In light of recent events. How useless do we feel “in light of recent events”? Especially when there is little we feel, as individuals, can do against well funded special interest groups? Especially when we feel, as individuals, we see the same things happening over and again, with nothing done to address these “recent events,” events which are just the latest in a long string of the same kind of event?
In light of recent events, I’m screaming into the void again. That is to say, I’m writing to my red-state representatives. I’m posting the body of a letter I’m sending to Senator Cruz, who received an A+ rating from the NRA, and whose campaigns received considerable financial support from the group.
As your constituent, I am writing to you to urge you to take action to ban assault weapons.
I might have begun by saying “In light of recent events,” but that would imply the presence of assault weapons and ease of access to them is a recent development. You know this is not the case.
You know the devastating history of murder involving assault weapons and that shootings involving them will continue if we as a nation do nothing to curb their availability. I don’t need to outline any of the recent terror involving such weapons in this letter: you know the details.
Given your A+ rating from the NRA, I realize that you won’t heed my concerns–I’m only one of your constituents, not one of your donors.
But let me remind you that you were not elected to represent special interest groups. You were not elected to represent groups whose ideology runs counter to the safety and well being of your constituency.
You were elected to represent the citizens of Texas.
Stand up for us, please. Stand up for your constituents and act to ban assault weapons.
If you find any of this letter useful, feel free to copy and modify as needed to send to your representatives. In light of recent events, we need to keep screaming into the void. And in November, those of us in Texas need to vote Cruz out.