Quick! Don’t miss atheist talk radio!

I forgot to remind you all to tune in to the Minnesota Atheists radio show…but you all know by now to turn on your radios/streaming connection on Sunday mornings, right?

If you forgot, you’ll have to do penance by reading the Sunday Sermonette.


  1. says

    Hey, PZ, the radio station’s website rejected my Zip code and said I couldn’t listen because I wasn’t in Minnesota. (I don’t know if they have something against Californians specifically or all non-Minnesotans in general.)

    No problem, though. As a nonbeliever, it was easy for me to lie and use the Zip code for Morris, 56267, since I have no fear of God’s judgment and therefore no moral strictures limiting my behavior. Ha, ha, ha! I’m listening now!

  2. fentwin says

    Is there any way for us poor folks in the BuyBull Belt (e.g. N.C.) to listen? I put in my zip code per the request on the station’s web site, and I was informed I must live in Minnesota to listen.


  3. Chris says

    I’m sitting at Barnes and noble and when I turned on my laptop and saw what time it was, the show was almost over. So I didn’t tune into the show, but hopefully they have some podcast of it. But I will blame you for not reminding me today. THANKS PZ!!! I missed last weeks too, but thats cause was at work. Anyways back to filling out questionnaires and applications.

  4. wnelson says

    Myers, have you considered identifying yourself with an actual philosophy — rather than the ultimately pointless I don’t believe in X thing?

    Empiricism, Rationalism — or maybe you identify with Kant, Hegel, or Sartre? The “atheist” tag seems contrived and simplistic.

  5. Alexandra says

    The “atheist” tag seems contrived and simplistic.

    Right, but picking one single label which is intended to encompass all of your opinions and beliefs on every possible issue, that’s nuanced. Perhaps you feel that pigeon-holing yourself is a good idea. For myself, I don’t feel any need to consult a structured philosophy (or religion) before having an opinion. Single labels don’t belong on people, convenient as it might be.

    And, for the record, atheism is not intended to represent a comprehensive philosophy. It means non-theism, that’s it. Atheists need have nothing else in common but their lack of gods.

  6. Reginald Selkirk says

    Yet another case of the Catholic Church sheltering a pedophile

    A Roman Catholic nun who sexually abused two teenage boys in Milwaukee four decades ago admitted to a church panel that she also had molested a Chicago boy and at least three other minors, according to a court document obtained by the Tribune.

    Although church officials knew in the 1990s of the allegations against Giannini, they did not contact civil authorities.

  7. says

    “There are no ghosts in your brain”
    A very nice lecture. You were very polite with those people who kept interrupting with the “Aren’t-I-a-clever-boy?” type questions. More power to yer elbow PZ!
    At the end I was left with a feeling of unease which may be due to the fact that I am European (British, living in France.)
    Here are some examples of the kind of remarks that bothered me:
    What atheism has to do…
    Personal responsibility is the message we have to get across…
    How atheism addresses common social needs…
    Our challenge is to develop a coherent rational world view…
    That’s why I’m saying the ultimate solution is a “godless philosophy that fulfils certain needs in society and that can displace that religious impulse.”
    How can not believing in gods be a philosophy? And who, exactly, are the we that you refer to? Oops – to whom you refer?
    And why should Atheism have to do anything?
    Did this angle shock anybody else here? Or were you just trying to adapt your remarks to your audience –
    Minnesota Atheists practices positive, inclusive, active, friendly neighbourhood atheism in order to:
    Provide a community for atheists –
    Educate the public about atheism –
    Promote separation of state and church
    When I look at countries that are largely secular, and where the majority of the population claims to have no religious belief, I am not aware that this state of affairs came about my replacing one philosophy with another.
    Is is not rather a question of education and being reasonable?
    Or do Atheist groups have to explain to people, “Now that you know there are no gods, this is what you need to do to be happy, fulfilled and behave in a moral way?