It should be interesting — I’ll be at the home of that well-known heretic, Mark Twain, from 7 to 8:30 pm. Instead of my usual talk, we’re doing something a little different: a conversation with Jacques Lamarre, the director of the place, about all this godlessness popping up everywhere. If you’re going to go to the official event, you should make reservations now!
Also, there were many suggestions about what to do afterwards, and I’m making an executive decision: let’s meet at Vaughan’s Public House around 9pm. I’m a sucker for an Irish pub.
Jacques is a really talented guy; I’m sure he’ll do a great job leading the conversation. I only wish I could be there. But I’ll see y’all at Vaughn’s.
I just got word that Jeffrey Rowland threatens to be there. At long last, I will meet the creator of my avatar.
Strange words for a man under doctor’s orders to avoid alcohol!
I, on the other hand, will be 2500+ miles away building yet another catapult.
Irish Pub is a state of being.
Doesn’t matter what you drink.
‘course you are obliged to eat some cholesterol wrapped in cholesterol and fried in cholesterol.
No relation to our disgraced former governor, John Rowland, I hope?
… someone who gave public talks, around Hartford and beyond, promoting his writing. Look how that turned out.
Taking the night off from work just to be there. Reservation tickets printed out . Perhaps a picnic in the park before the event. So excited to hear this discussion :) Welcome to Conn. Dr. Myers!!!!!
Herr doctor Myers,
Go up the river a bit, to Ragged Mountain and do a little top-roped rock climbing. It will open your mind a
bit. Not that you need it, but that a little more open mindedness is never a deficit. Go with some competent
people, maybe from som club or just fools who go there all the time. It is not Yosemite, but it is big enough. About 80′ high on average. It is a basalt sill, so lots of vertical finger sized cracks. It is also pretty
steep, So you will get a work out trying even easy things that you might not be able to do. Give it a shot.
With a top-rope it is pretty safe, ask around.
Yeah, Mark Twain… one of the people I would like to have had to banter with on a train or plane ride.
You can’t always get what you want.
That should have been DOWN the river, Ragged Mountin if I recall correctly is S. of Hartfort. I was thinking you’d be in New Haven.
Hartford…. sheesh.
Here’s a link to get started, I don’t endorse any of this or these.
Caveat emptor . But you might get a kick out of it..
And you were properly celebrating Bloom’s Day. We usually go to an Irish pub on June 16 but figured they’d be crowded with soccer fans. So I made stew and Irish soda bread and we watched the match at home.
(If you don’t know the holiday, you obviously weren’t an English major.)
Never mind. I missed that “Wednesday” that was right there in the headline. I guess I had too much Harp last night.
It was great (finally) meeting you, PZ. Thanks for the lively and stimulating conversation.