
  1. says

    Be fair, quork, if you were a gay-hating fag-basher, wouldn’t you be jealous of your greatest rival to the title of America’s No. 1 Religious Homophobe? Freddie just wants to make sure that Jerry is really dead and no longer in the competition.

    I have to go give an exam now, so that’s enough celebrating the Satanic Sodomite Zeitgeist for a couple of hours. Later!

  2. Louis says

    Well I’m voting for me. No reason, other than I’m great. Yeah you heard me, great I tells ya…

    ….oh alright then. I really vote for Hank Fox. It’s Hank all the way.


  3. xebecs says

    I second Blake Stacey. I’ve seen good comments from him on other sites too, and I like a guy who gets around.

    The chief objection to Blake that I can think of is that he’s one of those evil people with two first names — or is it two last names? Oh, and his initials are B.S.

    The two chief objections to Blake…

  4. Rey Fox says

    I think things are more wide open this time, so I’ll toss out a string of consonants: Kseniya, Kagehi, Ichthyic

  5. Hank Fox says

    I’ve already gotten one. Go for fresh meat.

    (Besides, I’m writing books, and haven’t been posting all that much lately.)

  6. says

    Oh crap. I must have missed the March edition. I rescind both of my votes. While both Blake and Hank used to be witty commenters, that ended in March ;)

    I now place my vote for Bronze Dog

  7. Dustin says

    I want Great White Wonder to sign my chest.

    In lieu of that, he can have a Molly.

  8. todd. says

    Can we at least get Blake Stacey some kind of special award for his science LOLCATS at Cosmic Variance yesterday? Those were life-altering comments.

  9. says

    I’m tempted to vote for Kseniya just because I’ve always liked that name, but I think I’m going to throw in with Bronze Dog this time around.

  10. wÒÓ† says

    I nominate John A. Davison for his stellar performance on the OneBlogADay thread.

    I think the management finally stepped in and froze the thread around 700 posts.

    Here’s linky.

  11. wÒÓ† says

    I nominate John A. Davison for his stellar performance on the OneBlogADay thread.

    I think the management finally stepped in and froze the thread around 700 posts.

    Here’s linky.

  12. says

    I’m relatively new, so I don’t recognise that many posters yet.

    I vote for Hank Fox, Blake Stacey, or Kseniya, but I don’t think Hank and Blake will be very keen. Uh, they’ve already got one, you see. It’s very nice.

    Thus, my vote is for Kseniya.

  13. Dawn says

    Bronze Dog gets my vote this time, along with Kseniya. They both have insightful things to say (and I REALLY like BD’s atavar…)

  14. says

    I have been waiting patiently to nominate Steve for his timely and always correct posts.

    Now, this begs the question.. Steve LaBonne or Steve C.?

    Well, lets just get them both out of the way!! Double Molly for the STEVES!

  15. Kseniya says

    Holy crumbling shortcake! You folks are scaring me. Has someone been submitting posts under my name without me realizing it?

    It’s very rewarding to know that I’m making a good impression, and that at least a few people think I’m holding my own here, but I firmly believe there are many contributors who are far more deserving of recognition.

    I once posted that I’m at the low end of the IQ and education scale here, and it’s true. No false humility, just fact. I don’t even have a batchelor’s degree (yet) and if you don’t see me posting on a thread, it may not be just because I have nothing to add – I may not even understand half of what’s being written about the topic. And that’s fine; I’m here to learn and to be challenged.

    Though I am tempted to vote against myself, I fear that may appear ungracious – and honesty, it’s thrilling to be mentioned at all. Thank you!

    There are always too many good candidates to choose from, and I can’t even decide which vegetable to have for dinner. However, a few weeks ago I tentatively decided to nominate PaulC on the strength of several elegant and informed posts he’d written since the last voting – and so I shall.

  16. stogoe says

    Ksenia, Bronze Dog, and Steve_C(Secular Elitist)FCD are all fine candidates.

  17. Torbjörn Larsson, OM says

    Oh My, is it time already? Let me see, my choice of last month has been virtually absent since. And even though the OM establishes eternal fame and glory, we would like it to be a current choice, wouldn’t we?

    That leaves a lot of worthies. I will chose Kseniya this time, with the bonus that a person with trickier name than mine will do well. Roll bandwagon, roll!

  18. Torbjörn Larsson, OM says

    Oh My, is it time already? Let me see, my choice of last month has been virtually absent since. And even though the OM establishes eternal fame and glory, we would like it to be a current choice, wouldn’t we?

    That leaves a lot of worthies. I will chose Kseniya this time, with the bonus that a person with trickier name than mine will do well. Roll bandwagon, roll!

  19. j says

    Colugo, that’s an interesting brand of diplomacy there.

    I vote for Bronze Dog.

  20. says

    Yeah, count me as another vote for the Dog.

    And I see that Xebecs has already nominated the Spanish Inquisition. I wasn’t expecting that.

  21. rrt says

    NNNOOOOBODY– ah, no. I just…can’t.

    I second just about every vote, but if I have to pitch in for one this time around, sure, Bronze Dog. If he doesn’t have one yet. Anybody who likes ear scratches is good in my book.

  22. Paguroidea says

    I’ll add a new nomination. The one and only CalGeorge! Passion flows from his every word, especially about religion.

  23. Christian Burnham says

    Coffee exploding through nose awards go to


    Does anybody here know a visual effects artist focusing on particle effects?
    I’d love to hear their opinions on the movie.
    Posted by: MartinC | May 11, 2007 01:30 PM

    and Marion Delgado

    Why did the bad science people hate Jesus so much?
    Why were they so mean to Mike Seaver?
    Posted by: Marion Delgado | May 9, 2007 05:54 AM

    BTW, context means everything, especially in the first quote.

  24. Caledonian says

    You ever been nominated, Colugo? You oughta be nominated. Or given an honorary degree, a token of recognition. To be a nominator, you know? Know what kind of pain you’re dealing with. They make psychiatrists get psychoanalyzed before they can get certified, but they don’t make a nominator receive awards. That seem right to you?

  25. Kseniya says

    I can’t believe someone we know is actually saying “Hi from Galapagos, everyone!” That’s almost as cool as saying “Hi from Kirk Cameron’s birthplace, everyone!”

    I suggest that the OM be shared by Dustin and Caledonian. ~ Colugo

    Colugo deserves a nom just for that! I do like the symmetry. Honestly, both those names flit through my head every month. Frequently. Especially Caledonian’s. Usually just before I wake up screaming.


  26. Scott Hatfield says

    Hi, Kristine! Remember, I asked you to TAKE PICTURES! I am so totally jealous of you right now…at least show us what you saw, pretty please with a shimmy on it? …SH

  27. says

    Kristine: So, they have internet in Galapagos? Are you at the Starbucks?

    Oh, and can you bring me back an Iguana please?

    (Don’t you hate it when people keep asking you to bring things back when you are traveling?)

  28. says

    Oops, didn´t intend thread derailment. I am still on the ship. We depart today (booo!) for Guayaquil, Ecuador.

    I took pictures, just most of them on film, because I´m not so techy in that area. I´ll be posting them after they´re developed. I´ll try to fit an iguana next to the tortoise in my suitcase. ;-)

    Richard is one of the nicest guys I have ever met.

  29. Kseniya says

    Um, is this the same Richard who insists you be burned at the stake? O.o

  30. says


    I don’t recall Blake Stacey doing anything stupid lately.

    Boy, I sure do! Week before last I managed to wash my cell phone in the laundry, lock myself out of my home the next day (not realizing this until I had walked ~2 miles to work), discover my cell phone still worked but drop it down the office stairwell the day after that. . . The following weekend, I successfully knocked a bottle of extremely carbonated beverage off of a balcony ledge into the pedestrians below.

    I also started a science-themed lolcat contest two days ago. Not sure that was a wise move.

  31. says

    Um, is this the same Richard who insists you be burned at the stake?

    Noooooo. That´s the evil Richard.

    This is Sir Richard (or he ought to be if he´s not).

  32. speedwell says

    I like a lot of commenters here very much, but of the likeliest candidates who do not already have Mollies, I’m always glad to see Kseniya posting.

  33. Christian Burnham says

    OK, I second Zeno.

    However, each vote will only take him closer to winning. Paradoxically, he/she will never have enough points to actually win an OM.

  34. says

    Sigh! Christian, I must admit that I suspect you nominated me because you knew you could do it in a clever way. It seems only fair that I should nominate you back so that I could try to get PZ to award a Molly to a “Christian”.

    Heh heh.

    Too bad I’ve already thrown my massive support toward Bronze Dog.

    P.S.: And thanks to Greco, too. Muito obrigado!

  35. Christian Burnham says

    Zeno, what can I say? My parents knew I was going to become an ironist and atheist, so they pretty much had to give me that name. I’m the Alanis Morissette of atheism and I’m the 26 of atomic numbers.

    And what are you complaining about? A vote’s a vote a vote!

  36. says

    And what are you complaining about? A vote’s a vote a vote!

    Are you Alanis Morissette or Gertrude Stein? But thanks, Christian. Definitely!

    I do sometimes get a bit pettish during finals. I have a huge stack of exams to grade. Thank goodness they’re math exams.