My parents lied to me incessantly as a child: about the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, that they were happy in their marriage, that my mother got along with her mother and sisters, that I was an intended pregnancy. I learned that I would eventually discover or be told the truth about everything they told me. I learned the tooth fairy was a lie. I learned that cigarettes didn’t turn you into a psychopathic crackhead junkie murderer. I waited for someone to come clean to me about god. They never did. As a high school freshman, my twenty-something brother asked me why I hadn’t been confirmed. I told him I didn’t believe in god. (After reading the bible I was more sure than ever I didn’t want that.) He still tells people I’m devout.
Christie, congratulations, you have escaped from the Dark Ages and you have joined the 21st century.
Those were cash cows for you. Why complain? It’s not like they expected you to believe that bullshit the rest of your life. Unfortunately they did expect you to believe the god bullshit forever and it’s OK to complain about that.
Of course that’s not true. You only have to worry about lung cancer and several other diseases. But please continue trying to slowly kill yourself with cigarettes because I plan to buy shares of Philip Morris. The genocide business is very lucrative.
That is all one needs to know about commenter humanape. It’s at least the second time he’s thrown in his support for genocide of certain classes of people (previously, he stated tacit support for the genocide of gay people).
Is it more lucrative than the asshole troll business you’ve also been involved in?
God atheism is so freaking boring and just about as unscientific as any religion. Still love this blog, but too much proselytizing atheism for my palate.
This thread may be more to your liking.
Yeah, the culture of dishonesty, I got that too. My parents kept lying to my dad’s relatives, not only after I had told them I was an atheist, but after the whole family stopped going to church. We had to pretend to be Catholic when we had contact with them.
“I learned that cigarettes didn’t turn you into a psychopathic crackhead junkie murderer.”
Oh hell, then it must be something else…………..
Seriously–nice job Chrisie. Inconvenient and even painful truth is preferable to a sugar coated lie any day of the week. Especially Sunday.
@paulknopfler #4:
Q1. When bushes burn, do they:
a) Not get consumed by fire.
b) Get consumed by fire.
Q2. When burning bushes talk, do they… oh, forget it.
Apologies for mistyping your surname. There are too few umlauts around here.