There is a rich, deep kind of irony that must be shared. I’m blogging this from the Apple store in the Mall of America, because I’m too amused to want to wait until I get back to my hotel room.
I went to attend a screening of the creationist propaganda movie, Expelled, a few minutes ago. Well, I tried … but I was Expelled! It was kind of weird — I was standing in line, hadn’t even gotten to the point where I had to sign in and show ID, and a policeman pulled me out of line and told me I could not go in. I asked why, of course, and he said that a producer of the film had specifically instructed him that I was not to be allowed to attend. The officer also told me that if I tried to go in, I would be arrested. I assured him that I wasn’t going to cause any trouble.
I went back to my family and talked with them for a while, and then the officer came back with a theater manager, and I was told that not only wasn’t I allowed in, but I had to leave the premises immediately. Like right that instant.
I complied.
I’m still laughing though. You don’t know how hilarious this is. Not only is it the extreme hypocrisy of being expelled from their Expelled movie, but there’s another layer of amusement. Deep, belly laugh funny. Yeah, I’d be rolling around on the floor right now, if I weren’t so dang dignified.
You see … well, have you ever heard of a sabot? It’s a kind of sleeve or lightweight carrier used to surround a piece of munition fired from a gun. It isn’t the actually load intended to strike the target, but may even be discarded as it leaves the barrel.
I’m a kind of sabot right now.
They singled me out and evicted me, but they didn’t notice my guest. They let him go in escorted by my wife and daughter. I guess they didn’t recognize him. My guest was …
Richard Dawkins.
He’s in the theater right now, watching their movie.
Tell me, are you laughing as hard as I am?
Gene, any film that conflates evolutionary biology with nazism HAS to be propaganda. There’s no way anyone could be that stupid accidentally
GOd of ThE gApS -> GOATSE
“First, how in the world can you prove it was 92 million years old?”
Sigh. The dates of fossils are determined using multiple lines of evidence derived from virtually every branch of modern science, physics, geology, biology, chemistry, just to name the most obvious ones, all converging on agreement on the same number. If you cannot accept that evidence, Scott, then you are denying the validity of ALL of modern science.
Your comments make it clear that there is no intersection between your world view and mine upon which a meaningful discussion can be based.
Your definition of “fish” is not the same as my definition of fish.
Your definition of “fully formed” is not the same as my definition of fully formed.
Your definition of “appeared” is not the same as my definition of appeared.
Your definition of “evolution” is not the same as my definition of evolution.
Your definition of “law” is not the same as my definition of law.
Your definition of “thermodynamics” is not the same as my definition of thermodynamics.
Your definition of “life” is not the same as my definition of life.
I will never be able to answer any of your questions to your satisfaction because the very words you use to ask them mean something different to you than they do to me.
As such, it is pointless to continue debating with you. We can do nothing more but agree to disagree and be done.
Nor is there any reason for you to continue commenting on this thread unless your goal is to annoy people.
Good grief, is this thread still active?
Hey dudes, keep pushing. We’re too close to not 2000 comments!
Indeed, o Sastrinacious one…
nearly 2000 posts, y’see? We’re doing our best to perpetuate the decimalist bias.
OK, I can’t stand it. Nothing in particular to say that hasn’t been said more clearly or eloquently above, just posting to help get the count to 2000. Yeeehawwwwww!
come on, 2000!
what did I win?
rats! so very close…
I was kinda hoping for another Friday blockbuster. Guess this will have to do. This plus Guinness and hockey. A good weekend to all!
Expelled 2000! (or 1999 or 2001)
No, thalarctos, you didn’t
anyway, I think getting the 2000 will be a victory for all pharyngulites, not just the one who gets there.
Dammit, I wanted 2001.
I’m gonna give my own ennui some bourbon and diet coke….but you can’t have any!
Damn, I got the number of years between Jesus’ birth and Bush’s invasion…
Who’s up for 3? Come on!!!
Damn you guys are funny. Thanks for giving me something better than housework for use in avoiding work I had to bring home.
And yes, it’s a pretty sad comment that this is the highlight of my Friday evening.
I understand that you didn’t see the film…but have you seen the [missing] link, yet?
Now that would be talking about. …til then, your “science” is really just belief packaged for those who are willing to believe.
The page takes several seconds to load because there are just too goddamned many comments! Can we let it die now? (Of course not, because invariably there will be someone else who is wrong on the internet.)
*smiles* Sorry, Biscuits. *jazz hands*
I am reluctant to state it clearly without a clearer characterization of the similarities I noticed. And I’m too busy just now to write up such a detailed analysis.
Suffice to say for now that it was/is a comment thread from the past week that at first seeded the suspicion, then clinched it for me.
No, really. I would never seriously say Joe Blow was t.m., for lots and lots of reasons, not the least of which is that they’ve both posted to the same threads at least as far back as January. Also, they’re not very similar at all.
It was totally a joke.
Oooh! And MAJeff wins the Discovery One Award! I am so pleased! :-D
I was also totally joking when I suggested that we “rocket up to 2001” … that was waay back in the Middle Ages… and yet, here we are….
Bu no one’s mentioned Summer Glau yet!
We can head for 2030, the estimated date of the artificial intelligence singularity, when processing power exceeds brain power.
Ichthyic (1821), I find that “May you and yours be eaten first” joke a little depressing. It reminds me of growing up waiting for World War III and not really expecting to live to grow up. Going out in the first wave was something that some people seriouly hoped for. “And the living will envy the dead.” And then I think about the places where they probably did… Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur. While I sit here safe and sound.
Well, it would seem like remembering the people who died would be the most appropriate thing to do, in the hope that we might learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately, we seem to have at least two large subsets of humanity – those who willfully refuse to learn (ID advocates didn’t invent moral and intellectual blindness – they aren’t that smart) and those who wish others to suffer for their pleasure. Also lots who lack the “power of facing” (some incorporated in the previous sets, but some not).
We are still some of the most fortunate people to have walked the earth. There is lots to be glad of. “It had now been laid to my own charge to keep my heart free from hatred and despair.” James Baldwin, quoted in “For The Sake of Argument” (Christopher Hitchens) I don’t know how to do it, but it seems like a good idea.
Well, for one thing, we can get to a nice round 2,000 posts. Am I correct that this is far and away the record breaker?
yes, this breaks the previous record held by one of the Scott Adams threads.
That’s for THIS blog, though.
over at the “bar” for the ‘thumb, we had a thread that had well over 2000…
before we split it into two, and then it had another 1500 or so.
….and all that was just debating ONE creationist.
for extra credit, is there anyone around these parts that remembers who that person was?
he did the same damn thing over on
[Cue David Marjanović…]
should I?
I saved an entire copy of that monster response he made a couple months back to that one creationist.
I think it would fit well in this thread…
if it doesn’t break it, that is.
Originally posted by David in response to the creationist “andria”, whose list of “20 questions” pretty much just came straight out of the Index to Creationist Claims.
David, with WAY too much time on his hands, apparently took it upon himself to answer each question, in detail.
…and here ’tis, choke on it creobots:
Is there a functional difference between posting several screens of blank space, and posting several screens of words no one will read?
I want to thank you all (trolls included) for getting us past 2000! T-shirts are in order. And Greg, if you can’t see propaganda like expelled coming from a mile away, I have tickets to a toothfairy documentary I’d like to sell you.
Yep, as soon as there is an alternate view about some apple store bloggers comments, they instantly become trolls.
Thanks a lot.
And can you guys please refresh me on where those single cell ogranisims came from in the first place?
Ryan, by alluding to the mystery concerning the origins of single-celled organisms, are you suggesting that there is a gap, a gaping hole if you will, in evolutionary theory?
Oh, great. Another ‘questioning mind’ who styles himself some kind of out-of-the-box thinker but who can’t be bothered to acquaint himself with literature that’s already four decades old, who thinks he’s gonna stump us with the same tired old questions he picked up from his friends.
Here’s a gimme for you: protobionts. No, it’s probably not the case that these were the precursor organic molecules to the first things we would start calling ‘life’, but they are self-organising, self-replicating molecules that spontaneously form from non-life. You can argue whether those conditions match those that existed during the earlier parts of the Earth’s history or not, I couldn’t possibly care less. The point still stands.
Now, if you’re going to keep lobbing softballs like that at us (and since you probably haven’t a clue as to why it’s a soft lob (hint: this research is 40+ years old), you’re probably going to keep lobbing them), you might want to read a few books written by the scientists who are actually trying to answer these questions before tediously demanding our attention like a spoiled child and whining when we tell you to sit in the corner.
Try doing your homework. I can assure you we’ve all done ours.
I love it when a plan comes together.
hey guys, for all of us evidence-needy, actual knowledge-ists out here that took so much time talking at the brick wall named Scott, I thought I’d put a little humor in here for you. And the humor is even provided BY Scott — how considerate of him, huh?
The guy that took so much trouble to discredit the conclusion we drew about him being a creationist obviously doesn’t cover his tracks very well at all. I had never heard of “Acts and Facts” before he cited it in a post, and a simple Google search turned up this gem. You should check it out:
a. This was Scott’s Post, copied and pasted into my own:
Fossil record of transitional remains is the assertion by Charles Darwin that if evolution were true there would exist ample evidence of transitional skeletal remains otherwise known as “missing links” within the earth’s geological strata. He predicted man would find a gradual upward evolution of species to greater and greater complexity among the sedimentary levels of the earth. But the record from Mr. Darwin to today has revealed just the opposite. Paleontologists have devoted whole careers to looking for these transitional forms, but what they have found in the fossil records are species fully formed with no transitional intermediates or missing links. If evolution were true, they would have found literally millions of transitional forms from one species to the next. The following excerpt is taken from “Acts and Facts,” which was authored by Dr. Duane Gist, who received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley.
The fossil record shows the sudden appearance, fully formed, of all the complex invertebrates (snails, clams, jellyfish, sponges, worms, sea urchins, brachiopods, and trilobites) without a trace of ancestors.
The fossil record also shows the sudden appearance, fully formed, of every major kind of fish (supposedly the first vertebrates) without a trace of ancestors. This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that evolution has not occurred. If evolution has occurred, our museums should contain thousands of fossils of intermediate forms. However, not a trace of an ancestor or transitional form has ever been found for any of these creatures!
Now even though evolutionary stages or links between separate species have never been proven to exist, there is ample evidence that supports evolution within a species. In fact any person is an evolutionary step from the combination of DNA from his father and mother.
b. And THIS is what was on that magical page I found via Google…compare for yourselves:
Fossil Record of Transitional Remains–the assertion by Charles Darwin that if evolution were true there would exist ample evidence of transitional skeletal remains otherwise known as “missing links” within the earth’s geological strata. He predicted man would find a gradual upward evolution of species to greater and greater complexity among the sedimentary levels of the earth. But the record from Mr. Darwin to today has revealed just the opposite. Paleontologists have devoted whole careers to looking for these transitional forms, but what they have found in the fossil records are species fully formed with no transitional intermediates or missing links. If evolution were true, they would have found literally millions of transitional forms from one species to the next. The following excerpt is taken from “Acts and Facts,” which was authored by Dr. Duane Gist, who received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley.
The fossil record shows the sudden appearance, fully formed, of all the complex invertebrates (snails, clams, jellyfish, sponges, worms, sea urchins, brachiopods, and trilobites) without a trace of ancestors.
The fossil record also shows the sudden appearance, fully formed, of every major kind of fish (supposedly the first vertebrates) without a trace of ancestors. This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that evolution has not occurred. If evolution has occurred, our museums should contain thousands of fossils of intermediate forms. However, not a trace of an ancestor or transitional form has ever been found for any of these creatures!
Now even though evolutionary stages or links between separate species have never been proven to exist, there is ample evidence that supports evolution within a species. In fact any person is an evolutionary step from the combination of DNA from his father and mother.
Apparently, even though hasn’t yet mastered reading comprehension and critical thinking, he’s doing a bang-up job with plagiarism!
And Scott, one of the reasons you run into this problem is your lack of research ability, which can be remedied. But running onto a site populated by individuals such as the ones on this one and parroting old arguments is that research and information-seeking is a well-honed skill (and I would call it an obsession in my case…) shared by most here. What this means for you is that if you ARE plagiarizing (aka STEALING), not only will your malfeasance inevitably be discovered, but – since we put so much effort on our own intellectual endeavors – it will be looked upon with a great deal of disgust and contempt by almost everyone who frequents this website. (I hope I didn’t presume too much by speaking for more than myself there, but something tells me I’m not alone in those thoughts.)
PP.S.: Really, Scott? You copied it from a website that not only has “bible” in the address, but the first thing on the damn page is a box at the top left that clearly says:
“Print This Bible Study”
Lazy, Scott…very lazy. Next time, try using your own brain to come up with responses rather than someone else’s. The majority of our race finds that to be a much more satisfying endeavor.
Nice catch, Soldier. :-)
Thanks everyone, I’m glad to see this thread past the 2k mark. And on the shoulders of a particular giant…IDiot named Scott.
I for one hope he DID find his ass.
Yikes! I would hate to sit next to that person. Fecal matter has to be caked on.
This thread has gotten too long! The other sciencebloggers are whining that it’s dragging the server down, so I’m closing it.
Continue the discussion here.