Little bit of a land mine here, but I’m feeling insouciant today, so bear with me… I’ve talked with thousands and thousands of Americans from all walks of life, and surely my impressions of that experience are tainted by biases. Racists annoy the fuck out of me and are foolish as all hell; people who live on the receiving end of systemic racism have my sympathy. I also relate a lot more to poor people than to the middle class. So are my perceptions accurate?
There are standardized tests for “IQ” other cognitive faculties, and these have problems galore – not the least of which was their origin as a method for justifying racism. I’m not even gonna bother with links; this shit is common knowledge among those nominally acquainted with the subject and with no delusions about their genetic superiority motivating the shit out of their reasoning.
But on a practical level, numbers aside, some people are just more thoughtful than others. I characterize this as being willing to take new information on board, genuinely try to understand new things they encounter, and able to learn.
Ability to learn is a funny thing, because as we grow out of childhood, many of us handicap ourselves on purpose. You mean I’m never gonna need this information again? Fuck it, I chuck it, will re-learn as-needed. I can feel that I did this to myself sometime around age 20. While circumstance has pushed me into trying harder, I still allow myself the luxury of not learning shit, whenever I can. There are people who either didn’t limit themselves in the first place, or are just more wise in how they apply that limitation, more able to get back into learning mode.
Willingness to try to understand new things is obviously a useful trait to have, but we don’t need it most of the time. Our lives can be pretty damn simple in most ways, most of the time. Whatever else is difficult about them, it isn’t the complexity of the problems in front of us. It can get rusty, same as what I described in previous paragraph. But I feel like this is a little different from that issue… That’s about memorizing a new fact, this is about understanding why that fact is so – understanding a process.
The thing the reflexively ignorant don’t get is that understanding the process makes remembering the facts easier. Like, remembering dates in history is rote, easy to lose. Understanding what happened in sequence – what led to what – can make the simpler facts, like dates, easier to remember.
This is practical intelligence, not fancy logic or math or knowing big words. A small child can be thoughtful, an adult can be thoughtless, and vice versa. By this metric, I’ve spent a vast, unspeakable amount of time talking with thoughtless people, and less speaking with the thoughtful. Of course, the average person is somewhere in between, but still shades toward the foolish side.
If I’m talking to an 89 year old who is still very sharp, it’s usually an upper class person with an ocean of privilege behind them, who worked in academia, finance, law, etc, on the pointy end of it. That’s gonna shade white, tho not exclusively. But stepping back from those rarities to look at people who are still very competent, who can look at a situation involving new information and deal with it, not shut down and get angry or cry about it?
Feels like the median black person is more intelligent than the median white people, in practical ways – which are the only ways that really matter. I’m not interested in having a conversation with somebody that has advanced knowledge but can’t be fucked to understand anything outside that domain. I want somebody that can be exposed to new information and understand it enough to have something to say about it. That’s just conversation, but it’s indicative of the approach to other kinds of information as well.
It’s like white people feel more entitled to not have to think about things, to put that onto other people, and have anything they need sorted out for them with zero thought involved. Black people are used to a society that is low key hostile to them getting their needs met in every way, cradle to the grave, so they need to be able to understand the shit that comes their way.
I might be remembering the thoughtless white people at outsized rates because of the biases I mentioned above, but also because they make a much more acrid stink about having their right to not have to think impinged upon. I might be remembering black people who figured out some tangled bullshit at outsized rates because my unconscious bias is to assume them less intelligent, and it comes as a surprise when it should not. I know there’s no way I haven’t absorbed that poison on a cellular level.
But I dunno. Maybe black people are just better than us.
Note: If my comments are half as foolish as this post itself was, I’m gonna have to shut ’em down. It could get offensive in a hurry. For that matter, what I wrote could be pretty offensive to a reasonable person, and they don’t deserve to get upset because I thought it would be funny to upset unreasonable people, right? In which case, sorry, and let’s just move along tomorrow. I’ll leave this post up as a monument to my folly.