So… according to blogger, this is my 500th post. I really never would have guessed it. Einstein was right about time being relative; I have been blogging here for just over a week, or for decades, if you go by how it feels from time to time. The calendar puts it at late 2007 when this version of the blog started up. Since then, 500 posts, 129,515 visits from 159 countries (I need to work on reaching central Africa), two books (well, one and a half, really), and a line of designer swimwear worn by high-fashion models around the world. Ok, not that last bit, unless you count when they go skinny-dipping. I did design that.
It has been wonderful getting to know you. My readers are incredible people, and have made it possible for me to do some things I never would have been able to do without them (those people know who they are, and I can never thank them enough!). I would not have traded these last 500 posts for anything.
It is at nice round numbers like this that one starts getting introspective. What does the future hold for The Digital Cuttlefish? If you have any ideas, let me know. Meanwhile, a poll.
Whither The Digital Cuttlefish?customer surveys
And hey, if you are reading this, thanks! Yes, you, personally!
The Cuttlefish, clearly perplexed,
Introspected aloud (well, in text):
It’s been five hundred posts!
First, a couple of toasts,
Then the serious question: What next?
DM says
Atheists,but you have NO ANSWER TO DEATH… therefore you FAIL…THE DEATH TRAP********THE REAL QUESTION:DOES ATHEISM HAVE A FUTURE?AND THE ANSWER – NO! – Harris – Myers – Dawkins – Randi VS. NOSTRADAMUS – EINSTEIN – MARKUZEyou're ANNIHILATED!Atheists,Repent and turn to God.
Cuttlefish says
I couldn't ask for a more perfect first comment.I think you've got a crush on me, DM…
DM says
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Cuttlefish says
Now, now, DM, you know what Gibran said: "let there be spaces in your togetherness". Your passion will burn too bright and too short if you don't give it the occasional rest. (I will, however, treasure the implicit death threat; who, after all, does not enjoy le petite mort?
atheismwar says
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atheismwar says
Acronym Jim says
Congrats on your 500th post Cuttlefish (OM). I see you've also got your very own pet death cultist. Good luck with house training!
Anna O'Connell says
Congratulations on achieving a 500th post on this blog. I enjoy your writing, and hope you continue along the same lines. Your poetry scans. And rhymes. And has allusions to both science and literature. In short it seems to be written for well-educated and cultured people, which is a rarity these days.
Podblack says
:) :) I'm just sorry I'm late to the party with a proper comment – should I take Mr Mabuse with me to my site?
Cuttlefish says
You couldn't be late to this party–it doesn't start till you get here!Nah, Mabuse is cute, and all his hits increase my traffic and page ranking. One of these days, he may even add my name to his cut-and-paste rant; I'd love to join the tag-team against Nostradumbass, Einstein, and their pet chihuahua.