Here, at long last, is proof sufficient to most systems of jurisprudence that I am not PZ’s alter ego.
It’s the video from the #FtBCON panel Science, Skepticism, and Environmental Activism, held Saturday evening California time, also featuring Madhu Katti and Jennifer Campbell-Smith, my colleagues from the Network. The panel also featured Piasa the European starling.
“I told you I’d shoot, but you didn’t believe me! Why didn’t you believe me!”
-Stinky Whistleteets.
(Channeling Burl Ives)
I initially thought you were the same person, but thought that you looked slightly too different in photos. Now I know that you are the one with the awesome hair.
I’ve still never seen the two of you in the same room together. And I definitely want to see that.
Besides, what if you’re a time-traveler? Then you could easily put on your Chris mask, switch back to your PZ mask, fiddle with some audio filters to change your voice and so forth. Of course, the obvious objection here is that it’s just plain absurd to think you’d ever want to look like PZ. However, the universe doesn’t owe us an explanation for anything, obviously, so I will not try to explain it. Some things are just a mystery.
That hair is awesome.
You people faked the moon landing.
This is not proof. It was faked with technological sophistimacation.
Clearly they used the same technology that “They” used to fake the moon landings, to make it appear that Clark and Myers are at different places at the same time. But I’m onto you! I’ll tell the world about the Myers-Clarke Conspiracy! someone will have to listen to me now! They can’t silence . . .
Poopysnorts! In his usual disguise as a mild-mannered pinko moolsin gay atheist “intellectual” university elitist poopyfessor, he’s known to hide his horns, forked tails, scales, tentacles, steel heart, laser-shooting eyestalks, and harem of trophy wives. So another boring bipedal disguise is simply not convincing.
I’ve seen The Parent Trap, both the original and remakes.
I know how these things are done. You can’t fool me.
Yeah, yeah. Next you’ll be telling us you’re not a shape-shifting alien reptiloid either.
I’m convinced, PZ.
Having just made the mistake of reading Newser comments I am well aware that you university professors are paid so much you can easily afford the technology to clone yourself
Damn – where did my (/snark) comment disappear to?
PZ: It’s stunning how easily fooled they are by a wig, isn’t it, Chris?
Chris: It sure is, PZ. It’s like Superman putting on glasses.
PZ: Wait, Chris, which one of us is Superman in that analogy?
Hmmm, inquiring minds want to know which of our hosts will be The Saviour….
I agree with
Polly OSili!Chris: Don’t know. Which one of us is named “Clarke”?
I can tell by the way the hair is waving in the wind (fan or blow dryer?), and also by the shadows cast by the nose, that you are actually the same person. Like a hologram, it all depends on the viewing angle.
This doesn’t prove anything. We still know which one is the animatronic puppet and that PZ can throw his voice. ;)