An enthusiastic cephalopod jumped the gun on their plan for world domination.
An octopus today managed to pry loose a water-control valve at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, flooding the facility with more than 200 gallons of saltwater.
If you’re living somewhere below sea level, watch out.
Well, I suppose that’s one good thing about living in Kansas.
It was seen trying to book a flight to Australia after learning that it was the Land of Shags.
Then I, as an Australian, welcome our shaggalicious-overlord!
Beware though, it’s also the Land of Dags
My fellow Aussies will know what I’m on about- the rest of you will just have to Google.
Oh Bugger it, I’m feeling uncharacteristically generous.
Knock yourselves out:
I live in Reno. So I think I am safe from the second global flood here.
This octopus will be dealt with by the squid in black for revealing part of the master plan for world domination: seizing the aquariums and liberating the captives!
I’ve been listening to a podcast debunking conspiracy theories, does it show?
Oh yeah! Wait until continental North America is once more a shallow inland sea. You will see who is boss!
It looks like the cephalopod takeover is coming together nicely. These these event, this one and a previous one that featured the representatives of our overlords squirting water at a HID light fixture to put it out of commission, are just proof of concept and practice runs.
Although I don’t know the larger plan it seems clear to me that cephalopod-A will squirt water to extinguish the lights so the human watchmen will be blind. Under cover of darkness the valiant cephalopod-B will work the valves. Then …
The rest of the plan is still concealed but the will of the overlords will not be denied.
There is the possibility that even as we speak a small armies of cephalopod infiltrators are swimming into the intakes of nuclear power plants around the globe. To what end we do not know.
Yes, soon . . . haven’t I been faithful, lords, haven’t I been good? Won’t you lift me up by dragging me under, to sing in Y’ha-nthlei and dwell in your glory forever?
I knew it! The intelligent designer is an octopus!
Greetings from the Netherlands. I shall see about informing our government and will assist with the hunting parties. We’ve beaten the sea and what’s in it before, and we shall do so again! No mercy! Except for Cuttlefish. A zoo, maybe. ;)
Jay for more Dykes!
Maybe she just accidentally did her part too early: she should have waited for the big, concerted action, during which all cephalopods across the world invade human habitat by means of flooding it…
Be aware. Be VERY aware.
(I guess PZ has his hands in there somehow. Do Pharyngulites get special protection??)
Just curious, the folks who designed this aquarium don’t design cages for tigers do they? They’d probably add an oversized pet door to the cage.
I just remembered some other hint for the cephalopod conspirancy:
Did somebody notice Fayes shirt over at QuestionableContent?
They should so sell that one.
Janine you are right, especially with the Great Lakes providing a ready route into the interior. Not to mention that all that extra liquid water will increase rainfall. What do they reckon for all the land ice to melt? 70meters so if you live lower than that in elevation or at the bottom of a valley, consider moving. I live on top of a hill, the beach will come to me. It means the cephalopods will be able to take the train for some distance if they figure out how to get diesel electric engines to work in salt water. Wouldn’t put it past them.
I remember a History channel thing where it was speculating the course evolution would take in the next 200 million years. It predicted the next species as intelligent as us would be descended from the octopus.
I don’t actually have anything to add…I just wanted to post a comment on this cephalo-friendly site so that maybe my name will be in the book when the cephalo-rapture comes.
*bides time*
Living on an island, as I do, (though not Australia), I have to wholeheartedly agree with Podblack @ #3 – I welcome our undersea overlords without reservation… unless their plan goes awry, in which case I was against them from the beginning.
Then it’s true… They Are Coming.
Well, it is said that bipedalism freed up the arms and thus allowed the hominid brain to evolve.
And octopi have eight arms.
“God created the sea, the Frisian the coast.”
— proverb
Freshwater cephalopods appear to be impossible. Don’t ask me why, but it appears there has never been such a beast.
The signs of the octo-pocolypse are apon us!
Verily, it has begun. As it was written in the Tarvunti, the plan unfolds. Are YOU ready?
They’re terraforming!
Technically, wouldn’t that be aquaforming?
Cuttlefish, now you’re just being creepy. I love your poetry, expect something charming and to the point and then you come here and say *bides time*.
Oh woe is I. Fhtagn Cthulhu!
Octopus, to self: “You know what this aquarium needs? More water.”
Ah. That’s what they want you to think?
Or are you in reality one of them, spreading misinformation.
I for one welcome &c &c. Yours in Cthulhu,
– Sili