Off again…

I should be flying through the air right now, on my way to Los Angeles for another long travel weekend. I was also out of town last week, and to my shame was too busy to post a Friday Cephalopod. I will not make that mistake this time: in recompense, tomorrow I will post THREE (3) Friday Cephalopods and recite 10 Hail Cthulhus while lashing myself with a wet tentacle. The latter will, of course, be done in private, but look for my public penance on Friday.


  1. The Petey says

    I say take the wet tentacles, dredge them in panko and the LASH them into a deep frying.

    Paying homage to the calimari god is always in order. Its like eating the body of Cthulu, WAY better than eating a crappy transfatsubstantiated cracker

  2. Alan Chapman says

    I’m looking forward to meeting PZ and others at the AAI this weekend in Long Beach. I hope some of you can make it. I plan on taking pictures.

  3. Sili says

    I’m looking forward to meeting PZ and others at the AAI this weekend in Long Beach. I hope some of you can make it. I plan on taking pictures.

    So much for private lashings.

    Hail Dagon! May you and yours be eaten first.

  4. ShadowWalkyr says

    Not “Hail Cthulhu”; “Cthulhu fhtagn.”

    If you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right.

  5. says

    OT, but good:

    Royal Society is considering casting out God
    25 September 2008

    By Zoë Corbyn

    All references to “God” would be removed from the founding charter of the Royal Society under an idea mooted by some of its senior figures, Times Higher Education understands.

    The society has three charters, drafted between 1662 and 1669, that set out its aims and that are used today. The 1662 charter refers to fellows’ “uprightness of character and piety”. The 1669 document requires the society’s president and deputies to take an oath “upon the holy Gospels of God” to faithfully execute matters of office.

    The suggestion to remove the God references comes amid an ongoing dispute among fellows of the society, the UK’s national academy for science, over its stance on religion, and conflicts between religious beliefs and science.

    Not that anything much would change, but it’s obviously an anti-atheist charter that has outlived its quaint beginnings.

    Glen D

  6. amon says

    I should be flying through the air right now, on my way to Los Angeles

    whilst Chuck Norris, I can’t help but think, would need a plane (:

  7. Nick Gotts says

    Glen Davidson@12,
    While they’re at it, it would make sense to remove the “Royal”: AFAIK, the last British royal (and probably the only one since Charles II) to show the slightest interest in science was Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. Mostly they prefer killing things for fun.

  8. says

    “While lashing myself with a wet tentacle”

    This sacrilegious abuse is bound to send Donohue round the bend again.

    Only anointed members of the Cthulhic League are allowed to wield the Secular Arm.

  9. Richard Harris says

    Royal Society is considering casting out God 25 September 2008

    Considering removing god! What’s to consider? Why would an organization that promotes science, especially at such a level as the R S, pay lip service to stupid superstition? They should get rid of the nonsense immediately.

    Science & religion, especially the theistic religions, are in fundamental conflict. Science should distance itself from the vestiges of magical thinking.

  10. says

    While they’re at it, it would make sense to remove the “Royal”: AFAIK, the last British royal (and probably the only one since Charles II) to show the slightest interest in science was Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. Mostly they prefer killing things for fun.

    Doesn’t help that the whole “divine right of kings” stuff isn’t believable today, either.

    Glen D

  11. says

    I will post THREE (3) Friday Cephalopods and recite 10 Hail Cthulhus while lashing myself with a wet tentacle.

    Is everyone else having trouble getting the image of a naked PZ covered in octopuses out of their minds, or is it just me?

  12. John Phillips, FCD says

    Nick Gotts, not to mention Charlie and his ma’s fondness and very public support for things anti-science, homeopathy being just one example. All things considered, I would be ashamed to have the present royals associated with any science based organisation I belonged to. Assuming that is that there ever was a time not to be ashamed of having the crooks royal associated with an organisation, science based or otherwise. With Albert, as you say, being the one possible exception.

  13. Richard Harris says

    OT, but I thought that we should do our best to save a word from extinction.

    Apodeictic: Unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration. (Collins)
    Apodictic: Clearly demonstrated or established.
    (Oxford Canadian)

    We know just the application!

  14. Richard Harris says

    John, in my village is a cousin, (according to my wife), of the Queen. The first time that I saw him, my daughter & I thought it was Charlie walking towards us.

    Anyway, he’s a successful (gentleman) farmer, & none of that organic nonsense. Unfortunately, all the heavy plant used in his fields tracks out enormous quantities of mud onto the lane. Unless it hasn’t rained for a week, it makes cycling down the lane very unpleasant. I don’t know how he gets away with obstructing the highway. Ohhhh, yes, I guess I do.

  15. Strider says

    With who’s tentacle will you lash yourself? As anyone knows, there are differences among tentacles. If you lash yourself with a tentacle from Taningia danae we’ll know you’re truly repentant; Octopus vulgaris not so much.

  16. Patricia says

    He should have to sit through two hours of Vogon poetry and the national anthem as sung by the Klingon Gay Men’s Choir…er, perhaps that is a bit harsh… OK, one hour.

  17. Nerd of Redhead says

    Patricia, given PZ’s woes last week you should see it in your heart to half the penalty. After all, nothing is sacred, not the Friday cephal……(ducks and runs for cover). ;-)

  18. Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker says

    Nerd! Be careful! Those tentacles can slip into the deepest covers.

    Mena, may you and yours be the first devoured!

  19. Patricia says

    Sorry Nerd – the mighty one suggested he had to do penance. A cosmic cockup like forgetting cephlopod Friday calls for stern measures. ;o)

  20. says

    He should have to sit through two hours of Vogon poetry

    Aren’t you the sadistic one? Though two hours of Vogon poetry would be more tolerable than 30 seconds of Ken Ham talking science.

  21. Ichthyic says

    Ken Ham talking science.

    aha! that was a trick, right?

    Ken Ham NEVER talks science, only bullshit.

  22. themadlolscientist, FCD says

    “Uprightness of character and piety”? swearing “upon the holy Gospels of God”? How’d Dick to the Dawk to the Ph.D. ever get in?

    Just askin’. :-)

  23. Nerd of Redhead says

    (raises white flag…..waves white flag….sticks up head)
    Isn’t the Klingon choir enough? But Vogon poetry? There are millions of people in the LA area. Think of the collateral damage.

  24. says

    Ken Ham talking science.

    aha! that was a trick, right?

    Ken Ham NEVER talks science, only bullshit.

    Not a trick, but that was the point. He *tries* to talk science, the people who he preaches to thinks it’s science, to us it’s worse than a vogon poetry recital and on a par with “ode to my flatulance”.

  25. Nerd of Redhead says

    Not a trick, but that was the point. He *tries* to talk science, the people who he preaches to thinks it’s science, to us it’s worse than a vogon poetry recital and on a par with “ode to my flatulance”.

    No need to be polite on our account.

  26. says

    No need to be polite on our account.

    Actually there is a need. Turns out you yanks have a bid aversion to the use of profanity, so when I’m on a group with a lot of aussies I can be very profane and no-one will bat an eyelid. On here, I’ve got to at least be somewhat civil for while it’s a progressive crowd and an informal situation, there’s still going to be those would get uneasy if I laced my posts with explicit profanity.

    On an aussie forum my current signature is: “There are things far more offensive than the word cunt. Try watching your average commercial”, and that doesn’t make anyone there even slightly uncomfortable.

  27. says

    Kel, that’s not too bad, actually; at least it doesn’t bother me. Then again, I’ve been saturated in profanity since birth…

  28. Sili says

    Personally, I’d love to see the Klingon gay men’s choir. I’m honestly surprised they can muster more than a barbershop – particularly with those Klingons for Jebus gaining ground.

  29. SEF says

    @ Jared #9:

    (for me, anyway) you could post a Friday anuran also!

    I have some – eg this one. I never finished uploading all my (best) pictures to that set though.