Say hello to Alex Gabriel

Our newest FtBer will be blogging at Godlessness in Theory: Queer left politics, pop culture and skepticism. Go tell him to get cracking and provide some content right now.

He didn’t realize that we are cruel and demanding taskmasters here, now did he?


  1. Konradius says

    Dit you just call all non-blogging readers if your site an asshat?
    (Not yet disputing the statement, first want to make sure this was not a brain fart)

  2. The Mellow Monkey says

    Phew. Fortune be praised that I’m an asshat, so I’m safe from waking up one day with a blog.

    …well. A blog on FtB, anyway.

  3. says

    No, of course you aren’t an asshat. I’m just exaggerating to say that precluding asshattery is probably the major limitation on the size of the network.

  4. David Marjanović says

    Try again and post the result of your search instead of the search itself.

    Yes, Google has become very annoying.

  5. Walton says

    Yay! An excellent choice. Alex Gabriel’s post on Dawkins and Islam said what I wanted to say, with far more eloquence than I could muster.

  6. mrheteronormative says

    Funny how “skepticism” was last in the title and “queer left politics” is mentioned first. Telling. Can you guys just rename yourselves “HardLeftistBlogs” and drop the pretence please?

  7. Stacy says

    Funny how “skepticism” was last in the title and “queer left politics” is mentioned first. Telling. Can you guys just rename yourselves “HardLeftistBlogs” and drop the pretence please?

    *checks blog title*

    Guess what!? This is Freethought Blogs. For almost 200 years, Freethought in the United States has been associated with the left–and with the belief that “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence” (William Kingdon Clifford).

    You didn’t know that, did you, mrheteronormative? Based on the evidence (your comment), I’m guessing you’re a “Skeptic.” They tend to be shallow thinkers who greatly overestimate their own cognitive abilities. Also they tend to be assholes.