Thirteen Hours…

Thirteen hours on the road, and I feel like someone has jammed a red-hot poker through my right scapula.

But now Cuttleson is home. Cuttledaughter has been home for a couple of weeks. Yeah, I have a ton of grading to do, but life is good.

Do I have to turn in my “angry atheist” card?


  1. ohioobserver says

    Yeah, life is good for you (and for me, at the moment, despite a painful back). But you and I still have the right — and obligation — to be angry over the many people for whom life is terrible, through no fault of their own, through the agency of pious fools. So keep your card. And keep up the versification — it’s beautiful.

  2. ancienttechie says

    My youngest daughter drove 17 hours from grad school, yesterday, to spend the holidays with her mother and me. So yeah, life is good!

  3. Joan says

    I’m beginning to think there should be Happy Atheists ID cards. So much time is spent being irritated and outraged by the doin’s of the religious, not to mention defending ourselves from their outrageously wrong conception of us, that we sometimes forget to relax and enjoy feelings of contentment and downright normalcy.

    Was it in Alice in Wonderland, that there was a song entitled “A Very Merry Unbirthday”?

    Have very Merry Unbirthday season with your Cuttle-kin. Next year maybe we can start being the aggrieved ones because the religious don’t think we have the right to celebrate Santa Xmas. (grin)

  4. Art says

    Do I have to turn in my “angry atheist” card?

    No, wearing it under your shirt, as opposed to having it dangling around your neck, should suffice. This would also be a good time to put on your happy cuttlefish hat. The one with the tentacles around the bottom edge so it looks like it is coming down from above and eating, or hugging, your head.

  5. Mimmoth says

    I hope you have a good visit with the CuttleOffspring and that your back feels better soon.

    I don’t think you have to turn in your card. I’m pretty sure if you turn it over you will find it says Happy Atheist on the other side.

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