I don’t know Jack McCullough, but he must be a very smart guy

After all, he says nice things about me and not-so-nice things about Ben Stein.


  1. Damian says

    There’s a poll! Woo hoo!

    And the options are:

    Ben Stein

    — right wing gasbag and all around buffoon

    and that’s it. This is my kind of poll.

  2. John Phillips, FCD says

    Well it’s always good knowing that there is fair bit of rational back up out there in the wild :) Maybe you lot can finally start to take back most of your country from the IDiots and creotards.

  3. recovering catholic says

    OT, but can we arrange some way for Pharynguloids (Pharyngulites?) to recognize each other at Richard Dawkins’ talk next Wednesday evening? And are we getting together afterward somewhere? I’m flying in from Champaign and don’t want to miss anything!

  4. recovering catholic says

    OT, but can we arrange some way for Pharynguloids (Pharyngulites?) to recognize each other at Richard Dawkins’ talk next Wednesday evening? And are we getting together afterward somewhere? I’m flying in from Champaign and don’t want to miss anything!

  5. says

    Stein is some piece of work. He’d get my vote for most gratuitous Creationist quote miner for that hatchet job on a passage from Darwin’s Descent of Man. Shameful.

  6. Teddydeedodu says

    With all due respect PZ, comparisons with Stein is hardly the stuff of fair competitions. There really are’nt many nice things that can be said about Ben Stein. ;) lol.

  7. Sili says

    The bearded gentleman sounded nice enough, but the giggling host annoyed me too much to bother listening to more than the introduction.

    Still, gasbag it is.