There is a rich, deep kind of irony that must be shared. I’m blogging this from the Apple store in the Mall of America, because I’m too amused to want to wait until I get back to my hotel room.
I went to attend a screening of the creationist propaganda movie, Expelled, a few minutes ago. Well, I tried … but I was Expelled! It was kind of weird — I was standing in line, hadn’t even gotten to the point where I had to sign in and show ID, and a policeman pulled me out of line and told me I could not go in. I asked why, of course, and he said that a producer of the film had specifically instructed him that I was not to be allowed to attend. The officer also told me that if I tried to go in, I would be arrested. I assured him that I wasn’t going to cause any trouble.
I went back to my family and talked with them for a while, and then the officer came back with a theater manager, and I was told that not only wasn’t I allowed in, but I had to leave the premises immediately. Like right that instant.
I complied.
I’m still laughing though. You don’t know how hilarious this is. Not only is it the extreme hypocrisy of being expelled from their Expelled movie, but there’s another layer of amusement. Deep, belly laugh funny. Yeah, I’d be rolling around on the floor right now, if I weren’t so dang dignified.
You see … well, have you ever heard of a sabot? It’s a kind of sleeve or lightweight carrier used to surround a piece of munition fired from a gun. It isn’t the actually load intended to strike the target, but may even be discarded as it leaves the barrel.
I’m a kind of sabot right now.
They singled me out and evicted me, but they didn’t notice my guest. They let him go in escorted by my wife and daughter. I guess they didn’t recognize him. My guest was …
Richard Dawkins.
He’s in the theater right now, watching their movie.
Tell me, are you laughing as hard as I am?
That’s awesome.
a policeman pulled me out of line and told me I could not go in. I asked why, of course, and he said that a producer of the film had specifically instructed him that I was not to be allowed to attend. The officer also told me that if I tried to go in, I would be arrested. I assured him that I wasn’t going to cause any trouble.
as in actual law enforcement, paid for by the city?
If so, that’s the real story here, no offense to your being snubbed, PZ.
Absolutely Classic! I suppose you didn’t happen to capture it all on a video phone or somethin’?!? That would make wonderful YouTube!
I LOVE IT! Absolutely brilliant! I’m almost rolling on the floor right now. What an amazing coup for the side of reason. It would be even better if it was captured on video.
I hope you call a press conference after Richard comes out of the theater.
Yep, must concur with benjdm: that was a belly laugh right there. Also: spending the evening with Dawkins? That makes the whole thing at least half again as awesome.
They told us ahead of time that no recording devices would be allowed, so no, nothing was captured.
I don’t know if the officer was a local security guard or an official, real policeman — I didn’t look at his badge carefully. But they did have several of these big burly guys in uniform standing by the entrance.
That’s too funny. You’ll have to wait until it’s shoveled onto the DVD market.
Oh, and you tell Prof. Dawkins that he can be seen in 3D now at his Madison press conference at 3D Science News. That ought to make his day.
I wonder how many Christian not-wanted posters you’re on?
I would have waited a bit longer before posting this, just to be safe. I would not be surprised if some fundy sneak reads this, makes a few calls and send the guard back inside for Dawkins.
But yes, it is hilarious. :)
Yes, I laughed out loud. I believe the term for this is “awesome”.
Now, I realize that a theatre is private property, and you can be forbidden entrance for any reason or no reason at all. It’s not surprising you were thrown out. However, I’m a bit curious. This policeman who threw you out. I presume he was there in uniform, and so was officially there. Did you get the impression that it bothered him to be kicking you out? The theatre owner, the producers, I can see them ordering your expulsion with glee, but I’d expect that to stick in the craw of a disinterested third party, particularly when he’s being asked to do the dirty work. Did it seem that way to you?
Ye Gods*, man…have you no GROUCHO GLASSES????
*sorry…the god-punchers have all the god oaths.
Should give you bragging rights over that Dawkins chap. “Oh Richard – who did they recognise trying to see eXpelled? The ‘famous’ Richard Dawkins or the instantly recognizable PZ? Huh Huh.”
Probably from Blackwater.
HAHAHAH! thats classic! OMG thats hilarious!
My wife is looking at me right now in wonderment. She is trying to figure out why I’m laughing so hard.
…………..That …………
…………..was ………….
I’m actually wondering how they knew it was me — I’m not that recognizable, and I was standing next to Richard Freaking Dawkins.
Speaking of which, I should probably head back to the theater. If the creationists spot this post, they might be frantically calling the local organizers right now, telling the police to rush in and grab suspicious British looking characters from the audience.
I didn’t look at his badge carefully
you’re still there.
seriously, if they are actual police officers, they are not acting legally in any sense I am aware of.
It needs to be an issue if the producers of Expelled can buy actual cops to act as enforcers.
OTOH, if they are just “mall security guards” it still probably exceeds their authority, but I wouldn’t see it worth making an issue of.
This is actually kind of spooky, if you ask me.
Hired thugs to keep out “undesirables”?
sounds like a GW “town hall meeting” to me.
Ummm…good OATHS, I was supposed to type. Must be the two Hoegaardens I just had at dinner typing.
That is completely hilarious. I wonder if the people sitting next to him at the theater will recognize him from the movie. You have to keep us updated.
And yes, I’m also irritated by the use of an actual public law enforcement officer to kick you out. But technically, it’s probably legal. Private property, “we reserve the right to refuse service to anybody,” etc. Using cops to keep people out a movie because they may say mean things about it is rather an abuse of the principle… but it’s probably not actually illegal.
Not even letting someone who was in the movie attend the movie pretty much tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it? Could they be any more dishonest?
That is really, really funny. These folks seem to be incompetent at everything they do. I do hope they don’t see this post before the movie ends as they might go after Richard. Then again, stopping the movie, turning on the lights, and tossing out a nice gentleman might be bad press, no?
That’s hilarious, PZ. I know that Dawkins doesn’t run a weblog and so he’s not actively satirizing every juicy piece of creationist propaganda shoved in his face, but this is just ridiculous.
I mean, you’re a big name, PZ, but the fact that they let the face of atheism in to see the movie and made a point of kicking you out… just what the fuck?!?
Oh well, I guess fundies will be fundies.
That’s like the creme brulee of comedy. Rich, decadent, and absolutely sinfully delicious.
Outstanding, PZ. I laughed so hard I still hurt.
Hypochristianity in action, again.
That is a hoot, PZ. I’m glad that there was no Mirecki-style rough stuff to go with the disinvitation.
Please tell us that Dr. Dawkins will have a guest post here telling us of his experience this evening.
I was kicked out of the 2002 RAPID conference, but at least I was treated to dinner by the conference organizer as a consolation prize of sorts. It sounds like the IDC community has gotten grumpier with the passage of time.
That’s what I wondered – did they put out an APB on bearded professor-looking types? And letting Dawkins in but not you will have me laughing for DAYS.
Wait, everyone who went to see it had to SIGN IN AND SHOW ID? Where was this being shown? I totally would want to throw a massive fit in line about identity theft and how they weren’t entitled to my personal information just to see a movie.
Holy hell!!! That’s the most hysterical thing I’ve ever heard!
Laughed OUT LOUD
This will be the theater security’s reaction.
Man, if it was an intentional diversion you’ve earned your Intelligence Tradecraft Badge of Merit right there.
Thanks for the laugh, can’t wait to hear Mr. Dawkins review of the projection.
Oh I can’t wait to hear more from Richard about the rest of the event.
Did these doofuses even realize that Richard Dawkins was in the US right now? You’d think if they put up PZ wanted posters they might have told the ID-checker at the door to look for Dennet, Hitchens, Harris or Dawkins. Wow, how’s that for not thinking things all the way through?
Nicccce! I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about it.
I want to know if Dawkins managed to keep a straight face as he entered the theatre. Oh, my belly hurts from laughing so hard!
Priceless. I’ll have to head over to Dawkins’ site in the next couple of days. It’s gonna be entertainment.
Epic. Fail.
I second minus’ comment – call the press. Right. Now. TV, radio, newspaper. This is tooooooo good to let go. Call Richard on his cell.
On that point, wasn’t Richard interviewed for Expelled? by what right can they keep him from seeing a movie he appears in?
That is totally awesome. Hysterical. I laughed so hard I scared my cat.
That is pure awesome PZ!
As an aside…. Ummm… How long was the line??
I think you should contact someone from the Minneapolis papers – preferably someone you have reason to believe might be sympathetic – and give him or her this story. It would be great press!
LOL, nice work. Can’t wait for tomorrow.
One of the producers? Lives here:
Nomad went to see it:;f=14;t=5152;st=540#entry100826
Could you stand just outside theater grounds to greet people as they come out? “Hi, I’m PZ, and I was in the movie…”
I would dearly love it if Dawkins started yelling back at the screen during his parts. “That’s not what I meant!!!”
They’ll be so sorry they fixated on “anyone with tentacles and a beard” instead of recognizing different varieties of reality-based humans.
Congratulations! Getting barred from Expelled must be much better than seeing it.
This is almost like a Seinfeld episode.
That’s hysterical. I can’t wait to see how the Expelled and DI numpties try to put a positive spin on this later.
You Win Teh Internet. :-D
Priceless! Absolutely priceless!
You have to tell us, was this a cunning plan or a brilliant piece of improvisation?
I’m wanting to know how it is that the producers were able to convince the theater to expel PZ? Is this not a public screening? And, if this was a real cop, on what legal grounds did he order him off the premises? Seriously, something’s not right here. But boy, it will make for GREAT publicity against those asshats.
Damn you, PZ! I almost choked on my Guinness!
oh wait… no. The opposite of that.
This is as wonderful as it is hilarious! Thanks for running interference for Richard Dawkins, PZ!
(ROTFL! Imagining the Expelled flacks keeping tabs on your site, then sending their compliant police through the theater with bright flashlights, looking for the atheist Brit!)
There is absolutely no other response to this but
Even if they didn’t recognize his face, how did they miss the name “Richard Dawkins” on his ID or passport?
That’s awesome. Remember to give us an update when you have a chance. :)
More than 50 posts post-posting? Awesome! And: … Dawkins? Someawe!!! I dearly hope he enjoys the movie, and takes it with a crumb of salt. (A bit of dry humor might help.)
They could be real police officers. Police often work “off duty” in full uniform when they are hired by a private company or person to provide security. Most departments require the job to be aproved by the department. But not all do. I was a police officer here in Phoenix for 22 years and it is something that is quite common here and, talking to officers from other parts of the country, quite common other places.
How I would have loved to see that. :)
Theatres are not generally “public” in the First Amendment sense of publicly owned. They are privately owned businesses and can refuse service to anyone, as long as they don’t violate laws prohibiting specific discrimination against classes of citizens. They can and do refuse to allow people in who violate dress codes such as no shirt no shoes no service. Chances are the cop is an off-duty policeman moonlighting as security, which is also legal. That being said, who the hell has a movie screening and wants to keep people out? The way these idiots are going about their “marketing” is simply stoopid.
Oh, Expelled! Ever the source of comedy!
Expelled from “Expelled”, but Dawkins was admitted?!
Not exactly joined-up thinking from the doffuses, is it?
I truly cannot imagine how they thought that whatever commentary PZ had on the film would be worse then this. It is really amusing, and I second the idea that getting it on video would have been awesome.
I’m actually a bit stuck as far as alerting the media — no cell phones, remember?
If any locals in the twin cities want to call the area news and let them know that the infamous atheist Richard Dawkins got in to see this creationist movie, and he’s at the AMC 14 at the Mall of America, please do. The movie started around 7:30, I imagine it will be over around 9 or 9:30.
I’m just going to hang around outside the theater. I’m sure any reporters who show up will recognize me, and I’ll point Dawkins out to them.
oh heck, you should have BOTH beeen wearing a burka.
The strategy of keeping the skeptical and rational sectors of society out of preview screenings of this movie makes a lot of sense. If we can’t see it we can’t destroy it’s credibility before it is widely released, and it follows that they will be able to blindside uninformed people much more easily.
As far as this situation goes… this is a total lollercaust!
Congratualtions – It’s for a good coause.
But how did they not bust ALL the Irony Meters in the Minn-St. Paul are with your”expulsion”?
And Double Irony Points for them letting in Richard! If Kristine is with you say Hi!
First time poster, long time lurker:
This is so full of win, I can’t stand it
PZ, if what you are saying is true its just so funny. It must have been incredibly exciting, a bit like being underage and getting caught trying to go in a nightclub when all the while your underage buddy has got in there….with all the drugs!!
I completely understand this, however the manner this was executed was so shoddily done that was a proverbial bullet in the foot.
I don’t understand why this was done — how is this going to be spun from their point of view? I mean, what the heck was the purpose?
“The atheist establishment is so dangerous that we had to keep them out of this movie for YOUR PROTECTION because — what?”
You will yell things at the screen?
You will write down the names of all the Christians who came to see this movie?
You will allow demons into the theater, and they will cause people to become possessed?
You will spill your popcorn and drinks, because atheists have no moral sense — and their balance is bad, too?
You will plant a bomb?
You will use the information in the movie to plan counter attacks for your own movie?
You will blog about the movie — and goodness knows we can’t have that?
You have “atheist cooties?”
I don’t get how they plan on spinning this for their public. What the heck are they going to tell people they were afraid of?
Or are they just afraid you would enjoy yourself?
HA! That is absolutely hysterical. Love it!
Unbelievable. These hucksters couldn’t have shot themselves more directly in the foot.
I’d also like to repeat the call for a Richard Dawkins guest post…
Kristine is here, as are my wife and Skatje, as well as a few people from the RDF, including Josh Timonen. I saw a few other atheists in line, too. It’s like they let the whole gang in while trying to intimidate li’l ol’ me!
Pleasepleaseplease let some fundie see this post and have Dawkins put out. The irony (fundies, look it up…)
Oh, my sides hurt.
I am … honoured to have been virtually present at this pwning. Bravo.
Pleasepleaseplease let some fundie see this post and have Dawkins put out. The irony (fundies, look it up…)
Oh, my sides hurt.
I am … honoured to have been virtually present at this pwning. Bravo.
This is too good.
Now Ben Stein has something in common with the Scientologists — shadowy spies keeping tabs on a list of designated enemies.
I’d love to know the sequence of events behind the curtain of their organization that managed to single you out for special treatment.
And if this was a public showing, I think you have the basis for a serious lawsuit.
That is the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.
And… these Expelled people are really insane. It’s a movie, ferwhutsake!
Lurker here, first time comment. That post was GREAT! My little atheist heart is laughing so hard! Please let Richard post his review of this movie.
I was actually getting pretty indignant until I got to the “Richard Dawkins” part, and then the laughter came. Now I have to go see if this sudden pain is actually a hernia or not…
I may not be laughing as hard as you are, but I am laughing out loud.
OH YES!!!!
That has brightened up an otherwise dismal (good) Friday. Here in Ireland the hypocrisy is at fever pitch, and this news is just brilliant.
Best post EVER!!!!!!!
I’m sorry that you were “Expelled,” PZ, but this is the FUNNIEST thing I’ve EVER heard! LMAOOOOOOOOOO
I can’t wait to hear Dawkins’ response to the film!
too hard…
I was quite amused.
GAWD that’s funny! You can’t make that kind of stuff up!!
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hilarious post!
Tell me, are you laughing as hard as I am?
We are.
I am in awe. You’re the man Dr Myers.
hysterical. next time make sure hitchens is there too, pushing his way in, really drunk with ‘were on the bloody guest list you know’.
its like a friggin comedy act round here at the moment, excellent.
Getting barred from a movie in which you appear, because the producers are afraid you’ll call them out on misrepresenting your position. Magnificent.
I think your sfik is pretty much infinite now.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the hypocrisy of creationists anymore, but then again, they are always one-upping themselves. From what I’ve heard from the write-ups in the movie, they allege a huge conspiracy on the part of science whose goal is to keep all of the non-“evolutionists” out. In other words, there’s all this evidence against it, but anyone who dares speak truth to power is expelled.
So how do they possibly justify using the exact same tactics here? Surely sunlight would be the best disinfectant against what they allege the scientific establishment is doing, not copying it wholesale?
Of course, this is really just projection. They’re claiming that the scientific establishment is guilty of the Orwellian thought control tactics that really only they are using.
Ah, delicious! This story made my day!
BTW, does anyone have info on where advance screenings will be taking place? The Raleigh, NC area in particular – I would love to get a sneak peek.
Could they have kicked you out so that they could play up the “Now he knows how we feel” angle? Revenge — the worm finally turns, and now the atheist biology professor gets it? Creationists rejoice, because we finally have a chance to do to them what they do to us? See how HE likes it! This is what THEY do — in our science labs and classrooms! We’re still fighting for the Little Guy, and for Jesus.
I mean, this is just so dumb from their own point of view. I keep trying to figure out what their spin is. They want to be seen as victims. Removing someone who wants to sit quietly and watch the movie makes no freaking sense if you’re playing into a narrative of being oppressed.
Maybe they think fellow creationists will get a sense of justice satisfied? This is some kind of ‘pay back?’
My roommate showed me this two minutes ago and I literally burst into laughter.
Hopefully Dawkins gets to stick around for the entire thing; then he can spread the word about how the people who made Expelled are the most hypocritical people ever.
You should have thought ahead. Get someone with a video camera to record you being evicted. Then on to YouTube.
Geesh, PZ, you missed your chance to be a movie star. I’m sure some of the frames would look good on T shirts, mouse pads, and coffee mugs. Think of the tie ins. PZ action figures, lunch boxes, and Holiday cards.
Academics are so clueless. I bet you don’t even have an agent.
That was beautiful.
ROFL sooo hard my cat ran away! I wish there was some magical live video feed of this. Beyond awesome.
Hey PZ :)
Dawkins was with PZ and family. It could be that someone told the theater manager that the evil Richard Dawkins was about to enter his cinema to watch Expelled, and he took a wild guess has to which of two men was the nefarious fellow. :)
Man, I can’t imagine how those guys have any toes left, they shoot themselves themselves in the foot so often.
PZ: can you tell us a little more about the nature of the screening?
Was it more open than previous carefully selected audiences? Was it a test screening that they opened in an area they just hoped would be almost universally religious? What’s the deal with even allowing random people into the screening at all, given their past behavior?
This may be the most awesome post ever!!! I can’t wait to hear from Dawkins and the others.
This has the hallmarks of mileage. Press, cartoons and blogs abound will relay their gaff and the irony for a long time to come.
Yes. YEs. OHH YEESS!!!
(almost better than sex!)
Yes, I’m laughing as hard as you are…and so is my spouse, ever since I pointed out your post as the source of my merriment.
This is a classic story, and “Expelled” is *so* p0wned!
I tried contacting several of the TV stations in the area, and only got a “maybe” from KTCI.
Can somebody light up the newspapers?
Man, I can’t imagine how those guys have any toes left, they shoot themselves in the foot so often.
there aren’t even words for this. absolutely made my night…
This is awesome! XD i cant wait to read the review!, i hope skatje would make one as well :P
Wesley, you are awesome. I’d try to help, but I doubt they care about what someone several states away thinks. :)
Of course Dawkins has an Oxbridge English accent so they were compelled to let him through.
Some contact info I ferreted out, for somebody on the ground there in the Twin Cities:
Minneapolis Star Tribune Newspaper
News Tips / Story Ideas
General News 612-673-4414
St. Paul Bureau 651-227-0656
WCCO AM 830 Radio
Newsroom, 612-333-9181
Main:(612) 370-0611
Toll Free Studio:1-866-989-9226
Listener Studio Lines: 612 or 651- 989-9226
KNOW FM 91.1
MPR News
Newsroom telephone: 651-290-1424
Newsroom fax (for press releases, etc.): 651-290-1295
Phone: (651) 646-2300
Fax: (651) 646-1220
Twin Cities Public Television
Tel: 651-222-1717
Fax: 651-229-1282
Switchboard: (651) 646-5555
Newsroom phone: (612) 5TV-NEWS (612-588-6397)
Newsroom fax: (651) 642-4409
Switchboard: (763) 546-1111
Tipline: (763) 593-1111
Allow me to list the things these people did wrong,
Also Known As “4 steps to epic fail”
1. Create ridiculous propaganda film
2. Use hired muscle to prevent entrance of critics thus showing everyone the blatant hypocrisy of your production.
3. The guards you hired are so ignorant that they let the critics attend in droves.
4. You marketing pitch is about different viewpoints being censored.
*Falls down on the ground in praise*
I seriously spent five minutes laughing after I read this.
I suppose pz got expelled as he has a FSM shirt on or something equally offensive. RD got in as he may have been wearing a rather more subtle ‘galapagos holiday’ type shirt.
seriously though, when people start dictating who can and who cannot see a film you just know who is on the ‘right’ side.
That is great. It couldn’t have turned out better! Hilarity.
uncontrollable… hysterical… laughter……
Oh, wow. That had me not just laughing out loud, but howling out loud. They make a big show of stopping Beelzebub and let Satan himself walk right in.
Is is illegal for a generally public facility like a mall or movie theater to discriminate against a class of people without good reason, but generally a private property owner can refuse to admit against a particular person pretty much arbitrarily. “He married my brother’s ex-wife” or even less.
Creationists: pulling embarrassment from the jaws of defeat for 150 years.
I am laughing so hard right now. Stupid creationists.
I’m amusing Dawkins will somehow fit this into his talk tomorrow. :) Can’t wait, it’s going to be a Great Friday.
Oh the multiple ironies.
This is truly one of the funniest posts in a while.
Oh, that’s too good.
post #110.
they may have thought RD was actually prince charles so let him in without question.
So wait a sec… they ID’d people at the door… and Dawkins still got in? How did that work? “Excuse me, you – bearded fellow, you need to leave. Oh Richard Dawkins, how are you doing? I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you. Right this way, sir.”
I just e-mailed an editor at the Star-Tribune who is a childhood friend of my wife. No way to know if he is online – it’s well after work hours in the Twin Cities. Someone local should call the paper, using the contact info above.
Too fucking funny.
Right out of a movie, figuratively and literally.
Maybe there is an Atheist God after all.
Just kidding… but “Atheist God” is a great oxymoron.
;^ )
I never post here, but this was best thing I’ve read all week so I had to.
Creationist really are the most asinine people on the planet.
I expect they let Prof Dawkins in as they hope he’ll be swayed by their arguements into accepting creationism . . er . .ology as a valid sceintific theory.
Obviously they harbour no such feelings about you, PZ!
While I think we are all able to appreciate the irony of it, I do think you relented too easily.
Imagine the headlines had you not played along with their pettiness: Local Theater arrests athiest for wanting to watch Creationism movie.
That news headline would have spread like wildfire.
For the next screening, send in Sam Harris with Ben Stiller as the decoy.
You’re in a giant mall, right? At the very least you should be able to pick up a cheap disposable camera, so you can get a shot of your family and Dawkins coming out of the screening and giving it a big “thumbs down”.
Your adoring public would be ever so appreciative..
Absolutely hilarious!
Funny, funny, really funny!
Forgot to say this:
Someone call those news organizations. Seriously, this is a major story for that area.
The idea that nice Christian anti-evolutionists are actively EXPELLING people from the line (with armed guards/cops! – if that’s what it was) to see their phony-baloney movie should be trumpeted around the world.
Don’t just suggest they cover it. Tell them who and what this is all about. Convince them that they’ll regret it if they just let this slide, because if they do it right, this story will be picked up on the wire and repeated all over the world.
Ben Stein and his cronies can’t take the heat, so they have to preached to picked audiences. I seem to remember a certain president who follows the same strategy.
No, I’m not laughing. I’m pissed because I totally forgot today was the 20th, and I completely missed my chance, being a short drive from MOA. Ah well.
Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Those IDiots! Unbelievable.
Oh oh, I think we may be in trouble. This is the best evidence for a god I have ever heard…
Luckily, this god appears to favor atheists, squid, and hardcore irony. So I guess we’re still good.
That’s what you get for reserving your tickets under the name PZ Myers. They were looking for you.
If someone else in your family reserved them, then it would have been fine.
But still, this is the best out come we could have hoped for. The frauds of Expelled played right into our hands.
*deep breath*
I can’t wait to hear how this one pans out… not to mention, what Dawkins has to say about the farce.
emailed a Minneapolis T.V. personality who used to be in our area and who had an open mind and great sense of humor. We’ll see. She may be in the studio this evening. Be a shame if no one caught this.
Holy cow!
That’s perfect.
This is unbelievable….
You can stop calling the Star Tribune. They know about it now.
A splendid story. And think how great the “explanation” from the Expelled flacks will be when they try to brush this aside.
Fun, fun, fun!
All I can say is, “Sweet”. Who the hell are these people anyway? I live about 15 miles from the MOA and find these morons to be an embarassment. Minnesota nice? Hmmmmmmm? Stay the course, PZ.
I called the Strib. They don’t have anyone on right now whose beat this would be, but I did mention that the conference goes on all weekend. Someone at WCCO is reading the blog right now but doubts they’ll get anyone down there.
“You can stop calling the Star Tribune. They know about it now.”
You got to wonder what the poor guy at the breaking tip desk has to be thinking: it probably took him a couple of minutes to sort out what the heck anyone was talking about.
“They put a Dawkins in a what now?”
Ah… Altruism leading to the survival of the fittest
Added this to the summary of how dishonest Expelled is over at my blog.
Un-fucking-believeable!!! This is truly the most hilarious thing ever. I do not possibly think I will get over the fact of how funny this is.
I can’t believe they singled you out for the boot? I can’t wait to see what Dawkins says on this.
Those unfortunate people that watching the movie….. I hope their decompression back into the reality is swift. Best wishes!
Maybe someone could submit this to Digg or some of the other bookmark sites?
post #124
RD may have said said ‘im Prof Dick Dawkins’.
whos going to question that??
I laughed so hard it hurt.
Hey! This gives me an idea borrowed from some civil rights folks. What if we got people to pledge a certain amount of money for everyone who went to a screening of Expelled, counted people who went in to see it, and then use the money collected to fund a movie about the truth – say an anti-Expelled movie. Hmmm. What would the title be? Admitted? Saved? Enlightened? :-)
That is absolutely brilliant. :-)
Absolutely brilliant! I don’t believe in god, but karma’s a bitch!
That is completely awesome! :D
Of course, there is material for a Civil Rights lawsuit right there, if you was the suing type, PZ.
The same laws that prevent cinema owners no deny access to Blacks or Jews, also protect you, PZ, no matter what bogus reason they thought they had for refusing you entrance.
Just when I think my heuristic for what posts I can drink while reading is sufficiently sensitive, I go and read this one–tea out my nose!
Monad, I liked your artwork, and I really appreciate your cutting it off at the waist like you did. I swear, if I see those legs in those shorts one more time, I’m going to have to take an icepick and put out my mind’s eye.
You upstart . . . this must be a blow to Dawkin’s ego
I’m sorry PZ. I’m still laughing about the “No Intelligence Allowed” tagline plastered all over this guy’s website.
That is, I have to say, one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever heard of.
If PZ had shaved his beard, they would have never caught him! (Or, judging from their general competence, they would have thought he was Dawkins.)
So, I went over to the Expelled website, and you’ll never guess what quote I saw at the top of the screen:
“It’s (EXPELLED) going to appeal strongly to the religious, the paranoid, the conspiracy theorists, and the ignorant — which means they’re going to draw in about 90% of the American market.”
-Atheist blogger and fabulist PZ Myers, on a film he has not yet seen.
It’s asinine beyond belief, like watching the Three Stooges run a media campaign. PZ, this was the best laugh I’ve had in days, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’d love to hear what RD has to say about this… be sure to pass along the good bits.
That’s completely hilarious and deeply infuriating all at the same time.
It’s also a completely perfect story for tonight, the eve of the Jewish holiday of Purim, a night when reason and logic are supposed to get turned upside down and silliness is suppose to triumph! One is actually commanded to get drunk, so drunk that one cannot tell Mordechai (the hero) from Haman (the villan). Perhaps the goons at Expelled were caught up in the spirit(s) of the holiday and could not tell Richard Dawkins from Henry Morris.
David Smith, not godless, but definitely a liberal, and a scientist (geologist)
Thank you, PZ. It’s always nice to have some confirmation I’m on the right side.
This is sweet. So very very sweet. I enjoy it now, the sweetness. Oh yes.
There is no grounds for a lawsuit. The theatre was rented out to the producers of the movie for the private screening. That makes it a private event, and they can refuse whomever they please.
Now, if this was just a regular showing of the film, then that would be a different story.
At 8:55pm, I left a message on the cell of a buddy of mine who is a reporter at the StarTribune. Haven’t heard back from him yet… He lives 10 minutes from the MOA.
Well, I wonder if a photo of Professor Dawkins will appear on a question on America’s Most Smartest Model? Y’know, to raise public awareness of this menacing chameleon who can infiltrate God’s Army.
Maybe they will try to pull strings and have him ‘expelled’ out of the U.S.A. for seeing a movie under false pretenses. Man, that’s like, so militant of him.
And in any event, suing would be silly. The whole event is such an embarrassment for the Expelled clods that the public hilarity and ridicule it generates will provide enough schadenfreude power to light the Twin Cities for the next 300 years.
Too fucking funny !!!! I heard Dawkins speak last night in Austin, Tx. He briefly responded to a question about the film. Can’t wait for the reviews PZ !!!! Is it leagl to escort you out of a public theater ?????
That was a rent-a-cop for sure. :P No policeman would enforce such a silly thing.
Hilarious. So. Darn. Hilarious. Apparently you are more harmful to their cause than DAWKINS!
Oh that is just too damn good. Incompetence in all areas.
I think my wife is in for a rough night of sleep. I have a strong feeling I’ll be giggling all night.
Funniest thing I’ve read in a week!
Since Ben Stein’s motive in expelling you from the movie was to keep you from writing about it, maybe you should have Dawkins write something up about it for you and post it here? That would have the advantage of REALLY backfiring on that little shit Stein.
Gosh, the behavior of the “Expellers” is what you’d expect from the Soviets during the Lysenko era.
What an awesome story, PZ!
Meh. Who needs legal action? Getting our undies in a bunch and running off to the courts isn’t particularly dignified.
It’s better just to make sure all of the ID goofballs know what kind of morons they’re following. Digg it up, give the MSM a chance to take a look around, and we’ll see what happens.
JJ, yeah, I’m down here in Austin too, and have been blogging about last night’s talk (click my name). At the Austin lecture, RD waxed harshly upon Expelled, saying that if the online trailer were any indication, no one would be persuaded by it who wasn’t already a dishonest, ignorant fool. Now that he’s actually seen it…wow, I can’t wait to hear how he really feels!
Hank, and all you diggers out there, it has been dugg.
Dawkins who?
Come on PZ, don’t say you guys are going straight for a Guinness laughing yourselves under the barstool! You dropped this bomb, now tell us what happened next!!!
I think this is funny enough to be shared with digg. And someone submitted it already.
For the creos to pull something like this, it would require a negative IQ. That’s impossible. One can then only conclude that the guard was an atheist conspirator.
Spewed coffee, wine, brandy and broke a rib.
Dawkins? Holy mother of Tiktaalik save us all.
Funniest thing I’ve read in a while. I can’t wait to see what Dawkins has to say about this. Thanks for posting, PZ :)
Oh, jeez, RamblinDude, we must be spiritually connected.
Or fortuitously coincidentally acting.
This is the ultimate cool – getting thrown out of Expelled. I wish I had enough notoriety and cred to get thrown out, but alas…
Does anyone know how you would get this story to The Daily Show? I should think Stewart & Co. would love this story as much as we do. And it deserves national exposure.
Everybody who Diggs, go there and vote the story up. This is something Diggers will laugh out loud to know.
Thanks for the link to the blog. I am actually in the Dallas area. Spend quite a bit of time in Austin fighting the evolution battle. Will be back to hear Ken Miller on April 4. Maybe we can catch up then.
These stupid ID/Creo bastards are full of epic fail. If there is a God, he is by now so disgusted with their hypocrisy and dishonesty that he has arranged a skip-the-queue function for them in Hell.
Happy being-kicked-out-day, PZ. But if I’ve read aright, Skatje’s almost as dangerous as you are anyway, so they are even more full of epic fail. Be fun to know how the whole thing played out.
I can see it now. Fresh headline on AiG and DI tomorrow morning: PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins cause scene at screening of Expelled in a Twin Cities mall.
I bet $1,000,000.00 in Monopoly money that’s where they go with this. They are going to try to carpet-sweep this thing something fierce.
This is epic win and epic fail all at the same time.
It’s ingenius I tell you.
Can someone submit this story to fark? I think there is a photoshop opportunity here too.
Perhaps there’s a fundraising opportunity too – maybe a custom crafted t-shirt with “I was expelled from expelled” signed by both PZ and Richard Dawkins?
I absolutely DUGG this thing!
Come on diggers! Let’s rise this story to the top where it rightfully belongs!
I wonder if the office at the mall was The Mall Ninja!
Rev. BigDumbChimp, I’m right there with ya. I almost woke my wife up just to laugh about it with someone…Oh I hope someone’s reporter friend covered this.
Can we make a holiday? “Sabot Day” or something? We all go to the local art-house theatre wearing Richard Dawkins masks and leave a token friend with a squid-t-shirt waiting outside. Yeah. Has a feeling of ritual about it.
(Basically I want to laugh about this on an annual basis.)
Brilliant! This is hilarious beyond reason! P.Z., you are officially completely awesome. I totaly need graven image of you to put in a place of prominence in my home!
Too Funny!
MONAD made this:
This is fantastic. Yes, I actually did fall off of my bed from laughter…I’m just glad my roommate wasn’t in the room.
Hopefully Dawkins will post his account of the movie on his website. I bet somebody is going to be in a load of trouble when the producers find out Dawkins got in.
Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had all day.
I wanted to comment on this because this is going to go down in atheist history as one of the greatest moments ever. This is truly a sweet moment. Thank you PZ.
t0atal pwn3d
JJ, that could work. Will be nice to meet you.
I haven’t read all 185 posts yet, so maybe someone else has already told you this, but I would contact the ACLU immediately. This is a clear civil rights violation. A theater is a place of public accommodation, and can’t deny service to *anyone* solely for reasons of religious denomination (or lack thereof). All the people who have been posting that “it’s private property, they can kick anyone out for any reason” are just plain *WRONG*.
(It’s real hard typing this, I’m laughing too hard. So please ignore any typos.)
So how’s it feel to be the Rosa Parks of invertebrates? :-)
The movie is just most creationist “arguments”. A masterpiece of projection.
Do they not even notice that they’re doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE ACCUSING TEH EBIL DARWINISTS OF?!!11
I mean, we know they’re stupid, dishonest, and completely incapable of self-examination. But which of those characteristics should this massive asshattery be attributed to?
I guess they don’t know much about “ID” after all.
Jessa (#91) – if you find any information on a Raleigh/Durham area screening, please pass the word along!
I have no words to say how good this story makes me feel.
Oh my betentacled overlord. I thought I was already having the best day ever, and now I come home to a little sugary rose on on the icing on my cake.
Priceless. Mastercard-commercial priceless.
Buzz, no no! Suing these guys would be like swatting a fly with a howitzer. They’re their own worst enemy! They’re already crushed! Let the tide of hilarity wash them away…..
Digg it!
PZ Myers is THE ATHEIST TROJAN HORSE! This is going to be a story worth telling for many years.
I have to say it, both PZ and Richard Dawkins are my heros.
HA HA but that story makes me feel good.
But which of those characteristics should this massive asshattery be attributed to?
why be divisive about it?
all of the above works.
Would I be wrong if I said this is one of the fastest comment threads I ever seen? I mean, they just PILE UP right now!
…Rightfully so mind you
One might wonder if they have and actual cause to expel you specifically, or whether they were discriminating on the basis of your previously expressed religious views.—a000-.html
emphasis added.
You might want to have one of your “Guests” get the officers name, badge number and affiliation. If they can get a reason for your expulsion, so much the better.
Damn, that’s funny.
All I could say is holy shit!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
“Tell me, are you laughing as hard as I am?”
Predicted IDiot spin angle: they’ll whine about all the posts here suggesting legal action by PZ. Just a guess, seeing as how the alternative is deny and ignore.
Well, maybe deny and ignore will be the tack they choose.
I should add that I am incredibly jealous of you and Skatje for the fact that you’re keeping company with Richard Dawkins.
Great stuff :)
Reed: Sure, but they could have decided that PZ Meyers was likely to pan them in his review of the movie, and decided to try to keep him out for that reason. Unless somebody is willing to take the case to discovery to try and find out if they were dumb enough to write down their reasons, I’d be astonished if you could win that one in court.
Oh, jeez, RamblinDude, we must be spiritually connected.
Or fortuitously coincidentally acting.
Serendipitously synchronous? :-)
I don’t know, I’m kind of dissapointed that you didn’t make a scene PZ. I have this wild image of the keystone cops chasing you and Professor Dawkins around the mall. :-)
Not to take the wind out of your sails, but do you think that the cop took you out when he was supposed to take Dawkins out?
Priceless! This makes my month! Oh, this is beautiful!
Movie ticket to Expelled, $9.00
Popcorn and pop $10.50
Being thrown out of a movie you actually appear in, PRICELESS
Alright, this is up on Reddit now… spread the word on whatever social media sites you use! This is way too hilarious to keep to ourselves.
Someone needs to spin Hitch up with a 5th and point him at the movie. Make sure you capture the explosion on video.
I don’t know, I’m kind of dissapointed that you didn’t make a scene PZ. I have this wild image of the keystone cops chasing you and Professor Dawkins around the mall. :-)
ala Benny Hill?
yeah, I can just picture it…
post #200: Seconded!
I almost feel sorry for the cop.
**high fives everyone in the room**
Epic win. EPIC!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!
On the last episode of Real Time With Bill Maher I seem to remember the end credits displayed who was going to be on the next episode (the one airing this week). If I recall correctly Richard Dawkins will be on Real Time with Bill Maher. Perhaps we should all tune in!
Ha Ha! Dawkins for teh win!!!111!!!
This is History in the making! And it’s hilarious, ironic, revealing and, well, lots of stuff about it lends infinitely increasing credibility! Everybody chalk up another point on the tally board. YEEEEE-HAAAAA!
OMG. Thanks to that producer for accidentally creating the most hilarious circumstance that i would never have imagined!
Best, best laugh I’ve had in many a day. Oh gawd.
reminds me of the verse “strain out a gnat, swallow a camel.” no offense, PZ, of course.
Hilarious! We’re all waiting for the post-movie interviews!!
I’m glad you all think that HATE CRIMES are funny.
Once PZ calms down and thinks about being thrown out of a public theatre, in front of his wife, kids, and Richard Friggin Dawkins – PZ WILL BE PISSED!
This is some serious shit.
I would be LIVID.
Hell, I’m livid right now.
47 Diggs as of this moment. By morning it should be gold.
They threatened with arrest a man THEY put in the movie, after interviewing him under false pretenses.
Oh my dear science that’s hilarious.
Sastra 92#, You may be on to something. They may have done this on purpose knowing the controversy would raise ticket sales.
PZ should send a thank you note to the folks at Expelled. They saved him from having to wade through two hours of BS.
“No, you idiot! I said watch out for Richard Dawkins, not Stephen Hawking! Dawkins!”
I *heart* creationists getting pwned. Please tell me that when this was all going on there was some kick ass Trans Siberian Orchestra playing in the background. Like maybe Beethoven’s 5th or something along those lines. I’d even settle for Ride of the Valkyries. lol
PZ, you are truly a professor non gratis.
#240 – Don’t you mean OMFSM?
You can’t make this up.
As if the movie itself wasn’t totally retarded in its premise, they NOW HAND AN ABSOLUTE PR GIFT TO PZ.
PZ, If I were you, I’d call CNN. They’d HAVE to interview you about this!
Hearty laughter abounds!
MY Myers, I applaud you.
You should have allowed yourself to be arrested. You were to commit no crime at all. Please don’t show courage on the web only to show cowardice in real life. Is this how you stand up for what you believe?
I am a lurker over on Phil’s site, came over to take a look at the fun and games over here to see what the BadAstronomer was writing about. This is hilarious, have to hang around to find out how this turns out. :)
Still haven’t heard back from my StarTrib reporter buddy… is there a limit to how many voicemails I can leave?
Unless the fundies roped everyone into a post-movie group hug/donation session, I’m guessing the movie is already out.
Hearty laughter abounds!
Mr Myers, I applaud you.
Still laughing. I think i may need to grab a single barrel bourbon on the rocks to calm me down.
This is really one of the funniest things I’ve heard all year.
I CAN NOT wait to read the spin on this.
“On the last episode of Real Time With Bill Maher I seem to remember the end credits displayed who was going to be on the next episode (the one airing this week). If I recall correctly Richard Dawkins will be on Real Time with Bill Maher. Perhaps we should all tune in!”
Nowhere is Dawkins Mentioned on Bill Maher’s HBO page. Guests get shuffled about from time to time. I’m still hoping he’s on though.
#237- just looked up Real Time’s website on, and it doesn’t list Richard Dawkins from what I can see. That’d be entertaining though.
I also did laugh out loud. Kind of funny, since I was in the bathroom taking care of a biological need (yay iPhone!) and my roommates have to wonder what was so funny in there.
BUT, I have a word of caution.
Do NOT start spamming the media organizations. I work in the media (no contacts in Minny who would be available right now) and nothing turns reporters and editors off a story faster than e-mail after e-mail and call after call on something like this. If dozens of people report an earthquake or severe traffic collision, etc., it makes sense that you’ll get a lot of calls into the newsroom. But something that could be seen as a concerted effort by, say, an advocacy organization quickly gets annoying and may engender a hostile response.
Now, we all see this as a bit of great breaking news, and they need to know about it to be able to get to all the players who are (were) in place. But, journalists see so many spam campaigns from various groups that something like this might start to be seen as that sort of thing. And that sort of thing then starts smelling like an organized attempt to fake a groundswell reaction to something. The bulk of reporters and editors out there may not be fully aware of the back story here, so constant, repeated e-mails and phone calls could be interpreted that way. Reporters in the know, of course, will understand and have the reaction we’re all having. But the odds are that you’ll get someone who doesn’t really know the score.
So, as long as there has been some contact with the media, I think we should be content with that. I do know some folks for whom this sort of thing could be useful later, and I’ll be disseminating this within that sphere. I expect this anecdote to become a standard background paragraph in future coverage of this movie.
A) Fundies have been the demise of many an irony meter, but I think I’m gonna frame the remains of this most recent one. (As much as I can find, at least… it went EVERYWHERE!)
B) I’m assuming that they simply weren’t expecting Dawkins in Minnesota (Nobody expects the British Biologistician!). Interesting experiment: fly to London, P.Z. and see if you can get in.
C) Shouldn’t an interviewee be entitled to a screening or advance copy in order to see how they were portrayed or if their position was accurately presented? I mean, that sounds like the ethical… Oh.
Well, it would be polite… err…
Never mind. I’m obviously expecting too much.
There’s only one thing to say in this situation: PZ FTW!
Hey, PZ, I hope that when you meet back up with your family and guest, assuming that you don’t have to bail them out of jail, you’ll make another blog post to update the events and post about it on PT as well.
Crap, forget post 260, just searched a little more thoroughly and he is going to be.
Lol, extravaganza! That is f-ing great. What total idiots these folks must be. No offense to you, PZ, but Dawkins has to be the most widely recognized atheist in existence. How could they recognize you and totally pass over a widely known skeptic of creationism and rampant insanity. Dawkins has written so many books on the subject. Please Utube an interview with Dawkins after the show. This could really be viral, the logical minority will rejoice with laughter. Even the fence sitters will get the humor of this! I pray to the FSM you can find the time and a camera! This is beyond comedy, it is shockingly hilarious. Thank you for the heads up, it really made my day!
** WARNING: Impending DIGG Effect Imminent **
Please Mirror.
Warning – System Resources Low.
Warning – Too friggin Funny.
Warning – System Fail
All I could say is holy shit!
ROFL @ #248, that is PRICELESS!
Paul (#265) Where did you search?
I just wrote Seth Myers about it. He probably won’t get the message in time for Weekend Update this Saturday, but it’s worth a shot.
PZ, it is meant to be a tribute to your honesty that I accept this story as the unvarnished truth, even with a punchline that sounds like an urban legend, which it may well become.
“You should have allowed yourself to be arrested. You were to commit no crime at all. Please don’t show courage on the web only to show cowardice in real life. Is this how you stand up for what you believe?”
Well, there’s always criminal trespass and disturbance of the peace. If I were in PZ’s position, I know I’d be iffy about the legality of it. He wouldn’t have accomplished anything by making a fuss and getting arrested, not to mention that this delicious irony wouldn’t have come about if he’d done otherwise.
Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!! Can’t wait for Dawkins’ comments on the movie. Just goes to show how dumb you have to be to buy into the whole ID nonsense: keep the cephalopods out, but let the Babe Ruth of atheism in… Oh the hilarity!
@270, I clicked on the HBO schedule, and the listing for 3/21 lists richard dawkins. don’t know if it’s been updated since then though, so i don’t know.
Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!! Can’t wait for Dawkins’ comments on the movie. Just goes to show how dumb you have to be to buy into the whole ID nonsense: keep the cephalopods out, but let the Babe Ruth of atheism in… Oh the hilarity!
PZ… you are my hero for today.
I guess there was some kind of list of “likely troublemakers”, and a Dawkins appearance was considered highly improbable. Yet…it happened! Evidence of design!
Don’t worry Paul (See post #270) I found it.
Once again we have a fine example of why I no longer feel badly about calling cdesign proponentists stupid.
Maybe it won’t make Seth Myers and Weekend Update, but Letterman perhaps, via Franken? Too bad Al was just on. =/
#254 Danny;
Far be it for me to answer for Mr Myers, but being arrested to “stand up for what (he) believe(s)” is not bravery.
In some cases sheer defiance could be brave, but cool intellect and galvanizing the blogging-troops is standing up for what I suspect Prof. Myers believes.
If indeed legal action needs to be taken (and I agree with Greta Christina that it may not – this could have been a pre-show screening or party and not a public event)we can all rest assured it will be worked out.
FWIW, having cops around in anticipation of throwing out disruptive undesirables is a perfectly kosher use of the local cops. I worked at a restaurant that routinely had one around. (Mind you, the city I live in is more than a little weird; the local Barnes and Noble was the high point of local crime, including three or four armed robberies until the local cops stated an officer there full-time.)
On the other hand, I(AmNotALawyer) wonder if you have a Civil Rights case based on religious discrimination. Might be hard to prove if they let Dawkins in, though.
So, where are they now? Is the movie over?
WTF is happening!!!!
Come on, PZ, fess up. You were wearing your squid costume, weren’t you?
PZ – We will post your bail!
Go back and demand to see that crappy movie!
Offer twice the face value…no wait – that would be nothing.
Damn math.
Make sure Richard Dawkins saves his ticket stub. Ebay FTW! lol
You don’t even have to give the creationists a shovel. They dig their own graves just fine with their fingernails.
Absolutely priceless.
Not even Hollywood could come up with a script like this.
Looks like God, god, FSM, and even Loki were all smiling on you today PZ.
I haven’t read all 185 posts yet, so maybe someone else has already told you this, but I would contact the ACLU immediately.
Naw, that would spoil the moment. :-D
You should have told them you were there to see Horton Hears a Who with your family. You know, like a good family oriented person with strong family values.
FWIW, having cops around in anticipation of throwing out disruptive undesirables is a perfectly kosher use of the local cops.
the problem is:
who decides which people are “undesirable”.
I’m sorry, but I completely disagree that this is a kosher use of official police personnel. I would even have an argument about using private personnel to accomplish this.
We saw GW doing the exact same thing with his televised “town meetings”.
it’s bullshit, and it’s not good for ya.
matters not whether it is strictly legal, it’s rather a slippery slope.
I do regret that Cherryh never hired Marc Okrand to devise a complete Kifish grammar.
CNN Bulletin: “Riot at Mall of America”
I have to admit, I was totally shocked by that reveal.
So epic.
Take me next time, please! As a devout atheist, I can’t imagine how much fun it would be to start pointing out the fallacies of the deliriously inept deranged psychopaths….
…(Mind you, the city I live in is more than a little weird; the local Barnes and Noble was the high point of local crime, including three or four armed robberies until the local cops stated an officer there full-time.)
note that this is hardly the same thing. there was a demonstrable risk to public safety with what you are describing here.
it wasn’t the manager of the store deciding to rent a cop in order to keep out people he doesn’t like.
Isn’t the American Atheists conference in Minnesota this weekend? Dawkins was probably in Minnesota for that.
Abso-freaking-lutely hilarious! Mr. Myers, you are made of win.
Oh. Their. god. that’s just beautiful. I can’t wait to see what Mr. Dawkins has to say about this.
I actually learned ROTFLMAOSTC before I learned ROFL.
That’s “Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, Scaring The Cat.”
silence #225
I agree, and honestly, it would be a waste of resources to take to court. The usual “we reserve the right to refuse service yada yada” is broad enough that you’d have a hard time proving discrimination even if you wanted to. I don’t even know if the quoted section would apply to a nominally “private” screening.
However, they know, and we know, that is exactly why they kept him out. The fact that the civil rights act specifically mentions theaters made it too funny not to post. Especially given that the movie is about the alleged discrimination against ID.
In any case it’s a wonderful own goal on their part. What does it say about a film when the producers refuse to let someone who appeared in the film into a screening ? Not noticing Dawkins is just the icing on the cake.
I was all ready to get outraged and upset, now it’s just too funny to do anything but laugh. I can’t believe that PZ is apparently more recognized than Richard Dawkins (at least at the Mall of America).
Okay, this story had just made my evening!
Best. Sabot.
They probably didn’t put Mr. Dawkins on their list because they probably assumed he wouldn’t be there. Just guessing.
On the other hand, I wish I could figure out which Alaska fish organization I can complain to because every time I see B-n St–n on the wild Alaska fish commercial it raises my blood pressure. He’s Just a pitchman without any kind of good guidance. But there are several organizations…
Well… I don’t know how to take that… LOL! Priceless.
This is the greatest thing I’ve read in a long time. The fact that the producers of Expelled, a movie whose sole purpose is to complain about nasty Darwinist censors stifling free inquiry, had guards at the door turning away undesirables, just adds another layer of sweet irony. It’s as if these people don’t recognize the depths of self-parody to which they’re descending.
Congrats and a hearty shiver me timbers PZ. Reading this particular blog entry and the comments has been the most hilarious and edifying experience I’ve had in quite a while. This one will be a keeper for years to come and will burn up the internets for a few days at least.
Good grief. As I read the post the punchline was hidden just below the visible area. There’s only one basic way of replying to something like this:
10 print “HA”
20 goto 10
When PZ mentions that everyone “had to sign in and show ID,” is he talking about signing a nondisclosure agreement?
Will Dawkins be prevented from publicly commenting?
Disinvited to a Screening, a Critic Ends Up in a Faith-Based Crossfire
… “After Mr. Moore’s review, Mr. Stein commented, “Oh well. This will probably happen a lot more times.”
The above from the expelledthemovie site tells me this was probably a publicity stunt. The 300 comments above this one tell me it’ll work.
I don’t think Ben Stein is interested in anything but Ben Stein’s money.
Hey, it’s still hilarious.
PZ!!! PLEASE READ THIS! Last night, Nightline did a segment on a science museum in Denver that allows groups to come in and give a Biblical tour of the museum! A leader takes groups of children in and tells them how all the evolution science in the museum is wrong! I was amazed that the museum head let them do this, I wouldn’t. After all, they all could go in, just without the unathorized tour. But it sure shows up the EXPELLED people!
PZ must’ve forgotten to get his horns trimmed and tuck his tail into his boxers before going to the mall. I’m still laughing, and living in Dallas within walking distance of a dozen churches doesn’t seem as hopeless as it did an hour ago.
How I wish I coulda been there.
Reminded me of this: – only funnier.
I’d like to see a guest blog entry from Richard Dawkins reviewing the film. That would be the height of amusement.
I can’t believe though that the producers have carefully gone through the lists of names for people to evict. I wonder if there were any others.
Please SUE THEM!!!! I know this was funny, but if they get by with kicking you out they can do this to others because of religion, ethnicity or race. Your local civil rights board should be able to help. Raise hell to protect others.
Get real, Danny. Getting busted would likely involve trying to shove past security to get arrested for trespass or creating a public disturbance — with your daughter in tow — leaving a guest (Dawkins)in the lurch.
Try to engage your brain before you post. Being stupid isn’t brave. Being temperate isn’t cowardice.
“Well, there’s always criminal trespass and disturbance of the peace. If I were in PZ’s position, I know I’d be iffy about the legality of it. He wouldn’t have accomplished anything by making a fuss and getting arrested, not to mention that this delicious irony wouldn’t have come about if he’d done otherwise.
Far be it for me to answer for Mr Myers, but being arrested to “stand up for what (he) believe(s)” is not bravery.
In some cases sheer defiance could be brave, but cool intellect and galvanizing the blogging-troops is standing up for what I suspect Prof. Myers believes.”
“If indeed legal action needs to be taken (and I agree with Greta Christina that it may not – this could have been a pre-show screening or party and not a public event)we can all rest assured it will be worked out. ”
Ha ha, I’m sure it indeed ‘will all be worked out’. I’m certain Prof. Myers has stood up for what he believes in. Fact is, he would not need have ‘made a fuss’ – only stand his ground for what is his right to do – go to a movie in the MOA. Even if technically ‘a crime’ it is certainly NOT an actual crime and he should have had the courage to stand his ground on what he believes and potentially been arrested. That would be a far better and greater show of conviction, in real terms, of what we stand for. It’s like the old adage – ‘They came for the Jews/Xians/Zoasters and I did nothing…’ They came for the Atheist and he did nothing.
So, in Christian speak, while Expelled was keeping a Demon out Satan just strolled right in. I love it!
Hee, I can’t wait until Cuttlefish sees this and does a treatment! This absolutely need to be put into verse, and, and… someone by PZ a beer!
ROTFL so hard I had as asthma attack. After a couple squirts of albuterol, I read it again and dang near had to go to the hospital.
Oh, my stars, that’s funny.
I’m so linking to this on my blog:
TK Kenyon, Author of RABID: A Novel and CALLOUS: A Novel
“A science vs. religion smackdown. Guess who wins?”
Well, ERV has an amusing take on this.
So if, after this Great Moment in Creationism, I begin to refer to PZ as Mekt-Hakkikt, at least one other person will understand.
“Get real, Danny. Getting busted would likely involve trying to shove past security to get arrested for trespass or creating a public disturbance — with your daughter in tow — leaving a guest (Dawkins)in the lurch.”
Why would anyone have to shove security personnel? That’s a straw-man argument. He could have simply stood his place in line until removed. No shoving required.
I get the impression that this was not an open public screening of the film, considering that you had to sign in and show ID. The theater has every right to deny entry to any individual, unfortunately. This is the same principle that allows casino owners to ban individuals from setting foot in their establishment without due process. They don’t need a reason.
How the hell are they gonna spin this? “No no, we meant to kick Dawkins/both of them out!”
Too damn funny.
Bravo. Masterful. Too good to be true.
Snort worthy! Biggest smile I’ve had all day. Fuck those bastards.
Abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. Well done!
Will all you dumbasses wailing “You should sue!” and “You should have gotten yourself arrested!” please just STFU! Don’t you GET IT!? PZ didn’t NEED to do those things! He’s already won. Fucking DUH. The Expelled tools have had the biggest epic fail since Travolta signed on to do Battlefield: Earth! Before their screening tonight even ended, the entire planet knows what these dipshits did and the ridicule will never be lived down! People will be looking back on this 10 years from now and laughing. The IDiots handed this one to PZ wrapped in a goddamn ribbon, and he didn’t even have to do anything but show up.
Why is this hard to grasp?
I think it would have been ever better P.R. for him to stand his ground (not shove anyone etc. – so fucking shrill) and be arrested for his beliefs.
What Martin said!
Well when you’re done laughing about the movie, get your butts OUT of the Mall of America and go somewhere decent. Go get some burgers at The Shamrock on West 7th in St Paul.
Get arrested for believing that he has the right to see a private screening of a movie, when the law obviously says the opposite. I don’t know, I have a little more respect for PZ’s intelligence than you do Danny.
Ditto Martin #331… well said.
I don’t think there’s anything funny about this. It’s just so absurd I can’t laugh. You know? I mean, there’s an absurdity level that goes so far beyond absurd you can’t help but laugh. But this goes well beyond that, even.
“Will all you dumbasses wailing “You should sue!” and “You should have gotten yourself arrested!” please just STFU! Don’t you GET IT!? PZ didn’t NEED to do those things! He’s already won. Fucking DUH. The Expelled tools have had the biggest epic fail since Travolta signed on to do Battlefield: Earth! Before their screening tonight even ended, the entire planet knows what these dipshits did and the ridicule will never be lived down! People will be looking back on this 10 years from now and laughing. The IDiots handed this one to PZ wrapped in a goddamn ribbon, and he didn’t even have to do anything but show up.
Why is this hard to grasp?”
Prove it.
I wonder if this will be included on Expelled’s atrocious Wikipedia page.
I dont think this is amusing at all!What policeman threatens a man with arrest for standing in line for a movie?Now,if the man in question is intoxicated,or making threats,or,as someone mentioned earlier, is without shirt or shoes,by all means,this individual could be turned away,with the threat of arrest being very real,if he were to resist.However,it is obvious that the orders were given from people who are not law enforcement types,but merely promoters,or even producers of this film.If so,by what authority do these individuals have the power to command a public servant to order a non-threatening,shirt and shoe wearing person to step out of line,or face arrest?I maintain that just because a certain person may be critical of an idea,that this becomes a matter of civil rights,in that,PZ,being a known critic of ID nonsense ,was singled out merely because THEY knew he was going to rip them up,and rightly so.When did this become a punishible offense?I have,over the years,heard many different critics deride many movies,some of which are among my favorites of all time.Never have I screamed in protest at their criticism,nor did I demand that they be incarcerated.SO,can I,myself, decide when and where(being in no way connected with law enforcement),a certain individual can or cannot be where they want to be,just because i dont agree with them?And what’s more,could I order the local cops to look out for that certain individual,who isnt wanted by the law,and who just DISAGREES with me,and then order him to leave the premises or face arrest,without premise????I’m having a hard time thinking there is not a potential lawsuit here,and if there is not,I am very afraid for those who choose to voice their dissent.
Please, someone come in and tell us that we shouldn’t ridicule these people. I DARE you.
Can’t imagine suing them for it, though. I think the whole incident is too silly, and surely anyone suggesting the lawsuit route has never actually sued anyone and had to go through all the involved rigamrole for months and months. Nope, far better to just laugh. And laugh. And point. And laugh.
As the good Proinsias Cassidy would say, “WANKERRRRRRS!”
To PZ: Sir, Bravo. This is too good to be true. I look forward to Dawkins’ take down of this utter bilge.
@#331 Agreed. No arresting needed. He’d gone and done more damage than he could have possibly by raising a stink – he’d enabled a high profile individual to rip them a new one.
Holy Crap! I just read this on the BA blog. So, they actually stopped you from attending a frakkin’ movie!? WTF!!?? Can they even do that?
Geez, I know from reading Phil’s blog that PZ is a Rabble rouser :) but this is beyond belief. It prompts the obvious question: Whatthe hell did you do to deserve this? I mean you must be some bad ass atheist or something?
Danny, I’m wondering who’s more clueless about life — you or Ben Stein.
Sitting here sick as a dog tonight, thinking my long weekend has gone sour, then this. This is better than any medicine I could have hoped for. After I clean the Sprite off my keyboard, I’m going back to bed a happy man. If this isn’t a fever dream, it’s the most hilarious thing I’ve read in weeks!
Somewhere between the irony and the hypocrisy I am laughing to hard to breath,(also reaching for my Albuterol) and irritated beyond belief! Just what did the dumb-asses who made this decision THINK was going to happen?
(I imagine in a backroom – when hearing of the immediate response to this – a Homer Simpsonesque D’oh! escaping from the lips of the brainiac who made the decision to expel PZ)
PZ doesn’t need to sue, or make a scene, or get himself arrested. Though, you could argue that by staying out of jail tonight he has enabled himself to respond in a way that makes a “scene at the mall” insignificant.
Also, if it was a private screening, then he’d have been in the wrong to create that “scene” anyway, and would have zero grounds to launch legal action.
His response was perfect!
Well done PZ!
PZ, please give us a clue when we can expect a review! Tonight? Tomorrow? I’ve got to schedule my sleeping.
Also: I’m too too envious of your daughter and your wife for getting to see a movie with Richard Dawkins. I imagine he’s too staid an individual to do MST3K-style commentary, but still, wow. I hope Skatje does a nice blog post about this.
#331 BRAVO, Can we have a RAMEN!
.However,it is obvious that the orders were given from people who are not law enforcement types,but merely promoters,or even producers of this film.If so,by what authority do these individuals have the power to command a public servant to order a non-threatening,shirt and shoe wearing person to step out of line,or face arrest?
I completely agree, provided, of course, that there were actually on duty cops involved, and it wasn’t just a bunch of thugs in mall guard uniforms.
If on duty police WERE involved in this, it would indeed be worth asking if the city supports this use of its personnel.
this takes nothing away from the gift given to PZ at all; it’s an entirely separate issue from the irony that is religious IDiocy.
but see? I knew you were the most wonderful there is, PZ. A bigger rock star of the atheist blogosphere than even Dawkins. He got to see the screening and he is STILL jealous. xo
PZ did precisely the correct thing by drawing attention away from Dawkins and Skatje allowing them to watch the film. Getting arrested would have prevented both Dawkins and Skatje from entering the theater.
More will come of this the way it played out than if PZ had been arrested.
@Danny: You don’t understand. There were TWO wins here. The first win was how bad it made them look to throw out someone who appeared in that very film as an interviewee, as if (probably because) they didn’t want him to see the mess they made of his interview and because they feared honest and pointed criticism. The second win was when they let in the very last person they wanted to let in, Richard Dawkins.
The third win will, I think, be when Skatje, a witness to both events, covers this.
I converted Sharilyn (#350) to Pastafariansim just an hour ago. It just made sense to her…
Martin -> I guess some people just do not like to see discrimination. We understand that PZ “pOwned” B. Stein/Expelled after being tossed out, but it still pisses some of us off. PZ is most likely being bought multiple drinks at a local tavern, and him and Richard Dawkins are now Best Buddies. Lucky bastard.
That’s all.
Don’t crow too loudly, PZ. Rumor has it Dawkins made an ass of himself after the screening. “Ass Prod” Mark Mathis gave Dawkins a little bit of rope, and Dawkins was quick to start winding it around his own neck. I think you’ll get a bit of egg on your face too out of this, PZ.
Posted on the front page of the Myspace Atheists and Agnostics group. This story needs to go viral.
So… am I the only one sitting here, hitting refresh every ~30 seconds… luving all the comments and waiting for an official Dawkins update?
Im so not going to sleep tonight, now.
LOL Im such a loser LOOOOL!
Kudos, PZ!
Down here in the Carolinas, the best I can do is get thrown out of an Applebee’s…
That is just spectacular, and spectacularly funny. I look forward to hearing what Dr. Dawkins has to say about the, *cough*, film.
I imagine he’s too staid an individual to do MST3K-style commentary
I dunno about that, I recall Kristine blogging about that trip to the Galapagos that Dawkins was also on; and he had a few quips along the MST3K type.
I don’t think he could resist a good poke, but he would do it quietly.
Of course everyone “had to sign in and show ID.” That’s how dangerous being a Christian Creationist in America is. They have enemies all around. They have to be so careful.
It’s so dangerous being a Christian Creationist in America, they even need police protection. That’s what it’s gotten down to. That’s how bad it is. Atheists try to sneak in and disrupt their worship services. Well, okay, take notes. Or maybe just watch.
To make them nervous. On purpose.
Well, okay, it was a movie, and not a worship service. But Christians getting together. Bonding together, in a time of need, to become strong, to support each other. They were kicked out of the public schools, kicked out of the peer review magazines, kicked out of the textbooks. All they have now is the movie theater — and each other.
And PZ tries to get in. He can’t leave them alone. He can’t just let them be. Dawkins, too. They want to sneer and scoff at Christian Creationists. This is persecution. Like under the Romans, or Jesus on the cross.
Is there nowhere Christian Creationists can be safe anymore in all of America? Is even the Mall of America a hostile environment? Must they undergo Darwinist eye-rolling and brow-lifting and heavy-sighing in their own movie theater? Is nothing at all sacred to these atheist evolutionary biology monsters?
PZ and Dawkins owe an apology to Ben Stein and to the producers of Expelled and above all to Christian Creationists in America. That’s what. Thank God for that cop who was the only one brave enough to stand up for Christian Creationists and their America.
I only read the first 20 or comments so I hope I am not repeating too many people.
In Ontario, Canada, the Provincial Police can moonlight in uniform for certain events. I apologise that i don’t know all the details.
If the guard was in fact a police officer, he may well have been working entirely above board. Restricting someone’s access to Expelled is funny but not criminal if the theatre is privately owned.
#319 Danny;
Again, I am not certain this was a public movie. You do have a point about the slippery slope of discrimination, and I know that if it had been myself, I would have been fuming. If it had been myself and my family, I would have been fuming, and assured the guard I would not cause trouble (in that moment) much like Prof Myers.
Getting arrested by standing ground is not the only option in cases of discrimination. It does work, and is very effective in many instances, you are correct about that.
Litigation, getting press involved, and creating a possibly viral media story can also work to shame the people doing the discriminating enough that they will not do it again. Approaching a police officer and the manager of the theatre together in a calm manner could also work.
With how humorous this has been to all of us, perhaps Prof. Myers is also finding it funny in the moment and gathering his thoughts.
All of us here can suggest choices of action for PZ, and he can choose to listen or not. However, I’m not there at that mall, I don’t think you are either, so it is hard to say whether there was good reason for PZ to blog instead of demand.
At the moment I feel we have enough facts to find it funny and be concerned about civil rights. Perhaps we should wait for a few more facts before deciding PZ is committing an act of cowardice (your comment #254)?
This confirms it, god’s an atheist.
359: “So… am I the only one sitting here, hitting refresh every ~30 seconds… luving all the comments and waiting for an official Dawkins update?”
Dawkins is on Bill Maher tomorrow, hope he mentions this to the American public.
ERV @ 359: You’re definitely not alone. I didn’t need to get that homework done, anyway :-)
This post and the subsequent discussion has definitely made my week.
Danny said: “Even if technically ‘a crime’ it is certainly NOT an actual crime”
Anything that is “technically” a crime, is, in fact, a crime (even if it is later found to be unconstitutional, but that is not the case here). You seem to think that if something is malum prohibitum rather than malum in se, it cannot be criminal. You are wrong.
“he should have had the courage to stand his ground on what he believes and potentially been arrested.”
So, what great moral or philosophical issue is at stake here? Really, what over-arching ethical principle should over-take a rational response?
“That would be a far better and greater show of conviction, in real terms, of what we stand for.”
Who is “we”? Do you mean “you”? And what do you stand for, other than dipshit arrogance? If you ever find yourself arrested, for any reason, explain to your defense attorney that you are just “felony stupid” and wanted to uphold your right to a trial by your peers.
Sheesh, I went out of my way to antagonize authority in the 60s, and got beat by the cops for it. So it’s not like I don’t know how to stand up for my own convictions, but your statements convict you of brainlessness. I would not want you on my side of any argument.
ERV- right there with you. *sigh* you just made me aware of my nerdiness. I think i’m gonna go for a little jog, then when I come back I’ll have like 100 more comments to sift through instead of 3 every refresh lol.
It’s so sad when all you have are rumors and lies.
I have no idea who you are but from where I sit, you did that entirely too well. It was a bit frightening.
Wow, I think this thread might be in danger of bringing the SB servers down (of course, I just made it worse!).
What a great story! I’ll probably go see this “movie”, but I think I’ll sit on the back of the chair and look away from the screen.
PZ for president.
An absolute classic!! Thanks for bringing some joy to the holiday weekend.
By the way, does this mean that in their eyes you are a bigger devil than Richard Dawkin’s himself?
That is just hilarious, can’t wait to read the full account of the movie from Dawkins perspective.
p.s. see PZ thats what you get for those devilish good looks, next time keep those horns under a hat and that tail safely kept away. :)
Too late, Stein & Co. already did that. It’s in the projector. They do seem to like that projection, don’t they, after all?
Kristine just posted a short account!!!!
I just went from ‘LOL!!’ to *PISSED* in 5 seconds.
Right! This is so epic I say we start work on the obligatory commemorative statue/monument combo immediately.
PZ’s quote from the past:
Oh, well. I have two warnings for the creationists.
One, I will go see this movie, and I will cheer loudly at my 30 seconds or whatever on the screen, and I will certainly disembowel its arguments here and in any print venue that wants me. That’s going to be fun.”
I do indeed find that amusing.
I hope Richard makes his way to Winnipeg and visits one of our schools.
Take care.
Here’s hoping Richard Dawkins writes a review…
I think we’re seeing the IDiots’ spin in Danny’s posts.
DAC @ 357:
“Don’t crow too loudly, PZ. Rumor has it Dawkins made an ass of himself after the screening. “Ass Prod” Mark Mathis gave Dawkins a little bit of rope, and Dawkins was quick to start winding it around his own neck. I think you’ll get a bit of egg on your face too out of this, PZ.”
Do you have a source for these rumours?
Oh man, this post made my day. That was AWESOME!
DANNY! Had PZ gotten himself arrested, he wouldn’t have been able to make this marvelous post now, would he!
So PZ’s the decoy atheist now?
Does DAC (#357) mean “Dumb-Acting Creationist”?
Don’t crow too loudly, PZ. Rumor has it Dawkins made an ass of himself after the screening. “Ass Prod” Mark Mathis gave Dawkins a little bit of rope, and Dawkins was quick to start winding it around his own neck. I think you’ll get a bit of egg on your face too out of this, PZ.
This sounds like a the last gasp of a man about to throw himself off a cliff.
“You’ll be sorry!”
I smell napalm.
Do you have more fear and desperation from the suicide squad arm of the xian death cult for us to feed on?
@ #332: I think it would have been ever better P.R. for him to stand his ground (not shove anyone etc. – so fucking shrill) and be arrested for his beliefs.
Stupid thinking at its finest. I’ll bet you walk into traffic without looking just because you have the right-of-way, don’t you?
It gains Dr. Myers nothing to be arrested in a situation where laughter is actually a far better weapon.
Blogged, and submitted to Fark as well. This may be… The Greatest Story Ever Told.
This is the best damn story I’ve heard all month. All fucking month!
The ID’ers are so utterly Keystone Kops.
John #356: It isn’t so much discrimination as weapons-grade stupidity. Here’s the deal.
Irony breaker #1: PZ is one of their interviewees, whose appearance they secured under false pretenses, and yet they refused to admit him to the film in which he himself appears, for the obvious reason that they know he’ll get on his massive-trafficked blog and report every error, misrepresentation and falsehood in every frame, in encyclopedic detail.
Irony breaker #2: In the process of ejecting PZ, they somehow failed to notice that standing right next to him in line was perhaps the most famous scientist, atheist, and evolution advocate currently alive, who’s wrapping up a promotional tour for a book that was a New York Times bestseller for over a year, with cumulative sales of over 1.5 million copies in English. This is reminiscent of the old joke about the actress who was so stupid about how to climb the ladder in Hollywood that she slept with the screenwriter.
Everything the IDiots did tonight raises the entire concept of stupidity to such previously undreamt heights (or depths, as the case may be), that treating it like it’s some sort of act of discrimination and violation of civil rights to be taken so seriously that only legal recourse will suit, would be beyond overkill. There’s no need to launch an attack on your enemy when they’ve already torpedoed their own submarine.
There are legitimate situations where discrimination and rights-trampling occur, that should be dealt with appropriately. This isn’t one of them. This is like watching a really stupid person who’s been handed a high explosive with a note saying “DO NOT PRESS THE RED BUTTON” saying to themselves, “Hmm, what’s this red button do?”
Why get pissed off at this? How was PZ hurt? I wish somebody would do something this stupid to me!
#331 has it nailed. Everyone wanting to pull the Rosa Parks card calm the hell down. The Expelled tools couldn’t have screwed up worse. They managed to identify a *LESS* well-known detractor (no offense PZ), while letting a globally-known and outspoken detractor with several best-selling books and an on-going tour slip by.
It writes itself.
Make a scene and get arrested? Are you kidding me? And hand the story BACK to them? Someone in line for the flick would have a picture phone, and they’d run a picture of PZ getting hauled off. The local churches everywhere would be heard cheering for miles this Sunday morning.
As offensive as the Expelled conspirators are, this is a massively bad punch in the face they gave themselves. This isn’t epic fail, this is Darwin Award material.
Does DAC (#357) mean “Dumb-Acting Creationist”?
I don’t think it’s an act…
Make that two. Just don’t ask me to pronounce it out loud, presuming one could even do so without something like the double set of teeth also seen in the Alien movies, to make all the proper clicks. ;) lol
Still kind of laughing over this one. Tried to tell my mother what was going on, but the rest of my family either doesn’t care (or in my father’s case chocks it up to, “just what happens every generation”, like nothing has ever progressed or changed since the start of recorded history…), or just doesn’t get it. :(
PZ, you’re my hero. I mean for ever and ever!
F5, F5, F5 …
Okay, when comments hit 400, I’m going to bed.
But this is soooo good.
Yup, I submitted this to Fark as well about an hour ago, and it had already been submitted at that point. I, too, am hitting refresh every so often, just waiting to hear what happens when the movie ends and Dawkins et al exit the theatre…
Amazing! Never underestimate the power of a closed mind to find you in complete darkness!
I just have to add my own “HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!111!one!”
LLOL (Literally, laughing out loud)
PZ should have told the security guard “BTW, i’m in the movie” as he was walking away.
It’s great to know that irony is still alive in this world!
So if, after this Great Moment in Creationism, I begin to refer to PZ as Mekt-Hakkikt, at least one other person will understand.
Gods rot the Personage. And his fluff.
You’ve been front-paged at Digg. You’re doomed.
The story just made the front page of Digg!
Promoted to popular on digg!
The movie should be over by now…
They are all out drinking and celebrating the Evolutionist victory! PZ will probably have enough material to Blog for months about partying with Richard Dawkins til the Blue Laws were in effect!
Go PZ!
Let me offer two reasons why police officers might have stopped PZ Myers and not Dawkins:
1. PZ Myers is a known member of the PT-mafia.
2. Richard Dawkins is not.
This is how it works in the real world:
Police officers are allowed to moonlight as security guards.
Respectable establishments have a right to decline entry to the likes of PZ Myers.
The question I have is this: How did you find out about the screening? I assume this is for clergy only. When was Dawkins ordained in the church of the NCSE?
It’s been a long week, so I really needed this. Thanks PZ & RD. Of course, I think I laughed myself a hernia…
“Respectable establishments have a right to decline entry to the likes of PZ Myers.”
Oh, most definitely. He says mean things about people! And he has a BEARD!
WTF country is this? I guess this comes as non surprise now that BushCo has shredded the Constitution. How sad.
Kristine wrote:
It will be interesting to know what this refers to. Evidently, after the screening the producer called on Richard Dawkins in the audience to answer questions or something. And then laughed at him (?)
Interesting coincidence is that the first question Dawkins asked the smug producer was “why did you expel PZ from Expelled?
From Kristine’s account at least, it doesn’t really sound like the Q&A session was particularly productive.
Given that when they control the venue, we could be cut off at any time, we need to be really good at presenting our points in ways that don’t allow them their usual weasel tactics. It’s very easy to come up with plausible sounding spin if a critic only gets one question, and the producers get all the last words. It’s unfortunately not very easy to put them on the spot in such a situation, especially in front of a lazy, me-tooing audience.
1. PZ Myers is a known member of the PT-mafia.
whaddya know, I ask for more sounds of desperate mewling from IDiots, and I get Wallace dropping by to fulfill my request.
hey! The Secret works after all!
ah, the sweet smell of creationists on fire…
I do love a good BBQ
more plz?
remember, this is for posterity, Wallace.
LOL, and now I’m imagining Dawkins in line with you: “These aren’t the evolutionists you’re looking for.” “The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.”
“How did you find out about the screening? I assume this is for clergy only. ”
Uh, it was posted on the internet, WW. And you assume wrong as far as I can tell: this latest round of screenings seem to be a bit more open than previous ones, though obviously not open to potential critical thinking.
My $0.00:
I’m kinda tired, and even though a Fundie just stuck his head in the den-of-lions, I’m hitting the sack.
Ya’ll have fun with Wallace-
[Insert – William Wallace ass-whooping Here]
Dawkins was extremely brave speaking up in the middle of a very unfriendly audience. Fortunately there were a few of us to support him but I can’t imagine how he could have kept quiet after the the way they butchered his interview. The air was thick with smug.
“Tell me, are you laughing as hard as I am?”
Now Ben Stein has something in common with the Scientologists — shadowy spies keeping tabs on a list of designated enemies.
…or the Nixon administration.
“PT-Mafia?” What?
Genie is commenting over at digg!!
Okay, seriously, I has to go to sleep. Must sleep! AAAAAAARG!
Do you have information that Dawkins is coming to Western Canada?
It would be interesting if he did.
Someone should definitely start a list of blogs covering/commenting on this story. It’s gonna be big.
I’d be interested in the ID spin on it too.
If you missed the film, it was already covered by NPR a few years ago. You can listen to it here.
I don’t get it. What movie called “Expelled”. I never heard of it, and I cannot believe there were guards posted to stop people from going into a movie. This sounds dumb!
What am I supposed to be laughing at?
Here’s one of the RSVP pages. No “member of the clergy” checkbox I can see. It looks like they relied on active screening against a list of undesirables this time around rather than limiting it only to hand-picked folks.
God help me! I can’t stop laughing!
This is too funny…but the sad part is that when I get to school tomorrow (I teach HS physics and chem) I won’t be able to share this with my fellow biology teachers. They won’t know who you, or Richard Dawkins, are and this is one of those things that you just can’t explain to people. You either get it or you don’t.
Still…funniest thing I’ve read all week.
Not much to say that hasn’t already been said, but I live in Japan and I’ve been having a slow day today. I was very happy to read this. When I see ID proponents trip over themselves, it makes my day. Thank you…:)
BWAHAHAHA How the hell did the police know who you were? Did they distribute PZ photographs? Did they put out an APB on PZ? This is outrageous!
I saw Richard Dawkins just last night at UT in Austin, TX. Someone asked him about the movie, and he related that the producers lied to him about the tone, as well as the subject matter of the movie. He was pretty irate when discussing it. He basically said it’s a big bag of bullshit and don’t see it, even though he is in the movie.
*Reads post*
*Glances at copy of The Ancestor’s Tale sitting around 3 inches from this computer*
That was awesome! Congratulations, Professor. You win at irony.
“Dawkins was extremely brave speaking up in the middle of a very unfriendly audience”
So what did he say exactly?
I still want to know exactly what he was saying in the “I’m hostile to a rival doctrine” quote: what the rest of the quote was.
Want to know what is funny? Well, not as amusing as tonight’s big story but still, there are laughs to be had. A person who spends time pondering unreal things (Just visit his blog.) telling a bunch of materialists what is real.
Little Willy won’t go home!
You’ve got to be kidding me.
@ #428: I’d be interested in the ID spin on it too.
I imagine it will involve Dr. Myers being there to cause trouble (that rabble-rouser!) and being lawfully and righteously removed from the premises. And Dawkins being held up to ridicule in the rigorously-controlled Q&A session afterwards.
Which was all part of their Master Plan!
You know, the usual bullshit. The real marvel is that the IDiots can walk and breathe at the same time.
#1 post on Digg right now.
Right on!
Please tell me you’re going to sue the theater, producer and police department.
@ Sastra (#425): “PT-mafia” presumably refers to Panda’s Thumb, those infamous and scurrilous villains who gather together to criticize honest creationists like William Wallace and make the baby Jesus cry.
Lucky they didn’t give you contradictory orders, knock you down from behind, tase you, and crush your eyeglasses beneath their jackboots. This is Minnesota, you know, and if you’d been trying to do something truly heinous, such as legally bike home from the airport, your luck might have been very different.
Why sue? The story is great enough.
This story has now shown up on Dawkins’ own web site top right.
DAC (many posts ago) mentioned “egg on face”.
Let me be the first to wager that the creobots will claim this whole thing was planned from the start.
-they let Dawkins in on purpose, and gave PZ the boot because they knew he would blog about it.
such crafty geniuses!
I’d believe it, if they didn’t have a perfect track record of shooting themselves in the head.
still, I’d be willing to bet that’s what the spin will be tomorrow.
Speedwell –
“@Danny: You don’t understand. There were TWO wins here. The first win was how bad it made them look to throw out someone who appeared in that very film as an interviewee, as if (probably because) they didn’t want him to see the mess they made of his interview and because they feared honest and pointed criticism. The second win was when they let in the very last person they wanted to let in, Richard Dawkins.
The third win will, I think, be when Skatje, a witness to both events, covers this.”
‘Made them look bad’? did it really? How? In any meaningful way? Will this be broadcast over international television, such as are the christians?
The Flying Trylobite –
“#319 Danny;
Again, I am not certain this was a public movie. You do have a point about the slippery slope of discrimination, and I know that if it had been myself, I would have been fuming. If it had been myself and my family, I would have been fuming, and assured the guard I would not cause trouble (in that moment) much like Prof Myers.
Getting arrested by standing ground is not the only option in cases of discrimination. It does work, and is very effective in many instances, you are correct about that.
Litigation, getting press involved, and creating a possibly viral media story can also work to shame the people doing the discriminating enough that they will not do it again. Approaching a police officer and the manager of the theatre together in a calm manner could also work.
With how humorous this has been to all of us, perhaps Prof. Myers is also finding it funny in the moment and gathering his thoughts.
All of us here can suggest choices of action for PZ, and he can choose to listen or not. However, I’m not there at that mall, I don’t think you are either, so it is hard to say whether there was good reason for PZ to blog instead of demand.
At the moment I feel we have enough facts to find it funny and be concerned about civil rights. Perhaps we should wait for a few more facts before deciding PZ is committing an act of cowardice (your comment #254)? ”
You have a point, certainly. I should not have called Dr. Myers a ‘coward’, perhaps too extreme a term. Or not. These people that we are offending, at least in my opinion, are not deserving of such respect that a topic in their movie should walk out, without question – while being molested for their *beliefs*. It’s like arguing that christians should be excluded based on thier beliefs when shown ‘A god Who Wasn’t There’.
MTran –
“Danny said: “Even if technically ‘a crime’ it is certainly NOT an actual crime”
Anything that is “technically” a crime, is, in fact, a crime (even if it is later found to be unconstitutional, but that is not the case here). You seem to think that if something is malum prohibitum rather than malum in se, it cannot be criminal. You are wrong.
“he should have had the courage to stand his ground on what he believes and potentially been arrested.”
So, what great moral or philosophical issue is at stake here? Really, what over-arching ethical principle should over-take a rational response?
“That would be a far better and greater show of conviction, in real terms, of what we stand for.”
Who is “we”? Do you mean “you”? And what do you stand for, other than dipshit arrogance? If you ever find yourself arrested, for any reason, explain to your defense attorney that you are just “felony stupid” and wanted to uphold your right to a trial by your peers.
Sheesh, I went out of my way to antagonize authority in the 60s, and got beat by the cops for it. So it’s not like I don’t know how to stand up for my own convictions, but your statements convict you of brainlessness. I would not want you on my side of any argument.”
“Anything that is “technically” a crime, is, in fact, a crime” If that were actually true, we would never have been able to found the United States of America. You went ‘out of your way’ to antagonize authority? How? why? So you got beaten for it, does that make it any less correct? Based on your statement, it is like you don’t know how to stand up for own convictions. By the way, I served two tours in the Persian Gulf on the USS AMERICA in Desert Storm and the following patrols so as far as I’m concerned I have some license in discussing these matters. Thank you.
Susan (cutie!)
“DANNY! Had PZ gotten himself arrested, he wouldn’t have been able to make this marvelous post now, would he!”
Sure he would, just a matter of a bit of time and effort.
this is truly excellent. thanks for the best laugh of the day.
Unbelievable! The DI frauds couldn’t find their collective asses with all their hands and a movie theater full of flashlights.
Incompetence and Stupidity, thy name is Discovery Institute.
Genie Scott commented in the Digg thread.
Is PZ also in the film like Dawkins? Is there a possibility that since Dawkins was tricked into being in this film, or for other reasons, he was allowed to enter while PZ was not? I mean, everybody (who wants to) knows Dawkins is in town to do the American Atheist Conference. His “team” of personalities was standing in line – another give-away. They were checking I.D. What did Dawkin’s do when it came his turn?
I am skeptical about this being such a big oversight on their part. They must know that if they HAD booted someone like Dawkin’s – then that certainly would become a big deal, unlike PZ who walked away.
I hope I’m just paranoid.
Is PZ also in the film like Dawkins?
exactly like Dawkins, in fact.
I have not watched the preview. I do have to admit that if PZ Myers is in the film, and the film was not restricted to members of the clergy, PZ should have been allowed to enter, *if* he registered here:
@ Danny: ‘Made them look bad’? did it really? How? In any meaningful way? Will this be broadcast over international television, such as are the christians?
Lemme tell you this. Around 100 students in a city in India are ROLFing at the stupidity of the IDiots. And this news is spreading like fire. What an epic fail.
Holy crap! Am I glad I logged on tonight. I cannot wait to hear Dawkins on this. Way to go PZ!
Folks, it’s very unlikely that there was a crime here. Rented private spaces can discriminate, especially based on viewpoints. The story here is about hypocrisy, not illegality.
PZ should have been allowed to enter
why, how gracious of you.
c’mon, where’s all that vitriol you save up for the “PT-Mafia”?
remember, the world is watching. It’s your chance to shine as a representative of creobots everywhere!
Why is this thread in a “Creationism” category?
The author is barred from a cinema, but his British companion isn’t recognised. This is natural enough, seeing as this is an American cinema in question, and I doubt that many Britons would recognise a given academic on the street either. Alternatively, they let Dawkins in because they know that he’ll at least save his interminable bellyaching for his next book instead of wasting bandwidth with self-congratulatory blogs :-
Assuming that it was an actual liveried policeman who expelled the article author, what this event raises is questions about the legality of that practice – but it doesn’t say anything at all about Creationism or Atheism, except by vague association.
Voltaire once wrote:
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: “O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.” And God granted it.
…and how.
Genie Scott points out what will be the NCSE response the the “expelled” trash:
@#457 I believe that PZ did rsvp under his own name with two family members and a guest.
Why is this thread in a “Creationism” category?
assuming you aren’t completely oblivious, “Expelled” is a fictional account of how “Intelligent Design” (nothing but repackaged creationism) is being “repressed” and “expelled” from educational institutions.
It’s all BS, of course, but it IS the latest gasp of the creationists as they continue to drown in all other venues.
Exactly right.
In that case, please do take a listen to NPR’s unretracted Intelligent Design and Academic Freedom by Barbara Hagerty, while noting this NPR piece has not been redacted.
Congrats, PZ. By logging in at the Apple Store, you managed to beat Kristine, who told me earlier today that something big was in the works, by a good half hour. She has pics, though!
As I said on her site, this was both hilarious and historic. I hope I hope the dreaded Dr. D points out that he was interviewed under false pretenses. God, I wish I could be a fly on that wall right now. Please tell me some of this is on video.
(fan boyish) You guys rock.
Matt claims “The real marvel is that the IDiots can walk and breathe at the same time.”
I have met few Creationists, but those I have spent time with most certainly can NOT walk and breathe at the same time, but rather walk, then breathe, then walk again.
Exactly right.
In that case, please do take a listen to NPR’s unretracted Intelligent Design and Academic Freedom by Barbara Hagerty, while noting this NPR piece has not been redacted.
It might have been funny for PZ to stand there like a 4-year-old and ask why about everything.
“Sir, you can’t see the movie.”
“Because this man says so.”
“He makes the rules here.”
And so on and so on.
Since it’s at the 4-year-old level, even IDiots could understand it.
“Alternatively, they let Dawkins in because they know that he’ll at least save his interminable bellyaching for his next book instead of wasting bandwidth with self-congratulatory blogs :-”
OHH the BANDWIDTH! Won’t someone PLEASE think of the bandwidth?!
“but it doesn’t say anything at all about Creationism or Atheism, except by vague association.”
I think it speaks volumes about what wankers they are, but YMMV.
“…what this event raises is questions about the legality of that practice – but it doesn’t say anything at all about Creationism or Atheism, except by vague association.”
-This event certainly says something about the film’s producers, viz. that they’re cowards and for some strange reason, terrified of the harmless, cuddly man known as PZ Myers.
It has been a long time since I laughed that hard….. hahahaha that’s classic!!!
It’s perfect, that’s all – simply perfect in its symmetry.
This might have been an excellent opportunity for civil disobedience. Just imagine the negative publicity from arresting someone conned into participating in their propaganda film. You could have then taken a cue from the disingenuous and played the role of martyr for all its worth.
Enlisting the police to try to evict you from the premises when you did not intend to challenge their stupid ban–now that’s really over the top. This is still the United States of America until they pry the Constitution and Bill of Rights from our cold dead fingers! I’m glad you can laugh about this, but for many of us, this is where we would draw the line, especially given the sacrifices that have been made for these rights.
Makes you kind of wonder if they will ever really release this in April in theaters (ignoring for a moment that some fundies will not go into a theater). They obviously don’t want too much scrutiny until they have whipped the true believer into a frenzy of anger.
All of this just emphasizes that the individuals behind this film have been more influenced by Machiavelli than their professed master. Not that they are as smart as Machiavelli (evidenced by Dawkin’s success).
Exactly right.
glad to see you admitting your own hypocrisy, after only the slightest nudge.
while noting this NPR piece has not been redacted.
implying they have redacted others?
do tell!
Coming out of semi-lurkdom to say way to go P.Z.! Can’t wait for the update.
Well Played! Well Played indeed. I will raise a pint of Guinness in your general direction(s) at first chance.
You sound like the coolest professor ever.
BTW, this is a fine example of a general principle: Creationists play to win, especially when the game is Russian Roulette: Solitaire.
I will come out of lurking just to say this:
Funniest Blog Post EVER!
This shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone. The producers of this movie are just, I mean, wow. They’re stupid as hell. I feel embarassed for them. Heck, I feel embarassed for their families. Can you imagine being related to that sort of thing? Obviously someone took a piss in that gene pool.
@ #461: but it doesn’t say anything at all about Creationism or Atheism, except by vague association.
Neither does your comment. But I’m glad you deigned to join us anyways, Bobby. Glad you came all this way (and wasted a little more precious bandwidth) to complain about a possibly-misused (but not really) label. Well done, sir.
Have you seen this bullshit, btw?
What will the world do without irony meters now that they’ve all been overloaded?
I suppose you might as well have a look at this. It’s a report of the incident by one of the Kool-Aid drinkers … er, invited guests … at the screening. According to this person, our mild-mannered professor was “hustling and bothering several invited attendees, apparently trying to disrupt the viewing or sneak in.”
But he also thought:
… so judge his objectivity accordingly.
I never ever have typed this on the web before but yes, literally:
Danny continues to delude himself into believing he can think cogently and says: “Anything that is “technically” a crime, is, in fact, a crime” If that were actually true, we would never have been able to found the United States of America.
WTF? The colonists who initiated and fought in the American Revolution were criminals under British law. They were traitors to the crown. The US was able to continue as a separate sovereign entity because it won the war, not because the actions leading to it were not criminal under British law. Have you heard about “hanging together or all hanging separately?”
Danny then tries to make sense, but cannot, saying: “Based on your statement, it is like you don’t know how to stand up for own convictions.”
Are you really an idiot or did you just have an idiot do your writing? You clearly don’t understand what a “conviction” is and the difference between deliberately standing up for one’s own moral convictions and insisting that others act like idiots in order to satisfy your own dimwitted world view.
Danny claims: “I served two tours in the Persian Gulf on the USS AMERICA in Desert Storm and the following patrols so as far as I’m concerned I have some license in discussing these matters.”
Why do you think that? What sort of license? Serving as part of an authorized military in support of a governmental action is the opposite of challenging that same authority in the capacity of a mere individual citizen.
You may have been exposed to some brain damaging chemicals or head trauma during your tour of duty. Try to get some help before the damage becomes untreatable. Though given the way the VA “treats” veteran’s physical and mental health problems, you may be better off in a private facility.
Finally Danny said: “Thank you.”
Hey, don’t mention it.
When reinventing history
It’s best to keep the mystery;
If witnesses are noticed, it is best to take them out.
And although the act is telling,
You’d be better off expelling
Doctor Myers, if you see him, just because the man’s a lout.
You see, PZ is a witness
To the movie’s lack of fitness–
He is one selection pressure that would render it extinct.
So, with “WANTED!” posters printed,
To the cinema they sprinted,
And they passed around the mugshots just as soon as they were inked.
The policemen, at the ready,
Kept the ticket-takers steady
While they watched with eyes like eagles for the devil in disguise.
Yes! They spotted Dr. Myers,
Looking just like in their fliers!
The policemen, quite correctly, gave the doctor a surprise.
When they said he’d be arrested
If their actions he protested,
He complied at once (that should have raised suspicions, don’t you think?)
Once his actions had been thwarted
And he left the line, escorted,
Looking back to his companion in the line, he gave a wink….
So this little movie trip is
Like a Trojan Eohippus
That delivered Richard Dawkins deep within the fortress walls
I can’t wait to read the story
Of the battle and the glory–
Cos the trailer to this feature shows the hero’s got some balls!
Jeh –
“This might have been an excellent opportunity for civil disobedience. Just imagine the negative publicity from arresting someone conned into participating in their propaganda film. You could have then taken a cue from the disingenuous and played the role of martyr for all its worth.
Enlisting the police to try to evict you from the premises when you did not intend to challenge their stupid ban–now that’s really over the top. This is still the United States of America until they pry the Constitution and Bill of Rights from our cold dead fingers! I’m glad you can laugh about this, but for many of us, this is where we would draw the line, especially given the sacrifices that have been made for these rights.
Makes you kind of wonder if they will ever really release this in April in theaters (ignoring for a moment that some fundies will not go into a theater). They obviously don’t want too much scrutiny until they have whipped the true believer into a frenzy of anger.
All of this just emphasizes that the individuals behind this film have been more influenced by Machiavelli than their professed master. Not that they are as smart as Machiavelli (evidenced by Dawkin’s success).”
Exactly my point. Thank you.
hey, wallace-
just for you, I give you the real skinny on whether this was a “private” screening or not, from someone who was there:
damn, you guys never fail at an opportunity to shoot yourselves in the head.
btw, since Scott’s link to the pictures doesn’t seem to work, here it is again:
Absolutely amazing!
So, some thoughts.
You should contact the theater – politely, and from a distance – to ask *why* you were refused entry and ordered off the premises. (By letter is best, because it would lead them to reply in writing.) If the answer is something like “we just don’t like your hairdo”, that’s the end of it. If however the answer is because you’re a famous athiest, if they were selling tickets to the showing, then you have grounds for a civil rights complaint against the theater for discrimination on the basis of religion; I’m pretty certain it would be illegal in all 50 states to refuse to serve you to a showing of a movie for which tickets are being sold to the public on the basis of your religion (or lack thereof). And it would make them look REALLY bad to be “discriminating on the basis of religion”.
Enlisting the police to try to evict you from the premises when you did not intend to challenge their stupid ban–now that’s really over the top.
we’re still not clear that actual, on duty, police were involved.
that caveat said, I agree 100%
Ferrous, you’ve never ROTFLMAO or LOL at t.o.?