What is going on here? I provide an open thread for everyone all the time, and that isn’t good enough for some of you…noooooo, you have to go and commandeer another thread altogether and turn it into The Zombie Thread. And then fill it up with…stuff. Unsanctioned, unauthorized, unmonitored stuff.
Well, I know what to do with zombie threads: shoot it in the head. So I did. It’s dead. Now don’t you go resurrecting it, neither.
Wait, brains did what now? Uhm… ‘Fiend without a face’ was just a movie, you know.
@sg. Its not a mistake. Its typical fundy cruelty and callousness disguised as “caring”
Wow. Honesty.
You claim that disabilities can be overcome through sheer force of will. Will, as in willpower, is seen as a strong, assertive force, a willingness to impose one’s wishes over others (or one’s self) with no regard for reality. This implication carries the converse — those who need help to overcome a disability lack will, they lack strength, they lack an assertive force.
So, within two sentences, truth to lie. Yup. Seven year old.
You assert that anyone can overcome anything through force of will. When challenged on a specific ‘anything,’ you lied.
There you go again. Limitations can physioligical, environmental, they can be due to chemical imbalances or ‘wiring’ oddities within the brain, they can be due to an extra chromosome. How does one place any of those potential limitations on one’s self?
No, it is not ignored. The fallacies and idiocies are pointed out, but it is not ignored.
Are you capable of asking a question without presupposing the overarching superiority of ‘will’?
And, more important, why do you need to lie to support your position?
Ok 7 year old. Time to grow up. Your starting points do not stay in your head they end with real people. That anyone is me right now. Now loose your diapers, put on your big boy pants and address me as an actual person
Go away for a couple of hours …
And you can be a stupid fuckwitted idjit like yourself, who doesn’t understand your ignorant opinion isn’t evidence, it is just stupidity, lies, and so much bullshit. Third party evidence, like the peer reviewed scientific literature, makes the difference. But then, you must be able to read and understand said literature. Which leaves you out. Maybe you should remember the first rule of holes: stop digging.
No, the twist keeps your delusional mind going. We rational folks are straight shooters. You twist things beyond rationality and reality.
Since you are the emotionally and intellectdually 7 year old, no, it isn’t cool chatting to someone of your lack of perspective.
Your uniformed and ignorant opinion isn’t anything other than that. Science doesn’t give a flying fuck about you and your inane opinions of it. Now, if you really understood science, by being able to truly cite it properly…I’m not holding my breathe on that one.
Why don’t you? Where is the conclusive physical evidence for your imaginary deity? Given you absolute lack of understanding of science, why the fuck to you stupidly opine about it, and an not understand we are considering the source, which means you are lying and bullshitting.
No. Just, no.
The scientists did not “question” the speed of light. They reported results which looked like neutrinos were moving very slightly faster than light. They were skeptical of their own results, and acknowledged that they needed to check all of their (very complex) equipment, and try to figure out if the results were real, or the result of an equipment problem.
Also, the labs were not “separate”. One lab was generating neutrinos, and the other lab was detecting them.
Should they have waited and done the checking before reporting their results? Maybe. And in that case, you would never have heard about it.
It was proven that the appearance of neutrinos being very slightly faster than light was very likely the result of equipment problems, and they think they know which parts of the equipment failed.
Replicating the experiment with different equipment showed the neutrinos moving at the speed of light, as expected.
Science does not get a bad name. Why should it? There was a problem, and the problem was solved.
No-one involved was trying to manipulate anything for an agenda. The first experiment said “We’ve seen something weird, but we think there was probably a mistake. If there’s something real in what’s weird, we want to find out what is really happening. If there was a mistake, we want to find out what the mistake was.”
And now they think they know what the mistake was, so that it shouldn’t happen again.
Behavior cute for a 7 year old is monstrous in an adult.
I meant:
The scientists who performed the first experiment said:“We’ve seen something weird, but we think there was probably a mistake. If there’s something real in what’s weird, we want to find out what is really happening. If there was a mistake, we want to find out what the mistake was.”
DanielHaven, the difference between you and a 7 year old, is that a 7 year old, in most cases, will be honest and genuinely inquisitive when asking a question. When kids ask questions, generally, they really want to know the answer.
I can see through you whisper brackets theophontes. The Tentacled Overlord can too. Oh, and I’ll take that box of icepicks and the aluminium ladder. {Hands icepicks to porcupine} Now go off an behave yourselves.
Daniel, being an absolutist, gets all bent out of shape when science goes through its typical refinement of anything, be it theory or a constant like the age of the Earth. So he says science doesn’t know what it is doing and its facts can’t be trusted. But if what is being refined is essentially then same number, now good to 6 places rather than 4, isn’t that an improvement? At least us scientists see it that way. Or the same idea, being brought up to date with new evidence? All part of what makes science work, the ability to understand it is a work in progress.
Compare this to its totally stagnant religion. When was the last time the god was challenged, expected to provide real evidence for itself, and/or the babble revised with an eye to reducing overhead, bringing the contradictions down into the single digits, and concentrating on Jebus instead of Paul?
Cool. A.R. didn’t even frisk you for the crossbow. Told you A.R.’d never look there.
(Does anyone else ever feel like the conversations of one thread keep spilling over into other threads with remarkable appropriateness?)
Ogvorbis shouldn’t have mentioned the crossbow. {Holds out rubber gloved hand}
*runs in and grabs ladder*
*runs out*
All of you who have Failed® to cure your own dyslexia by
The Bootstrap Method™
Have you tried prayer?
(just in case: /sarcasm)
Curse you chigau! {Pulls LOLcat gun out of holster, shoots randomly} BAM!, BAM!, BAM!
/nigel enters Zane Gray mode.
Ungh! You plugged muh. Ah’m daid!
Skipping from #443 to comment. Will catch up in a mo.
chigau: 無 Have you seen it embiggened? Versus?
I really like the seal script but I don’t understand the Versus link.
chigau: Compare them side by side.
A. R, that’s twice now you’ve stolen my punchline. *comedy grr*
(It’s the downstrokes. Tentacles. See?)
Working back:
No. (Except for “billions of years”.)
We explained this last time round. Please go back and re-read.
And “will yourself”?!
Can you will yourself out of red-green colour-blindness? Sickle-cell anemia? Sandhoff disease?
nigelTheBold: “But, I wanted to be a physicist.”
Me too, but quantum electrodynamics put me off. So I went and hit rocks with a hammer instead. I got fresh air, exercise, and beer, too!
(Of these, I’ve clung most tenaciously to the beer.)
QE was fucking impossible for me. *SEE* that bit about field physics. QE was field physics on fucking steroids.
Yeah. I ended up on my ass in windowless rooms.
You got the better deal.
Psalm 139 NIV:
My best friend’s sister, her friend, my first bosses daughter(In the United States, up to three out of every 100 people are identified as having types of intellectual disabilities), my niece, another niece, who was one of the 50% category, and the type of sick and twisted christian fuck that wants to force every woman and fetus to go through what my sister did.
– – – – End Part One
Close(ing tags) enough. Am I bovvered?
Yes. Agree. Me too. Probably not.
Probably. (Being uncivil would have been counterproductive.)
I got a little respect for at least understanding what people were thinking (gosh! how “liberal”! {don’t tell anyone!}) whilst bringing reasonable logic and well-sourced evidence. But overall, rating the experience, I fear I’m with Tolstoy:
I mean, how hard is it for people to understand that if the FOMC engages in QE and therefore expands M, that the result is not necessarily
as long as BB (pbuh) catches it in time, unwinds the FR balance sheet, crushes M, and forces up IRs. I mean really? Isn’t this obvious?!MV=PQ has V and Q constant? WTF?
You know, this is one of the things that really pisses me off, when dipfuck morons act so pedantic(they think) and sanctimonious by saying shitolla like this, “evolution predicts blah” and “science proves yakitty yak yak”,
but are actually revealing their complete
and remain oblivious to their hypocrisy by saying both ” science CANNOT prove the Bible is false.” and “And how can “truth” itself be determined. Given the changing and fallible nature of science, it cannot provide the answers.”
and in the next breathe, say, “Scientific Facts In The Bible” and “When studying the science of the ancient world, one is more apt to be impressed with its ignorance than to admire its accuracy. However, the Bible offers a definite exception to this rule. The scriptures are replete with statements suggesting scientific knowledge which predates the corresponding discoveries of secular science.”
So what is it, dh666, you try to use science to validate your religion, but then try to show how wrong science is?
– – –
And another thing: You say that God is loving and merciful – “
“The Lord is full of compassion and mercy” (James 5:11, NIV).
God is the master of mercy. His very nature desires to relieve you of the self-imposed misery and distress you experience because of your sin. All humanity benefits from God’s mercy to some degree.”
can do anything, –
“O Sovereign Lord! You have made the heavens and earth by Your great power. Nothing is too hard for You!” (Jeremiah 32:17).
God merely spoke the universe into being-a universe that astronomers estimate contains more than 100 billion galaxies. But all the power contained in this entire universe is but a small representation of the unlimited power of God. The combined energy of all earth’s storms, winds, ocean waves, and other forces of nature do not equal even a fraction of God’s almighty power.”
and is just – “God Is Just… so He will always treat you fairly.
“I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10).”
THIS is starvation:
“This is Kevin Cater’s world renowned photo of a young girl
on her way to a food bank that was 3 kilometers away.
It is said that Kevin chased away the vulture who was waiting for the girl to die
so that she could be eaten. The girl is most likely dead. Kevin did not help her to her destination.
Instead he went and sat under a tree, smoked a cigarette and cried.
I used to blame Kevin. I used to say I would have gone to the ends of the earth for her.
But Kevin had seen so many like her. Kevin saw children like her everyday.
Kevin did not help her because he probably believed he could not do enough.
I used to blame Kevin.
Apparently, He blamed himself too and took his life 3 months after winning the Pulitzer prize for the image.
– – –
You fucking miscreants are the sickest fucks I have ever talked to. You fucking bleat like the fucking stunned fuck sheep you are about ‘science doesn’t know stuff, but God is the answer.’
These people deserve this, according to your vile sickness of a religion that you say we should embrace:
The Janjaweed attacked villagers all over Darfur, killing more than 300,000 people. In addition to these deaths, there are thousands upon thousands of people who went missing and more than 2.7 million people displaced.
As I was running away from my burning house that morning, the Janjaweed caught me and threw me into another house that was on fire. I burned my face, my head and other parts of my body in that fire. I stood up to get away, but my clothes were on fire. I rolled on the ground to put the flames out and then ran into a small pond we used to give water to the chickens.
Burnt and soaking wet, I ran into the woods and climbed a tree. I stayed there all day. From my perch, I could see the Janjaweed and the Sudanese military killing people. Young boys, they beheaded immediately. Girls they killed and dumped in the river. Pregnant women had their bellies cut open with machetes and their breasts slashed.
This quote says it all:“Ultimately, he is responsible for the Sudanese government, which had control over the Janjaweed, or “devils on horseback.””
heHe is responsible” Fixed that for you.Isaiah45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
@ DH666
It is very clear from your responses that it has defined you. They wanted you to believe in an imaginary being and you did. They wanted you to be stunted intellectually, and you clearly are. They wanted to deprive you of any natural empathy and they succeeded. In what way have they not defined you?
I am not blaming you here. But you do come across as a hypocrite, in that the standards you set for Ing (Using willpower to overcome one’s afflictions…WTF), you do not apply to yourself.
Get over your denial and start dealing with your problems. And while you are about it show a little empathy for those of us that don’t share all your privileges.
Are you trying to say it is all about making choices? One can choose one’s opinions (such as whether or not you prefer the taste of butter). One cannot choose facts (such as the age of the earth). Science endeavors to closely approach reality. It is not a matter of opinion. (Such as whether The Almighty Zeus and His Son Dionysus are more Real ™ and Omnipotent ™ than, for example, YHWH and his son jeebus.)
(Personally my money would be Zeus (who is at least not so vindictive and genocidal) and not the cheap imitation of him that is your own god. But I cannot *prove* my opinion, I can only cling to it.)
Oh, and do you mind answering mikmik‘s question:
(It should be obvious, even to a seven year old, that these positions are mutually exclusive.)
@ chigau
Gooood… you got the ladder back!
{theophontes climbs ladder and launches Teh Octo-kitteh at A.R}
WHOOOOOOoooooooooosssshhhhhh…….. *BANG*
{Sigh} You leave me no choice theophontes. I’m sorry I have to do this. {pulls out walkie-talkie like device, mumbles into it, five minutes later, a black helicopter lands, the door opens.} Goodbye
No worries.
Did you see who is piloting A. R’s chopper?
Tinted windows chigau. And I think you will find that Darth Benedict brought something with him. {Hands chigau a telescope} Look up. That’s a solid beam of LOLcats.
BOOM! (also destroying Catholicism)
Tinted windows chigau. And I think you will find that Darth Benedict brought something with him. {Hands chigau a telescope} Look up. That’s a solid beam of LOLcats.
BOOM! Also destroying Catholicism
{Radios up to LOLstar} –They’ve surrendered, you can switch the main beam to standby now. Keep the LOLcat generator running though.–
Very good chigau, very good. You cannot defeat the power of teh LOLZ.
Yes Sir!
{[(wait ’til theo the first
sobers upgets here)]}*sits back with popcorn*
–LOLstar, target chigau, last comment 536. Low power beam. Fire when ready.–
poor WMDKitty :'(
— LOLstar, full power beam. Reduce everything in this thread to fits of uncontrollable laughter. Fire when ready —
@ A.R 529
Hehehe… Your linky was blocked by Teh Great CyberWall of China.
@ chigau
{thinks: they can smell the wine on my breath? time for breathmints…}
Quick chigau, take the antidote to LOLcats: Average Cats
… and here is an extra strong dose for WMDKitty: Average Cat (intravenous)
{glances around nervously} What’s the rubber glove for?
Got’m rah’t b’hind the Davenport. And if that ain’t lethal, what is?
Looked like a chicken. Which means he will get away. After all, only Superman is faster than a speeding pullet.
Hmm, apparently LOLcat gun wielding porcupines, Darth Benedict, Black helicopters, rubber gloves, and giant space stations firing LOLcats are not enough to subdue this seditious thread. Must think.
Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent!
I think you mean Souper Man?
Hey, it started because of a visit by the anti-anti-Krist, and our leader, theophontes 777 – the number of the yeast(he eats in one mouthful), can go without water for ten years – by drinking beer!
¡Plus, ¡¡PLUS, we are the most hygienic zombies in the universe. Do you have any idea how much toilet paper I go through, for instance ¿
A. R
“Must think.”
Don’t hurt yourself.
(hahahaha I slay me!)
My internet is slow today. Teh tubes must be clogged with LOLcats
If Weird Cat Guy ever shows up again, we should respond with nothing but lolcat links.
Ve haz waze makez teh kittehs talkz
No, Superman. You know, more powerful than a speeding locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, faster than a speeding pullet?
Two questions about Superman:
1. If bullets bounce off of him, why does he duck when the bad guy throws a gun at him?
2. If he can fly, why does he need to leap over a building?
Talk to the porcupine. He’s the one been shooting lolcats for more than a day without cleaning out the bore.
chigau: Yep. We could just start up the LOLstar’s inter-thread hyperdrive and blast him from orbit.
Og: I will discuss your concerns with my assistant the Porcupine.
That’s not me. My beard hasn’t gone white yet.
1. He finds it funny
2. Originally Superman couldn’t fly, only leap amazing heights. The flying came IIRC in animated adaptions where they realized flying looks better than leaping.
I imagine you have some very pointed conversations during staff meetings. Though it is always good to have a really sharp assistant. Quill these puns continue?
Very punny Og.
Yes, thank you!
A 1. Guns don’t kill people, they kill supermans.
A 2. Actually, he never really flies, he just jumps really, really far sometimes. He is so super, he can change his inertia in mid leap… oh, wait, that is flying. Nevermind.
He’s the Man of Steel. If the gun hits him, it will shatter and shrapnel will ricochet everywhere, putting everyone nearby in danger.
@chigau, you’re helicopter-friendly, right? Don’t be. ;)
The Day Today: Chopper of Doom.
That came very close to killing me.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hmm, it would appear the the Porcupine and Ratzo have returned to teh LOLstar for the night. Where the hell are the LOLtroopers?
I can tell that, like mine, Og’s perception of Superman was irrevocably set by the b&w 1950s TV series, endlessly rerun in the early to mid 1960s. Back then, you know, only rich folks had color, everybody had only 3 channels and you had to get up and switch em by hand! Many’s the time we’d tie onions to our belts–that was the fashion then–and take the ferry to Metropolis, which is what they called Gotham City in those days…
where’s my ladder?
The light is burnt-out on the back porch.
So everybody on everydamnthread is dead or asleep.
Me, too, then.
@ chigau
No, somewhere in between… I am stuck in Tianjin.
.. {{experiment: cloak secret message from aerial view}} ..
Yes! It works!
er, I wasn’t even born yet in the early 1960s. I watched in the 1980s.
Part of me wants to know what works. Part of me is a little frightened to find out what it is of theophontes that works.
@ Brogg
Aaah, goody. Your question is further proof that it works.
@ chigau
Wow, I have discovered a solution to A.R’s snooping at our secret communications:
{{put message between brackets & under a protective line. safe as houses.}}
Clever huh? What I suggest is that we get X to help us set up our regime. We need some programming to refine these techniques. Unfortunately, we might have to dilute our shares in our TZT venture to pay X. I suggest you hand over 50% of your shares as your contribution and I will contribute sweat equity {{note to self: call Spa to book Swedish sauna and magnum of champagne}}.
{{ X = ॐ }}
Why has everybody started putting lines with nothing under them in their posts? {Huddles with Darth Benedict and the Porcupine, whispering}
Solution: We will need several of these.
Thread bankrupt here, but I has a weirdness:
Some of the Fraktur(?) is showing up as letters, and some is not. Reinstall the Mushrat?
@ A.R
{theophontes checks link}
Pheeuw! That was close. Thank Teh Chairman that The Great (cyber)Wall has protected me from the deleterious influences of lackey running-dog capitalist roaders who try to seduce our minds into succumbing to the pressure from Bourgeois forces and thence, subsequently, pull the Revolution in a capitalist direction.
theophontes: Perhaps this?
@ chigau
.{{holy shit, check out #576. quick! ideas!!!}}.
I think X works for the pure joy of it.
You can get the champagne on your own shout, dearie.
{{I can’t believe this works!}}
{{A. R is a weenie!!!}}
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet tail flank pork loin, shank, brisket, salami
.{{ hah! solved the problem. create a protective layer of bacon! }}.
{talking on radio} Bravo-one, target theophontes comments – last at fife-seven-seven, primary at fife-seven-too. Tree-golf-bravo-uniform-fife-seven threadblaster – Over
We’ll be safe because our hearts are pure?
Duck and cover?
{{We’re so screwed}}
theophontes – I can read your comments now.
This should deal with the bacon problem.
{Talking in radio again} – LOLstar, begin charging LOLlaser, target the bomb crater. Fire when ready.
Yes! This will save money.
No worries, I’ll just disburse the champagne costs to the Ministry.
ribeye venison shank frankfurter, ham swine jowl corned beef
.{{time to pass this linky on to our allies : Bacon Generator}}.
Now I hafta go make some bacon.
and shovel snow
Later, y’all.
@ A.R
Hey A.R, check this out:
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet tail flank pork loin, shank andouille bacon short loin boudin ground round tri-tip jerky hamburger filet mignon ham. Flank rump turkey beef ribs, turducken hamburger swine fatback tongue spare ribs salami. Brisket beef tail bresaola. Corned beef beef drumstick, meatloaf ribeye ham chuck ground round filet mignon shoulder short loin. Cow flank sausage, shoulder chicken bresaola ham hock. Speck spare ribs short loin ground round, sirloin short ribs bresaola shankle pork boudin salami pig pork belly shoulder.
@ chigau
bresaola shankle pork boudin salami pig pork belly shoulder bacon sausage
{{Have no fear, Zeus favours the virtuous.Prepare the holy hecatomb!}}
@ Bert The Turtle
jowl pancetta meatball sirloin turducken tri-tip shankle tongue
……………{{Come back Bert, all is forgiven. SRSLY!!!}}……………
++++Cheese Overload++++ ++++?????++++
Er. tango-golf-uniform? Where the hell did ‘tree’ come from?
That you, Ernie?
sgbm, I think you may have a point. Your new friend is … redolent.
Og: “tree” is the NPA approved pronunciation of “3”
Only in Nor’n Ar’n. (Yes, that’s a hail mary pass right there.)
sgbm, you brilliant crazy bastard!
Not only is Fraktur aesthetically-pleasing. It’s google-proof!
(Yes, that URL looks like a fishtank. Deal with it.)
Test. Calcareous test.
Huh? Who? Murdock? Jaycubed? The porcupine? Porky Pine?
Hmm. Seems to be a one-way effect. Googling regular text “Unicode Fraktur bold, HTML bold” (in quotes) will find this thread, due to comment #328.
(Failed: I’m now logged in as “”. WP doesn’t like Unicode ‘nyms, it seems.)
Revert! Oh well.
Murdock. And yeah, I thought I could be
… a contender?!
Dammit. Not gonna write the post again. ;)
Maybe Tomorrow.
Murdock is a disaster. She just collects everything she can and publishes it, with no self-criticism. 1900 years ago she’d be writing gospels.
Yeah, speaking of that, there is a clickwrap license in all my scripts: I own all your souls now.
They’re an insurance policy.
Should I fail to die gloriously in the War on Christmas, I plan to stretch and spin your souls into a fine gossamer thread, which I will attach to a skyhook and climb into Valhalla.
Also, if anybody uses Chrome, someone left a comment on the Greasemonkey page at Pharyngula Wiki, with a tip on how to make the killfile script compatible with Chrome.
What’s going on here?
What’s going on here?
Not much, because
So, it’s all good, then?
I guess so. You’re Canadian, so Niflheim will be same old, same old.
3rd day of spring, 20 cm of snow (and counting).
Damnit, I knew that. I did.
I’ve just gotten used to listening in when at wild fires where, I swear, some of them (not the roterheads) take pride in using a different phonetic alphabet each time.
Which is, what, 8 inches in real measure?
If you’d asked my builder, he’d have said 200 “mils”.
In my simple world, that’s a hand-span.
(Surprisingly accurate, unless you’re Liszt.)
I thought horses were measured in hands.
They are. But hands are not spans, and a perch is not always a perch.
We’re just weird.
Sounds fishy.
@ ॐ
The Committee of the 37th Pleniary Commission of the 7th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the Peoples’ Comintern of the Ministry of Peace of the Pharyngulite Peoples’ Republic of Southern The Endless Thread, hereafter refered to as The Zombie Thread, has noted with concern your apparent passion for pecuniary recompense. We hereby demand that you desist in your machinations to monetize your meagre moil.
{{thinks: Mmmmh. Perhaps the pitbull has a point. We are in need of lebensraum and a little foray into Niflheim and Muspelheim might not be amiss. At a minimum, it will maintain the muddle of the masses.}}
Og: You’re just full of puns this week
What’s a hand-span?
Thumb to pinky at full stretch?
@ cm’s
Aaaah, the piano plonking hippy. (Well, he had long hair – I just liked the consonance of “hippy” – actually he was the world’s first *!Rock Star!*.)
However, the Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th (you missed one, heretic!) Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread object to this demand forced upon the Workers of the PPR(N)TET by the reactionary Class Enemies! We, the Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread (the CC37PC8C3FYPPCMNWPPRNTET (which is, coincidentally, how I remember my password) hereby object and order the Reactionary Running Dogs of the South to desist all demands to desist.
(I need sleep?)
@ Brogg
No – I am in awe – keep going.
And please send your resume to MiniPeace ™. We always have openings for teh vogoniously verbose.
theophontes: I see that you have discovered the futility of your underground lairs.
Then, there are “pink bits”.
We, the Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread hereby request the revocation of theophontes’ right to speak before this August body in March. He claims to be a member of the Schismatic Committee of the 37th Pleniary Commission of the 7th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the Peoples’ Comintern of the Ministry of Peace of the Pharyngulite Peoples’ Republic of Southern The Endless Thread (a Commission which has had its right to meet within the PPRNTET has been revoked, cancelled, abated, abolished, annulled, cancelled, dissolved and invalidated (No, I did not use ‘cancelled’ twice!)) now claims to be a resident of Awe (a known Capitalist and reactionary nation governed by Class Enemies). Where are his Credentials designating him a Diplomat of Awe? And, since there is both a West Awe and a North Awe, is he a Diplomat of Awes? Or, perhaps, a Wizard of Awes?
We, the Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread hereby place before the Dictatorship of the Proletariat a demand that theophontes either (1) present his Diplomatic Credentials as a credentialed diplomat before the Redundancy Committee of Redundancy, or (2) present himself, with his body, to the Spanking Couch and/or The Comfy Chair for ani-reactionary deprogramming.
On behalf of the Minister of Culture a poem will be read out for the enlightment and deliction of the Teaming Masses. (This is the corrected version, not the by-capitalism-corrupted version by (former) Cde Robert Browning.) :
Could a lumpenproletariat godbot evolve under the guidance of a Wise and Enlightened Leader?
Report for duty.
Please note the ultimatum to which you must ultimately answer to before the committee (ah, heck. do I have to write it again? No? ‘Kay.) See #617, paragraph 2.
@ A.R
As a tardigrade, I need no defence from LOLcat weaponry, because: a) Tardigrades have no sense of humour. b) Instant Incystation ™ would protect me in any case.
@ Brogg
{{Thinks: Hehehe. Little does Brogg know that I have been iving in the stuffing of the Spanking Couch for hundreds of threads. Gorging myself on flakes of dead skin and quenching my thirst with spilt bodily fluids.}}
Bring it on!
{{Note to self: Better check if I can sleep over in cousin Hypsibius dujardini’s couch – just in case.)
Ah. So you are not a capitalist running dog, you are miniature teddy bear? The Committee is not amused.
@ All
Have an “l”. What the heck, let’s go large… have a capital “L”.
@ Brogg
NoYes. Minitrue regrets to inform you that your request for employment has been rejected.This’ll fix ’em {Prepares 300 sivert directed radiation beam projector} Hmmm, now I need a device to see the tartigrades so I can aim at them…
hail tpyos, sievert, not sivert
@ Brogg
Err, that is Illustrious Waterbear!
{theophontes starts to sharpen miniature ice-pick}
theophontes: Where did you get that ice pick? I took those away from you.
The Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread is not amused, charmed, cheered, cracked up, delighted, diverted, fractured, gladdened, gratified, interested, knocked dead, amused, made to roll in the aisles, occupied, amused, or tickled. Moreover, since the Committee of the 37th Pleniary Commission of the 7th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the Peoples’ Comintern of the Ministry of Peace of the Pharyngulite Peoples’ Republic of Southern The Endless Thread has been shown to be Schismatic, has been shown to have been Schismatic, and will be shown to have always been, and will be, Schismatic, the Counter Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread will now be known as the Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread since the Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread cannot, and never has, been a Counter Committee as the Committee of the 37th Pleniary Commission of the 7th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the Peoples’ Comintern of the Ministry of Peace of the Pharyngulite Peoples’ Republic of Southern The Endless Thread is, has been, and will always be Schismatic and therefore does not exist for the Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread to be counter to. Moreover, as the Chairman (Acting (Childishly)) of the Committee of the 37th Plenary Commission of the 8th Convocation for the 3rd Five-Year Plan of the People’s Comintern of the Ministry of NonWar of the Pharyngulite People’s Republic of Northern The Endless Thread is now tired, the meeting is adjourned and theophontes the tardigrade is, in toto found tardy and is hereby given a failing grade as the Wizard of Awes and ordered to report to Dorothy suitable punishment.
@ A.R
The Secret TZT Underground, located in the padded left arm of the comfy chair.
And as for radiation… tardigrades thrive on radiation.
theophontes: Not 300 sieverts worth they don’t! Muahaha!
@ A.R / Brogg
Oh no Brer Ogg, don’t look in the padded left arm of the comfy chair!
{theophontes paints teh padded left arm of the comfy chair with tar. chuckles}
@ A.R
Do not underestimate the AWEsome Power of Tardigrades.
{Shoots radiation beam at arm of chair}
{thinks: Mmmmh… Nice and cozy. theaphontes must have turned up the thermostat.}
Holy fuck! I’m gonna need a bigger gun! (1Gy = 1 sievert)
{dons reflective aluminium foil underwear}
{{{meta-meta-thinks: A.R is a boon to padding out the number of comments on TZT. Better not destroy for a while yet.}}}
Muahahah! Behold my 7000 sievert directed radiation beam projector! {Aims at theophontes, pulls trigger, nothing happens} Oh, forgot to plug it in. {TZT electrical circuit blows out) Shit.
{scans horizon for unfriendly possibly radiation-beam beaming unfriendlies}
{{wonders if it’s safe to poke head up above ground level}}
{{{decides it’s better to declare six more weeks of winter and just hide in hidey-hole}}}
Six weeks, nigel? No, no. The subthread will end tomorrow.
ॐ, I reckon I can just keep my head down and wait it out for now. Six weeks might be a bit excessive.
But I’d best not end up with a spotty tan due to uneven exposure to radiation. There’ll be consequences.
nigel: I’m gunning for theophtones, so only stray radiation should hit you. But I’m going to have to work out the power supply problem with the new radiation beam first.
Chorus {sung in dactylic hexameter}:
A. R:
Have you considered running an extension cord over to the neighbor’s house?
That’s what I do.
{theophontes commences incystation}
nigel: I think I might run one up to the LOLstar. The LOLcat projector’s fusion reactor should do the trick.
A. R: So you’ve solved the inductance problem with the…
Uhm. I guess not.
{theophontes’s Cheshire Cat Smile becomes larger and larger…. {{prepares to switch off laptop and head to airport… Honkers, here I come.}}}
is going on??‽!?
Where is my ladder?
([(sheet. ya gat a little drunk})
{aims radiation beam at theophontes last known location} BZZZZZZT! Still there?
Well, A. R stumbled by with it a bit ago, mumbling something about LOLstar and power and long extension cords.
Otherwise, beats me.
{swings radiation beam projector around, ains at chigau} BZZZZZZT!
{theophontes commences incystation}
whatabout meeeee??‽???
Going to sleep now. Don’t even think about trying to steal the radiation beam projector while I’m sleeping. It’s on the LOLstar with me and several thousand LOLtroopers.
I don’t know what to do!!
Yes. That will work.
I haven’t clicked on it yet:
skeptical dog training.
I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be to train skeptical dogs.
As was Chopin.
True, that. Apparently he had Epic Piano Battles™ with Alkan. Possibly as a result, some of Alkan’s works require more hands than usual to play:
Does anyone else here read SatW?
Not caught up.
From the comments:
“Reminds me of this time a kid walked into school wearing his ‘jesus freak’ T-shirt and another guy walked in with a T-shirt saying, ‘jesus may walks on water. Chuck norris walks on jesus’. Funniest second school day.”
Teddy Bear, Water Bear, whatever. Same number of syllables. Identical third syllable. So it’s like playing an Am7 instead of the Asus. No big deal. The bass player will drown it out.
Oh, and those looking to plug in the LOLcat projector fusion system? Be careful with the LOLcats. The plug is not where you think it is.
In the seventies, a popular T-shirt was “Jesus Saves – Green Shield Stamps“.
In the eighties it was “Jesus Saves – But Kenny Scores on the Rebound.”
No Puce Stamps?
Mike [urgent whisper]: The pink copies go to Accounting, the fuchshia ones go to Purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Leave the puce.
(next scene)
Sulley [absent-mindedly]: Pink copies go to Accounting, the fuchsia ones go to Roz. No, the fuchsia ones go to Purchasing. The goldenrod ones go to Roz. Man, I have no idea what puce is. [finds puce copy] Oh! That’s puce!
— Monsters Inc.
So many great lines in that film …
When did they make a film of Pogo? Or am I (as usual) missing something?
Oh. And we need to be extra careful. Friday the 13th comes on a Friday in April!
Hey – less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy!
I don’t know but it’s been said. I like scaring kids in bed!
Mike: Oh, I don’t believe it!
Sulley: I’m not even breaking a sweat.
Mike: Not you! Look! The new commercial’s on!
[TV] “The future is bright at Monsters, Incorporated […]”
*the phone rings*
Mike: Hello? I know! Hey, wasn’t I great? Did the whole family see it?
[to Sulley]
It’s your mom.
[As a parent of small children, it’s unclear to me how Boo goes ~18 hours before needing a pee, but let’s not worry about that …]
Oh. The Pixar cartoon. Sorry. Sometimes I feel like I am completely out of sync with the world.
Off to bed.
Think I’ll read some Pogo tonight.
What makes you think Boo didn’t pee earlier?
§ᴽ ̯ ᴽ§
Does that look like Miss Sweetie Poo?
google images
I loved Pogo!
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me…!
@chigau, if she did, why would it be a surprise to Sulley when she needed to go when they got to the factory?
(I am sounding disturbingly like a Trekker here.)
And finally, for Mr Fire:
bom bom bom
Now I need to go to sleep. In the morning, I will disguise a small child ….
I have had experience of young’uns “going to the bathroom” without actually going to a bathroom.
And then telling me afterwards. If you get my drift.
(no Trekkers here)
I really liked Li’l Abner, too.
ATTENTION ye legion of the damned!
Comrade chigau has called for LOLstar support!
The Murdock thread must be lolcatted from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure. Besides faith, of course.
⒧⒠⒯\’⒮ ⒞⒣⒰⒞⒦ ⒮⒪⒨⒠ ⒢⒭⒠⒩⒜⒟⒠⒮
I am not sure it will help just posting in a foreign (Chorus: ” On the interwebz there is no ” foreign” foolish tardigrade!”) language. We need a way to communicate in the open with coded messages.
(You did study geology?)
(( The pit bull may be of service in this regard…))
I’ll tell you what to google.
ROT13 for fun.
GPG for serious.
@ pit bull with lips5tick
Rot13 is open to everyone though.
Gpg = Gnu Privacy Protection?
More interesting would be to see if chigao and I can build an ad hoc code that can get past A.R and his mystery myrmidons “on the fly” as it where…
As a starting point I was going to consider wether we could harness a superior (existing… Wiki is not our friend here) knowledge of geology to bootstrap a code system.
(We could of course simply utilize Facebook or hotmail, but the trick would be to implement and utilise a system from the ground up within a public and fully transparent forum. (Obviously having a pit bull on board would be a significant asset in such a venture.)
Become boring so here is the boring end.
It is interesting to learn how a person can generalise (all scientists and the only theory) is the gospel according to nerd of readhead and all who follow.
It is interesting to learn that because you question parts of Science, you do not believe in Science. I love the true maths and science in all the wonderful designs that we live with today. Some of the medical advances, some of the engineering advances and some of the simple that can actually be totally astounding.
With that in mind, the ability to be selective or twist things is a weak attempt at deriding an opinion opposed to yours (And for theophontes 777, I saw that same opinion many years ago during the period that you said influenced me but obviously, influenced you much more).
I have stated my beliefs, I have never tried to preach or convert. I have been asked to prove it in a lab, which is a cheap attempt of denial. Against my bettter judgement, I mentioned what many scientists have studied for a long time with many various scientific strategies and till today cannot give a scientific explanation [unless you are a race horse like nerd of redhead]….blink…blink. If an item is not exposed to the carbon rating at a specific time, how can you date it? Now use a young earth argument…..
While this may be on our minds, although the blabber-gaff above indicates differently, there are more humane issues we could all deal with together. TOGETHER????
To # 545 mikmik says:
21 March 2012 at 6:54 pm
Psalm 139 NIV:
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
If you can honestly say to me that there is not one person on this planet that can do better by applying themselves more (or using willpower), then I do apologise.
My best friend’s sister, her friend, my first bosses daughter(In the United States, up to three out of every 100 people are identified as having types of intellectual disabilities), my niece, another niece, who was one of the 50% category, and the type of sick and twisted christian fuck that wants to force every woman and fetus to go through what my sister did.
– – – – End Part One
The failure in our ability to understand everything, then for a person to say they do not believe puts everything in perspective. Why do you not blame Charles and natural selection? Life happens, not always as we would want or like, and then it is blamed on a sick and twisted christian f…
TO Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent!
22 March 2012 at 11:48 am
Two questions about Superman:
1. If bullets bounce off of him, why does he duck when the bad guy throws a gun at him?
2. If he can fly, why does he need to leap over a building
The first answer can be taken from the second answer. Answer to question 2, many people can sprint, does everyone sprint all the time. The simple answer is that he can fly and he can leap at different times as he chooses.
Just as simple as my belief…..
TO theophontes 777, #587
You forgot the braaivlesi, biltong and boerewors.?
Your stupid word-salads were boring right from the start.
You don’t question science. That requires more science, which requires the peer reviewed scientific literature, not inane and imagufacture opinion.
Sorry, by stating your unevidenced beliefs, you are trying to convert. Otherwise, you wouldn’t say anything. But then, that requires real intellect to see that.
No, it is showing your beliefs are unevidenced, and therefore unworthy of belief. You couldn’t grasp that concept, but it is the core of science. Evidence, not beliefs, matter. Your beliefs are irrelevant to science and any discussion of science. Only evidence counts.
To theophontes 777
Speak my incoherent language that is not english and A.R. will not have a clue,. Nor will almost everyone else.
Who are you and where have you been, THE BEGINNING?
To Nerd of Redhead, OM
To question science you need more science. You do not fail to amaze me….what came first, the chicken, the egg or the nerd?
By stating your unevidenced beliefs you are definitaley trying to not only convert but declare as gospel. I gave you evidence that scientists have studied that show meaning to me but you discard with arrogance because the scientists do not know what you know.
“Evidence, not beliefs, matter”, that is the core concept according to Nerd of Redhead. So prove the big bang. So prove abiogenesis. So prove simple forms of life took over 600 million years to form but after the extinction of the dinosaurs, mankind took less than 65 million years to evolve. You, with all your genius, prove it!!!!
You have to stick to what you said about evidence, not some +/- 2000 people with a theory or millions of unrelated science papers or 41000 of whatever. The floor is now all yours.
Or just do as you always do, twist things, selectively pick comments , do not read properly and ask me to prove my beliefs.
Even if I wanted to, there are those who want to be gods unto themselves that no explanation would penetrate.
BANG!!! This thread is dead now, too.