Alas, I am unable to view the beeb’s programme, but thank you so much for Jeeves and Wooster! I loves me some Wodehouse, and you are so right–they are perfect.
I know this is not really what your post was about and so OT – sorry, but Jeeves disapproves
Thanks (that’s the equivalent of an FB “like” – meaningless but appreciative). The BBC had a great programme tonight on P.G. Wodehouse
in which both Fry and Laurie featured… afterall they where the perfect pair for the part…
Alas, I am unable to view the beeb’s programme, but thank you so much for Jeeves and Wooster! I loves me some Wodehouse, and you are so right–they are perfect.
I know this is not really what your post was about and so OT – sorry, but Jeeves disapproves
That’s all. I promise :-)