I just got the program for the event at the Bell Museum tomorrow. If you are inspired and want to show up, you can register at the door ($10) and get in.
Science Education Saturday
November 11, 2006
Sponsored by Minnesota Citizens for
Science Education (MnCSE www.mnscience.org), The Bell Museum of Natural
History, and the College of Biological Sciences, UM-TC.A scientifically
literate population is essential to Minnesota’s future. To that end, Minnesota
Citizens for Science Education (MnCSE) will bring together the combined
resources of teachers, scientists, and citizens to assure, defend, and promote
the teaching and learning of evolutionary biology and other sciences in K-12
public school science classrooms, consistent with current scientific knowledge,
theories, and practice.9:00 a.m. Welcome from Jim Curtsinger,
MnCSE and College of Biological Sciences, UM-TC and Scott Lanyon, MnCSE and
Director, Bell Museum9:15 a.m. Mark Borrello, College of
Biological Sciences, UM-TC“Teach the Controversy? A view from the history of science”
Supporters of teaching intelligent design
have used the slogan "Teach the controversy" to describe and promote
their position. In this talk, Dr. Borello will use some episodes from the
history of science to show that while teaching scientific controversies should
be a fundamental part of good science education, the current dispute over ID
doesn’t qualify. The hope is that science teachers may be able to incorporate
some of these examples into their courses and at the same time developed
reasoned historical arguments for excluding intelligent design.
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Randy
College of Education and Human Development, UM-TC“Creationism in
Minnesota’s Biology Classrooms? What the courts have said about the teaching of
evolution and creationism”Biology teachers often encounter emotional
responses from students, parents, and administrators who are uncomfortable
with, or threatened by, the teaching of evolution. In many instances, the best
way to handle the situation is to cite what the courts have said about the
topic. What if a student/parent is offended by evolution? Can a teacher give
equal time to creationism? Must a teacher give equal time to creationism? And
what about "intelligent design"? An understanding of the legal issues
associated with the teaching of evolution and creationism can help teachers
ensure that their students learn about one of the most powerful ideas in
science — evolution.11:30 a.m. Lunch
courtesy of ADC FoundationScience Education
Saturday12:30 p.m. Panel
Discussion – Teaching Evolution in the ClassroomPanel introduced and moderated by P. Z.
Myers, Division of Science and Math, UM-Morris; Owner of the blog, Pharyngula
www.scienceblogs.com/pharyngulaPanel Members:
Dawn Clawson, St. Paul Central High School, retiredBruce Leventhal, Forest Lake Area High School
Tom Meagher, Owatonna schoolsDawn Norton, Minnetonka High School
Mark Peterson, Dassel-Cokato schoolsThese five Minnesota teachers will talk about
their experiences teaching evolution in the classroom – how they teach
it, how it’s received, how they’ve handled conflict, administrative support and
community response. There will be plenty of time for questions and comments!2:00 p.m. Closing
– Please
exchange your evaluation form for a certificate of attendance2:20 p.m. Optional
tours of UM labs led by researchers – Meet Jim Curtsinger in the lobby of
the Bell MuseumThanks and
acknowledgements to:ADC
Foundation, William Linder-Scholer, Executive DirectorBell Museum
of Natural History, Faculty and Staff membersBoard Members
of MnCSEKaren Oberhauser, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology,
Director of Monarchs in the Classroom www.monarchlab.orgDon Luce, Curator of Exhibits, Bell Museum of Natural History (MnCSE logo
design)Charlie Curtsinger, UM student (web site design)
John Cairns, Briggs & Morgan, P.A.
The National
Center for Science Education, Oakland, CA www.ncse.org
Wonder if what’s-his-name will show up and not ask any questions?
This sounds like a good seminar… it just seems to me that you’ll be preaching to the proverbial choir. What I think would be better is if you put the content of this talk into some other format & sent it to every school board member & biology teacher in the state. That way when any school board brought up the topic of ID an intelligent rebuttal would be ready.