A comment about a website urging readers to pray for John McCain… cos we know that makes a difference.
We pray for peace, we pray for rain
And now we pray for John McCain
We pray with everything we’ve got
And once again… it won’t do squat.
On a very very cool fossil find from a Cambrian site; chains of shrimplike arthropods, locked head-to-tail in a conga line. It being a fossil, and not a film, one cannot tell for certain what was happening with the little critters. I offered a few thoughts.
A playful cuttlefish, he locks
The headless shrimp like LEGO blocks
In chains from tiny to colossal,
Just to make a funny fossil.
Creationists, of course, believe
That Adam made, to give to Eve,
A necklace out of arthropods
(The real design, of course, was God’s)
A strange behavior this complex?
It almost has to mean it’s sex:
The overwhelming urge in life–
Unless, of course, you are my wife.
In response to Bill Donohue’s calls for YouTube censorship:
Could we maybe slap a sticker on that book they call The Bible
To protect the younger readers from the trauma it might cause?
There has got to be a reason–for protection, or for libel–
If The Children are in danger, why, we must enforce the laws!
One I missed earlier, on the Cracker kerfuffle:
With spikes through hands and spikes through feet
The Son of God went home to Dad;
A sacrifice which made complete
The reason God had made the lad;
Thus death was triumph, not defeat,
A reason we should all be glad–
This time, not flesh but merely wheat
(And flavorless, I think I’ll add)
Which P.Z. did not choose to eat
But skewer with a nail he had…
The controversy? Pure conceit–
Or else the world’s gone barking mad.
Have you noticed that Jon Carroll used your Bible verse in the Thursday Nov.13 San Francisco Chronicle?
I did, ron! I saw an uptick in views of this post, traced it to google searches, and followed that back to Carroll’s piece. Looks like I have a new columnist to read. He shows very good taste…