian. My favorite so far was an email that accused me of being a “Jew ghoul”, and then went into detail about the autopsy report because it showed that Robin Williams “suffered like Christ.” That’s the problem, really: it’s fine that you liked and respected the man — I did, too — but the obsessive fascination of our media with every detail of a celebrity’s pain is disturbing. There are helicopters flying over Williams’ house and media vans parked outside it, as if something important will happen there any time, while Ferguson, Missouri is under a police-ordered blackout. There are other celebrities lining up in front of cameras to talk about how wonderful Robin Williams was, while police in body armor, carrying shotguns and batons, are lining up to march down the streets of Ferguson. And damn few people seem to be able to see the stark contrast, much less care about it.
Here are a few intelligent comments on the subject. First is carlie.
I am reacting really strongly to this particular subject, I think, because I watched it play out on twitter last night. I follow a lot of people who are really up on the news as it happens, and the juxtaposition of people giving heartfelt tributes to Williams, people giving legitimately important information about depression, and people showing the absolute breakdown in Ferguson, was incredibly disconcerting. When you see a tweet that’s a freaking animated picture of a genie hugging Aladdin, and you genuinely tear up over it, and then the next thing you see is a picture taken an hour prior of policemen with dogs and riot gear ganging up on one unarmed young man begging for peace and justice, well, it kind of puts things in perspective in a really stark way.
Unfortunately, where you’ll see the real drama playing out is on twitter, with residents sharing the nightmare. When I just checked CNN, the stories were about the aforementioned Williams autopsy report (WHY? Also, why is Williams insta-autopsied and the full report released to the press, while the official Mike Brown autopsy report is suppressed, so the parents will have to get a second, independent autopsy done?), and a long video of a string of Famous People (Mel freakin’ Gibson!) queuing up to talk about how much they loved Robin Williams. Press priorities, you know.
And here’sTony! The Queer Shoop. You might be able to tell that he’s a little bit angry.
This country is starting to scare me to a greater level than it had before. I live in Florida, home of George Fucking Zimmerman. Do you see my gravatar? I’m a man of color. I’m just they type of person that Zimmerman would probably distrust. I’m just the type of person that the police would probably not be terribly nice to. I’m the kind of person people would be suspicious of. I’m the kind of person who the justice system typically treats horrifically.
For the first time in fucking I don’t know how long, I’ve met a guy who is pretty cool. He lives 10 minutes from me. I’ve been single for so fucking long that I have forgotten what it’s like to date or even be in a relationship. I’d pretty much given up hope of ever having the chance to fall in love with someone.
What does this have to do with this thread?
I don’t have a car.
I walk to his house. Often in the evening.
When I leave at night, IT’S FUCKING AT NIGHT. In fucking Florida. The fucking bible belt. Where they already don’t like black people. Then I’m gay on top of that. And an atheist? That’s a fucking trifecta for some people.
The first night we hung out, I walked home. That was before I knew about Mike Brown. I read about that after I got home that night actually. That kinda freaked me out, but I did the same thing a lot of people in this country did, and treated it like an isolated incident. As I thought about it more, I realized that it’s not isolated. Yes, it’s one incident, but it’s part of something bigger, far worse, and a great deal scarier.
Trayvon Martin was just walking home with skittles and a fucking iced tea. He was killed for nothing, bc of a racist scumbag who should be in prison. I’ve walked to the store at night before. I’ve worn a brightly colored tee shirt, and shorts. I’ve carried my cellphone and wallet at all times. Why? Because in the back of my mind, I have to worry about the possibility that someone will want to shoot me because I’m a person of color. Nevermind that I don’t own a gun, and don’t want to. Nevermind that I’ve never been in a fight in my life. Nevermind that I’m not an aggressive person prone to violence. Nevermind that I have a hard time hurting a roach, let alone another human being. No, nevermind all that. There are people out there that wish I were dead, or would take the opportunity to kill me for nothing.
And you know what? That scares me. That horrifies me. Not so much that it’s going to paralyze me, bc dammit I’m not going to live my life frozen by fear, unable to do anything.
But I should be able to live my life and not worry about the possibility of being shot and killed. I should be able to have the same equal opportunity to go through life with the same possibility of a fulfilling existence as white people.
But I can’t.
I can’t because I was born a different color.
And now, in this country, this land of supposed freedom and equality…this land that says everyone was born equal and free, we have a police state that is brutalizing black people. Young and old. We have a government that looks the other way at this ongoting civil rights travesty. We have media that doesn’t want to even tackle stories like this, and when they do, they treat them like isolated incidents. They don’t treat them like symptoms of a deeper problem…when they even document them.
So that brings us to Mike Brown and Robin Williams. I’ve said it so many fucking times in this thread and I’ll say it again:
I’m sorry Robin Williams died. I’m sorry his family and friends are grieving. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, no matter how much I despise them. I wish our mental healthcare system were significantly better. I wish there were no stigma attached to mental illness. Do you get this people? Do you understand that I’m not minimizing what happened to Robin Williams? I hope to fucking god you do because I’m sick and fucking tired of saying it.
But, compare his death, and how it is treated in the media. Compare that to how black people across this country feel. FOR FUCKS SAKE, COMPARE IT TO WHAT I’VE JUST DESCRIBED.
I’m fucking shaking right now and crying because I can’t believe people have so spectacularly missed the point of this post, and it has really hit home tonight, the third day in a row that I’ve gotten to go on a date with the same guy. He drove me home bc even he realizes that it can be dangerous out there at night for certain people with a certain skin color. I appreciate that he chose to do that, even though I would never ask him to do it. I don’t want to be an imposition on anyone.
Don’t I deserve to be able to walk home at night without the worry of being harassed or worry about facing threats from racist assholes? Doesn’t every black person? Doesn’t every single person who is oppressed or discriminated against?
Why is my life…why are the lives of black and brown people across the US..across the planet even…why are they treated like they aren’t of worth? Why are we dehumanized and treated like second class citizens?
And why can’t we have a discussion in this country about this?
Can someone, one you people who are berating PZ for bringing this up…can one of you explain that to me?
Yes I’m crying and shaking still. I guess it doesn’t matter to some people, because I’m just a person of color. Fuck.
Reality should be more important to atheists than some fantasy on the screen. It doesn’t seem to be working out that way.
ceesays is also rather unhappy.
You’re all sitting here talking about mike brown, but I’ve got some more fuckign names for you while you’re all booing the derailing nitwit with the tone argument. Sit all your asses down. Open your ears, and hear me.
Mike Brown was a 17 black boy who was killed by police while he was unarmed. I’m aware that most of you had heard about him before this post.
He died two days ago.
John Crawford was an unarmed 22 year old black man who was killed by police while shopping in a wal-mart, a hotspot for white people to slouch around wearing the latest all american fashion – assault rifles. Perhaps you heard of him. Perhaps the name is fuzzily familiar.
He died on August the 8th.
Perhaps you’ve even heard of Ezell Ford, a 24 year old black man who was killed by police while he was walking along 65th street, some TWO HUNDRED blocks north of where a shooting had been reported. He was lying on the ground and obeying police orders when he was killed by police.
He died on August the 13th. oh look.
That’s today.
you all going to be paying attention when the next unarmed black man dies to police on the 15th? you gonna remember their names when there’s another black person lying dead in the street, killed by police on the 17th? are you going to remember eric garner’s name? you wondering who eric garner is?
It’s not just mike brown. It’s name after name after name, and it’s been going on for years. YEARS. somebody black is KILLED by police in america once every 28 hours, and you’re upset because you have depression and how could anyone dare point out that the media grabbing onto Robin William’s suicide is a political move rooted deep into anti-blackness.
Well. I have mental illnesses too. And Robin Williams – he was famous. He was rich. He had treatment. More treatment than I could ever obtain for my comorbid bipolar disorder and PTSD. And if he couldn’t beat it, why should I even bother?
And if I did beat it, what kind of a life do I get with this skin? because black women get murdered by police. did you hear about the black grandmother who was nearly beaten to death by a cop? did you hear about that? Did you hear about the young pregnant woman in ferguson who was bodyslammed?
Did you hear that it’s so bad that black people don’t want to have children, because look at the world they’d be bring their kids into? Did you hear any of that?
Look, I’m sorry Robin Williams is dead. I admired him a great deal. I loved his HBO improv performance. I watched Mork and Mindy. I watched The Dead Poets Society and Patch Adams and Death to Smoochy. I’m sorry he killed himself, both because I can’t stop imagining how deep the pain has to go to actually go through with it. Williams’s death has conviced me that I have a terminal disease from which there is no cure, and I will die from it. Maybe not today. But I know how I’m going to die. It got him, it’ll get me too. That’s just how it is.
But PZ is right. News media is using his death as a way to turn a blind eye to Mike brown and all the other dead black people they ignore or blame for their deaths.
Oh, and you thought the If I was gunned down photo meme was funny?
Would you mind terribly if I don’t feel safe around you at all? because that photo meme made me want to smash things and weep, because that’s the joke, you see. We’re never allowed to be human. Not even when we’re innocent. Not even when we’re murder victims, because we are not human.
I just followed the Daily Beast link from the one CaitieCat put up @497.
Jesus christ that’s fucked up.
“They didn’t even check to see if he was breathing.”
Cleveland Cop Indicted for Manslaughter in the Deadly Shooting of an Unarmed Black Man and Woman
Things that happened 3, 4 days ago are being tweeted by new people on #Ferguson, highlighting how many people still don’t know about what happened.
In the Aftermath of Ferguson, Stay Angry and Stay Woke
Seattle’s former police chief speaks out on Ferguson and police militarization
As a quick aside about something I saw in the comments of the Jezebel article I just posted, as well as on FB and on Twitter:
If you’re going to derail a powerful discussion of racist violence and oppression by complaining about non-standard English and still call yourself an ally, you’re doing it wrong. Dialect bias is still a bias and when used in this way to police how POC are discussing an issue that effects them it becomes a tool of racist silencing.
Bigots are now embracing the meme that Mike Brown’s size meant he wasn’t unarmed.
Just… wow. On that last post. How are they going to spin that one? Just… how? Holy. Shit.
And thanks for the updates, no twitter at work for me.
Apparently there’s been some confusion about the real Darren Wilson. How different two people can be!
MM @ 5*, thanks for that link, included it in my latest blog post.
*Would someone please get off their arse and fix the fucking comment numbers, please? Also, dump that incredibly sucky pale gray for quotes. There aren’t words enough for how much that sucks.
This wouldn’t have been a problem if the FPD had done their damn job and arrested the killer cop, rather than cover up for 6 days, while aiding said killer cop to flee the area.
Seriously, What rq Said @1010.
I can’t thank you folks enough for keeping updates rolling, because I just can’t bear Twitter as it is currently set up, and Twitter’s the only place real journalism seems to be happening anymore.
What rq and CaitieCat said goes for me too. I don’t do Twitter, so I really appreciate all the work you’re putting into keeping track and updating this thread.
More thanks to Inaji, rq, and TMM for keeping us informed, and the rest of the internet (who aren’t racist genocidal shitbags) for keeping the info flowing.
See also feministbatwoman who’s doing stellar work curating social and traditional media info.
Pics of Ferguson locals guarding stores to prevent looting.
Description of Al Jazeera livestream.
I wonder if I’ll ever stop crying…
Don’t think the video is from June.
Dumbest Police Chief in America
Well, damn.
Via feministbatwoman:
FBW cites News One, but this media report links to footage of the news conference.
Pteryxx @(5)16
That is exactly what people should be seeing, hearing and/or reading about Ferguson right now.
An analysis of Obama’s statement – could have been stronger? You bet your ass!
I just read somewhere but closed some tabs that Amnesty International is sending / has sent a delegation to Ferguson? Oh, I guess that’s old news now. Not quite the UN, but good nonetheless.
Don’t Shoot. I Want to Grow Up.
Banner of all the lives stolen by law enforcement nation wide. #ferguson
Gift ideas for Mike Brown (going to the townspeople of Ferguson and protesters who have come in from elsewhere).
A Nation Shocked by Ferguson, Mo.
Ferguson Residents Protect Stores from Looters During Police Standoff
Marc Abian:
It’s interesting, that link has been continually posted by white racists, screaming about those ugly brown animals all over #Ferguson and other feeds. If the date isn’t from June, I’ll happily concede that, when there is verified, valid information and confirmation.
The date on the video, however, doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the verified fact that Tom Jackson publicly admitted that the video had absolutely nothing to do with Mike Brown, or Wilson deciding to try and stop him [from jaywalking]. The incident report was leaked yesterday, which states cops were still looking for a robbery suspect 7 hours after Mike Brown was gunned down in the street.
So, what’s your fuckin’ point?
Here is the statement from Alpha Phi Alpha on paying all of the expenses for Mike Brown’s funeral. #Ferguson
Someone lost no time tweeting:
Police in Ferguson Haven’t Been Wearing Identification
Two ways of reporting the same story. #ferguson:
Via #AntonioFrench: Short nap. I’m back. I haven’t seen this in days. (Photo of his cellphone battery readout @ 100%)
One week ago a young unarmed black teenager was killed by a cop in Ferguson, MO. His name is Mike Brown. (Photo of Mike Brown in the snow, smiling). There have been 6 responses (one not included because there was no text):
Inaji #25
You and rq posting right after you seemed to think the date of the video was quite important a few comments ago. I posted a link on that topic which you brought up, about a fact that deserved the ALL CAPS treatment, and you’re asking me what could my point possibly be, and implying I’m some screaming white racist?
And for all us old hippie folk, a remembrance
There’s somethin’ happenin’ here
What it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun, over there
Tellin’ me I got to beware
(I think it’s time we)
Stop, children, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
There’s battle lines bein’ drawn
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
Young people speakin’ their minds
Gettin’ so much resistance from behind
(It’s time we)
Stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singin’ songs and carryin’ signs
Mostly sayin’, “hooray for our side”
(It’s time we)
Stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away
(We better)
Stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
(We better)
Stop, hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
(We better)
Stop, now, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
(We better)
Stop, children, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s goin’ down?
What Ferguson Tells Us About Protest Culture In America
Inaji #30, one didn’t need to be a hippie to remember that song. It got a lot of play during my undergrad years.
The videotape is a distraction. The question remains this; even if Micheal Brown did rob the store, how does this justify shooting him and leaving him to bleed out with even calling EMTs?
And how does this justify sending paramilitary police into town, threatening people who were demanding answers?
The videotape is meaningful only to people who think that what happened to Micheal Brown was justified and that the black people of Ferguson deserve an occupying force in their town.
Yes, I am saying that the videotape is fodder for the racists.
Nerd @ 32, well, for all us who have been there before, then.
Hands up, don’t shoot! Photo from Milwaukee, WI
One of the weapons available to the FPD is the LRAD Sound Cannon
I’ll second that claim.
The Redhead was at U. Toledo in Ohio when Kent state went down. I missed seeing a police riot by a couple of hours at my undergraduate university. The city police had negotiated with the ‘Nam war protestors, and were taking an hands-off approach since they weren’t damaging anything. The county sheriff had other ideas, and held a police riot in honor of the protestors. No guns, but plenty of police batons used to make their point, followed by mass arrests, and terrible haircuts to humiliate the long-haired protestors. *spit*
Inaji @26
I guess that Tweet was deleted, bc there’s nothing at the link.
For comparison, this headline on the Guardian today. (Warning, references a school shooting)
Denver teenager was not deemed high-level threat before fatal shooting
• Karl Pierson, 18, had threatened to kill debate coach
• Documents released in shooting in which 17-year-old girl died
That school has armed resource officers on duty. Presumably there was an armed officer on duty when this teenager was yelling death threats in the parking lot. Yet nobody shot at him.
But, y’know, when I saw a headline of “Teenager not deemed high-level threat before fatal shooting” among all the Ferguson headlines, I thought, for a minute there, maybe the fatal shooting was OF the teen in the headline. Nope… not OF the non-threatening teen. BY the non-threatening teen.
Jesse Jackson getting booed off for asking for donations for church. #Ferguson (Jackson was asking for $100 donations for his church.)
I’ll second that spit.
Fuck, I’ll keep an eye out. What it was about, MLK frat had agreed to pick up all funeral expenses.
A white, bible quotin’ cop’s wife lets everyone know how awful they are being to the poor, poor cops.
Very smart kids.
they ain’t showin this on the news
Damn good work.
Colorlines citing CNN footage
Headline at Rawstory: MO governor declares state of emergency in Ferguson, institutes curfew
Via #Ferguson:
“Sleep is not an option, Gov. Nixon, we want justice!” “why is the focus on security, when we need justice?” -Audience at #Ferguson presser
A curfew?
What’s the rationale there (my laptop only works in safe mode, and sound is disabled in that mode, so I can’t listen to the video)?
So far, it’s basically Nixon saying shit like ‘there can’t be justice unless there’s peace, so curfew.’ Nixon is fucking up all over the damn place, and is coming across as painting everything being the fault of the townspeople.
The citizens of Ferguson do not need a curfew. There’s no reason for it, and does nothing to rectify the frustrations of that community. If anything it inflames it. It’s incredibly patronizing and victim blaming.
Oh yeah. Fuck, I’m not in Ferguson, and my first reaction was anger. The prosecutor hasn’t filed charges, no one will say jack shit about why FPD allowed killer cop to skip town, killer cop hasn’t offered to turn himself in, the autopsy report is still being withheld, and so are the incident reports. So, hey, the solution? Put a whole town on lockdown. Yeah, that’s gonna help.
So’s mine. In order to calm to the town, the police officer in jail awaiting murder charges, the Ferguson and STL county chiefs jailed for human rights violations, and all the riot gear destroyed.
Holy shit, the tweets are pouring in now…
Next killing, right on schedule. /bittersarcasm
:heart sinks, shatters on floor:
Might as well shut up about all of this. I see people much more wise then any of us say that we are just trying to earn brownie points by talking about this.
It’s going to be a terrible night. I don’t know how the people can respect the curfew. It’s humiliating them. It’s like telling them to eat their own shit. They must feel torn between anger and despair.
I have a bad feeling about this night. :( I hope it’s just a feeling.
Whatever happened to the sensible Captain Johnson? I thought he had been placed in some sort of authority for the time being.
A news story that was on the same page that Pteryxx linked to.
Yeah, I hate the Tea Party, fucking foot soldiers of the authoritarians.
When asked about responses to people being out after ‘curfew’, Johnson said there would be no teargas or armored response, they’d just talk to people. No one is quite sure how that one is going to work.
Yeah. Apparently, shooting someone over 20 times is just no big these days. At least, not if a cop does it.
Huh. That’s going to be…. interesting.
Yeah, typical of prosecutors, drop the charge one degree for cops, instead of what they should do, raise it one degree due the responsibility to “serve and protect”, not kill, the public.
The people saying that crap remind me of responses from some of the dictionary atheists: ” I don’t want anti-racism activism in my atheism”.
Melissa Harris-Perry talks about the deaths of black men that have occurred at the hands of police in the past decade.
Al Jazeera via AngryBlackLady: Why isn’t the Tea Party sending a militia to Ferguson?
“We have to be our own security tonight,” Malik Shabazz. Brothers meet at QT at 5:00.
Both Nixon and the mayor of Ferguson show the fundamental disconnect that is at the heart of how racism maintains itself in places like Ferguson.
(from your link @74)
Hmmm, I seem to recall a certain Poopeyhead arguing that the media’s priorities were screwed up. I guess the militarization of an American city and the civil rights violations of the citizens therein just weren’t a big deal to the mainstream media.
They still aren’t. If they actually gave a shit about that, we wouldn’t still be hearing about ‘mass riots and looting’ from msm.
Likewise. I saw a headline about it elsewhere and thought “Wait, what the entire fuck?”
Plus the firing and blacklisting from law enforcement of every member of the Ferguson and STL police forces, and their replacement by… that’s the problem, really, I have no fucking clue where to start on that one offhand, because pretty much all the other police departments I know of have the same fucking problems. What we really need is a whole new paradigm of policing, including partially a return to older modes of what’s now called ‘community based policing’, whereby officers have a regular beat they traversed on foot, and part of their job is specifically to interact in a friendly and helpful fashion with the residents, so as to build trust and goodwill, and put a human face on the police department. Also so that the officers will be more inclined to perceive those they interact with as people, and thus be less prone to resort to rough handling.
Also, of course, disarming the cops needs to be a priority; not just all the military shit, but even sidearms for patrol officers. There’s probably a need for some armed squads here and there (although if we had some sensible gun regulations there’d be a lot less need), but for most of the country that could be handled at the state level with a single specialty group called out when strictly needed). And, of course, cameras on all cops at all times while on duty, with a feed to a remote database which is under the control of a civilian oversight board, and which the police department has no access to, ever.
The trouble is, of course, that still doesn’t fix the underlying problem of festering racism, just makes it harder to sweep under the rug and less likely to be fatal. Unfortunately, I have no fucking clue what to actually do about the problem of festering racism.
Pteryxx #61
Take a look at what happened to L.A. after Rodney King, and get an idea of what that might look like, and the limitations of it.
My partner suggested actually doing police swap programs, where small groups of police from more sane countries swap with small groups from places like Ferguson for a 6 month rotation.
I think the police of the US could learn a lot from seeing how differently police forces in say New Zealand or the UK routinely train their officers in how to interact with their communities.
likewise, the police in the UK and NZ would learn what is so different about how police in the US are trained, and can realize why their training is so much better suited to the job at hand. Nothing reinforces the lessons better than seeing how NOT doing it this way affects people’s interactions.
I am all in favour of bringing back the beat cop. Yeah, we have a fucktonne more people now, but we sure as hell aren’t going to see a fucktonne of new cops they way things are going. If we went back to beat policing, we’d end up with better cops in the long run, too.
Antonio French is supporting the curfew. Damn, man.
I didn’t realise the killer cop was only 28. Hardly mature enough to be given police responsibility with loaded weapons.
An Australian news article repeating police lies:
Amnesty International not a fan of #Ferguson curfew
Elon James White @elonjames 45m
This happened with no curfew. Dude just wanted to get to his car. #ferguson
Now I’m wondering…will people be in violation of the curfew if they are hangin’ in their own yards after midnight?
I’m not sure why the age of the officer makes any difference.
re: your link-
It’s frustrating to see that image of looters circulating the internet. Far too many people already think the protesters were looting and rioting. We know now that those arrested for looting were not members of the community. To show an image like that without at least acknowledging that those criminals are not connected to the protests is going to lead people to believe that such actions were linked to the protests.
If anything, they should at least have shown an image of the protesters gathering non violently.¤t_page=1#bookmark
Ken White at Popehat:
Oh, for goodness sake. Arrest the officer! Place him under arrest, put him in a secure location, and pass the word that he has been arrested.
Secretly, of course, all his buddies can bring him pie and shake his hand, and later the judge can acquit him, but for now just arrest the officer. They have arrested journalists, they have, for no damn reason, surely they can arrest a cop.
By the numbers: a look at Ferguson
58 LGBT organizations and civil rights groups show their support for the family of Michael Brown. This is the full letter as well as the names of the supporting organizations:
(my bolding)
This letter is a great way to show support for the family of Michael Brown. I like that it acknowledges the interconnected nature of equality movements.
I needed that. Thanks, Tony.
Breaking: Famed pathologist Michael Baden to conduct 2nd autopsy on body of Missouri teen. #Ferguson
I am getting seriously sick of the amount of times I’ve seen “Officer Wilson may not have known about the robbery, but Michael Brown certainly did!” on #Ferguson.
I wonder if the New York Times will amend that article to show that Michael Brown did not rob that convenience store.
I’d like to see them make the point that it does not matter whether or not Mike Brown stole something. Since when is it okay to summarily execute a person for stealing? Or Jaywalking? Or anything else?
Marching down W. Florissant in #Ferguson right now.
#Ferguson drone flying over crowd at QuikTrip operator from Russia Today they tell me
At least the FBI is handing out cards seeking anyone with information on the shooting. That is better.
Bus full of “special police” here now. #Ferguson
Cops emptying from a bus #Ferguson
Inaji, I just wanted to also say thank you for all the compiling and dredging through the news to share information here. It is much appreciated.
It’s not so great when you consider that 4 witnesses came forward immediately, and are still being ignored, in favour of the feds ‘finding more witnesses’. Makes me wonder how hard they are looking for something to justify Mike Brown’s murder.
Thanks, Yazikus. It’s about time for me to call it a night. Well, in a few hours anyway.
Police some wearing helmets have gathered at the intersection #ferguson
Our peaceful march being stopped because of this #Ferguson
Ithaca police sergeant pulls gun on unarmed minority teens; mayor promises investigation
Inaji (and rq, The Mellow Monkey, others who are sharing updates): sincere thanks for your time and effort here.
I’m currently (myopically) wrapped up in my own (infinitesimal) shit & work, but have to take an hour or so each night to try to keep abreast of what’s happening in Ferguson. The curated feed of updates here has helped me do so. Thanks again.
(I don’t have any original sentiment to express about this latest enormity. …..A fucking curfew?)
From one of the founders of twitter, who has been in Ferguson:
Marched with Alderman @AntonioFrench. Amazing calm. Thank you Alderman! #ferguson
Okay, this made me laugh. Good sentiment, that.
For anyone who might need their spirits lifted: Link to the Lounge because this is off topic.
I can’t stomach the wealth of racist tweets in between legit messages anymore. Good luck to the next people picking up the coverage. Keep covering, stand strong, and stay safe, everyone.
Rest well, Inaji!
Vice News from Ferguson – if they’re there, they’ll probably have updates regularly.
The teargas is out again.
Weird, I can’t seem to copy-paste tweets but I can link. :/
And a livestream.
The Vice News livestream, still going – apparently the Alex Jones one is down due to teargas.
tear gas canister
Unconfirmed: Twitter co-founder arrested?
Guide: protect yourself and cell phone at a protest (repost?).
rq – Twitter won’t allow copy-pasting unless scripts are enabled for both and If you’re using noscript, turn them both on.
Vine’s livestream just ended as everything appears to have calmed down, but they said they will bring it back up if needed.
Ferguson police are saying tear gas was not used, only smoke canisters – but numerous reports on the ground are saying they are in fact being burned by tear gas. Also the police are wearing gas masks, not necessary for smoke.
(Twitter link)
(Twitter link)
(Twitter link)
Tear gas or smoke?
Footage after curfew from I Am Mike Brown.
Thanks, Pteryxx, I’ll check my settings!
what would they be using smoke for anyways? Isn’t it generally used to either signal or conceal movement? neither of which is terribly useful in a well funded, supplied, and coordinated riot-control type force. I mean, it’s not like cops would lie or anything, right?
Anyways, thanks to everyone who’s been posting updates on here, I really appreciate it, and I’ve been getting most of my information off of random gawker/jezebel affiliated subblogs, and this thread and it’s predecessor. I don’t use twitter myself, so me trying to pry out anything useful would be an exercise in futility.
Inaji, rq, Tony!, and everyone else, thanks for your efforts, it’s appreciated.
I’ll have to sign off for a bit, my day is beginning and I’ll be at work again sans Twitter, but I think the relay shall continue.
Washington Post article from Thursday: Tear gas is a chemical weapon banned in war. But Ferguson police shoot it at protesters.
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That’s from half an hour ago. I gather that the vast majority of the protesters left peacefully between about midnight and 1 AM, with the efforts of both citizen peacekeepers and police speaking to them on the ground.
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Yet a small core of protesters refused to obey the curfew order, plus a group of troublemakers who arrived late at night looking for confrontation.
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Sourced mostly from the twitter feeds of Antonio French, Alex Altman, and Trymaine Lee.
From about 10pm local time tonight:
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Background from NBC yesterday: Feds Urged Police Not to Release Michael Brown ‘Robbery’ Video
So much for Ferguson police cooperating with the DOJ.
and way at the bottom of this NYT article via Twitter and FeministBatwoman: NY Times confirmed that a local nurse begged to perform CPR on Michael Brown but was denied.
Just had a short piece on 7 tv news here in Oz. Talking up the ‘riots’ as a reason for the police response.
They rushed over the whole ‘shooting an unarmed teen’ bit to focus on civil unrest.
Funny how they show scenes of peaceful protestors at the same time they say riots…
Disgraceful attempt at journalism.
From Daily Kos on Thursday, background on Mike Brown’s school.
It gets worse – basically, their accreditation was handwaved so that parents cannot ask for their kids to be transferred out of the failed district.
Overview of Ferguson late tonight.
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though according to Antonio French’s timeline, tear gas was used to disperse the remaining crowd *before* he heard shots fired.
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According to Matt Pearce’s timeline, around the time police pressed a SWAT line forward to clear the main street, shots were fired on a side street and a young man there was hit. The shooters apparently ran away. Per Capt. Johnson’s remarks to the press, the seven arrests were for failure to disperse, both smoke and tear gas were deployed, and the gas was deployed to clear the street and get to the shooting victim to rescue him. Capt. Johnson also said that a police car was shot at tonight.
It’s almost five AM and I hope someone can clarify the order of events with a little more daylight.
french canadian news this morning;
“over two hundred people ignored the curfew, one person was injured. look at all this rioting”
the only image they showed was a crowd with tear gas being fired at them.
Tashiliciously Shriked@131,
Well, obviously, they meant “Look at these police rioting”.
Inaji @94
This shouldn’t surprise me any more, but still, every time it happens it is again a kick in the gut: yes, there are people out there that think extra-judicial execution is a proper punishment for being a suspect in a robbery case. And these people vote. Apparently, they thought Judge Dredd was a good concept and missed the satire.
Pteryxx @126
This was plain cold-blooded murder. Nothing less. Even if we believe the most wild stories the police and their apologists out there put out, it still doesn’t excuse not trying to save a downed suspects life.
Pteryxx @126
I believe the legal term is “depraved indifference.”
Faces of some of the people cleaning up, and citizens clearing out their own trash, because garbage hasn’t been collected.
Summary of the night, from HuffPo.
From press conferences this morning:
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So the Ferguson PD released the liquor store video without the mayor’s knowledge or approval, and *over the objections of the DOJ* (see my #125 on this page above). Still no word on what department or authority, if any, is even in charge of the police response on the ground. Guess even authoritarianism takes a back seat when galloping racism needs to be defended.
Word on Twitter about the arrests:
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Some comments in response say that the media were kept segregated into the agreed-upon media staging area while the police were clearing the streets (with tear gas), which is why nobody from the media witnessed the seven arrests.
I haven’t caught up on the thread today but wanted to share this. Scroll down the article for a really fascinating animated map of tweets containing #ferguson and related hashtags around the world between August 9 and 14. You can zoom out to watch the whole world progressively light up with #ferguson or zoom in on your city/country to watch it begin. It’s interesting to note things like Morocco lights up early on but almost nothing from neighboring Algeria. Buenos Aires leads the way in South America, followed by Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, an extremely connected city. Italy remains dark much of the time. Barcelona and Madrid are the brightest cities in Spain. Madrid I get, it’s the capital of Spain, but why Barcelona? Is it because there is more of an activist fiber in Barcelona than other cities on the Iberian Peninsula?
I wonder what all the variables are, having internet access, being proficient in English, having an interest in social justice issues and ???
In any case, it seems that Twitter’s role in informing the public has reached a clinamen or threshold of some sort.
Confirmation that the press were kept away from whatever the police did after curfew:
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Yup, clearing the streets with tear gas.
More on the militarization of police in the US:
chimera @138
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with a population of over 1.5 million.
Also in Matt Pierce’s timeline:
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So if I’m reading this right in context, one of the functions of a declared curfew is that it keeps cooperative journalists away from whatever happens in the curfew area. Meaning, I guess, that the police might no longer be acting illegally by forcing journalists away or arresting them to get them out of the curfew zone. I hope Ken at Popehat or someone else specializing in First Amendment law weighs in on this.
Fresh thread for the Ferguson news.
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First report I’ve seen of sound cannon being used, reported by a journalist at the Riverfront Times:
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