Would you believe the Urban Dictionary has an entry for PZ? It’s lousy—I can’t believe anyone uses the term that way, and I can’t imagine how they pronounce it. And pzizzle isn’t any better.
Myers, at least, has some punch to it: “Last name of any various white masked knife weilding bad muther *uckers.” I still think most of these entries are jokes sent in by people, especially when the spelling and grammar are atrocious, and that they don’t really have any common usage.
Imagine Whirled Peas… you can if you try.
A guy I work with has put several entries into it and they were all jokes, except ‘war rag’. Which is just gross. ‘Myers’ I’m pretty sure is refering to Michael Myers, of “Halloween” fame.
A lot of entries have one or more descriptions as sexual positions or practices. Quite often, these sound as if they’re written by people who’ve never actually had sex, or at least not the kind that involves another living person. E.g. “tubthumping,” “strawberry shortcake,” or “chocolate rain.”
1. I can promise you pz is actually used. Much like ‘idk my bff jill’ is used.
2. UrbanDictionary is only useful if you know a word but don’t know it’s meaning.
UrbanDictionary is about as reliable as asking a random stranger on the street, provided the random stranger will make something up if he doesn’t know.
PZ is a pretty lame expression.
“Bummer Dugan” – meaning extreme, perhaps ironic, bummer — was an expression popular among burnouts in my part of North Jersey in the 80’s. “Bummer dugan, dude” was the perfect burnout expression. There’s almost no references to it on the Internets, but it should have been the name of a movie.
UrbanDictionary is surprisingly useful for when you’re watching tv and need to translate what the young and hip kids are talking about.
Don’t worry – your site is pzazot lagabot
I threw ‘nonpology’ up on Urbandictionary because it felt like a word that should be. Lo and behold, it was one of the words of the day back in…June?
But what the hell is a “mutherwucker”?
PZ, the spelling and grammar is atrocious not because they’re jokes, but because our educational system hasn’t demanded adequacy in either subject, and society has been lethargic towards it.
Fortunately, I’ve noticed the same horrid mistakes from Australian and English kids.
Just posted an updated version for you:
It is still in review, but it will most likely get approved. Creationists should all be pz’ing in their pants now!
My kids say it; it sounds exactly like “peace.” They say Peace, man” or “Peace out, man.” Naturally they must spell it with a “z” if at all possible. And I hope they mean it, I really do.
Urban Dictionary contains something on the order of 100 nonsense entries to every 1 sensible, remotely correct entry. Inability to clearly understand and define something does not stop someone, apparently, who needs to tell it their way.
Or, the people posting entries don’t think UrbanDictionary is worth the trouble of correct grammar and spelling.
Don’t feel too bad. According to Urban Dictinoar, the phrase involving my last name involves the inappropriate use of poo. =(
I submitted an entry for Dr. Dino, way back before he was arrested. Childish, but what’s wrong with that?
I submitted an entry for Dr. Dino, way back before he was arrested. Childish, but what’s wrong with that?
pz is short for pz0rz, which is a leet – or 1337 – for saying goodbye. PZE is short for “peace”. I don’t know the origins of pz0rz, but it usually seems to be meant like the word “posers” – a way of making fun of the people in the chat room you’re in’s attempt at sounding 1337. I’m not into 1337, but students use it often enough that I’ve had to get a feel.
Anyone else have more information?
pz : pz0rz :: h4x : h4x0rs?
Maybe, DiscGrace, I think that h4x is used as “hacks” and h4x0rs is “hackers”. If pz0rz does mean posers, then what you suggest doesn’t follow – suggesting I could well be wrong. Any other ideas?
Urban dictionary just wouldn’t be fun to look at if people didn’t vandalize it. Heck, you’re on the internet, so I’m surprised you haven’t done it yet! Maybe you old farts (old and wise farts, don’t get me wrong) can bring back some slang?
Gee my name means….
One being with complete and utter intelligence, modesty, beauty, and self worth!
A dunghole masquerading as a city a few miles north of Boston. …
“I think that h4x is used as “hacks” and h4x0rs is “hackers”.”
You are correct sir. But thats about the limit of my leetspeak, since I only hear it in games. pzozrs looks like it should be posers and it would fit in with the tone of the style. You know, childish, whiny and mainly for 14 year olds who think they are better than everyone else. :)
Check this gizoogle
Pharyngula Urdanized
Kinda funny;-)
Users can rate Urban Dictionary entries for accuracy. It’s a pretty crude system — you can vote either thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Generally the better-quality entries have several tens or hundreds of thumbs-up ratings, balanced by a far lesser number of thumbs-down ratings. Better quality information, not writing, that is.