God answers all prayers, you know…
My dad’s unemployed, and my sister has cancer,
I’m hoping that heaven above has the answer–
Just pray up to God, and you know He will show…
Except for the times when the answer is “No”.
A hurricane’s coming, or maybe a flood,
Or earthquake, tornado, or volcanic mud
But God will protect us from rain and from snow
Except for the times when the answer is “No”.
That kid in the paper, who fell from a tree
We’re praying he’ll live, but we’ll just have to see
We know God can help him to wake up and go
Except for the times when the answer is “No”.
We’re going to war (Or else, maybe, just finished
And can’t stand the thought that our power’s diminished)
But God saves the soldiers, and weakens their foe,
Except for the times when the answer is “No”.
It’s funny, how God can pretend He’s not there,
To teach us a lesson; to make us aware
It’s a lesson we should have learned long, long ago:
Is God there to help us? The answer is “No.”
Brilliant! Rick Perry could learn a thing or two from this.
Oh, Prof. Bleen, you lost me after the 5th word.
If you haven’t already set this to music, you should. Good stuff.
Odd how the answer is indistinguishable from flipping a coin…
You have a gift for rhyme, Cuttlefish! ;)
Really like this one. I was trying to express the randomness of events and the bizarre Xian take on dog’s role in them recently (and failed miserably at coherence). Next time, I will just point to these jaunty verses.
This is the second of, so far, only two things I’ve really enjoyed at this blog (and that’s meant as no offense, I’m just not into it personally). The first was that “Feel Your Feelings” video you linked a while back, which I found hilarious. But I really enjoy anything that addresses the whole unanswered prayers topic, since personally it was one of the things that started to lead me away from religious belief.
Also, rambling a bit off-topic here… but for some reason this reminded me of a TV show I saw where they interviewed a recovering drug addict. She said that she had suffered so much that she had prayed to die. This made me chuckle of course, but then I had an amusing notion that I couldn’t get out of my head. What if that were a valid method of suicide? I mean, if prayer “worked” in the sense that it produced tangible results, as many claim, then why not? Picture the scene: A dead body with a note that reads: “Praying myself to death now… Goodbye cruel world!” That sorta thing. Of course, the obvious defense there is that God just doesn’t want people to pray themselves to death. And that would be an acceptable answer if it was the only category of unanswered prayer, instead of just another item to add to the lengthy list of things God isn’t good for…
Aw, I was really hoping by the end you’d have rhyming with “no” the word “Tebow”, especially since, despite all the problems, today we learned 43% of Americans think God helps Tebow win football games. I guess all those other problems are just not important enough.
My take is similar to what plutosdad mentions @7 – sorry, little child. God is too busy helping Tim Tebow score touchdowns to do anything about any of this nonsense you’ve asked about.
Have you considered asking Satan? I hear he’s always in the market for a soul or two.
It seems that God doesn’t love Timbo all that much after all. I just finished watching the game and if I believed in God I’d say that He just sent young Tebow a rather scathing message. God loves Tom Brady instead.
Or maybe it’s all just hokum.