Radio faces

This was another day when I had to go off to Minneapolis to run an important errand, and as long as I was there, I went on Air America for an hour. There I am, with Mike Haubrich and Lynn Fellman, talking about the Galápagos.


recording will be up a little later today.


  1. says

    I was all ready for Q.Cumbers today because I had so much fun last time, but apparently I decided to develop Narcolepsy instead and ended up asleep at the dining room table about fifteen minutes before I had to leave. I hope you guys had a good time, though!

    Was the turn out impressive like it was last time? :)

  2. old coot says

    You liberals! Why, back in my day we had the common decency to DRESS UP when we went on the radio!

  3. says

    What are you talking about, Old Coot? We ARE dressed up. Them are my clean jeans, PZ is wearing his brand new Galapagos Islands shirt and Lynn is wearing her tastefully matched outfit.

  4. Wayne Robinson says

    I’m going to the Galapagos Islands next year, and it’s good to know in advance that nitrogen rich moisture is banned on the islands (have they told the birds?) I suppose I’d better out of the habit of beer for breakfast.

  5. says

    Bjorn, the studio is a sanctuary for the “hatless.” And yes, that studio itself doesn’t have the high-tech stuff that most people expect from a radio station. We are atheists, and we like minimalism. We work at a kitchen table that has some microphones, headphones and a workstation. All the cool stuff is in the engineering booth. Sometimes I hate when people post pictures of us in the studio because it shatters the illusion that I am some sort of graduate of Brown Institute and a whiz at the boards.

    But, in all sincerity, PZ, thanks for putting up the picture. It may help me get some groupies.

  6. Sili says

    It’s disturbing how much you look like my father in that picture …

    I may have to take this up with my therapist – and stop reading the blog …

  7. Greg Peterson says

    I give Q-Cumbers a TON of credit for supporting this show, and urge any local Pharyngumaniacs to eat there. The Sunday brunch buffet is the only meal you’ll need all day, and it you’re used to things like Old Country Buffet, you’ll be amazed at the quality. That is some good frickin’ hash they got, for one thing. I don’t usually shill for businesses, but I loved Q-Cumbers long before they supported Atheist Talk, so it’s doubly easy to recommend them.

  8. Ktesibios says

    RE-20s? Feh. You shoulda held out for a pre-’56 U47 with the original VF-14M still in place.

    I mean, what’s the point of the laser-armed squidmen if you can’t get people to haul out the best thing in the mic closet?