What a waste of time. Answers in Genesis is concerned that a special place in hell is reserved for all those evolution teaching heretics. Do you or they care? No. Should you? No! Let the fools have their f*&^ing museum.
Henry Claysays
That’s right! Who gives a crap about the dumbing down of society! I say screw ’em, let the wealthy eat them! Oh, that’s right, I’m not Jonathan Swift. I’m not good at being facetious.
Kentucky has a bad enough rap. I know, I live there. Of course the fools have the right to have their museum. But we have the right to care about letting people know how foolish it is.
I understand that KY, IN and OH are close, but why limit the protests? Wouldn’t the impact be even greater if the protests were from all over the world?
The first two post here pretty much define the stage that we are acting upon. Sheldon, lacking energy, says we should just let ’em. Well, we are. That’s what America is all about, buddy. Henry Clay (nice historical name, that) says that foolishness needs to be pointed out. Bravo both!
Because this country guarantees the right to believe, say, build, organize, etc., to suit one’s self (and possibly one’s money base), any fool can make a buck.
Where the saw meets the timber is when the Sheldonites complain about the imposition of reason by the Claysters. Or, obviously, when the Claysters become suspicious of the Sheldonites reliance on something like fate. Then again there is the real fear of the Sheldonites that the hard objectivity of the Claysters will harden hearts. This, not surprisingly, while the Claysters bemoan the oblique receptivity (I just made that up in a fit of word choice) of the Sheldonites.
Once again the struggle is shown to be full of wheels within wheels, holes within holes, plots within plots and someone’s dreams overlayed on someone else’s.
Folks, this is going to take a long time.
As much as I dislike and disagree with Answers in Genesis, I don’t see what purpose this petition serves. Who is going to read it, and what is its intended effect?
I’m torn on this. Of course they have their right to have their stupid “museum”, but uneducated kids and their uneducated parents also have the right not to be deceived by this crap. Maybe we could have lables printed to put on the tickets? You know:
Creationism is a “theory” with absolutely no basis in fact…
I doubt that any signatory of the statement (including me) thinks that AIG will see the list, think better of their (AIG’s) effort, and fold. I participate in lists like this and enter into discussions with creationists not because I think the hard-core creationists will change their minds, but because there are others listening who don’t yet have a well defined opinion on the subject. I want the “undecided” people (some of whom probably assert in polls that they believe in some form of special creation but don’t hold their opinion strongly) to know that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus regarding, for example, common descent, and that that consensus is based on an overwhelming body of evidence.
AIG is certainly welcome to have their museum and say whatever they want in it … just as we’re entitled to state publicly and often that the evidence contradicts their position.
I can’t sign it, I guess, since I’m an aspiring scientist and only in high school now…
Maybe I can get my dad to.
Yup yup yup. Sometimes it’s important just to stand up and be counted, dammit.
I understand that KY, IN and OH are close, but why limit the protests?
Maybe you have to be within a day’s drive of it.
LOL @ Nick Tarleton (#4) for that one! :-D
Gird yourselves for the “War on God” soon to be discovered by the same sleuths that brought us the “War on Christmas”. As soon as they can get their strategy together. They “win” when they put nose rings on children and adults. They are affrighted by the Dawkins colours wafted freely and worry about power and profit. This time the bible-thumpers aren’t targeting clerks at Wal-Mart. Give ’em a reply on the public turf.
After a nightmare, the best therapy is to talk about it the next morning. Discussing the details of the dream underlines how ridiculous the plot and premise are. Similarly, a museum that shows an animatronic Flintstone version of “creation” illustrates the goofiness of the YECs’ claims. Eventually, it will go bankrupt and serve as a symbol of the decline in fundamentalism — Hovind writ large. In the meantime, it is a useful target of ridicule.
We really need an International Heathen Day to give anti-religious-interference efforts a day to organize around.
Why just those states? I used to live in IN, but now am in TN. Isn’t that close enough?
There’s been talk among the barflies at Arnold’s Bar in Cincinnati of organizing a trip down there. Most aren’t scientists, but I know of a biochemist, a geologist, and a mathematician among the regulars. I’ll let ’em know about the letter, and the May 28th event. Maybe we can arrange a meetup for ScienceBlog readers at the same time.
Sending this to the Biology department at University of Kentucky along with the Rally for Reason link. Thanks for the heads up, Dr. Myers.
I am ashamed to say living in KY, I was not aware of this:(
I should be able to make the rally, and would love to see a sciblog get-together. Big Bone Lick park is nearby, has many very well preserved fossils, and might make for a good bbq spot.
“Where the saw meets the timber is when the Sheldonites complain about the imposition of reason by the Claysters.”
“Sheldonintes”???? What the hell are you talking about? I don’t say don’t fight them. We just need to pick our battles more wisely. Most anybody who goes to that silly museum and takes it seriously is already a lost cause. Or at least until some find there way out of there hermetically sealed faith based universe.
Crudely Wrottsays
No offense intended, Sheldon. If any is taken I regret co opting your name to refer to a point of view. I probably owe a similar sentiment to Henry Clay.
The point that I had in mind was that in both of the comments I detected a similar sentiment. That is, the notion that if someone is bound and determined to do something that another considers silly or problematic, that other is well advised to just let them go ahead and let their results speak for themselves. Under varied circumstances I have done the same.
You said, “Do you or they care? No. Should you? No! Let the fools have their f*&^ing museum.” I agree.
Henry Clay said, “That’s right! Who gives a crap about the dumbing down of society!” I do, for whatever that may be worth.
Even though you both expressed the same basic idea there is a distinction between these two quotes. On one hand the notion that this “museum” is just a way for some people to express their woo in an entertaining and “fun” way. Rather harmless in the long run.
On the other, the notion that this “museum” is just a way for some people to express their woo in an ominous fashion that bodes ill for the GRQ. (General Rationality Quotient.)
I simply took that perceived contrast and used it as a vehicle to point out the normal, politics as usual, formulaic way that ideas are argued.
Please rest easily, friend. I am not constructing cultist chimeras associated with the names Sheldon or Henry Clay. It was a mere convenience.
Withal, I stand by my implication that the way we humans go about settling our differences is predictable, well understood and rehearsed, and very old.
Aw geez… I’m still reeling from the “In God We Trust” license plates here in Indiana. Now this?
What a waste of time. Answers in Genesis is concerned that a special place in hell is reserved for all those evolution teaching heretics. Do you or they care? No. Should you? No! Let the fools have their f*&^ing museum.
That’s right! Who gives a crap about the dumbing down of society! I say screw ’em, let the wealthy eat them! Oh, that’s right, I’m not Jonathan Swift. I’m not good at being facetious.
Kentucky has a bad enough rap. I know, I live there. Of course the fools have the right to have their museum. But we have the right to care about letting people know how foolish it is.
I understand that KY, IN and OH are close, but why limit the protests? Wouldn’t the impact be even greater if the protests were from all over the world?
Maybe you have to be within a day’s drive of it.
Or folks could join the Rally for Reason on opening day. Looks like a fun way to spend Memorial Day.
The first two post here pretty much define the stage that we are acting upon. Sheldon, lacking energy, says we should just let ’em. Well, we are. That’s what America is all about, buddy. Henry Clay (nice historical name, that) says that foolishness needs to be pointed out. Bravo both!
Because this country guarantees the right to believe, say, build, organize, etc., to suit one’s self (and possibly one’s money base), any fool can make a buck.
Where the saw meets the timber is when the Sheldonites complain about the imposition of reason by the Claysters. Or, obviously, when the Claysters become suspicious of the Sheldonites reliance on something like fate. Then again there is the real fear of the Sheldonites that the hard objectivity of the Claysters will harden hearts. This, not surprisingly, while the Claysters bemoan the oblique receptivity (I just made that up in a fit of word choice) of the Sheldonites.
Once again the struggle is shown to be full of wheels within wheels, holes within holes, plots within plots and someone’s dreams overlayed on someone else’s.
Folks, this is going to take a long time.
As much as I dislike and disagree with Answers in Genesis, I don’t see what purpose this petition serves. Who is going to read it, and what is its intended effect?
I’m torn on this. Of course they have their right to have their stupid “museum”, but uneducated kids and their uneducated parents also have the right not to be deceived by this crap. Maybe we could have lables printed to put on the tickets? You know:
Creationism is a “theory” with absolutely no basis in fact…
I doubt that any signatory of the statement (including me) thinks that AIG will see the list, think better of their (AIG’s) effort, and fold. I participate in lists like this and enter into discussions with creationists not because I think the hard-core creationists will change their minds, but because there are others listening who don’t yet have a well defined opinion on the subject. I want the “undecided” people (some of whom probably assert in polls that they believe in some form of special creation but don’t hold their opinion strongly) to know that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus regarding, for example, common descent, and that that consensus is based on an overwhelming body of evidence.
AIG is certainly welcome to have their museum and say whatever they want in it … just as we’re entitled to state publicly and often that the evidence contradicts their position.
I can’t sign it, I guess, since I’m an aspiring scientist and only in high school now…
Maybe I can get my dad to.
Yup yup yup. Sometimes it’s important just to stand up and be counted, dammit.
LOL @ Nick Tarleton (#4) for that one! :-D
Gird yourselves for the “War on God” soon to be discovered by the same sleuths that brought us the “War on Christmas”. As soon as they can get their strategy together. They “win” when they put nose rings on children and adults. They are affrighted by the Dawkins colours wafted freely and worry about power and profit. This time the bible-thumpers aren’t targeting clerks at Wal-Mart. Give ’em a reply on the public turf.
After a nightmare, the best therapy is to talk about it the next morning. Discussing the details of the dream underlines how ridiculous the plot and premise are. Similarly, a museum that shows an animatronic Flintstone version of “creation” illustrates the goofiness of the YECs’ claims. Eventually, it will go bankrupt and serve as a symbol of the decline in fundamentalism — Hovind writ large. In the meantime, it is a useful target of ridicule.
We really need an International Heathen Day to give anti-religious-interference efforts a day to organize around.
Why just those states? I used to live in IN, but now am in TN. Isn’t that close enough?
There’s been talk among the barflies at Arnold’s Bar in Cincinnati of organizing a trip down there. Most aren’t scientists, but I know of a biochemist, a geologist, and a mathematician among the regulars. I’ll let ’em know about the letter, and the May 28th event. Maybe we can arrange a meetup for ScienceBlog readers at the same time.
Sending this to the Biology department at University of Kentucky along with the Rally for Reason link. Thanks for the heads up, Dr. Myers.
I am ashamed to say living in KY, I was not aware of this:(
I should be able to make the rally, and would love to see a sciblog get-together. Big Bone Lick park is nearby, has many very well preserved fossils, and might make for a good bbq spot.
“Where the saw meets the timber is when the Sheldonites complain about the imposition of reason by the Claysters.”
“Sheldonintes”???? What the hell are you talking about? I don’t say don’t fight them. We just need to pick our battles more wisely. Most anybody who goes to that silly museum and takes it seriously is already a lost cause. Or at least until some find there way out of there hermetically sealed faith based universe.
No offense intended, Sheldon. If any is taken I regret co opting your name to refer to a point of view. I probably owe a similar sentiment to Henry Clay.
The point that I had in mind was that in both of the comments I detected a similar sentiment. That is, the notion that if someone is bound and determined to do something that another considers silly or problematic, that other is well advised to just let them go ahead and let their results speak for themselves. Under varied circumstances I have done the same.
You said, “Do you or they care? No. Should you? No! Let the fools have their f*&^ing museum.” I agree.
Henry Clay said, “That’s right! Who gives a crap about the dumbing down of society!” I do, for whatever that may be worth.
Even though you both expressed the same basic idea there is a distinction between these two quotes. On one hand the notion that this “museum” is just a way for some people to express their woo in an entertaining and “fun” way. Rather harmless in the long run.
On the other, the notion that this “museum” is just a way for some people to express their woo in an ominous fashion that bodes ill for the GRQ. (General Rationality Quotient.)
I simply took that perceived contrast and used it as a vehicle to point out the normal, politics as usual, formulaic way that ideas are argued.
Please rest easily, friend. I am not constructing cultist chimeras associated with the names Sheldon or Henry Clay. It was a mere convenience.
Withal, I stand by my implication that the way we humans go about settling our differences is predictable, well understood and rehearsed, and very old.
Aw geez… I’m still reeling from the “In God We Trust” license plates here in Indiana. Now this?