Keys Mash


From one day to the next things look doable or not or yes again.  I took the last two days off work.  I dunno, I’m trippin.

Got a busy Octubre coming up.  Plan on doing Spooktober again, gotta get married and honeymoon, gotta have a Halloween, and the month after that is (unaffiliated) novel writing month.  Might have some hairy-scary nights ahead.

I’ve been doing one post a day for some weeks now, and just don’t know how sustainable it is, the way my life be.  Maybe I should officially stop doing that and maybe start up again next year if that proves less hectic.  Well, we’ll still be in home improvement hell until 2026, I’m sure.  Maybe then.

Yeah.  Yeah, I give up.  I’ll be around about as often as I used to be, which is much less than PZ and Mano, but much more than the average blog in the sidebar.  What was I averaging before, one a week?  We’ll see…


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