Satire is Dead

Seriously, what is anybody going to joke about now?  It’s over.  I cannot imagine ever laughing at anything related to politics ever again, not that I was laughing much in the year leading up to the end.  The cackle of demonic glee I might get from seeing one of the new clowns get brutally murdered?  Doesn’t count.  Mirthless.  The second the SNL people put on their wigs and get to doing impressions again, it will just be a demonstration of the fact.  Is Colbert cracking wise?  I wouldn’t look it up to find out.  All of the court jesters should just go home and call in sick for the rest of their lives.

We are all the joke now, and the only people laughing are the worst people in the goddamn world.

I gotta stop thinking about motherfucking politics like right the fuck now.  Woof.


  1. lochaber says

    cis-het white dude here, so I’m a bit further down on the list then a lot of folk, but… fuck…

    At least I’m in California, which is already gearing up to try and fight some of this shit, so I hope my state will be ok at least… not much help for those targeted demographics in red states…

    I’ve been avoiding most news sites, and am trying to accumulate a bunch of canned/shelfstable food in anticipation of the tariffs/deportations/deregulations that I expect to make most food much more expensive, and much less safe. We’ve all been through this before, but it seems most people have less memory than the much maligned goldfish…

    I’m just glad I never wanted/had kids to worry about them inheriting this utterly broken society.

    apologies if this is veering into too much doomerism…

  2. says

    i brought it on myself with my tone here, so i’ll allow it. let’s just say, whatever you and i have said thus far, we will survive and help all of our people survive and will be the coolest people we can be whenever we can, right? big time.

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