Bah. The Ohio equivilents are “Choose Life” oe “Celebrate Kids”, neither of which would work. And lacking the bloodied handprints…
Ah, well.
You’re not alone wintermute, the Wisconsin equivalent is also “Celebrate Kids.” I’d get the “endangered species” plate, but I doubt that they’d let me get a picture of Cthulu instead of a wolf…
Most states have laws against modifying license plates. Not, of course, that it stops people from doing so. Police officers, of course, pull me over when my tabs are one day past expiration, while I see other motorists sailing past me, speeding, with tabs three years old. That’s irony for you. :P
The picture was taken in Feb, 2005 and the submitter writes that it was on a jeep.
The slogans on plates fashion hasn’t reached this far North yet, so I couldn’t even try to get one. I’m guessing the owner was inspired after seeing another ‘kids first’ plate. Twould be strange indeed if s/he wasn’t at first aware of the combination.
Rey Foxsays
Jesus would walk.
With a Cthulu license plate hanging over his butt.
Jesus would walk.
With a Cthulu license plate hanging over his butt.
In other news, the Intelligent Designer has taken a job as a NASA press release writer:
NASA Science News for October 26, 2006
A satellite orbiting Earth is learning to think for itself. This artificial intelligence offers a powerful new way to study Earth, and it may prove useful on other planets, too.
The plate is on a 2002 Jeep Wrangler and, as the owner of this plate, I can assure you that the “Kids First” was very intentional. In fact, earlier version of the plate are on the “Animal Friendly” style plate that Virgina offers, but when I saw I could put it on “Kids First” I knew that delicious halarity would ensue (for like 4 people in the state of virginia).
I thought it was reasonably well known that Jesus drove a Honda, but didn’t like to talk about it. His followers seemed to have one as well, but must have been a tight fit because they all squeezed into the one car.
“For I did not speak of my own Accord…” – John 12:49
“The Apostles were in one Accord.” – Acts 5:12
it should say “eat the”
the fact that it’s a virginia plate is the best part
Innit great? “Kids first” … and bloody little handprints…
best. license plate. ever.
Oh! those elder gods driving around with expired plates! I wonder what kind of car it is on. For some reason I’m thinking a 1987 Chrysler K Car…
Ok, someone explain it please.
The Great Gazoogle knows.
As per an above request, here’s an explanation:
Wikipedia on Cthulhu.
And you’ll note that spelling isn’t essential so omission of the first u is just fine.
Google it…Even GW can google….
Bah. The Ohio equivilents are “Choose Life” oe “Celebrate Kids”, neither of which would work. And lacking the bloodied handprints…
Ah, well.
You’re not alone wintermute, the Wisconsin equivalent is also “Celebrate Kids.” I’d get the “endangered species” plate, but I doubt that they’d let me get a picture of Cthulu instead of a wolf…
Ok, someone explain it please.
See also ‘Who will be eaten first?’ from the Cthulu ‘Chick Tract’, at . Quoting:
“You’re right George… It’s hopeless. But there’s one thing we can hope for…. To be eaten first!”
Virginia’s state motto is Sic Semper Tyrannis, but I never thought of it in terms of children before!
You could always mask out the “ed” in “endangered”. I’m sure there’s something there you could make a joke out of.
OT, but I just had to point out that this article contains a great quote:
Those of you lauding this plate need to ask yourselves a simple question: Would Jesus Drive a Car With A Vanity Plate Like That?
Would Jesus Drive a Car With A Vanity Plate Like That?
Jesus would take public transit.
I think Jesus would appreciate the irony, actually.
I nearly fell out of my chair…
Most states have laws against modifying license plates. Not, of course, that it stops people from doing so. Police officers, of course, pull me over when my tabs are one day past expiration, while I see other motorists sailing past me, speeding, with tabs three years old. That’s irony for you. :P
The picture was taken in Feb, 2005 and the submitter writes that it was on a jeep.
The slogans on plates fashion hasn’t reached this far North yet, so I couldn’t even try to get one. I’m guessing the owner was inspired after seeing another ‘kids first’ plate. Twould be strange indeed if s/he wasn’t at first aware of the combination.
Jesus would walk.
With a Cthulu license plate hanging over his butt.
I guess if you’ve sold your clothes to buy a sword, you’ve still got to cover your ass with something …
I suppose “Nayarlathotep, the Goat With A Thousand Young” was a little too difficult to contract into six letters…
I think Nyarlathotep is the Crawling Chaos, and Shub-Niggurath is the Goat with a Thousand Young. Still not good vanity plate material.
Now, “DAGON” would fit nicely, and would be very appropriate for anyone in a coastal community.
Hello Cthulu….
In other news, the Intelligent Designer has taken a job as a NASA press release writer:
NASA Science News for October 26, 2006
A satellite orbiting Earth is learning to think for itself. This artificial intelligence offers a powerful new way to study Earth, and it may prove useful on other planets, too.
Let’s not forget Moloch.
It has begun!
The plate is on a 2002 Jeep Wrangler and, as the owner of this plate, I can assure you that the “Kids First” was very intentional. In fact, earlier version of the plate are on the “Animal Friendly” style plate that Virgina offers, but when I saw I could put it on “Kids First” I knew that delicious halarity would ensue (for like 4 people in the state of virginia).
Glad y’all enjoyed it!
I thought it was reasonably well known that Jesus drove a Honda, but didn’t like to talk about it. His followers seemed to have one as well, but must have been a tight fit because they all squeezed into the one car.
“For I did not speak of my own Accord…” – John 12:49
“The Apostles were in one Accord.” – Acts 5:12
it should say “eat the”
the fact that it’s a virginia plate is the best part
AJ Milne –
Thanks for the link, that was at least as amusing as PZ’s post.
OH MY GOD I saw this one on the toll road last weekish — do you live in upstate?!
AE: Sadly, apart from the total lack of historical context, this is pretty solid Biblical interpretation in the literalist vein.