In the past, I’ve put up at least one post with closed comments, where I didn’t even want to see agreement about it, just wanted to get my word out and leave it. I may take that approach more going forward, depending on the nature of the post. Most of the time comments will be open, occasionally they may not – if I remember my thinking from this particular morning.
It has to do with why I’m making a post in the first place. You may have noticed I cover a broader range of post types than some others on the network. Sometimes it’s a creative exercise I’m making public for fun, sometimes it’s creative writing. Sometimes it’s art criticism or response. Sometimes I’m reacting to a shitty news or opinion article, sometimes expressing my view of the world, which is different enough from the mainstream that I feel justified in casting another voice into the void. I probably have a few more post types I’m forgetting.
In mind of that, which posts would I not want comments on?
Mainly political things. Not all of them, but some of them. Sometimes I wonder if I should even discuss politics because it ain’t always great for my health. I’ve been queuing (jeezis what a spelling on that word) posts so that by the time you read them they are days old, sometimes over a week, and you are about to see a few political posts, but eh…
Man I’m tired. Woke up too early, no choice about going back to sleep on this particular morning. I hope I can retire someday. So tired.