Thistle Memorial Heavily Moderated Lounge Adjunct and Hookah Bar » « War on Easter? Friday Cephalopod: So…many…squid… (Found on a site called The Cephalopodiatrist. I wish I’d thought of that name.) Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Thistle Memorial Heavily Moderated Lounge Adjunct and Hookah Bar » « War on Easter?
ChasCPeterson says 22 March 2013 at 1:42 pm still available: The Entoproctologist (and plenty of other -podiatrists: iso-, gastro-, amphi-, myria-, cope-, and octo-, to name some)
kantalope says 22 March 2013 at 8:43 pm More squid news: All the giant squid – from all over the world – are one species: no link to the original article though…but I’m picturing a gigantic Queen Squid somewhere who rules them all …bwahahaha. The truth will probably be even weirder.
Reginald Selkirk says 23 March 2013 at 8:30 am Squid suck. Rare Kissing Octopus Unveiled For the First Time
still available: The Entoproctologist
(and plenty of other -podiatrists: iso-, gastro-, amphi-, myria-, cope-, and octo-, to name some)
More squid news: All the giant squid – from all over the world – are one species:
no link to the original article though…but I’m picturing a gigantic Queen Squid somewhere who rules them all …bwahahaha.
The truth will probably be even weirder.
Squid suck.
Rare Kissing Octopus Unveiled For the First Time
Mimic Octopus Makes Home on Great Barrier Reef