Remember the audiobook snorings? I chanced to look at the rest of the videos on that channel and a huge amount of it is devoted to the ostensible health benefits of urine. Drinking it, soaking your feet in it like a vulture or a slender loris or a binturong*.
So here’s the mystery. Is the thespian the piss drinker? Or did he merely mirror videos produced by another content creator? I could find out by playing a peepee video, listening to the man’s voice, seeing if it matches. But I am not doing that, thanks.
*why nature so into water sports? and why did i have this knowledge on tap? i know not.
You know, at some point I tried using an amethyst to help with my migraines, as I had the stone lying around (as decoration) anyway I did not see any loss if it did not work. (It worked as well as you probably suspect)
This treatment would also be free to try, but somehow I don’t feel like experimenting…
sorry the gem magic didn’t work; don’t let nobody give u guff for trying. if the sorcery isn’t poisonous, why not? meanwhile i assume the pee enthusiast has died from turbogout and im lookin at his ghost channel.
another mystery – is pissing on your feet a combo of urine fetish and foot fetish?
GAS When I was a mere stripling it was an accepted fact amongst a certain type of serious male walker that the best way of hardening your feet up to wear the kinds of walking boots available back then was to piss on them. I’ve no idea if it actually worked, but it did seem to explain why so few of them had partners of any kind – not just that did it, but that they insisted on talking about it. So while there may be more interesting reasons for pissing on your feet that was once the stated practice of the kind of bloke that would spend a whole two week holiday walking twenty plus miles a day carrying camping gear.
zomg, i think the moorcock narrator is british. pissyfoot confirmed?